Hard relationships, interesting stories

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all trip's events (i found important to mention and so there will exist plot), will be split into 3 parts.

these parts are in the same timeframes, meaning things will happen all together during the trip but i'm writting them separated so i hope things can take a turn not so confusing. in the first part we'll see how geno's relationships with the pirates are in general and some special specific relationships. also, you'll meet and get the first icon of another team/enemy.

about the 2nd and 3rd part, you'll see in the next 2 big chapters what object they will have.

No one's POV:

Obviously, Geno's relationships with the pirates were very very VERY hard during the trip. Plus, let's not forget, that he was a siren between pirates. So there was kinda excuse why he was getting irritated and nervous easily, wanting to keep distances no matter what from them.

He knew that he had to stay close to Alter so there wouldn't be troubles. But the pirates were triggering, challenging him and testing his patience very often. When the Captain had his back turned or wasn't around, they were finding the chance to take a break from their jobs to mock and tease Geno.

Dave was the one who was looking to trigger him more often. He was listening nor to Marcus nor to Alter and if he was stopping mocking Geno for a while, he was starting again soon. And if it wasn't Alter, who was always close to Geno and many times hold him back, he would've attack to any of the pirates, even kill with pleasure.

"How can ya tolerate this black-striped f*ck (forgot to ever mention that dave is a tiger monster, now you'll know) when he doesn't show respect even to ya?!" Geno had ask the 3rd day of the 'freedom' when him and Alter went for sleep. Alter chuckled quietly.

"How he behaves now can't compare with how he was behaving my first days in the ship. He mocks and teases everyone, mostly the newcomers. But I don't blame him. I just tolerated and still want to try and tolerate him patiently for as long as I can. But you, try to not pay too much attention." He told him.

However not everyone was as bad as Geno pictured them all. Soon, without wanting to admit it, he found some special exceptions and even though he couldn't have 100% trust even for them, he had made an opinion which you could say it was touching the 'positive'. A little. Just, a little.

Marcus: the boatswain, position very important to supervise and give extra control to almost everything in the ship. He shares the jobs, the food and punishments. Usually the strongest (after Captain) pirate in the crew.

Everytime he was approaching Alter to ask something, or (even simply) supervise what he was doing, or generally he was close to Geno for any random reason, he was making him nervous and hisses were escaping from his mouth spontaneously (like he was doing with all pirates).

However Marcus didn't seem to bother. Like he wasn't even caring about his existence. The only times he was showing that he knew Geno exists, were to stop the pirates (mostly Dave) from being idiot as*holes all the time to him and send them back to work if he was catching them. They were never talking, changing words.

There were times Geno couldn't understand how that quiet, chill human could tolerate Dave too, that sh*t! And these times weren't few. Anyways, Marcus didn't seem to want any disputes with Geno, in fact, when they couldn't avoid each other, Geno couldn't find any serious reason to get angry.

The only reason he was tolerating his existence, just a little bit more than the other pirates at first, was because him and Alter were very good friends. But still, this wasn't enough to trust him or change his mind about him like with any other pirate. But after the 1st week, an event happened and it eventually changed.

A little. It happened when someone called Alter to help with something. Geno didn't want to come so he said he would wait for him. Alter left and Geno kept his eyesocket on him, not seeing Dave bumping him 'accidentally' with his shoulder from behind.

"Wha-?!" He gasped as he was falling.

"Watch where you're going fishstick!" Dave said and started laughing loudly. Other pirates circled them mocking Geno too. His scarf had unwrap and fall to the floor. His iris dissappeared and started shaking from anger. He clenched his fists.


"What's wrong shortie? Angry?" Dave kept teasing. Geno would attack if someone wasn't standing between him and Dave. But it wasn't Alter, it was Marcus.

"Enough! Dave you're playing with fire again, don't you see that if he attacks you, we won't manage to hold him back? He's untamed beast when he gets angry, don't you see that he'll do the same things he did, the day we tried to take him out of the cells? As much height misses from him, he doesn't miss intelligence and skills. I can tell he's fighting better than you!" He said with a smile full of innuendos, making Dave remember the humiliation he got from the 'shortie'.

"What happened exactly then?! More details, tell us!" A pirate asked Marcus and everyone's attention turned to him.

"Oooh, you want to hear the story from my perspective?"

"Marcus shut up!" Dave roared.

"Why should I? As priest Alter says, don't do things you don't like to others. Your behavior and tongue are getting intolerable many times for the others. How about we change it today? As the boatswain, I can throw punishments to balance things in the ship. And as buddies, we tease and mock each other aren't we?"

"Hell no, don't you dare and-!" Marcus started narrating the events to the cells, the day they tried to take out Geno and what he did to Dave. The pirates were making exclamations of interest and looking at Dave mockingly. As for Dave, his whole face had change color from anger.


