You can't leave without the necklace

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stop right this instant. this chapter is under heavy editing. you may not continue reading and can come back once you stop seeing this message. do not continue reading any further than that, nor any next chapter.


Where Geno's plan fails at the last second to escape and in his fit of frustration and anger almost looses himself before he accepts help from the one he considers to have betrayed and fooled him the most.

No one's POV:

"Alright! Are you ready?!" Geno asked looking at the sharks holding with their teeth the 2 chains, 5 on each. "1, 2, 3, PULL DOWN!"

Meanwhile up:

"You've left him way too long down there." Alter said with slight bitterness in his voice, clacking the beads of his prayer rope next to Reaper still holding the chains.

To say the least he felt bad for Geno, having to go through this trouble. Even though the biggest part of him was saying the small skeleton wouldn't die from the situation he was in and that it had some necessity to be done, well, take a dive, the other little part of him was having doubts that they had actually killed him...

"I can still sense him down there. He ain't dead." Reaper confirmed and his grin grew bigger.

"At least we confirmed that the prophecy meant whatever it said." Alter sighed slightly frustrated. "If I was allowed to tell you what was to come for you, I would have done so. I'm sorry little one. Well, you'll have every right to be angry, especially with me." He thought.

"Aaaw, c' mon priest, don't do that face." Reaper said and chuckled with Alter's reaction. "Very well. I think so too, we've left our guest for long enough down there." He continued with some sarcasm and turned ahead ready to pull Geno up. By himself.

Big mistake.

"CAPTAIIIN!!!" Many pirates screamed at the same time seeing their Captain being pulled forward many steps ahead and towards the gunwale. But just 3 steps away Reaper managed to brake, stand his ground and hold the magic chains tighter.

It was obvious he was struggling. Everyone's eyes widened up, panic befell, some had approached to see what was going on down in the water and others had started holding the chains and pulling to help their Captain.

From the sudden tug, the ship had leaned on the side and caused the pirates who were already closer to the gunwales to fall in the sea too, causing others to come running with ropes and help their crewmates get back up so they wouldn't become fish food.

"HOW THE F*CK DID HE BECOME SO STRONG ALL OF A SUDDEN?!!!" Dave screamed as he pulled alongside others the magic chains. Alter approached the gunwale and looked down in the water. It was all blurry, but he could see big fish figures close to where the chains were.

"Sharks! There are sharks tugging the chains!" He said out loud surprised.

"Ya don't have the muscles just for figure lads! Keep pulling, come on!" Reaper commanded and the pirates focused more to keep pulling. From the struggle at first he seemed mad, but when Alter looked at him better, he realised there was triumph and excitement in his eyesockets. "Commanding the sharks huh? He actually is a siren..." He murmured.

"Come on guys! You can do this!" Geno encouraged the white sharks, who were pulling with all their might down.

"Ymmes mmmprince!" Randall mumbled. "Pull mmmharder mmmfriends!!!"

"Any man who let go of these chains is screwed! Don't you dare Sam, I saw ya relaxing your hold for a moment!" Captain said as him and the other pirates kept trying to pull Geno up. Alter kept being close to the gunwale.

There wasn't enough space to pull with the others and so he was helping with bringing back up the pirates who had fallen in the water. In that weird unpredictable tug of war between the pirates and the sharks, on the first minutes it seemed no one was loosing or winning.

But as the seconds were passing, the priest started realising that the pirates were loosingThe sharks were less than the pirates to tug, but they proved to be stronger and more durable, pulling down the chains little by little. Geno was waving his tail excited.

"Yes yes! That's it guys, just a little longer and we won!"

You can't leave without the necklace.

The excitement left Geno the very next moment. A female voice was heard saying inside his skull, but like it was coming from a very long distance, echoing. Where was that voice coming from? He wouldn't try to guess for long as he felt a slight headache getting him.

Don't leave! Not now, not yet!

The headache became stronger and Geno shutted his eyesocket.

"What's happening to me?!" He thought shaking his head.

He can't leave without the necklace.

"Huh?!" Captain heard that same female voice like it was coming from a very long distance, echoing. Confused he looked around, but still with the focus to pull the chains.

