Battle against Enternatus

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(okay I'm gonna keep the betrayal short okay basically is only a words no Diologe)

It was a normal day for Ash Ketchum has he arrive home to pallet town with Pikachu and Greninja has they continued on in the path and attack was fired straight at them greninja acted quick and go Ash the other two out of the way of the blast has out of the bushes came out Paul and Trip with there Serperior and Electrivire Ash got out his other Pokémon but then Pikachu iron tailed Ash and Hawlucha High jump kick Greninja has Talonflame and Noivern stare at them Ash got back up and with tears in his eyes seeing his on kalos team betray him has they were about to attack again Greninja and Ash synchronized and defeated them all after he ran to his house he was attack by his friends and some of his Pokémon saying that te should give up on his dream that his weak and pathetic Alain came to he battled me like the others it was one vs a lot has he and greninja were in a corner Charizard and Sceptile came to the rescue and with there help plus Greninja they defeated Alain and the other traitors has he was about to leave to the Professor Delia appeared telling that he should listen or he'll die so I respond with a knock out Aerial ace has they ran to lab they go and tell Oak everything he was on Ash side telling him that he should run and get out of the face if the regions until everything calm down Oak gave him a new Pokémon and advanced Pokédex(no Nanodex)that information on other Pokémon from other regions headed of Kalos has he hug the Professor thanking him for everything he returned his other two Pokémon and ran out of the lab hoping on Charizard and flying away but before he fully escape he got shot down by pikachu thunderbolt has they fell into a river has it took them with the flow of the water up headed of the river

???:Are you sure we are close to this guy
???:Yes I'm sure Arceus said he be in the town of Pallet
???:This guy better be worth it
???:Oh trust me he is
???:Well out of all of us your the one with more experience with him
???:Well we only travel for at least a week so is not that big of a deal
???:Wait who's that in the river

Has the mysterious figures look at the river has a boy and charizard flow through it

???:Is Ash

Has four of the guys went straight to the water and a girl got out her blastoise getting them out of the water has they got them out

???:Is this the guy
???:Wow look at this charizard is so big and his wing it looks like they got hit
???:But by who
???:Let's heal them up and then we can solve that mystery

Has with a weak voice

Ash:Please help him he needs help

Has he pointed at Charizard and then fell unconscious

???:Well I think we found the last chosen one let's get them healed up

Minutes pass has Ash slowly opened his eyes


Has this got attention of the other figures the female one stand up and approached Ash

???:Hey Ash
Ash:Lyra what are you doing here wait no where's Charizard
Lyra:Look to your left

Has he look to the left to see him sleeping

Ash:Os he okay
Lyra:Yeah just needs rest that's all
Ash:That's Good
???:Lyra is he okay
Lyra:Yeah his fine

Has he turned again to see a group of people

???:Good to see your awake but could you tell us why we're you unconscious in the river
Ash:Oh that well

Has he told them what happened the betrayal his Pokémon and what Oak did

???:Man that's sad
???:What does assholes did was on forgivable
Lyra:I can't believe Darn did that to you and Brock too
Ash:Yeah but who are you guys I already know Lyra but who are you guys
???:Well like you we are the chosen ones of Arceus
Ash:Wait what
Lyra:Yep me too and here my friends
???:My name is Red
???:I'm Blue nice to meet you
???:Gold is my name
???:Silver is who I I'm
???:the names Brendan
???:Lucas here
???:Hilbert my name
???:Hilda is my name let's be friends
???:Hugh and that's all
???:Snd I'm moon
???:Victor here and this is my sister Gloria
Gloria:Nice to meet you and you are
Ash:I'm Ash Ket

Has he stop

Calem:Ash what
Ash:Just Ash I'm not a Ketchum anymore so just call me Ash
Red:Alright Ash we been send by Arceus to get you
Ash:Why me
Moon:Because a great evil is coming only we can stop it are you in
Ash:Well there's nothing else for me to do so I'll come

Has a portal is formed in front of them Ash returned Charizard and they pack there stuff and go through has they arrive in snd island