"Nuh-uh. And let's recall that one moment when he bit your neck!" The pirates started now laughing, not for Geno but for Dave. Without wanting it, a chuckle escaped from Geno's mouth remembering too what he did. Dave looked at him enraged.

"You damn fishstick, now I'll show you!" He roared approaching. In any other case Geno would have accept to fight him with pleasure. But this time it was different. Seeing him so furious, instead of trying to move, terrible memories, ghosts of the past froze him.

His legs, heavy like rocks refused to move, take even a step back. Like he was seeing himself again little years ago, back to the village. The day he lost his brothers. The terrified look he had and the next moment, the scream of pain he let escape from his mouth when that pirate swung his sword and slashed-

"Lay even one of your claws on him and I'll tell Captain Reaper Dave." A calm determined voice made Geno snap out of his memories. Dave had his back turned now. When Geno focused to see to who he was looking at, he saw Alter with his arms crossed looking strictly at Dave. Thank God, he came back!

"I can't leave Geno not even for a second without you be like that towards him, can I? Whether ya call me 'nail' or not, in this situation I won't be nice now. Get back to your work. Now." Alter continued and his irises dissappeared. That was the creepiest sh*t Geno had ever actually seen, seeing the priest calm but also angry.

It seemed to even affect Dave, who gulped and rubbed the back of his head. Without bringing objections he left. Alter looked at him leaving silent and cold, then he looked at the other pirates. His eyesockets were still empty.

"This also applies to all of you, not only Dave... Back to your posts." He continued with the same tone. The pirates hurried to turn their looks away and left. But when they left, his tough expression dissappeared.

"Are you ok Geno?" He asked with concern and his white irises reappeared (like he never become everyone's worst nightmare JUST some seconds ago).

"What the hell was that?! You scared the crap out of me!" Geno said shocked.

"*sigh* I don't like using these kind of measures. But if it needs..."

"He can become scary like Captain. Damnit Alter, everytime you give that look, we all forget that you're not the boatswain! You could be excellent in this position, any other reason you didn't accept that role except from what you said?!" Marcus asked him picking Geno's scarf from the floor.

"If I don't give punishments and be soft all the time bcuz I simply don't like it to be tough, the crew would be uncontrollable. You don't hold back to be more tough with everyone. You're obviously better for that job. Also I wouldn't like to take your place." Alter replied. Marcus laughed, then sighed.

"You're way too good for this ship. Like a fond mother and don't want to scold anyone." He said and then turned to look at Geno. He started approaching him and Geno stepped back hissing. Marcus stopped, hesitated a little, but then laughing simply, just stretched his arm. Geno grabbed his scarf with snake's speed, still suspicious.

"Chill! Well better see if the others are working." Marcus said and turned his back. But after 5 steps he stopped, turned his head and chuckled, making Geno almost explode from anger again. "If Dave ever bothers you again, don't hesitate to-"

"I didn't ask for your help pirate! And I won't if this is what ya wanna tell me." Geno said with hostility as he was wrapping his scarf around his neck. Marcus laughed again.

"Nooo no, I didn't want to say that. I guessed that you could handle it. But I wanted to say, next time don't hesitate to bite Dave again if he tries to be an ass to you." He said and Geno couldn't prevent to muffle his laughter. He didn't want to laugh because the pirate suggested it but the idea of what he said made him do the opposite.

"Don't give him ideas." Alter said. Marcus lifted his hands laughing.

"Sooorryyy. See you Alter. See you Geno." He called him with his name! Geno stayed motionless looking at him leaving. Why was he so friendly? He couldn't sense any sarcasm from him! Opinion he made for him from that day and after? Not so ass*ole like most pirates in here.

Aldo: the cook of the ship. He met him the 5th day of the 'freedom'. Alter wasn't only watching Geno but also he was his guide and showing him around the rooms and places of the ship when there was time.

Sometimes he was going to help Aldo as he told Geno when he was asked to go and help him prepare the food and together with it, he learned cooking a little. When Geno approached the kitchen for the first time, the smell of the meat made him almost vomit. He hissed and started stumbling like he was drunk.

"Aldo!" Alter called, supporting at the same time Geno to stand upright. At that moment between the steams, a skinny, dark-brown beaver monster with his left front tooth a little broken to the edge, approached them holding a ladle. He looked at Geno raising an eyebrow.

"Forgive him, he doesn't like meat. Can ya help please?" Alter asked again. Without saying anything Aldo turned his back, walked towards some small closets, opened one of them and took a big handkerchief. He wet it with water, turned back and gave it to Alter.

"Thanks." Alter said, the other just nodded. Alter tied the wet handkerchief to not slip, covering Geno's mouth and nose. Soon Geno felt better. He followed Alter in the kitchen without problem and looked around. Pots and other cookware caught his eyesocket first because they were shiny.

