Waiting (1/3) One day in a pirate island

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onto the adventure now!

Where while waiting for the response after sending the letter, Geno remembers again his first experiences in a pirate island and knowledge he gained

No one's POV:

Geno was staring at the endless blue of sky and sea, bored and thoughtful. It's been 4 days since him and Alter sended that letter...

Day 1 from the letter sended...

Geno's POV:

From the day it got decided that we sail for Lisbon, preparation fever prevailed. The ship needed supplies and get fixed completely. The men did their best to do so, but to make sure it was in perfect condition everywhere, Captain sailed for a pirate island to send the ship to a shipyard as he said.

I didn't want to step my foot on a pirate island, I'd rather fall off a cliff on rocks. But covering my head with my jacket's hood and holding me like a little kid, Alter told me to not be grumpy and

"... Worry not son, your old man Alter will not let any pirate get to ya." With these words he stepped outside the ship and looked around smiling. I groaned and buried my face closer to his chest. "Shush!"

Wonder how did I get out without the necklace telling me I can't. I guess that wherever the necklace goes I can go too. And Captain most likely has it💢... Speaking of him, the first hour we were on the island Alter with Ramirez and Aldo were following him some steps behind in what I assumed was the shipyard.

As for the others? Welp, I guess that since they were in this pirate island they were free to... I dunno, spend their money, waste themselves, have fun with women. Like said, only Alter, Ramirez, Aldo and for the time being at least Captain weren't going for this kind of fun.

"Yo Doc, won't ya go get wasted too with some women or something?" I teased him seeing that he wasn't moving away from Captain. As response he first glared at me.

"Shut the f*ck up Genocide, who knows how many dirty penises have entered those wh*re vaginas."

"What about ya beaver? You'll pass up too that opportunity?" I asked Aldo. His response was to raise hands in the air and gesture something.

"Don't feel like it." Ramirez translated and looked again ahead with clenched teeth and fists. And I kept my mouth shut after this. Anyways. Can't say I liked the inside of the shipyard when we entered, it was very loud and I got jealous seeing Ramirez putting earplugs in his ears and giving also to Aldo.

"Eeei, Captain Reaper if it isn't! What brings you here!" A monster with head and arms of a seal called, while approaching us with fast steps and flaps in the air as if he was about to hug us. He... seems to have normal legs. Probably he's the head of the shipyard or something.

"I remember you priest Alter. Aldo." He continues looking at Alter and Aldo respectively. "And what about you doctor?" The seal says again looking now at Ramirez.

"F*ck off." It was the rude answer the grumpy dog gave.

"Wonderful!" The seal replies cheerfully. But then he looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "And who is this little fella? New member? Is it too loud for you in here?"

"A guest in my crew Salmon. But business comes first. I have a difficult job for you." Captain said placing hands on his hips and looking up to him. Once again shorter and yet his posture was showing who's stronger. So awes- hm hm. Shut it Geno with your weird thoughts!

"I'm in a hurry and I'm involved in a very serious adventure. I came to the island for supplies. But also my ship got damaged by rocks. My men fixed most of the damage but I believe it's not enough yet."

"So enhance it and make it able stand more damage? No problem. I don't see the difficulty. Leave this to me and my team! How fast do you want it prepared?"

"By next morning." Captain said suddenly. The seal dude named Salmon raises eyebrows surprised. I'm... as surprised as him. This is the difficulty, huh?

"This fast! Why in such hurry!"

"The situation is very serious to me. Do ya think my ship will be ready by next morning?" Captain cuts him again and he sounds very serious and strict. "You're the most trustworthy to me." Salmon laughs.

"Glad to hear again how you trust me. Me and my team will do anything in our strength to have it ready by next morning for you. But, you do know that wanting it this fast ready and more than properly prepared, will cost more. So, how much are you willing to give?" He asks. Captain laughs quietly and crams his hand in his pocket. He takes out a small pouch, barely fitting in the palm of his hand.

