Chapter 11: The Aftermath II

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Chris walked to (Y/n) when she was alone, "You're not watching the aftermath today?" He asked, while handing some peace offering since last episode she was mad at him, "I'm hanging out with Heather or Duncan." She said coldly before walking away, she took the peace offering though cause it was her favorite snack and a wad of cash.


Geoff, "Yo, everyone! Ha ha. I'm Geoff."

Bridgette, "And I'm Bridgette. Great to have you back for another super juicy episode of The Aftermath, where we'll be dishing the dirt on Total. Drama. Action!" The audience cheered.

"Wow, there's a lot of love out there, eh, Geoff?" Bridgette asked as the audience cheered again as Geoff replied, "No doubt, Bridge."

Bridgette, "I wish today could be all about the love," she paused to sigh, before continuing her sentence, "There's always some haters, too."

"We may see some of those dudes on today's show. 'Cause we've got Gwen here! and DJ!" Geoff said before walking off.

Bridgette, "We've also got our friends from first season joining us here in the V.I.P section. Katie and Sadie, Cody, Noah, Ezekiel, Eva, Courtney, and Tyler!" She looked at Trent and Izzy before saying, "We've got Trent and Izzy here too!"

Katie giggled, "Hi Trent! We're so happy you're here!"

Sadie, "I won the thumb war to say hi from us."

A man was shouting over Bridgette's earpiece, "He's what? That is so not cool. So, there have been three pretty shocking eliminations since we last saw you. Anything you would like to comment on, Courtney?"

Courtney, "My lawyer has advised me not to at this time."

Bridgette looked at the camera before chuckling, "Wow, So we've also lost Izzy A.K.A E-Scope A.K.A. Explosivo again, but since she's already been a guest, she won't take the hot seat today. So, some pretty insane things on the show. The prison movie, the hospital drama, haunted set."

"The disaster movie and war flick,"  Geoff added as the men in the audience cheered. "Wow. Guess you guys are into terror and destruction. I was freaking. I was almost glad I was booted off the show. I would not have made it through prison food day. Mm-mm." Bridgette stated, as Geoff replied, "Me? I've got a stomach of steel." making the audience laugh.

Bridgette, "Oh, you can't tell me you'd've wanted to go through what Owen did. A busted up jaw?! Ouch!"

Geoff, "Oh, true that. But we've got loads more wicked bad moments of pain coming up! Rad hits like you've never seen! Time for... That's Gonna Leave a Mark!"

The "That's Gonna Leave a Mark theme song" started playing, accompanied by a military march music before they started presenting the video montage, making the audience gasp and laugh at most part of the video.

Bridgette turned to Geoff before saying, "You can't just leave me out here alone like that on live TV," in a hushed tone. Geoff looked at her, "I-I saw my hair on the monitor, Bridge. There were like, seven strands out of place. Looked like I'd never met a blow dryer when," He stopped to chuckle, "In fact, we're very good friends."  

Bridgette chuckled sarcastically, "Oh, better friends than you are with your girlfriend?"

The audience gasps as the video started to end while the hosts were arguing. "So uh, guys?" Trent stated, "That was one great montage of ouch!"

Geoff, "Uh, it sure was, Trent! Ha ha. Did you see Owen go down like a sack of honey glazed hams? Whoo! Check it."

The video replayed back to the part where poor Owen got his jaw knocked, "Oh, his poor jaw is headed left and right at the same time." Bridgette exclaimed. 

Geoff, "Hilarious! I'm pretty sure your leg is not supposed to go in that direction. But here's my fave. Check out DJ fainting. Now that's what panic looks like, people!" The audience cheered. 

Bridgette, "How about we check in on DJ and see how he's holding up."

In the waiting room, Gwen was panicking as she paced around the room, "They're gonna skewer me out there, DJ! They're gonna make me into a Gwen-kabob! They'll think I'm a horrible person for dumping Trent and went after (Y/n) who didn't return my feelings-- and she's a girl, they'll think i'm--" She told Dj who was trying to comfort her, "I'd tell you that it'll be okay, but I'm not gonna lie. My mama's here today and I promised I'd never fib again. So yeah, you're probably dead. Hi, mama!" Dj greeted when he noticed the camera was on. Gwen's eyes widen before turning to the camera, "That thing's on? Hey, everyone. I'm Gwen... and I'm a nice person." The audience jeered in response to the live video.

"Before we bring out our first guest, let's take a look at his journey on the show." Bridgette announced before turning back to Geoff who sat next to her, "A touch up? You spent six hours in makeup, I took ten minutes!" She said in a hushed tone, while Geoff shrugged, "My nose was shining. I needed powder." Bridgette scoffed, "It'd be nice to get a real man out here." 