There was another half-opened door to the left of the room and from the few things Geno saw, it was where the products and ingredients were stored. When he turned to look again at Alter, he realised Aldo was staring at him intensively with his little dark eyes. He didn't like it and hissed.

"Now now Geno. Don't worry, we can work without problem. Everything will be ok." Alter tried to calm him down. He turned to look at Aldo. "What do you want me to do today?" He asked. To Geno's surprise Aldo started gesturing and moving his lips.

He was understanding nothing. But Alter was nodding and smiling simply, like Aldo was normally talking, thing Geno didn't hear the beaver monster doing all this time. Mute? Probably, he guessed. But then how was he able to hear?! Mute=Deaf!

"Aha, I see. What about Geno?" Alter asked pointing with his head at him.

"Priest Alter! Captain wants to talk with you!" The 3 of them turned to the opening and saw Michael's head.

"Only me?"


"Oh, alright I'll com-" Before Alter could finish, Geno held his hand and hissed at Michael. The young pirate got pale and dissappeared from the opening.

"There's no way you're leaving me here with him!" Geno snarled, meaning Aldo, who rolled his eyes and huffed.

"It won't take long. I'll come back and please have patience. Aldo don't bother him please." Alter said. Aldo nodded. Slowly Alter freed his hand from Geno's grip and walked towards the opening.

"Also, observe carefully when Aldo will show you something and gesture ok? He's mute as ya probably understand. Please help him, ok?" He finished. There seemed to be something more Alter wasn't talking clearly about. But he had already leave so Geno didn't ask him. He looked at Aldo.

"Despite the fact that his look will probably dig my face like a freaking shovel, at least I won't hear any pirate's voice here. If I hear any now-!" His thoughts got interrupted by Aldo's wide tail slamming the wooden floor. He huffed dissatisfied.

He approached a big piece of paper stuck low to the wall. Something was written. He waved his hand at Geno to come. Waveringly Geno stood next to him. Aldo started showing him slowly some random words. Now that Geno got closer, he saw that the words were ingredients and products.

Pepers, onions, salt...

Then Aldo pointed at the half-opened door.

"Want me to bring what ya showed?" He asked. Aldo nodded slamming again his tail at the floor. Holding back his desire to just disobey because he remembered how nicely Alter asked, Geno went to bring the ingredients. After 5 minutes of difficult searching because he had no idea where the ingredients where, he returned.

"Yo, I'm back." He said. Aldo, who was cooking and waiting for him, pointed at a table, slammed his tail at the floor and huffed. "You're late!" It was like he was saying. "Ya welcome!" Geno replied sarcastically and left the ingredients to where he showed.

Aldo then pointed to the corner and nodded him to go there. Groaning lightly Geno walked there and stayed motionless, watching cook's back as he kept cooking. Very soon he got bored and trying to be quiet, started walking around the kitchen. There weren't many interesting things to see.

But after a while of observing, as his look fell for a moment to the knives that were hanging from the same wall the door was, between them, he saw something that was shining differently. Luckily there was a chair near, so, after making sure the cook had still his back turned, he climbed the chair.

He saw from closer the thing that was shining differently between the knives. And he realised that it was 2 rings hanging from a thread. Carefully he took them and looked at them from closer. They weren't made from expensive metal but still their different shine had get his attention immediately.

"Wow, that greedy bastard keeps them secretly hidden from the others!" He thought. Suddenly a knife passed only inches away from his head and got nailed to the wall. He turned his head surprised and oooh crap!, he saw Aldo staring at him like an angry crazy man who escaped from the asylum.

But when he started approaching with fast steps, Geno got panicked, stumbled and fell from the chair at his back. The thread with the rings escaped from his hands. When he looked at the angry cook, getting closer and saw him holding a big kitchen knife, he covered his face with his arms.

"DON'T COOK MEEE!!!" He skirled. But the cook passed without paying attention to him and bended to gather the rings. The handkerchief had slipped from Geno's mouth and nose. The air that was still heavy from meat's smell, plus the panic, started making Geno breathing fast and his soul literally jumping.

Aldo left something like a hiss at him with anger in his little eyes. Only then Geno saw that cook's tongue was cutted. This, was the last thing he saw before fainting and everything turn black.

"DON'T COOK ME!" He screamed getting up abruptly.

"You're not in the kitchen anymore." Geno turned his head and saw Alter sitting next to him. He looked around and sighed relieved, he was in priest's room.

"That damn greedy cook, he was going to cut me into pieces!"

"Probably that, yes if he gets angry. Aldo is very good with knives but he didn't find your head for this time as he 'told' me because of Captain's orders. And he's greedy why?" Geno described him what happened in the kitchen.