"CAPTAIIIN! THE SHARKS ARE ABOUT TO PULL US ALL DOWN! ANY IDEAS?!" Dave screamed. Captain looked down annoyed, trying to think of how to get themselves out of this situation without letting go of the chains of course.

If the necklace is without the chosen, he won't save us. Or both or none of them.

"Is that so now-?" He thought, interrupted by a sudden jolt that almost made him fall forwardCursing the sharks or whatever it was Alter had said was in the water, Captain Reaper stood his ground more firmly.

Alter's POV:

Everything shows that the sharks are going to win this lil' unexpected game. The crew won't hold on for much longer if this goes on. I sigh. Guess it is up to me to save the day. Do I sound way too certain?

Perhaps, but in fact what I'm about to attempt, I haven't done such many times. Aye, if only Geno wasn't so down below, I would be able see better where to aimEven though I've experimented and trained by myself with the powers granted upon me, I always tell myself to be careful tenfold using them.

They're not mine, I wasn't born having 'em and the Lady's warning was clear, if I abuse them I will have consequences, 'specially with it being the one element most animals are afraid ofSo, as I walk towards the gunwale, I cross myself 3 times, look up to the sky and huff.

"I awake these powers only for the purpose of getting back Geno, keep him close to defend and reach his destiny." I say quietly. "Lord grant me control." And as I am, I hold in a deep breath, hop off the gunwale, close my 'sockets while covering my nose and fall into the water.

"OH NO, PRIEST ALTER FELL IN THE SEA!" I hear Michael screaming before I hit the water and get beneath the surface. I shall hurry and not stay for long down here. Us skeletons might not have lungs, but the need for a 'breath' is still necessary.

For, an inhale of air travels through the bones and helps the magical blood flowing alongside the soul. The lack of it, risks to bring said magical blood in a petrified state sooner or later, until it reaches the soul to get like that too and shatter like corrosive stone. Now if I inhale water, it will simply make my bones explode.

Welp. Here goes nothin'. A necessary evil must be done.

No one's POV:

Geno heard clearly the loud splash somewhere to his right and snapped his head there. To say the least, he was surprised to see who had joined underwater.

"What is he doin' here?!" He thought seeing Alter, curled up almost, tightly shut eyesockets, covering his nose and motionless completely.

"Swall we dweal with the pirate later pwrince?" One of the sharks asked. Geno didn't know what to reply to this. Any other pirate he wouldn't mind telling the animals to just feast on, but while he was mad at Alter, he hesitated to say anything.

But even if he had to say anything after all, he wouldn't prevent.

Because then the priest's wrist started glowing bright gold and he opened his eyesockets. But instead of a dark void of emptiness, they were filled in cobalt blue color.

Those eyesockets were nailed to the small skaleton's direction and he slowly took his hands off his nose. His head slightly turned to look at the sharks, who had almost frozen in one place looking at him.

"That's no pirate! You didn't say you already found your guardian!" Randall said surprised, momentarily stopping from tugging the chains.

"Uuuh..." Geno did awkardly.

And then Alter streched his arms towards the sharks.

Much to Geno's shock and sudden terror, he saw 2 waves of blue fire slithering towards him and the sharks. They weren't even vanishing beneath the water, just fast approaching like serpents. Havoc and panic befell the sharks seeing what was coming at them.

And it was bound for them to let go of the chains.

"Guys wait, don-!" Geno yelped as he was abruptly being pulled up and out of the water. "ARRAIOAAA!"

So close! He was so close to escape! If only Alter wasn't interfering! Not only he hadn't helped him from preventing the others to push him in the water, even though the smol had made an interesting discovery of himself...

Now the priest had ruined his plan to escapeWhen Geno opened again his eyesocket he realised he was above the deck of the ship. WAY above the deck. Heck, he was many steps above the floor of the ship's deck!

And then he started falling.

"Somebody catch him!" One of the pirates shouted.

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYY! I BELIEVE I CAN TOUCH THE SKY-! OKAY, NOoOoOo WEEE HEEEEE HEEE!" Geno yelled as he was falling fast. He covered his face not really prepared for the hit, which thankfully never came. When he looked around he realised he was inches away from the floor, surrounded by blue aura. Soon after he fell prone on the wooden floor. "Ooof!"

