Trust crisis

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Where Morganna (that's right fasolakia, she's back) manages to break Geno's trust just enough to make him feel his friend and guardian keeps something really important away from him.

No one's POV:

"Geno Geno Genooo~"

"H-Huh?" Geno did, waking up from his sleep. He looked around, soon terrified as he realised he was surrounded by the dark void he had connected it with her.

"Stay back!" He said and hissed at the green haired mermaid 10m. away. Morganna chuckled.

"What an adorable hiss. Your mother didn't take her time teach you a proper way to do that. Ah yes yes, she abandoned you all!" She said sarcastically. Geno clenched his fists.

"What you call abandonment was her despair talking!" He started talking back, pointing at her. "And that action, I call it the destiny I have to soon kick your ass you spinach head piranha!" Morganna hissed at him aggressively and angrily. The smaller covered his ear holes and terrified saw the mermaid 'swimming' towards him. Only to soon collide with an invisible wall and hold her head inches away from Geno, screeching from pain.

"Better keep our distances, your hating aura makes me sick." Geno continued sarcastically but shaking and thinking what would have happen if that invisible wall wasn't blocking the mermaid's way. Morganna looked at him with the hatred dripping from her eyes.

"I see. Your tongue has gotten even bolder. But your body betrays your fear!" She suddenly smiled. "What do you fear more son of CQ?"

"Can ya call me Geno, it's way faster and besides I don't mind calling you by your name." Geno cutted her annoyed with crossed arms.

"Do you fear death, or perhaps you fear the betrayal?" Morganna asked as if she didn't even hear him talking, smiling.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Geno asked annoyed again but also starting getting confused. Morganna chuckled quietly.

"Tell me Geno. Don't you find it odd you're out of the ship? That no force of the necklace is stopping you if you try get away from it?" She asked with an enigmatic look. Though annoying, Geno found her questions reasonable. Twice he managed to get away from the ship, first time on the pirate island, second time right now. In Lisbon.

"Indeed I did got away" He murmured looking to his right. But he quickly looked again at her. "What is this necklace exactly after all? Why can't I ever leave without it?" He asked then. Morganna's grin grew bigger.

"This necklace holds a big history. It's made with the same materials and filled with the same siren magic many of the treasures have. With the biggest and most precious one of them" She paused looking at the trident she was holding and sighed. " The Ruler's Trident. And would you look at that I can't touch this damn thing with my bare hands!"

Geno observed closer. Morganna was wearing gloves. Though she seemed annoyed for the fact she couldn't touch the trident directly she turned again at Geno smiling menacingly.

"Back to the necklace. When your mother had to leave from the Siren Kingdom to not fall under domination from the mermaids, the only thing she managed to save was this necklace you so desperately need to escape. It's hers. What does it do you think? You've realised?"

"You ask me?! The only thing I know is that it tells me I can't leave without it to go straight by myself kick your scaly butt and I'm stuck with these pirate scums!" Geno replied with sass. Morganna found it amusing and chuckled.

"Aaah, so you can hear it. You've got already attached with it's magic. When you're too far away from it, it calls you back. And if you refuse listen it becomes painful. That's what happens to the wearer. And it happens so you don't escape your fate in any way" Her grin grew bigger. " So shocking to think CQ causes such pain to her eldest son!"

"Woah, whadaya mean?!" Geno asked clenching his fists.

"Oh come on! Your mother was guarding this necklace like her eyes. There's no way anyone else would have given it to you except her!" Geno stepped back. He remembered the fleeing encounter with the stranger he bumped into.

"No It couldn't be her!" He thought.

"Your expression tries to deny that she did anything to keep you stuck in this mission! Hah! Don't get fooled. It was her and I'm not lying about it!"

"Shut up!" Geno hissed. "Are you trying to manipulate me again?!"

"Me?! Manipulate you?!" Morganna started laughing hard for many seconds. When she looked again at Geno she was still laughing. "Oooh your anger is so amusing I feel like I want to keep you alive until you reach the cave! And if you don't die of course. Just because I'm saying truths that hurt you think I'm manipulating you? If you were to ask your own mother if she was really the one that left you the necklace without trying to lie, she would admit it. She can't lie to her son anymore, she can't hide." She mocked.

"Oh pardon me, you're stalking for the chance attack her since you seem able harm others and affect them." Geno replied touching his neck remembering what Morganna did there

"Hmmm yeah. That will have to wait indeed" The mermaid said. "but how about you investigate your dear guardian for now then?" She asked.

"Does she mean Alter?" Geno thought. He looked at her glaring. "And why would I do that?"

"Because perhaps he's keeping something that belonged to your mother and now should be around your neck normally?" Morganna asked enigmatically. Geno stepped back shocked.

"No! He-… He wouldn't-"

"I will leave you alone for now son of CQ" Morganna said with a calm menacing voice. Darkness seemed to slowly swallow her but making her creepier and creepier. "You might think I'm lying. Again. But you have no proof either that I do so. The only reason you're able get away from the ship is because of your 'friend'. Coincidence? But don't forget, he's swore member of a pirate crew."

"No no!" Geno tried to deny again. "That filthy Captain is keeping it. I saw it! He had taken it from me! There's no way Alter-!"

"And what if, I'm just saying now, what if your guardian is simply following orders from that filthy Captain you called, to keep the necklace hidden from you so you can get away from the ship but make sure still stick to the mission? Perhaps he's not so 'friend' after all" Morganna kept planting seeds of doubt. The darkness had swallowed her whole except from her face yet. "Mark my words Geno. Don't trust blindly your guardian, if he was truly caring for you, wouldn't he have let you go? Wouldn't he disobey for your sake? Investigate him, search his stuff even if needed. Then you'll see if I'm lying~ Until next time I violate into your dreams and we see each other!" She completed.