"Then he passed me to pick up the rings and glared at me. Jeez, he's very gree-" A light object found his head and made him flinch and stop talking. When he looked around, he saw Aldo to the opening glaring at him, Geno guessed he threw him the object. He hadn't realise his existence for as long as he was talking with Alter.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" He hissed ready to grab the paper ball and throw it back, because it was what Aldo threw at him. But Alter grabbed it first and opened it. He seemed to read something. After some seconds he sighed and showed Geno what was written.


When Geno looked again to the opening, Aldo was gone. Ouch, the words he wrote were very heavy.

"What does he mean with these wor-? YOU AND YOUR PAPER BALLS!" Geno hissed and at the very last moment he saw the cook dissappearing from the opening. His blood went up to his head. Alter opened the 2nd paper ball too and showed again Geno.

Just tell him already priest, SCREW IT!

"*sigh* If pirates were the only problem, small villages near the sea had to deal with, at least they wouldn't have problems and the threat above their heads every day..." Alter murmured crossing his arms and looking up to the ceiling.

"What daya mean?" Geno asked. Alter looked at him coldly.

"Aristocrats. Big, even small islands are dominated by them years now. What the pirates can do once in a while to the villages, the aristocrats can do it everyday, giving pressure to the weaker, villagers and poor people. Have you heard anything about them?"

"I think... almost nothing, the village I was living has nothing great so it has problems only from pirates." Geno said and in the last words he became sarcastic a little.

"Because of the aristocrats, Aldo's life got ruined and lost everything." Alter said in the same position closing his eyesockets.

"They cutted his tongue?!" Geno guessed horrified.

"*sigh* If it was only that. If ya disobey, try to resist, even move your little finger against them and they understand it, talk back to them, if you try to rebel against them, fight, they immediately are going to torture, destroy you and in the worst situation displace ya. And all these things I said, they can do the same things to the ones who are the same as them, if they don't agree with their ideas. If the aristocrats wants something from you, they make sure to make ya suffer with the worst ways, destroy your life completely."

Alter was talking quietly and looking up to the ceiling, once again like he was seeing something no one else could. But his voice had something a little different this time, it was pulsating with holded rage and his expression was more tensed and lost as he was staring up. His irises had dissappear.

Geno shivered by hearing all those stuff. How can the aristocrats be so cruel and tough with poor people?! And he didn't know a thing about that!

"Good God Alter! How do ya know all these things?!"

"... Some stories, I heard 'em by captives from villages that their islands were dominated by the aristocrats. Other stories, I heard them from people who were displaced, transported with aristocrats galleons and pirates attacked them to take them as captives. When I still had the habit to talk with the captives, I learned from them as I said, many stories and from men and from women, all desperate. But I also saw some of the suffer and difficulties with my own eyesockets in another trip I had with Captain Reaper's crew when they accidentally left me behind in an island dominated by the Aristocrats. But that's another story for another day, not now."

"W-What happened to Aldo." Geno asked and for a moment got surprised for being all of a sudden concerned.

"Because Aldo couldn't speak, he had to write his story. From what he wrote, he was living as a poor cook but he was... happy. Happy and satisfied with his life. He had a wife, proved by the 2 rings hanged from the thread. But one day, he participated to a rebellion. After many months sadly, the rebellion got ruined, the aristocrats discovered that he was one of the rebels and as a punishment... they..."


"Because he refused again and again that he was with the rebels they burned his house down... while his wife was in. And the aristocrats put him to watch that as his first punishment and hear her screams." Geno shivered and clenched his fists.

"For 1 week then the soldiers tortured, flogged, beat him up, trying again to make him speak, say how many more the rebels were and who, to punish them too. But he refused to speak. Prefer to stay silent? Very well then, stay! They told him and one of them cutted his tongue. After that, they put him in a galleon to displace him in another far island, somewhere unknown. But in that trip, the galleon found to get attacked by Captain Nightmare and Captain Reaper's crew. And Aldo came out to see what was happening. When he saw the pirates fighting the aristocrats soldiers, at first he hide, he didn't want the most dangerous Captains in history see him. But he was lucky to get out of the cells because some pirates went down there to kill also all the captives. As I said, he stayed hidden. But then, when a sword fell near him, he took it and filled with bravery, wanting to take revenge for everything the aristocrats did to him, even if that was shortening his life faster, he started fighting with pirates side and kill the soldiers, who lost very soon. Meanwhile, the Captains had observe how he was fighting. After they killed all of their opponents, impressed they approached him while he was standing in front of a fallen soldier who was saying nonstopping to spare his life. Aldo didn't listen, he nailed the sword in his chest. But not just one time, many times, with rage and hatred, again and again."

"But... why so much?!"

