The brothers

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Where the narration turns more and more sad and the 2 friends decide to put it aside for a while.

No one's POV:

"Ya started by the first day training?"

"No. Mother promised but she wanted first to short things out with the boys that attacked us yesterday. She wanted, she was asking for it. At first we didn't want her interfere with the other parents but she said she had her plan. Eventually she convinced us that no one would get hurt. She said the next day go again to the exact same spot we found the girls and wait to see if the boys would come at us. We went and not even 10 minutes later we indeed see the boys from yesterday coming with their fathers who were all glaring at us. Immediately one of them yelled at me that I dared to approach his daughter and her friends and that I was gonna get beaten up."

"Correction, the girls got to ya first."

"At first I started getting a little anxious. But then suddenly I hear mother from behind saying, What's going on in here gentlemen? And I see her walking and stopping behind me smiling calmly and a little ironically. But then I look at the fathers of the boys and the next thing that happened was unpredictable. Immediately they all dropped the tough man act and became shy and calm like lamps. One of them asked surprised, These boys are your sons?! My mother just chuckled quietly and whispered so only me and Nord heard it, Even after years ya didn't forget me huh? In front of her they were like lovesick puppies!"

"These charms and looks of hers that passed down to ya!"

"She asked for the men to explain why they wanted to beat up her sons. It was so hilarious how they were stuttering trying to explain I was barely holding back to laugh out loud. Eventually one of them just said me and Nord were disturbing the human girls and that I beated up one of the boys. My mother putted them logic and asked if they were seeing bruises on the boy I 'beated up'. To that the men didn't know what to say. The even funnier thing was that while she was talking, the human boys were staring at my mother terrified, like yesterday, though she wasn't making any creepy face. Eventually she said that her boys did nothing disturbing, nor ever raised hand on anyone. And she continued saying that she never ever taught us fighting others without reason, that the human boys started it first. There the boys started protesting, that mother wasn't saying the truth and that she was evil. The result was for every single one of them to eat a very heavy loud slap on the back of their heads, all theirs, from their fathers."

"The brats got what they deserved!"

"Shhh! Ahem. Anyways, after hitting them the fathers started yelling at them to stop saying nonsense, that they dared encounter and blame it all on the sons of a woman «who's intelligence, fairness and honesty were above anyone else's, who like any other woman there was no way she could ever show violence or strength». And that if they dare ever again make up lies for Calisto's family and she was complaining about it they would punish 'em in the worst way possible. There, mother kind of defended the boys saying «I don't want you punish them in the worst way possible. I just wish you were teaching them better manners next time, even towards monsters, despite of how things have turned and alas will keep turning to the worst as it seems between human and monster kind». These last words caught my attention again. The fathers actually apologised in front of her for everything on behalf of their sons and left dragging their boys. But as they were walking away all of them turned to look behind them. There mother gave The stare to them but smiling and they sharply looked ahead whimpering, resulting to the fathers yell at them that they had no right whimpering for things they did. If only they were seeing the intelligent, fair and honest woman's stare behind their back..."


"When they were gone Nord hugged her tightly and said Mamma is the bravest and coolest. We love you so much and thank you for defending us! She hugged us both and said that as long as she lives and 'till her final breath if she has to defend us she will." Alter looked ahead smiling calmly. "Ah, I might not be a parent or have family but I bet that although it has difficulties, it's worth giving all of your love to your kids. Perhaps if you become parent kiddo you'll realise it."

"Why are you saying this to me?! As if I'll ever become parent in the situation I'm in!"

"I mean after that. When ya keep going with your life and choose who ya love and-."

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever..." Geno cutted Alter a little embarrassed. "After your mother solved the problem what happened?"

"Well, she started training me. Nord was still very little to start so she went with me. It was anyways much easier cause we were same blood so she knew how to help me better."

"When Red said ya can't teleport... like, ya just never learned?"

"Even if I wanted to learn it's just not in my powers. Mother couldn't teleport either."


