Chapter 18: The Aftermath III

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Geoff, "Drama Action Aftermath show, Geoff here."\

Bridgette, "And I'm Bridgette, a ton has happened since we last saw you , TVA has lost some serious heavyweights. Owen." 

She said and turned to the TV where Owen was on the screen. There was an applause as Geoff said, "The biggest of them all."

Bridgette, "As well, as Heather and Leshawna will be on soon."

Geoff, "We've also got our buds from season 1, and thinks we need to bring more insanity to the show, huh?"

Brigdette glared at him and punches his arm before crossing her arms. 

Geoff, "I mean, profanity ok ok." 

Geoff announces that Bridgette wants more humanity on the show, making it clear that he disagrees with her. She then reminds Geoff that the people who he was manipulating for views and ratings are his friends, and comments on how they already lost the competition, and that loss is punishment enough. 

Geoff then, reminds Brigette that the Aftermath show is not like the normal talk shows, and that is still technically a reality show, and the eliminated castmates still have to deal with some torture. He then goes on how real talk shows have so much better lighting, clearly annoying the workers, Billy included who walked away. He then comments that the former castmates are free to talk about all their problems, but he won't help them feel better like Dr. Phil. 

Bridgette didn't like how Geoff was acting and they both got into another large fight, which leads her to calling Geoff a "Chris clone." Geoff brushes it off, and the two go back to hosting. 

Geoff, "But three sweet guests tonight, and because they're such sports, they deserve something extra-"

Bridgette, "Owen already broke his jaw and had to eat food through a straw, that's punishment enough." 

Geoff chuckles, "Find out what's in store for my man Owen, let's see what the dude's been through already. Owen started the season much like he has begins every  morning, by eating-"

After the introductions, they bring out their first guest, which is Owen, who greets Izzy, Geoff, and Bridgette. Then he got sent straight into the "Truth or Electrocution" segment, where Billy the Intern placed the straps on him while Owen was holding an arm full of food. Owen begins to participate, and after Trent tells Owen to "tell the truth," Owen panics and starts going through a long list of wrongdoings he did as a child since he believes it is what "telling the truth" is about. 

Geoff, "So Owen, how do you feel about Chef when he broke your jaw? Furious? vengeful? think about this now, remember-" He did a zippy zappy electrocuted sounds.

Owen, "I wasn't mad, I didn't feel anything except lots of pain in my jaw."

Geoff, "Not mad, huh? you must have been really upset when Chris counted only Courtney's vote unfairly, booting you off the show..."

Owen, "No."

Geoff, "But you're gonna sue right?

Owen, "No."

Geoff, "Come on! You're telling me, your jaw was busted and you were cheated out of a million bucks and you're not even mad?"

Bridgette, "Easy Geoff."

Owen, "No, I mean, yes, I mean, I'm not mad."

Geoff, "Okay, I've got one more that's gonna get ya-" He got pulled by Bridgette to the couch and started scolding him. Geoff went back to ask Owen another question that he promised Bridgette that was gonna be the last but Owen started listing all of his problems on live TV. Geoff told Owen that he was broke, then blah blah, the cheese, blah. Bridgette dumped Geoff because he was acting different. The "that's gonna leave a mark" segment started and boom it just ended. 

"Bridge, come onnn," Geoff playfully said but Bridgette was giving him the silent treatment. "Owen, could you please tell Geoff to stop talking to me?"

Owen, "Geoff, Bridgette would like you to stop talking to her."

Geoff, "I can hear her, Bridge, let's talk about this."

Bridgette, "Owen, could you please tell Jeff that it's time to introduce our next tube guests."

Geoff, "Fine be that way-" 

Owen, "Geoff, Bridget says it's time to introduce, HEATHER AND LESHAWNA."

The audience cheered. 

Bridgette, "Um, Owen, kind of my job, big guy."

Owen, "Sorry."

Bridgette, "Heather and Leshawna are longtime rivals."

Geoff," They do have one thing in common, Heather tried to cover her ugly bald head."

Bridgette, "While Leshawna tried hard to cover her butt after getting caught in a big fat lie. In the end, the girls formed an unlikely friendship when Heather stood up for Leshawna when Leshawna didn't have a leg to stand on. Our next guests, have licked Owen's armpit, sucked jam from his bellybutton and even a cockroach- Oh wait, that was just Heather. Please, welcome Heather and Leshawna."

The audience cheered. Leshawna and Bridgette had a short reunion before they started the "Truth or Electric chair" Segment, again. Geoff announces that he will do all of the talking from that point on. Leshawna is surprised by the chair, while Heather is indifferent and took a seat.

Geoff, "So Heather, before you were voted off, Courtney was brought, do you think she's a worthy competitor?" 

Heather, "No-" She then got electrocuted

Geoff, "What about (Y/n)?"