"The Captains had the same question, they got shocked. But Captain Nightmare then laughed seeing him like that and asked. Only then Aldo realised that all pirates had their attention turned to him. But if he got worried for a moment, he let no one see it. He looked coldly at Captain Nightmare, let his sword fall to the floor and with pantomime 'said' that, the specific soldier was the one who cutted his tongue."

"Aaah, now that's a reason to take out your grudge!"

"When the pirates understood he was mute, they gave him paper and pen to write who and what he was. Based on what else he knew to do, they would decide if he was worth to actually keep him or drop him in the sea, his bravery wasn't considered enough yet. When they read he was cook, immediately Captain Reaper said he didn't have anyone who could cook satisfactorily. How relieved Aldo got! He promised loyalty to both Captains and mostly Captain Reaper and after a long time, when I got in the crew, like you, the same thing happened a little to me, I saw the rings as I was helping him in the kitchen and later I learned his story. From a witness who was able to describe with deep details everything that happened to him because he had all the time. Aldo chose to be with pirates side because he wanted to fight the ones who took everything from him. Once he was a poor cook who couldn't even lift his head to an aristocrat and because he dared to rebel, they did what I said before. Even now he's a rebel, but now he's even more free, to even kill them if there's chance. He hates them. A lot."

Alter looked at Geno's thoughtful and still surprised expression. A sigh from the opening of the door made them both turn and saw Aldo staring at them with crossed arms. Even for a pirate like him, Geno felt like a trash for calling him just greedy. And he did something he thought he would never do.

"Do you have pen?" He asked Alter who raised his eyebrow. But without asking for details he got up, went to the table and returned with a pen. For a moment Geno hesitated to write once he got the pen in his hands and the paper from the 2nd message Aldo threw him.

But he wrote. Then he made the paper a ball and threw it at Aldo who grabbed it confused. He opened it, read and after some seconds he left something that sounded like laughter. He did thumbs up. Alter looked at both of them confused then nailed his look at Geno.

"What didja write?" He asked. Geno looked away.

"Nothing important!" He replied quickly. But when he turned again he saw the paper in Alter's hands. Aldo had throw it, to give answer to his curiosity. "COOK YOU SON OF A-!" Geno screeched as Aldo was running away laughing. When he looked at Alter he realised that he was looking at him like:

"DON'T YA DARE AND SAY ANYTHING!" Geno screeched. Alter chuckled.

"Sorry you bastard... Huh, not bad as an answer coming from ya."

"I SAID NO! HUSH!!! NADA!!!" Geno screeched again. Alter pat his back.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret." He said still smiling with the same way.

"Ya better do it!" Geno hissed, pouted, crossed his arms and looked away. "A-And just because I apologised to a pirate this doesn't mean I changed my mind or something! They're all bastards still! Just cook's past the way ya said it came to me very abruptly. T-That's all!"

"If you say so." Alter thought lowering his head. He closed his eyesockets and hummed still smiling but didn't say anything else.

However from that day and after Geno stopped looking at Aldo with so much hostility. And all the other times he went to help him (with Alter) or even just watch him, many times he was looking at him thoughtful. He couldn't completely blame him for being a pirate, he was excused and had reason why he went with them.

And last exception Michael: the youngest pirate in the crew, barely complete man still. Despite that Geno had to tolerate all pirates, he had find many ways to have fun during the trip (which you'll see in the next chapter). One of those ways were to tease Michael, who was afraid of him from the first day.

Everytime the boy had the bad luck and he was close to him walking to go somewhere else in the ship, without warning Geno was turning, hissing and showing his teeth. Even a flinch from him was able to make Michael stumble, gasp, even jump like a cat that sees cucumber from fear and surprise. Geno was laughing everytime.

Michael was so easy to tease. For 10 days when he was finding the right time he had that habit, not showing even the slightest pity to him. But after these days something happened that made him not only feel terribly bad but also the shield of hate covering his heart and soul, softened and cracked for real a little.

It all started when Geno for one more time scared Michael, who immediately changed direction to stay away from him. This time for the first time Alter scolded him openly. All the other times Geno was scaring Michael, he was only looking at him strictly and by saying nothing, he was holding back Geno.

"Don't scare him Geno it's not right." But Geno didn't pay attention to his words. Something to the floor was shining and had get his attention. He approached and picked it up. It was a small, metal, broken key.

"Shinyyy!" Geno said excited.

"Hey, give it back, it's mine!" Geno lifted his head and saw Michael running towards him. He laughed and instead of staying motionless he thought that it was a chance to play. He started running with Michael behind him. The more Geno was running the more excited he was getting with that game.

"Geno stop!" Alter was saying, who had get in Geno's game trying to catch him. But this time siren's instincts seemed to work to the fullest and Geno was always escaping from his hunters hands with abrupt maneuvers in exactly the right time.