Lyra:Welcome Ash to your new home Chosen Island
Ash:The names a bit of dot you think
Gold:See Hilbert even the new guy agrees
Hilbert:I won the battle so I choice so let's stop talking about and let's go see arceus

Has they go up the stairs reaching the top and open area we're Arceus is found the chosen kneel down has Ash does the same

Arceus:Rise my chosen ones

Has they all stood back up

Arceus:Welcome Ash
Ash:Hello there lord Arceus
Arceus:I I'm so sorry my child I wished I could had help you in your darkest moment
Ash:Is fine don't worry I'll get over it so what is the danger that's coming lord Arceus that you had to come to me
Arceus:The rest of you go relax I'll speak to him alone

Has they all nod and leave the area

Arceus:Follow me Ash

Has they walk to a cave has Arceus lights up the place at the end a drawing was shown

Ash:Who is that
Arceus:That right there is Enternetus the gigantic Pokémon
Ash:Is that the danger
Arceus:Yes I like Pokémon like Deoxy's,Moonstone, Soulrock and the ultra beast Enternatus was created different he is a poison and dragon type Pokémon and his the very reason I never made a poison type legendary
Ash:Why was he that evil
Arceus:The poison corrupted him made him dark he has the ability to Gigantamax on his own and his powers are so strong he could battle all the legendary at ones even Necrozma
Ash:That sound bad
Arceus:His part Pokemon,part alien,part ultra beast and something else that let him hack a pokeball and not get captured
Ash:So he can be stop by capturing them why did you call us
Arceus:Because you sixteen trainers have the power to stop him and you have even greater part in this
Arceus:so what you say Ash will you help us
Ash:Outside of here there's nothing else for me so I accept
Arceus:Sound great but first we would have to train you to be strong
Ash:But before we beginning are training can we pick up some friends

In Kanto
Has a pidgeot rest in the tree but then a bright light appears in front her on the ground has she flew down in front of the portal has Ash step out

Ash:Hey pidgeot

Has the pidgeot was shock has she see her trainer Ash she quickly hug him

Ash:I'm back and I'm here to get you ready to go back to me
Pidgeot:Pidgeot(Yes Ash you don't know how long I have been waiting for you to come for me)
Ash:Then let's go

Has they go pass the portal

In Kalos
Has in the nice guy Goodra looks at the Pokémon playing he smiles has then a portal appears beside him out coming Ash

Ash:Hey Goodra

Has he hug his friend

Ash:Good to see you buddy but I'm here to ask you something
Ash:Want to come back to the team to the family
Ash:Good let's go

Has he wave at the Pokémon they left in the portal and got to chosen island there Ash told them about the betrayal let's say they won't happy and they want to help Ash has they go to there new room we're the other three Pokémon were Charizard greeted Pidgeot return and Greninja got a hug from a Goodra has the two meet Sceptile has watching them with a smile until he remembered something

Ash:Oh right I forgot we got a new friend

Has he takes out a pokeball which the Pokémon revealed himself

???:Vul(Hello there)

Has the Vulpix smiles at Ash

Ash:A Vulpix? wait right Professor gave me and advance Pokedex

Has he got it out he scanned the Pokémon revealing it was and alola Vulpix and ice type Pokémon has he put the Pokedex aside

Ash:Well aren't you a cute one

Has he petted his new friend has she made a cute sound

Ash:Well Vulpix looks like from now on you and I are gonna be good friends
Vulpix:Vul Vulpix(We sure are but what's your name my master)
Ash:I'm Ash but don't call me master we are all equal here okay

Has he pick her up

Ash:And this will be your brothers and sister

Has he pointed her at his Pokémon after the introduction Ash returned to his new allies has he came with his Pokémon

Moon:And Alola Vulpix
Blue:Aww it looks so cute
Hugh:Your team looks strong
Arceus:So are you ready to begin your training
Arceus:Okay everyone I want you to reveal all your Pokémon
All of them:Yes lord arceus