"Aoplia is a magic disease that appears in monsters with more magic than physical matter in their bodies. It makes a monster lack some magic powers and elements it's naturally supposed to have but... just doesn't. From birth it's determined. It doesn't have fatal consequences in health, it doesn't affect it at all! Just some magic weapons are missing."

"From ya the power to teleport lacks 'cause of the disease?"

"Yeah. I also lack the power to summon blasters, the strongest weapon a skeleton can have. I can still summon bones, normal and blue, use telekinesis and heal."

"So that... aoplia is hereditary magic disease?"

"It can pass from the host to the babies. There's a possibility not to pass down to the next generations and not affect their magic. If the firstborn doesn't lack anything, aoplia is 'shut' in the host's body and will not affect the babies. But if the firstborn already shows that it lacks some weapons, aoplia will certainly pass to the next babies, even if they don't have same magic as the host."

"So your brothers were lacking the same abilities?"

"Yes. If I was showing I didn't inherit it, we would all be normal. But mother told me that even if we lack some weapons, this doesn't make us weaker. In fact she never really relied on her magic• more to her physical strength. She trained me on what we had as magic and in normal combat without magic. And especially dodge better."

"Indeed that disease doesn't make ya weaker in any way. You're strong, the others are fearing ya, you can lift more than what you weight!"

"I sure can..." Alter said calmly and looked ahead all of a sudden thoughtful. "... During one day of our training I asked mother what was going on between humans and monsters. I was understanding that it was something serious but I couldn't fully picture it. I wanted to know I was old enough to understand. And she told me these: Some monster-envier lieges from the time they got high enough in power started separating humans and monsters. No matter from where they were, villages, towns, islands, they wanted to take the humans from there, as far away as possible from the monsters with excuses like, monsters are very sly, they will catch you in your sleep, they're evil, they're inferior and should serve the humans, anything to blind the humans and make 'em hate us."

"Look who are talking!"

"It sounded like nonsense but..." Alter leaned a little closer to Geno and started whispering. "... humans are sometimes way too naive to believe anything they hear for long..." He looked again ahead as if he had never whispered that. "... And to make sure it would be these lieges' way, they declared that any human that encounters a monster and the other way around and they dare make friendships will die. Ya can't believe how many friendships between humans and monsters broke slowly by these rules and what hatred that 'brainwash' did. I had to understand that, seeing that more and more humans were leaving the village or why these boys had so hostile behavior towards me."

"But what about the girls? Weren't they hating on monsters too?"

"Women doesn't have so much hatred like men. But in human societies they are barely treated better than slaves. They don't even participate in politics, 'cause men doesn't think high of them. From lower class they are meant only to be good housewifes, not cheat on their husband -while men can do so almost freely- and have almost all the weight to raise their kids. In higher class they're married only so the fortune can stay in the family and make male successors, while the girls? Welp they are often considered as burdens and parents are trying to get rid of them fast. They can even give them up for marriage when they're barely kids, 10 years old even. And who knows in what engagement they're gonna end up..."

"What is wrong with 'em?" Geno murmured who was listening shocked and very pale.

"This is how raw male-dominated human societies can be at many sectors. I don't say that monsters can't be like that too sometimes, but it's more relaxed and free. Mother was treated well, her parents weren't hating on her for being a girl and she learned fighting. By both her parents. Us monsters have our 'policy' that males and females must train to fight and learn be independent. That's how we protect our girls and women and ya know what, it's successful."


"After hearing from mother what was going on I kinda understood why father was strict and why he tried keeping me in the village. He wanted to keep me in the safety of it. Mother apologized again to me for hiding that cause father told her not to say anything and that she was close to me almost everytime to not get hurt by humans. I wasn't mad at her about that, it irritated me a little father didn't give explanations for his actions. Mother told me to not stay mad at him either, he tried to keep me and Nord safe without making us worried for the situation that was happening. Suddenly, for the first time upon my nerves I turned at her angry and said that sooner or later if I was understanding the situation wouldn't father keep torturing me? Wasn't he still trying to prevent me from following God's path? I just left confused and annoyed. I didn't keep my nerves for long and we returned on our normal mood after a while..."

Alter kept silence and the 2 friends walked for a while like that.