After 5 minutes Michael had give up from fatigue, gasping for air. Alter was just breathing heavily from his nose and his hands were at his hips. As for Geno, he was like he could run marathon nonstopping with ease. He was standing 5m. away from them near the forecastle deck mast, still holding the key.

"Give *pant* it back! Or I'll *pant* I'll..." Michael tried to say.

"Or what? You'll tell mom and dad?" Geno mocked him. With these words Alter's irises dissappeared and looked at Geno terrified, signing him to not continue. But Geno didn't pay attention to him, nor to Michael, who's eyes had open wide.

"Did they give ya this? And still keep it? Only babies are doing these kind of stuff! Hah!" He continued with the same sarcastic tone and this time he looked at Michael's expression.

"Someone misses mama and papa? Please, don't tell me you'll cry because they're not here to help you! And here I thought pirates aren't supposed to be softies." The more Geno was continuing the more Michael was shaking. His bottom jaw started trembling too. But Geno pulled the rope even more, guided by his hate at that moment mostly.

"Hm, maybe they won't help. What will they think if they learn that their son became a dirty pira-?"

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP ALREADY! I'M PREETY SURE THEY KNOW THIS FROM WHERE THEY ARE, BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH! DEAD!" Michael did something Geno didn't expect. All the times they were close, Michael was always scared of him. But this time he wasn't scared, he was angry, furious.

Also dead? That hitted Geno like a rock at his head! His smile dissappeared. But before he could even try and say something, Michael continued. His fists were clenched and he seemed ready to cry. But he was holding his tears back.


Michael was shaking uncontrollably. Geno felt a burden in his chest that was growing with every word coming out of Michael's mouth. He tried to ignore the fact that he was feeling bad, but he gave up almost in an instant. He made fun of his parents death, Michael was right to show anger even to someone he was afraid of, like him.

But he wasn't right when he said that he didn't know how it feels to loose someone, that he was heartless. No, he knew that feeling too, when he lost his brothers it hurted. A lot. And now he was feeling the pity and regrets burying him because him and the boy had something in common.

The one lost his parents, the other his brothers. Even if they lost something different, they still lost people they loved. Geno clenched his fists still looking shocked at Michael who was wiping with his sleeve the tears from his eyes. Suddenly he felt an abrupt jolt at his shoulder.

He stumbled and almost fell. And before he could even turn well to see who did that, he felt a hand strong like pincers holding him very tightly from his neck and squeezing. That grip cutted almost all of his breath. The very next moment someone did this at his face (put 100% volume):


Geno struggled to take even a breath, but Dave who was breathing heavily and with rage in front of his face had replace the fresh air with his stinky breath. And he wasn't the only one who appeared. The whole crew had gather, looking one at Michael concerned and one at Geno enraged.


"Wait! *cough* Michael is your *cough* *cough* cousin?!" Geno managed to ask surprised. He had observe that Dave was teasing but many times was friendly with Michael. But cousins?! It never passed from his mind that they were relatives, not even for a second!

"YOU DARED TO MAKE FUN OF HIS PARENTS DEATH!" Dave continued. Geno had started seeing things very blurry and darker. Dave's enraged expression, the other pirates...

"Dave put him down now! Please!" Alter begged.

"Dave now! You'll be in serious trouble for this!" Marcus said.


"PUT HIM DOWN NOW!" Captain Reaper shouted glaring at Dave.


"Made fun of Michael's parents death. Yeah I heard. Now put him down, I won't say it for the 3rd time Dave." Captain said with threat in his voice. His left iris started now turning blue like the ocean with a small black dot on the centre.

Sign that if you were trying to bring one more objection you f*cked up. Seeing that, Dave turned pale a little. But it needed still some seconds to finally roar defeated and angry and let Geno fall. Geno started coughing and gasping for air, holding with his hands his neck. Captain Reaper sighed.

"Relax Michael, it's over now." He said looking at him who was covering his face. He didn't like it to cry in front of the pirates, he had some pride to want and hide his tears. Alter approached Michael and placed his hand at his shoulder. But with the contact, Michael slapped priest's hand and stepped back.

"Leave me alone!" He sobbed and walked away to let no one see and hear him cry anymore. They all stared at him for a while leaving, then turned to look at Geno with hostility, mostly Dave. The only ones who weren't looking at him like that, were the priest and surprisingly Captain Reaper too.

"Alter." He said calmly signing him to come closer. Alter approached, stood next to him and leaned to hear him. Captain whispered something and Alter then signed to the whole crew to leave. For a moment Dave was ready to say something, he wasn't done with Geno and what he did.

But one look from Captain was enough to make him just snarl and walk away with the others. Him and Geno were now alone, near the forecastle deck mast and the gunwale. Captain looked to the horizon thoughtful with his hands at his hips like he was trying to find how he would start talking.