Has they go out there teams Ash was shock not just because they had a seventh one because they all had legendary Pokémon(Here are there teams
Charizard(Mega x)
Dugtrio(Alola form)
Marowak(Alola form)
Raichu(Alola form)
Sandslash(Alola form)
Okay that's all of them)

Ash:So I'm you have a seventh spot in your group which a legendary
Calem:Pretty much but we didn't get them they choose us
Arceus:And this one is yours Ash

Has the Pokémon teleported in

Mewtwo:We meet again Ash
Arceus:Mewtwo has offered his power to joined you
Ash:Thank you Mewtwo
Mewtwo:No prob let us get strong together Ash
Red:Now time for the training
Lucas:Ueah bring out the life threatening obstacles
Ash and all his Pokémon special Mewtwo:The what

7 years later
Have pass seen he was betrayed and recruited by his new friend the training was hard and some parts has a Lucas said were life threatening but Ash made it pass it he trained his aura which now he is able to shield himself and increase his physical abilities and fire and Aura sphere also he is able to understand the Pokémon has do the others but his power is special because he can absorb energy which is kinda the plan against Enternatus has along the way his Pokémon grew strong he found the charizard and Pidgeot mega stones and found the Mega Y for sceptile has then he and greninja hnlickk oh the bond phenomena true form has Vulpix also grew strong and evolve into and Alola Ninetailes has they Ash and her grew together becoming true friend or maybe more has both grew feelings for each other to there surprise it was fine that they could be love bird seen it seem that the other had fall for there Pokémon too(Here are the ships
1.Red x Espeon
2.Blue x Ditto
3.Gold x Togekiss
4.Lyra x Jynx
5.Silvet x Weavile
6.Brendan x Gardevoir
7.Lucas x Lucario
8.Hilbert x Serperior
9.Hilda x Zoroark
10.Hugh x Liepard
12.Calem x Absol
13.Sum x Primarina
14.Moon x Decidueye
15.Gloria x Cinderace
16.Victor x Hatterene
Worth it)So it was actually normal for them to have that kind of bond has the days pass has Ash and the other with there Pokémon were all looking at the beautiful dark sky seen it was night time

Ash:This pass seven years have been something
Greninja:I'll say
Red:Won't lie it has been fun hag out with you guys
Hilda:We are like one happy family
Hugh:Mhmm fine I'll agree this has been fun and I wish this never ends
Gold:Then will have to beat Enternatus if we want to stay happy
Lucas:Right on that

Has Lyra look up

Blue:Hey Lyra something wrong your never this quiet
Lyra:Is just look at that red star there
Hilbert:Red star Lyra are you seeing things
Ash:Hee Hilbert I think you want to see

Has everyone looks up to see the red star then Arceus came

Arceus:Chosen ones he's here

Sinnoh Region
In a meeting room with all the champions and elite four also the Professor plus the battle frontier

Alder:So Charles why have you called us here
Charles:Because of this

Has the screen reveals the object approaching the Planet

Karen:What the heck is that
Rowan:We don't know we send drones to see but every time they get close they either go blurry or destroyed
Juniper:Nut with a little blurry but we got one footage of it but blurry

Has he close I'm showing it look like a meteor

Diantha:Do we know where its going
P.Oak:With the direction it showing and the place his pointing its heading straight for Galar
Leon:Galar then we need to get everyone out of there now
Sonia:Don't worry Leon evacuating has already begun so don't worry
Kukui:The weird part here is that the meteor is generating high energy inside of it
Anabel:Your saying there something inside of it
Lance:How long does we have until it gets to Galar
Birch:Until tomorrow
Cynthia:Then let's get ready for whatever is coming

Has they leave the meeting room back with Ash

Ash:We sure that's him
Arceus:Yes it's him his inside the meteor Rayquaza and Deoxy tried to stop it but the rock has a shield around it
Red:Is not a shield I can sense it from here is it Aura is so strong I don't know how Ash will absorb it all
Lucas:His right this Aura is darkness it self
Arceus:Right lets us get ready for the battle

Has they all got there clothes on Ash grabs his cap hood has he meets with the others