"Open it and tell me." He says and throw it gently in the seal's flaps, who opens the pouch (how?!). The very next moment I see him opening his mouth in awe.

"Oh Atlantic Ocean, where did you find these?!" He says and takes out a little crystal barely bigger than orange seed. I wouldn't be impressed this small they were if the seal wasn't so thrilled. "So clear! So bright!"

"Hee hee. Welp, it wasn't quite an easy fight take them from a cecaelias' den I found with my crew once. But absolutely worth it, they had lots of 'em."

"Everytime you come to me you always have some new treasure!" Salmon says still impressed. Captain laughs and turns his back to him.

"These crystals are enough for what I'm asking ya to do. But if ya prove once again to me your skills and if my ship is ready by tomorrow morning, expect 1 more pouch like this." He says.

"Aye Captain Reaper! You won't be disappointed!"

And like this we left
the seal to do his job.

The rest of the day I didn't stay away from Alter not even for a minute when we finally separated from Captain, the dog and the beaver and it was just the 2 of us. I was nervous and angry seeing pirates around me, everywhere! Some of them would stop and greet Alter, who seemed to know them.

If they were asking about me, Alter would reply,

"A very good little friend of mine. But he's a little sick right now." To excuse why I looked like I wanted to slash the throat of every pirate that was stopping us to greet. They would leave us soon alone at least.

"How do ya know all these pirates?" I had ask him. Alter looked down to me chuckling.

"Eh. Familiar strangers. The first time I stepped my foot on this island and they saw me, they didn't know I was with Captain Reaper's crew. I became target for many of them, thinking I was an ordinary weak priest on the wrong island. Welp, let's just say that after showing 'em what I can do and with who's crew I was in, they stopped targeting me. Instead they try to keep it friendly with me..."

He had said but I could tell I caught something... evil in his voice. I shivered but just replied with an, I see.

"Captain Reaper is well known in every pirate island. He's to be feared and if ya mess with his crew the ending is not always good. And this specific island, he visits it more often because of Salmon, the seal monster from a while ago. Him and his team are very good at making and fixing ships. Of course from the most expensive also. But Captain doesn't fear pay him if he's excellent at his job."

Alter explained this to me inside a tavern while eating, when I asked why from all islands we stopped on this one. My magic stomach had growled as we were wandering around and he heard it. That's why he took me inside one, chuckling with how loud the growl was. Which made me feel my face get more red than normal blood.

I swear, this much! But after a minute it was my turn to laugh. Once we sat at an empty table, we didn't prevent take even a breath and 2 blonde human waitresses circled us. I didn't know women could work in such place. Welp now I knew they can 'serve' that way too. They filled our cups with water but while looking at Alter. Wistfully.

"Hey handsome gentlemen, what will you take~?" The one waitress asked but never taking her eyes from Alter, same for the other. He didn't seem very bothered but I was fighting hard to not laugh over how clingy they were to him. Still, with the biggest politeness, chill and coolness Alter gave order.

"Could you please bring us salad, cheese and bread ladies? And maybe some lentils soup?" He asked resting his chin on his hand and looking up to the waitresses, calmly smiling.

"Of course Mr. Altieee~." They said at the same time, the one twirling her hair on her finger and the other winked. But after staring at him for some more they finally turned their backs and left. Still peeking behind them at Alter. I looked at him with raised bonebrow.

"Is someone woman magnet, hmmm~?" I tease. He chuckled, almost never he seems offended or troubled. I had think...

"Sadly. To me at least."

"Anyone else would be jealous of this ability. They nicknamed ya. Didja talk with 'em more once~?"

"Nah they remember me from the few times I came here to eat something little." He said indifferently. "And it's not exactly pleasant to get this kind of attention. Look at the men behind me." I looked above his shoulder and holy f*ck, the 2 humans and the 2 monsters to the table behind Alter are glaring at him, with the one human playing with a sharp knife.