"How life went after?" Geno asked.


"Are you tired from narrating?"

"... No... A few years passed. I was still working with the fishermen while training with mother in combat and for the ascetic life. Nord had followed in working long time now but unlike me he had shown that he wanted to follow Felix. He was working harder to become like him. That satisfied Father and I gotta thank my little bro for his enthusiasm cause he stopped being so strict to me. That until I reached my 20's. Mother told me that I was ready, I could finally be free and follow my life. She seemed very happy and proud and before I start preparing we hugged and indeed I felt ready and certain too. Heh... I had passed her in height by half head. Nord was crying a little for leaving and he wouldn't let me go easily from his embrace. Despite being 5 years younger than me he had almost reach me in height..."

"What about your dad?"

"I had think at first he didn't know I was gonna escape in the mountains. But the next day he returned, when I entered my room I found him sitting on my bed and staring at me serious. If I got surprised at first I just kept my chill, I had told myself to just ignore him for the behavior he had shown to me for many years. But very calmly he told me to sit. I sat next to him and waited to hear him, not really caring what it would be. But he caught me off guard when he started apologising. That he knew he wasn't the best parent and was just really anxious about me with the things that were happening in our days. In the end he sighed and said that since he never really made it to stop me from following what I wanted, seeing my perseverance, he had nothing else to say except wish me the best wherever I would be. I was free. He lowered his head and asked for my forgiveness."

"Ya forgave him, didn't you?"

"... When Peter, one of Jesus' followers asked, Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?, Jesus answered, I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. There's no limit to forgiveness kid. I told him he was forgiven. And there suddenly, for the first time in a long time he hugged me tightly and actually started sobbing. Only then I realised how much he meant anything he said. We stayed like that, father and son hugging in the middle of the room. Suddenly we hear mother approaching and her smile was so bright as she saw that me and father finally had putted aside every difference we had. Laughing quietly Felix added her in the hug, but we didn't stay like that not even for 10 seconds and Nord wanted to join us too, which happened."

"Ha ha, family hug..." Geno said cheerfully but then looked down remembering how much he wished he could have one, like years ago. Perhaps if his brothers were all alive...

"A little melancholic and filled with memories I said goodbye to my friends from the church and thanked whoever taught me all I knew. Together with mother we climbed the mountain and when we reached the top and the monks saw us she pat my shoulder and said proudly, He's ready. I approached and all the monks suddenly started hugging me warmly and welcoming me. And there my ascetic life started."

"How was it?"

"It was very quiet. Everyday was to help in the monastery, pray loyally and focused, help monsters that were coming to visit. I had at least once per week mother's visit she was still coming and she would tell me the news on the village. She was fine, Nord and father also and in fact, my lil bro was following on trips too."

"Did he ever visit?"

"A few times together with mother. He wouldn't stop talking about his experiences and what he saw. Even father came once, he showed some satisfaction seeing I was liking what I was doing. I had find my peace..." Suddenly Alter's expression darkened and looked down. "... That life in the monasteries lasted for 5 years."

"What happened?" Geno asked, worried and wondering if his friend could continue. Alter took a deep breath from his nose and exhaled it again.

"... Like I said, almost every week mother would visit. Obviously not only for me, just for her casual habits. But 2 weeks later, she hadn't pay visit. At first I didn't find anything bad to it, she might had other things to do. But then one, two months passed and I had started finding it strange, even if I was trying not to think of it. Only 3 months later I was gonna find out what was going on. As I was near the monastery with wood, a monster villager suddenly runs and stops in front of me. He was panting hard and seemed agitated. There he brought me a very serious message: mother was heavily sick and needed to urgently talk to me."

"Uh oh..."

"It caught me off guard. I stayed motionless, not knowing what to do. However when some monks told me to go, I let down the wood and literally started running down the mountain. I arrived in front of the house and entered, the door was unlocked. I went to my mother's room, there, laying on the bed with her back pressing the wall of the bed, I saw her. I lost it. She was extremely pale, like I've never seen her before. She was looking down. I immediately approached and tried to look at her expression. In the few seconds she looked at me I saw her irises. They were grey..."