Sun:Okay where do we go now
Ash: Arceus you said that he can Gigantamax on his one right
Arceus:Yes but I forgot to say that for that he'll need the enough Gigantamax energy to do it
Ash:Then he'll have to go to
Gloria/Victor:To Galar
Ash:Arceus how long do we have
Arceus:Tomorrow he'll land
Red:Then this what will do let's get ready prepare everything healing spray and anything else that can help us in thus battle
All of them:Okay

Has time passes in the night has Ash and the others prepared themselves for the battles that is to come has morning rises they all at the the start of the island has they all get to there flying Pokemon some cheering with others has they fly to Galar.In Galar has the meteor enters the atmosphere of Galar landing on the biggest city in the Galar region(which is the last one) in the city champions,elite four, frontier brains,Kahunas and gym leaders all see he meteor has they wait to see what happens even the traitors are there has every trainer there with a mega stone mega evolves there Pokémon

Korrina:What are we waiting for should we destroy it
Clemont:Yes but we don't even no what will happen for all we know it could kill us all
Korrina:Oh okay

Has the meteor cracked

Lance:Everyone get ready is cracking

Has a hole appears on the meteor out of it came out a weird looking creature with red and black colors this was

Lt.Surge:What the F*^%* is that thing

Has everyone look at it fear in all who see the creature is said has the creature look around seeing the trainers around him

Diantha:This pressure is so strong just what is this thing
Misty:I don't know but I say we attack
Cynthia:Alright everyone attack

Has everyone fires there most power full attack but then the creatures disappears dodging the attacks

Dahlia:Where he go
Argenta:Did that thing just use agility
Darach.Yes and a very fast one
Brock:Look his up there his heading for the tower
Skyla:Not on our watch

Has the trainers with flying Pokémon follow him has the creatures turns he fires a toxic attack the flying type dodge it but then get hit by a dragon pulse hitting them has the trainers catch there Pokémon

Drake:It used dragon pulse
Leon:That means it can be catch if is a Pokémon I'll go after it

Has Leon ran to the tower

Raihan:Leon Wait you idiot
Liza:Look at the toxic somethings coming out

Has everyone look at the toxic has figured are being formed

Flint:Are they Pokémon
Lucian:They look like one

Has Brock decided to go close has he got to them he got blasted away by one of them being catch by his Steelix

Brandon:Does are shadow Pokemon

Has more keep appearing the trainers battle them but they are much stronger then what they are had then some of the SP split up starting to destroy everything on sight they decided to split into teams has they follow them with the chosen ones there still flying

Victor:I see it

Has they all look at the city but burning

Ash:Let's go quickly
All of them:Right

Has they increase there speed and go there back in the battle on Diantha team she had Brock,Clemont, Clair, Byron,Ramos,Brandon,anabel and Karen has they hold on battling the SP but they won't doing so well the SP were just to strong

Diantha:Come on people we can't stop Gardevoir use Moonblast
Karen:Is easier said then done champion houndoom dark pulse

Has attacks collided and explosion happen all around has Clemont gets blown away but one of the attack

Brock:Clemont you okay
Clemont:Yeah I'm fine but now I feel like we need him
Brock:Me too but he's not here he's dead and is because of us now in his name we need to keep battling
Clemont:Why why did we have to betray him

Has the attack keep getting worse pushing them and hitting them has they all fell to there knees the SP charge up and attack

Diantha:Is this the end for us
???:Oh come on Diantha are you really the champion
Diantha:That voice

Has they fire there attack but out of nowhere another united attack appears clashing with the SP but they were stronger has they destroy the Shadow Pokémon and then a group appears in front of them with legendary Pokémon

Calem:Hey Diantha long time no see

Has they look at the group they noticed the boy who didn't turn around and just look forward has then Anabel recognizing the hair

Anabel:Wait Ash

Has he slightly move his head to see them

Ash:Hey Anabel
Anabel:You live
Ash:Who said I was dead

Has they all look at Brock and Clemont

Brandon:You lied to us
Ash:Will get punishment later leave everything to us okay
Clemont:Do you really think you can stop it even champions can't defeat that thing
Clemont:What was that
Hugh:You keep underestimating him yet what you don't know is that he is the key to stopping that thing
Diantha:What do you mean
Ash:I can defeat Enternatus
Byron:Is that his name
Lucas:Yep okay Red whats the plan
Red:Me,Ash and Calem will take care of Enternatus the rest of you go help the other groups but before that
All of them:Now mega evolve