"Despite your clothes are saying, I'm priest, ya still drag 'em." There he sighs.

"Most people love the forbidden. It thrills them. They don't care who ya are and what ya wear. The more forbidden and not proper something or someone looks like and is, the more they want it. Think about Adam and Eve, who in the end didn't deny either the forbidden fruits, despite God told them not to touch' em."

"Then... are ya forbidden fruit?" I asked him menacingly.

"Geno. Stop it." Alter says still lightly smiling but he actually seems a little awkward! I had think...

"Cause all Eves out there would wanna taste yaaa~."

"Geno." I flinched surprised feeling the blue magic aura and seeing our cups falling. His eyesockets were empty. No, he's not embarrassed, he's not even blushing! He's really, really annoyed. But he sighs and rubs his eyesockets.

"Sorry..." He mumbles looking away with his chin resting on his hand. He closed eyesockets. We stayed silent for long, me feeling a little bad but still surprised with his reaction. Until our food comes. The same waitresses plus a brunette deer monster were carrying plates and letting 'em on our table.

"Here gentlemen~." The deer waitress said and literally with the other 2 blonde human waitresses were eating with their eyes Alter. In the condition he was I feared for a moment he would snap at them or something. But instead he returned to his normal behavior faster than thunder, simply smiled and thanked them. Wow, how the hell is he doing that, I'll never learn!

Then, signing them to approach closer he secretly took out a little pouch from his pocket, opened it and took out 3 whole golds in total, for each waitress. He handed them to them and whispered, "Personal fee for your services to us ladies." The waitresses crammed their gold in their pockets and nodded smiling.

"Thank you Mr. Alter~~~." They said in sync, woah. They left us quickly. Alter turned his look at me and still smiling pushed closer to me the salad, the cheese and the thick loafs of bread. From the 4 the plate had, he had taken only 1. I look one at the food and one at him surprised.

"Eat son, you're very hungry." He says calmly. He crosses himself 3 times, whispers a quick prayer, takes a spoonful with lentils and starts eating slowly. He doesn't seem annoyed anymore. He's very calm again. Did he so soon ignored my teasing a while ago?

After staring at him for a while, unconsciously I copy him by crossing myself 3 times too and start eating. He was remaining chill, as if I never challenged him, while talking. Well, barely talking, cause I was so hungry I was mostly stuffing my mouth with food and barely letting it empty to ask and talk.

After eating and Alter payed for both of us we walked out.

"Didja enjoy the food?" He asked smiling.

"Are ya sure it's ok paying for both of us?" I asked. He hums, smiles wider and pats my shoulder 2 times.

"It's my pleasure I treated a friend."

"T-Thanks." I said hesitantly, still thinking of him being annoyed before. Maybe I don't deserve friendship at all. No wonder I stayed lonely 14 years. Will I keep loosing people, whether it's my fault or not? I could have protected my brothers, I wasn't there, what if I keep loosing people I dare to care for? What if-?

The whirlwind of thoughts got interrupted feeling my legs leaving the ground and my soul going up. I yelped surprised and I soon realise I'm... ON ALTER'S SHOULDERS?!

"Alter!" I say surprised trying to find my balance.

"Geno, because of a silly tease we don't have to ruin our souls. I'm ok now. I don't hold grudges for long to my friends. Come on. To pass the time, let's wander around the island some more and explore it."

It was a whole different experience watching from a high point of view stuff. If I hated how crowded, loud and annoying things were around me, on Alter's shoulders everything was smoother a little bit at least. From my father's trips and stories, including some pirate ones too that were triggering me and Error, I remember stuff I saw in the island.

Like the slave bazaar. I didn't like seeing the chained captives, whether humans or monsters. It surprised me though how many the human ones were. They were getting the biggest spitting and mockery, especially the ones with more white skin than the ones with darker. Why though that difference in treatment? I asked Alter that.