"Oh sh*t he's a fish!" Dave was heard yelling surprised.

Aaah yes. Time to face a mob of pirates.

Geno tried to stand up, forgetting he had the tail and felt hands grabbing him from there.


He didn't realise what had come over him, but whatever it was, suddenly left him with no consciousness.

Geno snapped his head around to look at the pirate holding him, a huge molossus monster. He hissed loudly and after flicking abruptly his tail once, he turned and jumped at the pirate, biting down on his shoulder then. The molossus growled in pain as he tried to get the small skeleton off him.

Havoc once again was brought on the ship's deck with the pirates trying to stop Geno from moving, while also doing their best to avoid his bites and dashes. With nets and harpoons, weapons and arms, they were trying to get the skeleton. Instead Geno was feeling more and more threatened and agitated by the second.

But at the same time... trapped. The sane part of him, he could still feel it being there but being overwhelmed by the hatred. This hatred of his towards pirates had gotten out of hand and controlling almost all of his thoughts and actions, making him work like an animal that worked on insticts of survival.

By the second he was becoming more aggressive as he tried to find a way to escape the brutes from catching him, these giants who were trying to get him as if attempting to squash him. This little game of chasing around would soon be closer to end as at some point Geno's attention turned to look at Michael.

editing stops. please wait until at least until this chapter gets the full edit it deserves, to be more presentable and understandable for you the readers. when you stop seeing this message you're free to keep reading further. thank you.

His desire to burst his anger and kill immediately, having almost vanished all of his logic and sanity, wanting everyone around him dead, caused him to eventually turn towards Michael, who started panicking even more. Easy targetBut before he could approach close enough, one figure stood between him and the young human.

Geno would have attacked anyways if he wasn't feeling the dark cold aura trying to tower over him. He hissed and looked up. The Captain was blocking his way, scythe in hands. The smaller skeleton crawled back a little looking at him with even more hatred and annoyance.

And then the memories hit him.

He saw the images running in front of his eyesockets fast and sharply. He saw the flames and destruction. He smelled the smoke and blood. He heard the loud cracking of the flames as they went higher, the screams of the humans, the sound of their souls being sucked out of their bodies by the ghost-like pirates.

He stopped seeing his brothers with him.

But he saw her.

As she walked closer and closer towards him, smiling beneath her black hat, her scythe on her right hand and a floating glowing white object on the other. And when she raised head, Geno saw the reflection of his terrified expression through her pupils as he crawled back trying to get away from her.

He saw how stained he was by his own magical blood.

He saw it staining the streets as he crawled backwards.

He saw the delightful madness in the woman's expression as she stared at his chest, where the last little part of his soul left was still there. And she was about to claim it.

Then, the explosion nearby turned everything to black.

At the same time Geno felt being grabbed abruptly from behind. He started struggling and hissing, trying to scratch and bite whoever was holding him.

"GOT HIM!" Oh great, the tiger.

"LET! ME! GO!" The small skeleton yelled and screamed.

"No way after the trouble you caused you little-!" Before Dave could complete his sentence, he started roaring in pain as his hands opened and let go of Geno, who almost fell with his face on the floor. He sharply turned to look behind him and his mouth slightly opened in surprise.

"Don't. Touch him." Alter's voice was heard saying calmly as his one hand was gripping tightly the big feline monster's nape.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, AAAUGH!" Dave growled as he was unable to move and struggle. As if an empty potato sack and still holding him by the nape, Alter tossed the tiger aside, who rolled a few times and then raised head to look at the tall skeleton shocked and angered, like many other pirates around.

Michael simply ran at Dave to check better if he was alright. Geno looked better at the priest. His eyesockets were empty as he stared at the tiger monster. But when he looked forward and down at the small skeleton, the pupils returned. He walked towards him.

"Geno, son, you go-?"

"YOU SON OF A-!" Geno yelled as he attacked fast and sharply the priest, causing him to fall on the floor. He hissed in his face. "I WAS THIS CLOSE TO ESCAPE, BUT NOOO! YOU HAD TO STOP ME! YOU HAD TO RUIN WHAT I WAS DOIN'!"