(Sorry forgot about Silver)

Has they all look amazement at the chosen ones Pokémon


Has they split up Red,Calem and Ash went straight to the tower taking out all Shadow Pokémon in there way has they get to the bottom of the tower

Ash:Okay let's go
Calem:Behind us

Has shadow Flying type Pokémon appear and a lot of them

Red:Artincuno and I will deal with this you two get in there and stop this madness
Ash:Okay you better survive

Has Ash and Calem left they claim the building destroying all Sjadow Pokémon in the way has they finally get to the top has they see Enternatus but on the right a knock out Leon and Charizard Calem check on them

Calem:There still alive

Has Ash just started at Enternatus who was also staring at him

Calem:Ash Ash wake
Ash:Wha what
Calem:Don't lose focus buddy we need to be it so me and Xerneas will distracted has Mewtwo launches you to it okay
Ash:Yeah okay let's begin
Calem:Okay Xerneas let finals this use Moon blast

Has she fires her attack landing the hit Enternatus respond was a Dragon pulse has they dodge it

Calem:Okay we got his attention now use Aurora beam

Has she fires the next attack but he dodges it using agility to appear behind them using poison tail

Calem:Use protect

Has she blocks the attack

Calem:Now use Zen Headbutt

Has she charge at him landing the hit but has he gets hit he gets back up by attacking with Dragon tail sending her crashing to the ground but Xerneas gets back up

Calem mind:He better be ready-Xerneas use misty terrain

Has the area began to be blurry Enternatus look around not seeing neither of them only seeing shadows he fired Dragon pulse but not hits has then and Aurora Beam came out of nowhere hitting him

Calem:Ash now
Ash:Mewtwo use Psychic and toss me
Mewtwo:On it

Has he tosses Ash straight at him he lands on Enternatus

Ash:This ends now

Has he places his hands on him and began to absorb his energy has dark aura was entering Ash but then has he gets hit out of nowhere he see a vision of Enternatus in space saying "why did father forget me" has he gets shocked out of nowhere


Has he falls of him he gets catches by Mewtwo has he placed him down but Enternatus also falls

Calem:What the f+^%^ just happened
Mewtwo:This should be happening
Calem:I need to tell the others-mind:Guys guys
Hugh:Calem what's wrong don't you know we are in battle
Calem:Is Ash is he absorbing failed he got shocked out of nowhere
Lyra:What is he okay
Calem:Well little of white hair appeared and he had a scared eye now
Red:And Enternatus
Calem:His getting up shit

Has he disappeared of the call

Hilda:Dang it we can't go there this shadow Pokémon just keto appearing and thus guts are weak has bricks
Hilbert:Is no one close enough to help him
Lucas:Sadly no

Has they continued battling back with Calem Mewtwo fires his Shadow ball

Calem:Xerneas moon blast

Has both Pokémon Fire there attacks Enternatus counters it with Dragon pulse has he uses agility and attacks with dragon tail has Mewtwo blocks it won't reflect

Calem:Thank you Mewtwo
Mewtwo:Don't Lise focus he up to something
???:Hehehe hahahaha
Calem:Where did that come from
???:From me you stupid human

Has thus voice cane from Enternatus

Enternatus:Oh Farher this was your plan send humans to stop me I thought you were smarter then that
Xerneas:Enternatus stop what your doing this is madness corruption on the hole world is to far
Enternatus:Oh sister and who ever you are you don't know how far I'll go my poison will go through thus world and I'll absorb all energy and speaking if that be ready because is time for me to go full power

Has he roars energy appearing from the building begins to enter Enternatus has he was growing

Enternatus:this is the end
Calem:Oh no

Has everyone see Enternatus true form and all the shadow Pokémon start become mega and ones with still evolution transform into there final form increasing there power

Enternatus:This world is mine!!