Geoff, "DJ started out as a strong contender in this season."

Bridgette, "With a soft spot."

Geoff, "Oh, yeah. That's a real man, Bridge."

Bridgette, "But when Chef secretly took him under his wing, making a deal to split the cool mil if they won..."

Geoff, "Things got dicey for our man."

Bridgette, "Happily for the rest of the cast, DJ had a thing or two to teach Chef about cooking actual food."

Geoff, "But ultimately, DJ's conscience had something to teach him, too, leading to his dramatic exit."

The audience cheered.

Geoff, "Our guest doesn't eat dolphin dogs, does a heck of a ribbon dance, and once thought he caught a pepperoni disease, welcome DJ!"

The audience cheered once again as the theme plays. 

Dj walked in and took a seat, "Hey, everybody. What's up?"

Bridgette, "So DJ, how are you feeling after everything?"

Geoff, "What kind of a question is that?! Dude lost a million bucks!"

DJ, "Hey, but I have my integrity. And that's worth more."

Geoff, "Oh, come on! That is total bull! Am I right, dudes?!"

"Do we clap if we agree or disagree?" Katie asked confused as Ezekiel the future gollum, claps. "Thank you, homeschool. Glad someone's keeping read. The rest of you are full of it. HAHA. And you know what we do to liars! That's right! It's Truth or Anvil!" Geoff announced, making the audience burst into applause and cheers. The anvil clanged, "Mama?" DJ called. 

Bridgette, "Geoff, it's Truth or Hammer. What happened to the hammer?"

Geoff, "The producers thought an anvil would add more drama. More Total Drama!"

DJ, "That thing falls on me if I fib?"

Geoff, "Yep. So, DJ. First question."

Bridgette, "Okay, I am not cool with this."

DJ, "That makes two of us. I already said I'm not lying."

Geoff, "DJ, wouldn't you say the way you took advantage of your teammates was completely heinous and utterly unforgivable?"

"I never meant to hurt anybody. Chef just intimidated the heck out of me!" Dj said truthfully as the audience gasps.

Bridgette, "This is ridiculous! Can't we run some footage or something instead?"

Geoff, "No probs. How about some never-before-seen footage of DJ's fast moves behind the scenes? While everyone else smelled like a dog park in August, you were wearing spring fresh duds."

On the screen, the video of DJ, receiving new clothes and gifts from Chef, "Aw, thanks, Chef." 

Geoff, "Chef gave you performance enhancing vitamins and helpful dairy products while everyone else was forced to eat the rudest slop. You received therapeutic massages, packages from home, and beef jerky, and never once felt bad about it."

On the screen, Dj was on the confessionals, "Do I like winning? Hecks yeah! I wanna do whatever it takes to keep racking up the wins! Do I feel bad? Hm. Do I look like I feel bad?" The audience gasps as they couldn't believe their eyes, Dj wouldn't do such a thing but the video proves it, until Dj confessed what really happened-- Honestly, I don't know how everyone would react if they found out (Y/n) is Chris' daughter, but they don't suspect a thing since the footages are being manipulated.

Geoff, "Our second guest started out as a fan favorite."

Bridgette, "Until things got... complicated. Like they do when you're competing against, or working with, your boyfriend."

"Um, what's that supposed to mean?" Geoff said, obviously offended, making Bridgette roll her eyes, "Just read the script, Geoff."

Geoff, "So, uh, Gwen probably got bored of her relationship and decided to crush on a fellow teammate then she broke up with Trent. But that wasn't the last of the drama."

"Gwen was forced to make a deal with the opposite team, trading Trent to save her butt." Bridgette said, as Geoff added, "And Trent was voted off." 

Bridgette, "Down one boyfriend and several friends. Not long after that, Gwen followed. I know, right? I wish I'd wore my Team Trent T-shirt."

Geoff, "Our next guest is claustrophobic, owns two lizards, and once drank fruit punch out of the communal john." 

Bridgette, "Not to mention, dumped her boyfriend on national TV! Gwen!"

The aftermath theme plays. "Heh. All the black nail polish in the world couldn't get me out there. Oh!" Gwen spoke, over to the camera. "Traitor!" An audience shout as another one said, "Go Team Trent, yeah!" 

Gwen walked in, "Uh... Hi, everyone!" 

"Whoa, Gwen. It must be tough coming out--"  Bridgette was cut off by Gwen who answered quickly, "Yes, I'm bisexual." Bridgette just smiled at her, "Um.. Good for you,  but I wasn't talking about coming out the closet, I was going to ask, 'It must be tough coming out to this.'" Gwen blushes in embarrassment, "Yeah, it was way hard."