Years ago...

"Mother... What's going on?"

Calisto held his hand without looking at him. She clenched it gently and stayed silent for long.

"... Alter... There's something very serious I have to tell you..." She was talking in a tired tone, or as if life had almost drained from inside her. Alter waited with agony to hear her. Suddenly Calisto smiled. Or tried. She looked at her big son.

"The monster that came to find me said you were sick and-!"

"I'm expecting son." Immediately Alter froze hearing that.

"Y-You mean another baby?"

"... Yes." She replied. All of Alter's worries vanished in an instant. He had think it was something terrible. But oh, mother wasn't even done yet...

"Mamma! These are wonderful news! But why are you... you don't seem so happy..."

"Oh no, I am son. I am..." Calisto said calmly. But Alter felt her grip tightening.


"Son. I want you listen to me carefully. There's... there's one decision you'll have to take. Please listen to what I have to say and don't interrupt me until I'm done..." Alter nodded and waited. Calisto closed her eyesockets for a few seconds before opening them again, looking down soullessly.

"... I'm going to have another baby. You and Nord are going to be big brothers... But I won't be there for it."


"I said don't! *sigh*..." Calisto gathered all her courage to keep talking. "... I'm dying Alter. The midwife I called last week said that I couldn't carry a 3rd baby. If I was, it would be whether me or the baby to survive..." She could feel Alter's hand shaking, she saw his empty eyesockets when she raised her head a little.

"Does father know about this?" Alter asked. Calisto looked away guilty.

"I didn't. I didn't 'have the guts' tell him. Ironic, either way he's going to find out once he returns with Nord." Calisto suddenly held with both her hands Alter's, she was shaking uncontrollably.


"I'm sorry..." She whispered. But then she looked up to him, about to start crying. "... Alter... The time I realised it, I knew, there's no way I'm leaving the baby to die. But I can't leave it to it's own luck. Felix and Nord are absent for long periods of time. I know... I know you've followed your life. But you're the one I trust and can address to. Please, don't leave this baby alone, don't give it up when it comes... I shouldn't even... ask such thing from you... take your dream away... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He heard from her she had... But he had never seen her himself crying. It was the first time Alter was seeing his mother, the chill and calm monster he knew for years, crying like a little kid, sobbing and shaking as if she had seizures.

"Mother please, calm down!" Alter tried to console her, but it was no use, even in his embrace, rocking back and forth gently, Calisto was dropping bitter black tears, murmuring between her sobs I'm sorry. He waited patiently and after many minutes Calisto managed to calm down a little. He looked at her focused.

"Mother. You've raised me well. You know that I'll do the right thing... and if that right thing is help a family member survive, so be it." He declared certain. Calisto looked at him betraying some surprise, yet also relief. Smiling gently, Alter wiped his mother's tears. "When's the baby coming?"

"In about 4 months..." The woman said. Alter sat next to her and held her hand.

"When the baby is borned and until Father with Nord returns, I'll stay here. Us men will discuss what to do and how to handle it..." He said. They both stayed silent for long. Suddenly mother looked down and sighed, but with a smile on her face.

"You know... I feel that it's going to be a boy again. As it seems, I was meant to only have boys. Sweet, kind and clever ones..."


"I didn't leave mother's side. I helped her, I fed her and tried in the best way possible to make her feel comfortable. The closer the day would occur, the more she was becoming worse and worse. But she didn't stop trying to joke, she didn't loose her cheerfulness."

"So... your mom died giving birth to the last brother."

"Right after that. But the baby was premature, it came much earlier than expected. When mother announced that it needed 4 more months, my baby brother came in 3 months. But with the biggest courage I've never seen before, she managed to deliver the baby. Her soul started cracking. With a lot of fatigue in her voice she called me close. She said that the baby, premature as it was, only if it was staying close to the host's soul could survive. But if she was gone it wouldn't make it not even a week. The only hope left for my brother was if he was close to the one with almost the same blood and magic of the host."

"And that was you. Your mother's perfect copy."