The void was filled with her evil laughter and Geno felt the darkness blinding him temporarily before opening his eyesocket gasping. Cold sweat had bathe him. He got up from his bed taking short sharp breaths. When he calmed down a little he blinked many times and looked around him.

His eyesocket fell on the bed 4m. distance from his. To his surprise he didn't see the priest laying there. The door of the room was a little open. When did he get out? Geno looked at the empty bed as if he was going to see anytime Alter there again. He pressed his hand on his forehead and shutted his eyesocket.

"The only reason you're able get away from the ship is because of your 'friend'. Coincidence? But don't forget, he's swore member of a pirate crew."

"what if your guardian is simply following orders from that filthy Captain you called, to keep the necklace hidden from you"

"Don't trust blindly your guardian, if he was truly caring for you, wouldn't he have let you go? Wouldn't he disobey for your sake?"

"No no no" Geno tried to block these thoughts. He shook head left and right fast.

"Investigate him, search his stuff even if needed"

"There's no way, he wouldn't do that! He would have told me if he- if he" The more Geno was denying the more he was finding Morganna's words reasonable. Only when Alter was around he had managed get away from all pirates, only then

He saw Alter's bag underneath the bed but a little out of it too. Geno stared at it lost. He clenched his fists and started shaking.

He got up and approached the bag. He kneeled and opened it, already feeling the knife of guilt on his back unbearable.

"Just a peek. It won't take long. Righ-?"


Geno flinched, his head twitched and looked up. Standing to the opening with crossed arms, Alter was staring down at him with a very unreadable expression only him knew how to give. They stared at each other for many seconds silent. Suddenly Altersmiled. Calmly. But again you weren't sure what he was thinking.

"If you think there's something in my bag that should belong to you, it's ok. Search and take. I won't stop you." He said calmly and with the biggest politeness.

Oh how he was making him feel guilty! After many agonising seconds with Alter not betraying the slightest annoyance for the fact he was probably getting robbed as Geno thought his friend was thinking, the little skeleton lowered his head, took his hands off Alter's bag, got up and stepped back. Clenching his fists he turned and layed down on his bed with his back facing Alter.

"Stupid! Idiot! I should have never listened! Why did I listen? Not only he didn't show agitation or anger, he gave you allowance search his stuff further, perhaps he meant it even steal! Who knows what he is thinking right now about you?!" He thought, cursing himself and shutted his eyesocket.

Alter's POV:

Awake, near my bag, ready to search. I was gone for only 2 minutes and that was how I found Geno when I was about to enter the room. Close call, when he saw me he let go of the bag and returned to sleep


I think he's searching for his necklace. Perhaps he suspected me that I have it in my bag. Can't blame him. Gotta thank mother, the monks and all sh*t -pardon my vocabulary- I've been through in my life for teaching me great apathy and chill. But now I have to worry not for one, but 2 things.

Geno suspecting me and the siblings suspecting us.

Actually Tefra. I was praying in my mind, denying fall asleep. I heard from the living room distant conversation. My instinct was right when it told me to go check what was going on even if eavesdropping isn't polite. Without making noise I managed get down the stairs and hear better the conversation from the kitchen.

From there it was coming more specifically. She was talking about me and Geno. She said there's something off about us. Something isn't right. But the way she was talking was like she was only talking aboutme. Pyros was trying to make her not be so suspicious and that there was nothing wrong.

But she insisted. She said that when in the humans' restaurant she could sense conium on me when close. When we were talking while the siblings were patrolling. She wasn't that close to me and yet she sensed it. But she didn't stop there. Even on the letter supposedly «sended by Bernard an year ago» she had found flaws.

She said that while his handwriting is neat, his letters seemed a little sloppy in the letter I gave. What about it? Pyros asked her the same. She explained. Before she leave for Lisbon with her brother and normally living with Bernard, she would even by luck see some of his documents.

Bernard had injured both his hands a month ago, not badly but his letters were weird and very characteristic. They were very different. From what she could recall, Bernard hadn't injured his hands an year ago and so there was no way he could have written that letter I gave with sloppy weird letters.

His handwriting would have been normal. Instead, the letters she saw were the same with how he was currently writting because of his injured hands. These details might sounded a little exaggerated but I was biting my fingernail slightly agitated. Ok, that much observation I didn't expect it from her.

Why is her intelligence so attractive-?



I can't...

That's not the point

I turned my back ready to go upstairs again, to mine and Geno's room. I didn't need to hear more to conclude that I'm walking on thin ice. On my way back I heard Pyros trying to convince her that there was nothing wrong with me and Geno and that she was probably really tired and needed to rest, it was late.

We were friendly and nice, why would we be suspicious in any way? It's relieving he denies suspecting us but he's not the one we should worry about. Tefra speaks less but observes a lot. I don't know if I should tell Geno anything. I can't worry him more. I'll just keep reminding him be cool and remember play his role the way he so well does.

*sigh* You're damned if you do tell him, you're damned if you don't. I must be even more careful.

Lisbon is such a pain.

2340 words. is this miracle by god? didja just finished a chapter that ain't huge and more than 2500 words? apparently

yes :D

anyways. we meet again only to now part ways. goodbye fasolakia, stay determined, safe, cute and adorable. *pit pit pit pit pit*

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