"Yup." Alter simply did calmly.

"Do not yup me! Don't you DARE start yapping 'bout defendin' and helpin' me, 'cause all I'm gonna smell is bulls-!" At the very last second Geno saw the knife flying towards him, most likely thrown by another pirate and evaded.

Consequently he got off Alter and crawled back. The priest was quick to stand up and as if not being nearly threatened by the small angry skeleton, approached him again. Geno hissed loudly at him, the taller didn't budge.

"Priest no!" The Captain's voice was heard. Geno turned at him and hissed towards him.

"Worry not Captain. I know what I'm doing." Alter replied still staring at Geno and took another step. The smaller's attention turned at him and crawled back again.

"Step back right this instant!" The Captain ordered then. In vain. When the priest was acting strange or not responding to commands, it was almost impossible to stop him.

"Only if the little one starts rippin' off my face." Alter insisted so casually and chilly, he almost sounded like suggesting to have a party with tea and cookies. Even if someone wanted to stop him, no one was daring to be near the little enraged siren. Captain covered his face with his one hand.

"Suit yourself." He mumbled frustrated. "One day! One day that crazy priest will give me a soul attack!" He murmured then, loud enough to reach Alter, who ignored him. Everyone was looking at the priest and the siren with agony.

"Geno..." Alter started calmly. Geno's attention turned to him, leaving a threatening hiss and crawled back some more.

"I ain't talkin' to backstabbers." He said lowly.

"I get your anger..." Alter continued without showing the slightest fear and took another step towards him. He smiled. "... So you're plannin' on holding grudges towards me forever? Ya won't trust me anymore?"

No, Geno wasn't sure if he could trust Alter anymore. His look turned slightly to his left, where the gunwale was. He could hop off and into the sea, right? He was a siren after all, what was stopping him?

You can't leave without the necklace

The same female voice came to remind him for which seemingly ridiculous reason, he couldn't leave. He hissed at nowhere annoyed and took his look away from the gunwale.

"Without the necklace I ain't goin' anywhere... Why does that thing is so important anyway? Why did it feel like it? From the time I saw it..." He thought. Meanwhile the priest had made it to approach 2 steps closer to him as he was thinking. When Geno realised he had dazed off, he hissed again at Alter.

"Come on. Won't ya let the priest approach?" Alter asked and smiled a little wider.

"Ya wear the cassock, but you ain't a saint no more! Simply a pirate!" Geno thought angrily. These thoughts must have had somehow reached Alter, because he looked away humming lightly. He sighed.

"Yes, I ruined your plan." He said and kneeled in front of Geno's and everyone else's surprised eyes. Now the priest was making it easier for him if he wanted to attack him. But Geno... was caught off guard by this and simply stared at the other.

"What do you thinik you're doin'?"

Suddenly Alter's eyesockets were filled with intensive cobalt blue colors, only in the middle the black of his eyesockets being visible, a small dot.

"The whole world needs your help, by completing this trip. Moreover, you're the one who needs to complete it. It has to do about... well, you. Who you really are. Discover yourself. You might think that you're simply sent to die, but it's not just that." He closed eyesockets and when he opened them again the white pupils were back. Alter then opened arms. "Deep down you're surely scared. I would be too in your place. But Geno, there's no need to fight back anymore. Come here. Please. And however long this trip lasts, I will do anything in my power to keep you protected. Where everything started."

Geno looked down thinking about his words. He was still hesitating to trust him. If he was lying? He looked at him. Priest's expression had so much sweetness and kindness, he started feeling bad. He was with the pirates. And he kept many secrets from him, yes.

But did that make him to never trust him from his first day in the ship? He knew from the beginning with who's side he was but accepted his decisions and what he chose to do. Also, the questions were drowning him and wanted to clear some things out. If Alter was truly giving answers...

"What daya think?" Alter asked.

can geno trust the priest again or will he attack him? yes readers, the chapter ends here, i know i got late but i had school😣. anyways i tried to work and ya know what they're saying, slow progress is still progress. i finally made it and gave ya this chapter. now goodbye, we have 3150 words.

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