Has then he gets hit out of nowhere has he turned to see Arceus but not alone has he brought the rest of the legendary and mythical Pokémon plus ultra beast

Arceus:Go my children
All of them:Yes father

Has they go help the groups

Hugh:Took you long enough Kyurem use Dragon pulse

Has he fires at the SP back with Calem he tries to wake Ash up

Arceus:Is he okay
Calem:Just unconscious but he got knock out
Arceus:Try to find away to wake him up I'll take care of my sun

Has he approached the big Pokémon

Enternatus:You finally reveal yourself
Arceus:I have to do this to protect this world I must destroy you
Enternatus:Them fighting words

Has both fire there attacks colliding back with Ash well his in a dark world

Ash:This place what is it and

"Why did father forget about me"

Ash:Those words came from Enternatus but what could they mean I must absorb his power again buf first I need to find away to get out of here

Has he look around until then a dark figure appears has he approached Ash

Ash:Who are you
???:I I'm you well your anger,your sadness and your darkness
Ash:So your nightmare cause
Dark Ash:You could say that
Ash:So is there something you want to tell me
Dark Ash:Nothing much just that Enternatus has become its true self
Ash:Wait what
Dark Ash:Yeah battling Arceus right now actually
Ash:Dang it what do we do now
Dark Ash:Well there is a way you could stop him and see more of this words
Ash:And that would be
Dark Ash:Transform into me your darkness should he has strong has he's
Ash:Has much has I hated this the only choice
Dark Ash:Then together
Ash:We will beat this

Has they grabs hands back at the real world has Ash woke up

Calem:Oh thank Arceus you woke up Ash

Has then he opens his eyes revealing red ones and his aura appearing turning purple

Dark Ash:Don't worry Calem I'm still here is just I need Dark Aura to heat this
Calem:Has much has I hate thus idea is all we got what's your plan
Ash:Mewtwo teleport me to him
Mewtwo:Okay U hope you know what your doing
Xerneas:Me too

Has he he gets teleported he appears in the sky Arceus noticed it and use Judgment psychic stoping Enternatus

Enternatus:What are you doing

Has Ash lands in his core

Dark Ash:zIs not what his doing is what I'm gonna do
Arceus:Your using your Dark form
Dark Ash:It was the only idea now let me work my magic

Has he puts his hands on it he begins the process has he see it

Dark Ash:I see it

Has the view changes has it shows Enternatus but training with Arceus like father and sun relationship has the scene change to we're Enternatus meets other of his brothers and sisters,changing again to Enternatus exploring space has it changed again has he was rob and experimented on changing its DNA turning it into now he expected Arceus to help him but no one came he liked the ones who rob him and that's were the words came the scene change one last time showing him battling some of the legendary until getting banished by Arceus to a far far away in space has the area changed now Ash in front of Enternatus

Ash:They never came for you
Enternatus:Yes and that's when felt betrayed

Has he look down

Ash:You know he never knew they got you right
Enternatus:His the god of Pokémon and he forgot me that's impossible
Ash:Whi said he forget he send search parties to get you
Enternatus:How do I know your not lying to me how do I know he didn't mace you do this
Ash:Because unlike you I have felt real betrayal here take a look who I was and who I'm I now

Has Ash put his right hand on his head showing all of Ash adventures,his wins,his lost,his hapiness,his sadness,his anger,the boy he was,to the betrayal,to the training,his love and the man he is now

Ash:Yeah that is true betrayal
Enternatus:So he never forgot me
Ash:Enternatus you are the first ever poison type legendary he won't have forgotten you and best of all he thought the poison part is what made you mad
Enternatus:Well it makes sense

Has they laugh it out

Ash:So what you say will you stop this chaos
Enternatus:You are a weird one Ash but yes I'll stop now that I know the truth this is just a wasn't
Ash:Then let's go back and grow pass are darkest moments to enter are most nicest ones

Has on the real world the Shafow Pokémon began to disappear and Ash and Enternatus came back to the real world

Ash:Arceus mission accomplish.!