"That's right. After informing me she touched my cheek and always smiling managed to say... that she loves us all very much... and that we were always making her proud and happy, even when me and Nord were returning home dirty after playing for long outside and she had to bathe us."

"Humor your mother was trying to make even at her last moments..." Geno said smiling but in a sad tone. Alter was trying to smile too, but his empty eyesockets were betraying his big melancholy and sadness.

"... Farewell, she told me. Then she turned to the baby and whispered the same but also something else I didn't catch. She handed me my brother, lowered head, closed eyesockets and there, she dusted in front of me... and her soul after shaking for some seconds cracked in 2 and shattered in pieces... I stayed motionless staring at were she was before. I wasn't speaking. Only tears were running. Farewell mother, I finally murmured. And there suddenly... the baby started crying. My tears immediately stopped and I looked down. I realised how much my brother... looked like mother too. In the face. He opened his big eyesockets, they were empty. This was normal, baby skeleton's irises doesn't appear, only after 3 days. I held him closer and tried to hush him. He calmed down and snuggled closer to me. There, I knew I was never gonna leave him, no matter what and I would protect him at any cost."

"What did your dad and Nord say? How did they react with your mom's death and the newborn?" Geno asked. Alter shutted his eyesockets tightly and looked away.

"Oh. Only Nord was going to react..."

"Eh no... your dad... he..."

"Calisto died on 10th of March, 1 week after her birthday. All monsters cried and would give me their condolences. 2 weeks later as I was in the house and feeding my brother I hear suddenly knocks on the door. I get up, open and before I can react someone hugs me tightly. It didn't take long to realise it was Nord. He was shaking and sobbing. When I asked what was wrong he brought sad news: while returning, the ship father was in got attacked by pirates. They won the battle but him and some other monsters lost their life. In the state he was I wasn't sure if I had to tell him about mother too immediately. But when he asked where she was, I only turned my back and brought him our baby brother. He looked at him shocked, but seeing my expression he understood. They are both in a much better place, I said bluntly. Devastated he hugged me again and we both mourned for minutes. Finally a little calmer I said that we are adults and that we have to keep going with our lifes. Live for our little brother. What's gone is forever lost. I remembered what father would say to mother when he met her and what he would tell us as a golden advice. Nord completed saying, Now all we can do is live..."

"How was your baby brother named?" Geno asked gently. Alter shook his head left and right very serious, as if he was trying to shake off something away... The impact of the memories perhaps?

"... When we made sure he was gonna survive... at first we were calling him Gasty. He was a very adorable kid. Despite the youngest and premature, he proved to be stronger in magic than me and Nord. While I had taken my mother's magic and blood and Nord father's, Gasty had taken from both of them."

"Is that possible?!"

"Blood mix? Of course. Both parents' magic can pass down to the next generation, whether together in the same body but separated, whether mixed and changing the blood's color completely. Mother had blue blood, father between red and orange and so, Gasty's blood ended up purple. These mixes aren't only about blood's color. It's also about the magic weapons. It's possible that 2 different monster species can arm the next monster generations with more developed abilities and more magic weapons parents don't have."


"In Gasty's case, he might had similar powers with ours, but they had more strength and power as me and Nord realised when training him. He was very very strong. It was pleasantly surprising. We were proud of him."

"What didja mean when you said that at first you were calling him Gasty? You changed the name?"

"No. He changed it. Gasty had problem talking and communicating for quite long. Everytime he was opening his mouth he seemed confused as if his tongue wasn't going right and we were hearing some loud gibberish instead of words. I taught him some basic hand-gesture to help him and just gave him time. When he was 2, as I was reading he suddenly comes up to me. What is it? I asked. He opened his mouth and again his gibberish came out. It's ok, it's not the time yet. I tried console him. But he didn't give up, he kept putting pressure and I started hearing not gibberish but normal noises. And then I heard a Sa..."

"What was he trying to say?"

"I waited. He suddenly takes a deep breath and says Samael. I got even more confused but surprised hearing him making an actual word. A name. But then he pointed at himself and with big pauses managed to tell me, My name is Samael."