Geoff, "Let's make it harder. Here's an interview recorded after Trent learned of your deception on our last show."

On screen, Katie said, "At first, we mostly just felt sorry for Trent, but now..." "We love him! We're starting a Trent fan club." Sadie said. "Or maybe it should be an Anti-Gwen club!" Katie exclaimed, Sadie squealed, "A club for my Auntie Gwen? Hi Auntie Gwen! Oh, you mean Gwen, we hate her so..." The audience, you get it, cheered once more. 

Geoff, "So, Katie and Sadie, got more you wanna say to Gwen in person?"

The camera focused onto Katie and Sadie, fighting to take the seat next to Trent.

Bridgette, "Uh, they look busy. So Gwen, let's talk about why you sold out such a sweet guy."

"Can't we talk about something else?" Gwen said in shrunk into her seat. 

Geoff, "Would love to. Truth is, I'm kinda over this Trent blah blah blah after last episode."

Gwen, "Great! What about some behind-the-scenes drama? Chris and Camera 2 guy are having a brutal prank war."

Geoff, "Yeah. Awesome. But that's not gonna get us ratings. Watching you squirm over Trent is, so start spilling."

Gwen, "But I thought we were friends."

Geoff, "You know, goth is new gig, and I gotta say, it seriously trumps the time you and I made s'mores."

Bridgette, "You really believe that? You think ratings are more important than relationships?"

Geoff, "You kidding me, babe? Course not. Relationships rock... the ratings! A little loving is like, number two ratings booster, after breakups. Which is why Gwen's gonna start talking."

Bridgette, "Watch what you say, Gwen!"

Geoff, "Aw! Don't warn her! No fun."

"That thing is gonna fall on me?!" Gwen exclaimed, looking at the anvil above. "Only if you lie. But trust me, it happens fast." Dj said next to her. "Nothing but the whole truth, or you might be half a Gwen. A Gw. Or maybe an en." Geoff said before bursting into laughter. Bridgette just stared at him disapprovingly, "When did you get so horrible?"

Geoff, "Network orders. Turns out horrible is great for ratings, too."

Gwen, "Listen, I still like Trent. A lot. I've always liked Trent and (Y/n) gave me butterflies. I've got a lot of love for all of you guys."

"For anyone else? Duncan or (Y/n), maybe?" Geoff questioned, the audience gasps but Gwen ignored his question.

Gwen, "Leshawna, a fantastic girl, great friend. And DJ, have you tried his peach cobbler? It's unreal."

DJ, "Heh. You're sweet."

Gwen, "Thanks. I love Beth, and, and Lindsay."

Bridgette, "I seem to remember Beth and Lindsay being pretty ticked after they found out about Trent throwing their team's challenges."

Gwen, "Uh... did I mention the prank war between Chris and Camera 2? Listen, I don't think I did anything that bad."

Geoff, "Yeah,  but the way yours went down? Mega harsh. You didn't leave many friends behind in the game."

Gwen, "Duncan didn't vote me off!"

Courtney, "Only because you had your goth girl hooks into him!"

Gwen, "Courtney, we're just friends! Please tell her, Trent."

Courtney, "Have anymore rotten veggies?"

Gwen, "No seriously! Duncan and I are only friends, he knew I liked (Y/n), we occasionally talk about Courtney too, that's how we bonded."

Geoff smirked, "Actually, I think we have a never-been-seen clip on that topic." Gwen sighed in relief, "Thank you," She said before looking at the monitor. 

On screen, "Is it just me, or does that constellation look like Harold's pancake butt? With his spaghetti legs attached? See?" Gwen asked, and held her hand up in the air, waiting for a high five, "I just gave you the perfect setup for a dig and you leave me hanging? What's your damage?"

Duncan was looking at the sky, "Do you think (Y/n)'s looking at the stars now?" He asked dreamingly, Gwen shrugged, "Uhh... I don't know, I haven't seen her since the gilded Chris award."

Gwen laughs, "Wow. Who knew you were such a sucker for (Y/n)." Duncan rolled his eyes, "You're on to talk, you broke up with pretty boy for her." Gwen shook her head, "I didn't broke up with Trent because of (Y/n), I just felt our relationship was going nowhere and suddenly I started questioning my sexuality." A few moments later, laughs and grunts could be heard from the speaker, Duncan and Gwen were on the ground. "Oh yeah, I get that up close and personal with all my friends. Note the oh... one centimeter distance between their lips."