"How is he doing this and no matter what position he takes, looks so ho-? NO! WHY AM I THINKING LIKE THAT AGAIN?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!!!" Geno thought feeling his face burning again. In moments like these, a weird feeling he couldn't figure and name was bringing him confusion.

Nah, he could probably figure it out another time. If he had.

"... I don't know if Alter told you... many of us lost things or we were forced to leave many of them behind." He said approaching Geno who immediately felt the aura screaming at him and tried to get up. But Captain wasn't going for him. He kneeled and gathered the broken key. He looked at it silent for a while.

"Michael's parents died from a heavy disease that killed half of the people of his village when he was 6. Him and Dave were lucky enough to not get affected by it, who's parents too, died from the disease." He turned and looked at Geno still not with hostility.

"I met them in Dominika, taking a break in a tavern with my crew and Nightmare's there. It was like yesterday when I saw him approaching the table I was sitting, holding Michael from his hand. And determined he said that he wanted to join us. He had hear a lot about me and Nightmare. Pretty bold, pretty weird and pretty reckless bring a child with him in an island for pirates. Nightmare laughed and told him to go somewhere else to joke around. But then he slammed his fist to the table and said he would work for him and Michael hard and take the whole responsibility if he was causing trouble. Try me, he dared us. Dave might be rude and tough many times..." There Captain smiled.

"... but to his decisions he never hesitates and faces all the consequences and responsibilities stoically, especially if it's for Michael. He can do anything for him, no matter how difficult it is. And I saw it then, he was desperate, if he had any other place to go and just make a normal life, if he had any better choice, he wouldn't even come to find us and ask to get in our crews. At least this is what my experience in this life says. Bold words coming from your mouth lad. I like it. But does your shrimp wants to even join pirates side? I asked laughing. Wherever my cousin goes, no matter how dangerous it is, I follow him until the end! I trust him! Michael responded and hitted his foot to the floor. It was the cutest thing me and Nightmare had ever seen but at the same time impressive that he was showing so much determination and bravery to follow fearlessly, because of his cousin. Very well then! Now I'm curious to see how this will go and if your little shrimp will make it! I told Dave and laughed. Nightmare was calling me broken and crazy Captain for choosing most of times to take in my crew all the 'weirdos'. And by accepting Dave and Michael in my crew, he didn't forget to say it again. Heh, I wasn't really caring. If my consciousness was telling me to do something I would listen. And it's unmistakable most of times. Dave proved a lot and by working hard and by fighting when it needed, supporting Michael until he was able to work for himself."

Geno had get up for as long as Captain was talking. Surprisingly, he seemed to listen very carefully to the whole story. Maybe because it was about Michael... Captain's smile dissappeared and approached him. He hissed and took a step back feeling the aura 'stroking' him. Captain Reaper stopped and chuckled.

"I don't bite!" He said raising his hands.

"Shut up jackass, mucky dogfish." Geno replied making Captain laugh. But after some seconds he stopped and looked at Geno serious again.

"More than the fun, ya should apologise to Michael. I understand that you hate us, don't want to interfere to anything related to us, and sure you don't want to apologise to a pirate..." Captain said preventing Geno who was ready to react when he heard about apologising.

"... but no one likes it when the grief and pain for missing something or someone becomes just an object, a chance to make fun of it, even if the other doesn't know until they hear. I wouldn't like that happen to me either, because I'm carrying too things I hold dear in my soul. Years." He clenched the key in his hand looking at it. Then he threw it at Geno who caught it looking at Captain surprised and confused.

"And your face, this sorrowful eyesocket, tells me that you're carrying something too... Anyways, Michael still has a lot of years in front to become an asshole like most of us as ya probably think, heh heh heh... But now that I think about it, he won't prevent to, if Alter 'chases' him, to try and keep his 'still malleable soul' pure and good because he's still young. Oh welp, this is what happens when you have a priest in your ship!"

Geno shutted his eyesockets and covered his mouth with his hand to cover his chuckle. But when he opened again his eyesocket he realised that Captain's irises had dissappear. He seemed... surprised? Also, was he seeing well or Captain's cheeks had a small blue hue?

"What?" He asked more confused than annoyed and nailed his eyesocket at him like a puppy. Captain turned his head and Geno could swear again that the blue hue at the other's cheeks grew bigger?

"How can he be so cute all of a sudden?! Come to your senses Reaper, no! There's no time for these kind of... Ugh! I can't do this to him! I can't do this to me!" He thought agitated. He took a deep breath and exhaled, lowering his head. "Nothing." He replied crossing his arms. Then he looked again at Geno more serious.

