Chapter 21: Get a Clue

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*Once upon a time on Total Drama Action. There was a princess trapped in a tower, well, okay, Courtney got stashed in some tower set for a couple of hours, but still, a bunch of knights went to rescue her along the way. Some were lost, dreams were crushed, and a dark knight prevailed. They and Princess Courtney shared a heated kiss and lived happily ever after, until... the dark knight showed their true color during confessionals, and oh yeah, Prince Justin got the boot, and this is Total Drama Action!*

"Breakfast taco? Is that all chef knows how to make now, Mexican-themed breakfast foods?" Harold continued to complain as I laid my head on the table. I was bummed, I couldn't contact Gwen because she didn't pick the phone up; I even waited all night just in case, but yeah...

I looked up as they were talking about the flash drive. "What if there's something on it? Something all challenge-y?" Lindsay suggested and Beth nodded, "Only one way to find out. Stick it in Courtney's PDA." Courtney looked up from her PDA to face them and grimaced, "My PDA isn't going anywhere near the goober-coated thing-- Hey!" Courtney shouts as her PDA is pulled from her hand by Duncan.

"I thought you wanted to win this." Duncan says as Courtney sighs, "Do what you have to do." Duncan plugged in the flash drive to Courtney's PDA. There was a beep after it was connected, and the screen showed Chris. "I hope you all had a filling breakfast. It was so delish. I was practically on cloud nine. I could've had a dozen of them. Haha. But enough about breakfast. It's eighty-six this combination. Uh, I mean, conversation."

"So weird. I think maybe Chris needs a vacation." Beth blurted out since Chris was acting weird in the video recording. "Right now," Chris continued, "I'm going to relax in a nice safe ad secure place. And get ready for today's challenge. You're probably wondering what the challenge is. It will remain a mystery until you find me. Hopefully, you'll clue in and track me down. But in the meantime, I'm going to crack open a soda and relax. See ya."

The video ended, and we all stared at each other. "Unless there's a killer reward, I'm not gonna bother finding Chris. I could use a day off from that wiener." Duncan grumbled, and I snorted in response. "I'm with Duncan. Let Chris wait for us." Harold agreed.

Lindsay agreed and suspected that maybe Chris was dead since Chris did mention in the video that was a hint, said that he was on 'cloud nine,' which is like Heaven, and goes on to say that since the common thing to do with dead people is bury them, and we should start to dig. We all stared at each other as it sounded ridiculous. However, Courtney eventually figured out the clues, saying, "Go figure, I've got a brain."

"Hey! I was the one who said Chris was giving clues!" Lindsay exclaimed and Beth replied with, "You did, sweetie." making Lindsay growl. 

(Confessional On)

Beth: I felt really bad for Lindsay, but that was some really good thinking on Courtney's part. Safe and secure? Genius!

(Confessional Off)

The others got up and left to follow Courtney as Lindsay wanted some credit, I got up from my chair, walked by Lindsay, and patted her shoulder. "Thanks, I guess." I told her after all she wanted a thanks and left, following the others.

At the bank heist challenge, I was standing next to Harold, watching Duncan and Courtney's interaction. "So, what's the plan, Heistmeister?" He asked crossing his arms. "Try cleaning out your ears and listening for a change? Chris said the combination. Right after he talked about cloud nine, and he could've had a dozen breakfast burritos? and then he said eighty-six!" Courtney scoffed and opened the safe, making it creak as it opened. 

The door opened, showing Chris in a detective outfit and holding onto a pipe. "What's my prize?!" Courtney whined, and I winced slightly from how she had acted since yesterday. She's been throwing tantrums and acting like a spoiled brat. "Hmm. I hardly recall having mentioned any sort of prize." Chris said in a cockney accent before coughing from the pipe. "But thanks for releasing me. It was getting stuffy in there." He spoke, now returning to his normal voice. 

"You're not smoking?!" Courtney shouts and I snickered as Chris didn't smoke. "What? Oh no, of course not." He responded by chomping on the pipe he was holding, making Courtney grimace. "What? It's chewing tobacco." Chris joked, making the others say "Ew!" in disgust. "Nah, just kidding. It's black licorice." He snickered making everyone exclaim ew once more. "Yeah, you're right-" Chris spat the remaining chunks out. "That stuff's disgusting."

Chris then introduced today's theme, "It's time for mystery movie day! I've got a challenge for each of you. Tonight, you're to meet me at the train station set."

"I have a train set in my garage at home! It runs on solar power." Harold commented; Chris stared at him before saying, "... Fascinating..." He then explained we needed to gather the evidence from any of the other competitors. 

(Confessional On)

Duncan: All you have to do is go to the provincial police headquarters. You can get all my info there. *crosses arms*

(Confessional Off)

"Which means, it's in your interest to prevent the other guy from getting your deets. Now go pack overnight bag and get me my clues." 

"I am going to get a prize. I promise you that." Courtney smugly says. 

Back at the trailers, Lindsay and Courtney were arguing about something while I was sitting by the entrance, glancing at them. Courtney then offered Lindsay a spa treatment; I watched as she dragged Lindsay away. 