Heather, "I guess-? *shock* yes! *nothing happened*"

Geoff, "Didn't she lie to you?"

Heather, "Yeah, but everyone does that right? besides, she was just playing the game. I applaud her for that." She said in a bitchy tone but smiled, thinking that (Y/n) was something. 

Geoff, "Do you think Lindsay's dumb as she looks?"

Heather, "Yes."  She was electrocuted, making Geoff laugh. "This is too easy, do you think Beth could be a threat?"

Heather, "Beth, absolutely not." *another electrocution.*

Bridgette, "Owen, could you tell Geoff, I'd like to go?"

Geoff, "She's all yours, Bridge baby," He said as he walked back to the couch and sat next to her. Bridgette rolled her eyes before smiling to the audience. "I think It's time for a little-never-before-seen  footage."

The audience clapped, Heather scoffs, "Of me? there isn't anything I've done or said off camera that's any worse than what I'll say right now."

Bridgette, "Oh-hooo, we'll see about that." She chuckles.

They all looked at the screen, at first it showed Harold doing tricks with his yo-yo and Heather following him but ends up knocking her head."

The audience laughed, Heather wasn't pleased though, "That video was obviously altered, I would never!" She said and crossed her arm but Leshawna started laughing even more, "I thought we were friends!" She yelled out. Leshawna smiled in response, "Oh we are girl, but that doesn't make you look any less funny. Oh I sure miss Harold."

Geoff, "Speaking of which, it's your turn in the chair, Leshawna."

Bridgette, "Woah, after what happened on the show, I think Leshawna's suffered enough." 

Leshawna, "Oh, I've learned my lessons all right, this girl's never lying again."

Geoff, "Don't worry, we're had so much fun with Heather, I'll go easy on her." 

Leshawna, "There'll be no FEMEN over here, lamb on me."

Geoff, "So, Heather defended you before she was booted from the show, you honestly think she meant what she said? I mean, this is Heather."

Leshawna, "Oh course, I believe her, don't get me wrong, girl can be a real witch but she stood up for me, and where I'm from, that counts for a lot." 

Bridgette, "Leshawna, did you blame people for being mad? you know with the whole spa thing in the video? "

Leshawna, "Heck no! I'd have been mad at me too, listen, I know I said all those nasty things but I meant all the nice things I said even more."

Geoff, "We've got a question on webcam. Harvey from Yellowknife."

Leshawna waved, "Hey there, Harvey, what's your question?"

Harvey, "Uh Hi Leshawna, are you mad at Harold for voting you off?"

Leshawna, "No, I'm not mad at my sugar baby. Cutthroat Courtney got to him plus, it's my own fault, he couldn't trust me. This girl's messed up."

Harvey, "So uh is there like hope for you two? 

Leshawna, "Now what kind of a question is that? Harold and I are just friends and that's all we'll ever be." The audience clapped. 

Blah blah, Geoff showed the Courtney cam where Harold was going his yo-yo tricks and Leshawna was at the side, admiring him and doing the lovey-dovey eyes. Leshawna then admits that she still likes Harold, but only as a friend.

Leshawna, after getting unstrapped, protests to Geoff, stating that he used to be a real nice guy, but now is "all kinds of nasty." Bridgette and Owen concur while Heather says that she is proud of Geoff's new attitude, due to it being similar to hers. Bridgette, Heather, Leshawna, and Owen all force Geoff into the electric chair for a change, in consent with Bridgette's idea. Bridgette then asks him if the "new him" is really him. He lies and says it is "the new him all the way," and gets shocked. Heather asks Geoff about who he thinks is the hottest girl in the show, which annoys Bridgette. They end up asking him what he thinks about Bridgette, to which he answers that he is crazy for her, after getting shocked yet again due to saying that he "doesn't need her." Geoff apologizes, and Bridgette, pleased about how he feels about her, makes up with him. They sign off the episode and begin to . Owen then causes the electric chair to go off, which creates a power outage in the entire studio, prompting him to end the show with an apology. Yeah, (Y/n) wasn't mention that much.


Exclusive clip:

The power was able to be brought back to the studio. Geoff has been placed on a stretcher after his ordeal in the electric chair. Bridgette is at his side, tending to him, while Owen sits in their hosting chair talking about the device. He is happy that he was able to help Bridgette to turn Geoff back to his old self. He states that Geoff forgot that there are things in life to be thankful for. Owen excitedly brings up that now he has a cheese cellar to enjoy. He jumps up and starts dancing, hitting the stretcher and sending Geoff backstage with a loud crashing noise. Owen apologizes for his mistake.


pff I used the wiki recap for this one and rewatched the episode a bunch of times sksksksk also does anyone know where to read the transcripts? cause like they deleted them for some reason ;-;



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