"Woah. But... how did he decided that this was his name from now on? Did he read it from somewhere?"

"I didn't know until he had turned 5. But when I heard him talking, I blinked and stayed surprised. Finally I pat his head and congratulated him. Wow bro, that was great, good job. I called Nord and announced him that Gasty, or now Samael, had finally learned talking. We were both really happy, we wouldn't stop hugging him and telling him how proud we were. Heh heh... and then he learned saying no. When he heard for the first time pun from me and understood what I was doing he immediately started pushing me and 'scolding me' saying Nooo!"

"Someone doesn't like puns!" Geno said snickering.

"Nord was tolerating them better... another time I kept saying on purpose puns, Samael said again Nooo! And suddenly threw a small magic bone at me. Only there I realised that he was special. Baby monsters from 2 years old can't show magic. On their 4 and after usually. But Samael, not even 2 and a half had unlocked magic abilities already! We would train him in magic very carefully but he was a fast learner."

"Impressive. Though... your mother begged for you to protect and raise Samael. But didn't you return back to the monastery once he had grown up a little?"

"No. I had to stay in the village. I was worrying very much for him. I wanted him to grow up and choose himself his future freely. Even if I wasn't living anymore in the mountain I could still continue what I liked though. I kept contact with the monastery and a very good friend I had there. I kept the ascetic habits and started short off 'teaching' the villagers."

"Teaching them?"

"Almost everyday I was going outside, taking Samael with me, whether Nord was overseas or not. I would stand in the public area of the village and talk about God's will, teach what to do to live a fair life and at the same time so, trying to give hope and courage to the monsters for the future. Many were coming."

"This doesn't sound so bad as a life..." Geno said.

"... It wasn't... for 10 years..." Geno flinched, he literally heard Alter's voice cracking to the last words.

"Is something wrong?"

"..." Alter didn't reply but his body language and the way he was walking were betraying he was... angered? Nervous? Ah no, not these things in public. If he kept talking... Geno, saddened with his friend's state at that moment, grabbed his hand gently. Alter turned to look first at his hand, then at Geno. Yes, he was betraying agitation.

"... It's better if ya don't keep going. Not only I see you're feeling pressured, we might attract attention."

"... I'm sorry... I don't know what has gotten into me..."

"It's just the memories. It's ok. Ya don't have to say everything in one day. Or right now. Maybe when we find some privacy and you've taken your time, you can keep talking about... your brothers-." Geno's magic stomach suddenly growled and both skeletons flinched. "Hush!" The smaller did looking at where his tummy was supposed to be. Alter hummed and finally a smile broke his chill and seriousness.

"Is your stomach always protesting like that?" He asked raising bonebrow. Geno looked away embarrassed.

"W-Well! Perhaps we can stop to some ummm... restaurant around here and get something." He stuttered avoiding Alter's question.

"Why not? After all we can't work on 'an empty stomach', right?"

"Yeah. A-And while having our food, perhaps ya can talk to me about, instead of your past, all these amazing things you know about magic and monsters and... I dunno what else you know, I gotta ask!"

"Sounds like a plan. Now! Where do ya prefer sit and eat?" Alter asked. Geno looked around and scanned with his eyesocket the area carefully. He saw 2 restaurants 2 blocks distance. His look stopped at the bigger one thoughtful.

"Ummm... that one." He pointed. Alter placed hands on his hips and looked at it from top to bottom. He suddenly closed eyesockets and took a deep, quiet breath. He exhaled quickly and opened again eyesockets.

"Mmm, it smells like rotting death in here." He said in a serious tone.


"But let's go!" He cutted Geno suddenly cheerfully and held him from his hand. For a moment Geno tried to resist. But a voice inside him tried to relax him and tell him that he could trust Alter. He had promised to protect him, he was close. He would be fine. They would both be fine.

Exhaling quietly he let Alter take him inside the restaurant...

5485 words. ah god, now ya hate me for this, don't you? these huge *ss chapters will make ya die from boredom and wonder when the f*ck do they end. welp, hope ya still alive and stay safe glikulia fasolakia mou. *pot pot*

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