"Anyways, you'll go and apologise to Michael and give him the key. He might be a boy who passed many difficulties from a young age and they made him tough in many ways, but he's still able to forgive more easily than most of us. Do it now that ya can. This is not only an order, it's also a solicitation. I know what's the idea ya have for us the pirates but in my crew... team=family. Like a team we face every difficulty and like a family we support, help and protect each other. And that's something even the toughest here keeps it. If ya can't believe that, it's ok."

Geno looked at the key thoughtful. He clenched it in his hand and looked to the sun. It was close to dive in the sea.

"Is there any reason for me to make up to anyone here, to the boy? You're sending me to die. In less than a week we're reaching the 'Tearful Cave'." He replied wryly and left. Captain didn't stop him, only looked at him with his hands at his hips serious and melancholic.

It was the first time Geno was mentioning openly anything about the mission, about his tough fate, how he was going to end up. It was bothering him only the nights with the dreams, only then he was remembering anything related to it and even that rarely. But no matter how his time was in the ship, it was never coming in his mind with day's light.

Even if he said these words to the Captain however, when he walked not so far away and saw Michael near Dave talking, his attention stayed at the boy. His ocean blue eyes were betraying he had cry a lot. Dave had lean with his hands pressing his knees so they were at the same height.

"Courage cousin! Come on, don't let the fishstick discourage you! Have pride and always your head high, you're a pirate, independent, strong! And you can be more than that!" Dave said and punched gently Michael's chest, then messed up his hair with the result Michael laugh and try to take his hand from his head.

Dave was again so much more different with Michael. His expression hadn't this sarcastic way Geno used to see all the time. They seemed challenging and fierceful but they seemed to give courage as his emerald eyes were nailed at his cousin's. He facepalmed, groaned and looked at the key again.

"Am I really gonna do what that jerk told me?!!!" He thought and approached the 2 cousins. "Yo Michael or whatever your name is, can we talk for a moment in private?!" He called. Instead of an answer, Dave turned at him and roared annoyed and angry.

"If it wasn't Captain Reaper, you wouldn't live now fishstick! Go somewhere else to have fun!" He said.

"In case ya don't know, there's something called toothpaste!" Geno thought, waving his hand to drift away the bad smell. Sheesh, it reached him from the 5m. distance! "I didn't ask you, your cousin." He replied calmly looking at Michael, waiting for his answer. The boy lowered his head. He seemed to hesitate but thinking.

"You little-!" Dave snarled and clenched his fists ready to approach.

"Let Michael decide Dave." Alter said tucking Dave from his sleeve. "If he wants he'll follow Geno to hear what he wants."


"It's ok Dave, I'm fine." Michael replied and approached with slow steps Geno, still hesitating. Dave roared annoyed and crossed his arms looking away.

"Dave, relax and don't swear!" Alter told him. Geno heard that as he was walking away from Dave and Alter until him and Michael turned to the corner and dissappeared.

Geno pressed his back to the gunwale and looked at Michael silently for some seconds. Then, still without talking, threw the broken key to him, who prevented to grab it surprised.

"... Sorry. I had no idea what you've been through. My tongue didn't stop until it was too late and because I was guided by my dislike and hate for pirates. Screw whatever ya are, no one likes it when the grief and pain for missing something or someone becomes just an object, a chance to make fun of it. And... you're still a very sensitive soul. You have a heart that has a hard time to hide the sorrow and the sad feelings and shows more than anyone else in this ship the pain and memories ya keep, because from a very young age, yours and your cousin's life got stigmatised heavily. But ya stayed strong because he was close to you and... you're kinda enduring it. Most of times."

Geno managed to say all these words looking stably at the boy. Michael looked at him still surprised and no words could come out of his mouth. Geno crossed his arms and looked to the horizon. Michael stared at him for a while and then turned ready to leave.

"Ya were wrong." Geno said suddenly still looking away. Michael stayed motionless.

"What do you mean?"

"When ya said that I don't know how it feels to miss someone you've lost, how much it hurts. There ya were wrong... I've lost 2 brothers. It's not the same as parents but they're still family... *sigh* they were the only ones I had. I never had parents close to me... I guess you're lucky. Ya keep something more than your parents memories. As for me, welp..."

Geno was still looking away as he was talking coldly. More than Alter, he had never mention anything about his brothers to anyone before. He opened his soul and spoke again about them. Michael listened surprised.

"I-I'm so-."

"They died by pirates, don't." Geno cutted him and their conversation ended there. But the next days their relationships stopped being so distant and hostile. In fact for the first time Geno started actually showing openly some friendliness to the boy. Still however:

"Alter shut up." Geno was telling him everytime he was catching him looking at him and smiling.

"I said nothing!" Alter was saying raising his hands and chuckling. That lasted during the rest of the trip...

for now, let's play a little game. comment in your language the word 'pirate' whether with english letters, or with the letters ya use in your language. or both. we have 8386 words.

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