"Uh! We're just--" Gwen said but was cut off, "Uh-uh. Watch what you say." "Friends!" Gwen said, "I am so calling my lawyer! Humph!" Courtney stated. "You're totally twisting this! We wrestled for a few seconds, then stole everyone's underwear and flew it up the flagpole" 

"Wow, you sound like a really great friend and teammate. Ya know, blaming others," Geoff said sarcastically as he crossed his arms. "What is with him?!" Gwen exclaimed, looking at Bridgette for an explanation. "I think fame has gone to his perfectly coiffed head." She replied as Geoff scoffed, "I'm still here, you know. And I think it's time to bring out our next surprise for Gwen!" 

Geoff showed the wooden pool filled with piranhas, before announcing, "Time to swim with the fishes." Bridgette walked over to Gwen as she said, "Piranhas? Forget it!" Geoff turns back at them before laughing, "And the crew here seems totally into it," Trent was clearly uncomfortable in his seat. "Come on Gwen, I'll give you a boost before we talk about your mega crush on (Y/n), turns out people loves looking at a mysterious pretty ladies that's way out of your league, seems like pretty privileges are real huh? She haven't been in any danger ever since she was introduced in the season." Gwen took a deep breath and put on a brave look before walking over to him. "What? There is no way this is happening!"  Bridgette said, and finally, before Gwen got to the piranha infested water, Trent got out of his seat. "Okay, enough!" He shouted, making everyone gasp, "Look, I threw the game, not Gwen. Wasn't her fault, just like how she started liking someone else, we can't control our feelings." Trent said as he got applause from the audience. 

"Plus, everything's awesome now. I've met a ton of chicks," He said with a cheeky grin. "Trent, thank you! Um, Trent, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for everything-" Gwen said, "It's cool," Trent said, and continued,"Plus, I'm rooting for you to confess your feelings to her someday, beeee whooo you areeee."  

Noah shook his head before saying "Good luck with that, she and Duncan shared a passionate kiss that turned into a make out scene in one of the episode." "What?!" Gwen exclaimed, and fell to her seat. Geoff let out a laugh before saying, "Uhhh... Yeah, anyways, not into the sucky stuff. You wouldn't believe the fan mail this dude's getting. Bro, getting dumped on TV puts you in good with the ladies, bro. Heh heh. Eh, Bridge? Ehhh, Bridge?" 

Bridgette chuckled, "Oh, don't tempt me. We've got one more viewer on webcam. Kelsey from Kamloops has a few words for Trent." On the video, a girl name Kelsey was hugging a Trent human sized plushie, "Hey, everybody! This is my boyfriend, Trent!" making everyone gasp, Trent looked traumatized. 

Bridgette, "Is that...?"

Geoff laughed, "That's awesome! What do you have to say to Kelsey from Kamloops? I think she made that doll of you!"

Kelsey started giving the Trent plushie various kisses. "Wow. Did she just kiss the doll nine times? Okay. Thank you for sharing, Kelsey." Bridgette said. "Wait! We wrote something for the real Trent. 'Your hair is black, my heart is blue. I'll stuff you with rags and sew you up, too!'"

"Aww, seems we've lost Kesley. And right when her poem was getting good, too. Let's snoop through Trent's fan mail instead. And that's the sixth bin this week. I only got two." Geoff said as Billy the intern walked in with a wheelbarrow filled with fan mail. "That's Trent's fan mail?! Heh. Hey, wow. Guys, I thought we were talking about me." Gwen stated, as Geoff responded, "Don't worry, Gwen, you seemed to be an attention seeker right now." Billy walked out of the set, accidentally knocking the Izzy standee on the ground and stuff happened when Izzy swung from the vines. 

After a few moments, Geoff read a question that Bridgette anonymously asked, Gwen answered the question with, "Well, if there's anything I've learned from this, it's to be straight up. As long as you're up front, nothing can bite you in the butt." Then she and Dj high fived.

"Gwen's right. Honesty would've saved my butt, too. If you can't be honest, Bridgette--" Dj said, "No, no! That wasn't from me!" Bridgette exclaimed as the anvil snapped. "Look out! Anvil!" Dj shouts as he pushed Gwen out of the way. The audience laughed for some odd reason. Then Geoff laughed, "Oh, yeah! Awesome! Getting cozy with Dj now. And the anvil. Love it." 

"I think that was meant for Bridgette," Gwen said and crossed her arms.

Geoff, "A lot of people have been sending questions for Miss (Y/n), we don't even know her last name and you bet, we'll make her answer it when she becomes a guest at our show. Will we ever find out what her last name is or not?"

Bridgette, "Uh, and that's all for today! Join Chris and the cast next time for the most dramatically thrilling episode of Total. Drama. Action. Ever!"

 The aftermath theme started playing and the audience cheers. 

Geoff, "Hey, Bridge? Ahh! Oh! Watch the--"

Bridgette, "You and I need to talk, Captain Hollywood. Now."





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