"Good observation Geno. The humans you see their skin is more white and have these prideful and arrogant expressions despite the mockery, are aristocrats. They're the ones pirates hate the most but they are... rarest, so more expensive. Even more, women from aristocratic class. Others who are more sunburned and if ya look from closer, have rough hands, are from villagers' class. Because the villages doesn't have as much protection as the aristocrats' homes, they are easier target. Sometimes they're just ignored. But just because they're villagers, doesn't make 'em innocent. Who knows how many of them aren't informers and spies who are helping the aristocrats, ready from the first second to betray for gold and glory? They're capable betray even their mothers for it. *sigh* Most humans are succumbed to their weaknesses, the sin and the money."

I try to progress what I heard. Damn. I kept silence and just let Alter walk wherever he likes. I'm looking around but the thoughts and questions that are spinning inside my skull makes me feel like I'm sleeping with open eyesocket. After a while, when I snap out of my thoughts I realise... the air smells more salty!

I shake my head left and right and blink many times. I smell a little bit more intensively. No doubt we're close to sea! I look around and realise we're not surrounded by people and little buildings. It's... more quiet. In fact there are plants, big palm trees and other. Now I like this more. But,

"Alter, where are we going?" I ask.

"From last visits, I remember there's a small beach away from the pirate town. Tibia honest I got tired a little bit with all the hustle and bustle. Where we're going is more quiet. Hope ya don't mind."

"Not at all. Couldn't tolerate for long all these pirates around me anyways. If only you're not tired carrying me."

"Nope, you're light as a feather despite eating a while ago." Alter replied and kept again eyesockets on the road. I look around me enjoying the view from high. Birds and other little mammals are looking at me and greeting me. I smile, this feels... incredible.

"We'll be on our destination soon enough. Howzitgoin up there buddy?" Alter asked me after some minutes. I took a supposedly surprised and shocked expression and placing my hand on my forehead I replied,

"Woah. Is this how tall people feel?!" Alter understands and laughs. We're laughing together. And finally, the ground and trees gives place to sand. I see the sea ahead and the breeze is so cool and refreshing!

"Alter ya can put me down now, you'll stumble on the sand. I'll walk now it's alright." I say. Carefully Alter gets me off his shoulders and I start walking next to him. Aw man, I'll miss being on higher level. But it was nice as long as it lasted. He holds me by the hand and we slowly walk together.

As we're walking on the sand I recall our conversation around the letter. The first hour we were traveling for the pirate island we're now, I would sit on Alter's bed and watch him. Writting that letter. I wanted to see what he was writting but always telling me to wait. The moment I was about to fall asleep while sitting I feel his gentle touch on my shoulder and I flinch.

"Done." He says smiling.

"Can I see what it says?" I ask trying already to look like an impatient little kid. He chuckles and hands me the letter. I read it, I admire how nice and neat handwriting Alter has.

"Who are we sending this letter to? Who are these friends of yours exactly?" I ask as I'm giving it back to him.

"In this life I ended up making the strangest friendships. Not just in behavior but also in how different they are from me. Welp, you see... these friends happen to be smugglers. Leaders in fact of a very dangerous and skillful team."

"Smuggler leaders? And ya met 'em in Lisbon?" I asked with raised bonebrow.


"And they helped ya escape from there ya said?"


We went up to the deck and Alter went to find Captain. I didn't wanna approach so I waited near some barrels. After 5 minutes he returned.

"Alright. Letter approved and ready to be sended." He announced and gave me the letter, which is now inside a file and sealed with wax. He looks up to the masts and points somewhere.

"There are some seagulls up there. Go ask one of 'em to carry the letter." As I'm about to start climbing I look again at him.

"Which smugglers are we sending this letter to again? I mean, the seagull need specific instructions, right?" I ask. He hums smiling.

"Leaders of the Red Fangs, Edge and Red."

"Edge... Red..."

Why these names felt so familiar when I heard 'em?

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