Has Enternatus began to turn to normal Ash fell of him but landed then on Enternatus back

Ash:Thank you

Has they land on the top building

Ash:I survive and made a new friend
Calem:Wait his not and enemy anymore

Has hop down Arceus came

Enternatus:Forgive me father I was blinded from the truth because all I felt was betrayed seem you and the others never came for me

Has they talk the other chosen ones come shock at first but then understood the situation

Ash:So Enternatus what will you do now
Enternatus:Well I would like to join your team Ash
Enternatus:Yes you are the only human that can understand me and make me into a better Pokémon
Lucas:I feel happy but is it okay that I feel happy about are enemy
Hilda:A little bit
Blue:Pretty much but is nice you know
Ash:How could I say no to that hey Arceus mind if I have a eighth spot on my team
Arceus:No problem

Has Ash captures he's new friend

Brendan:Wait isn't he not able to be catch
Ash:Well actually he could be catch because he could control the system of the pokeball but he controls it so he could allow himself to be catch
Blue:Well that makes seen

Has then Leon woke up has he look around and saw the group and recognized two

Leon:Victor Gloria hey

Has the two turn to see Leon coming

Victor:Leon your okay
Leon:Yeah but what happened
Gloria:The Pokemon kick your butt and her stop him
Leon:oh well that was something is it over
Gloria:Galar is safe
Leon:And the creature
Ash:I caught him and your welcome

Has then the other ms arrive has the traitors stay back

All of them:Ash!!

Has he assaulted by everyone he knew special the girls who hug him has Ninetailes came out and push them away

Ash:Calm down winter there just friends but they are not

Has he pointed at the traitors after that he told them what happened

Cynthia:Well Ash it seem that you have save the world yet again
Ash:Haven't I so what you want to know first why they fake my death or where I go
Diantha:Whee you go
Ash:Sadly me and my friends can know that but the first one is easy you see after Alain beat me

He told them about the betrayal has they all look at the traitors angrily

Ash:So is there anything you want to say

Has they remind silent

Ash:I'll let you guys deal with there punishment we'll see you guys around
Anabel:take care
Ramos:Good luck on life you wiper snapper

Has they all say there goodbye's they all take out there Pokémon has Ash took Enternatus to go home has they arrive

Ash:Well Enternatus this is your new home
Enternatus:It looks peace full
Red:If is and you better not ruin it
Blue:Oh come on Red loosen up all will be fine
Gold:Yeah dude you worry to much you know that
Red:Well I worry for a good reason
Lyra:Well lets go to sleep at least that was a long battle and are Pokémon need to rest to
Silver:Finally some rest
Hugh:We have been training a lot haven't we
Ash:Let's just take it easy guys

Has they all headed to there rooms Ash introduced his team to Enternatus has he got to his bed has Ninetailes joins him

Ash:Let's sleep ice queen
Ninetailes:No I think I have another plan

Has she gets on top of him

(Warning warning lemon scene warning)
Ash:What are you doing winter
Winter:Ash take of your pants
Ash:Yes mam

Has he took them of revealing his dick who was hard when she got on top of him has places her vagina and puts it in

Winter:Is bigger than what I expected
Ash:Let's enjoy this

Has he move his hips pounding her (Or the opposite seen she's on top of him)has they continue changing position to now Ash on top of her

Winter:Ah ah ah faster faster Ash faster
Ash:Your Will is my command

Has at that moment the trust harder has he increased his speed has minutes pass and they reach the end
(Lemon scene end)

Has little did they know the other trainers had there own wild 🥰x moment has the rest of the dia was peacefu

2 years later
It's been after the battle against Enternatus has a pidgey was arriving the island a man was seen at the entrance has the pidgey approaches the the man

???:What brings you here Pidgey
Pidgey:I I'm looking for Ash is he here
???:Your looking right at him

Has he takes of his hood revealing him and his scared face

Ash:so is there something wrong
Pidgey:Here to deliver this

Has he gave him a note and flies away has Ash look closely at the cover

Ash:the Tournament of Masters

To be continue

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