I turn to the guys' trailer where Duncan walked out and almost (not really) got caught in Harold's elaborate trap, which Duncan sidesteps to avoid. I was amused as Duncan didn't even ruin Harold's trap till the last second, clearly he wanted to see it through. I watched as Duncan pulled Harold from the bushes and jumps on him, getting his DNA sample by grabbing Harold's hand and placed it in the mud before putting it on the blue print. Duncan noticed me watching them from the girl's trailer and smirked, "Already collected yours?" He asked and I shook my head. 

"Not yet, kinda not in the mood to do any challenges today." I told him and watched as he grabbed some hairs from Harold before letting go of Harold after winking at him and ran over to me, grabbing me by the wrist and ran away. I looked at him confused when we stopped, then threw me the sample, I caught it with wide eyes. "You serious?" I asked, amused. He nods, "Can we take a walk?" He asked and I put the sample in my pocket.

It oddly felt nice to just walk with Duncan again in silence. Once we got to our old hangout spot, I immediately took a seat while Duncan leaned on the wall and cleared his throat. "So," He started as I looked up at him, "You're off today..." He said awkwardly, "Something bothering you?" He asked. I shifted on my seat, "Yeah." I simply told him. "Courtney?" He joked, trying to lighten the mood. 

I chuckled, shaking my head, "No, she's annoying but it's not that. Anyways, what's the favor you wanted to ask me?" I asked him.  He sighed and scratched the back of his neck and crossed his arms, "Oh, it really wasn't a favor, I just wanted a second opinion," He said awkwardly, "Courtney asked me on a date or something earlier, should I go?" 

I looked at him, not really bothered he was sort of vulnerable right now since we did have late night talks before when we were exploring around the film lot. "I mean, if you wanted to then go," I told him. "What's stopping you?" I asked, curious. "Nothing." he shrugged and I smiled at him, "Then there you go, have fun with the date." 

"By the way, did you get any samples?" I asked him, "Yeah, gave it to you." Duncan reminded me, I looked around the place and noticed a marker on the ground. I pulled one of the posters and made my hand print on it, then plucked my hair and willingly handed it to him. "You can have mine." 

*time skip*

We were at the train station, I noticed Duncan was slightly annoyed, "What happened?" I asked, "It was a fake date just to get my deets." He muttered and I sneered looking at Courtney who was far away from us. "What a bitch." 

We all gave our samples to Chris, except for Lindsay while Courtney hands in two samples. "So, where's my prize?" She enthusiastically said. "Sorry, Courtney. It's not a prize time yet." Chris told her, making her let out a frustrated grunt. "Make it prize time." 

"I'm trying to do my job here!" Chris scolded, "Maybe I should get my lawyers to do their job?" She smirked, holding her PDA while Duncan and I exchanged looks. Due to her whiny persistence, Chris ended up giving Courtney a bag of cheese puffs that he was going to have on the train to shut her up. Courtney was about to get on the train but Chris stopped her, "Heyyy, I haven't even said 'all aboard' yet." He says annoyed before grinning, "All aboard!" He shouts as the train whistled. 

Inside, Chris took everyone's prints as a regulation to ride the train, "Welcome aboard the 7:30 to Funville. Let the party begin." Chris told us and brought out a tray of food for everyone, "There's a party? Awesome!" Harold cheered. "And it's for all of us? Awesomer!" Beth grinned. Duncan and I was seated on the seats next to each other while Lindsay joined us in front. 

"This is great, and we all get to share this, huh, Courtney?" Lindsay spoke while Courtney rolled her eyes, "Whoop-de-doo. I'm sticking with my delicious exclusive cheese-flavored cheese-type prize snacks." She scoffed. "Can I have one?" Beth asked and Courtney glared at her, "Did you win them?" before chewing on her cheese puffs. "Spoiled kid." I snickered to Duncan who smirked in response, agreeing. 

The lights were then shut off, "Who shut off the lights?" Harold asked then we heard Chris, "Um. You can't kill the host! Ah, ooh!" He grunts and the lights turn back on, and on the floor of the train lies the dead body of Chris McLean. I knew it was a rubber dummy but dang it was realistic I paled. "Dead dead?" Lindsay asked as Duncan was up close the body. Duncan held rubber Chris' hand to check his pulse and let it go, "Yep. Totally dead." Duncan spoke. "No, that's not possible. I never got a decent prize. Harold, give him CPR!" Courtney whined as she walked towards Chris' dummy. Duncan and I stood up as Harold walked up next to us, "You picked the right guy. I'm a licensed paramedic. Did you know that CPR is actually a whole series of assessments and air connecti-" 

"Just do it, Harold! He's not breathing!" Lindsay says concerned. Harold kneeled to the ground and started performing CPR. "Still no pulse." He sighed. "You forgot the check the breathing and push hard and fast against his chest." I spoke, leaning against my palm and Harold groaned but did the proper way of doing CPR, I just internally grinned as I messed with him slightly, having to give actual CPR to dummy Chris. 

"So, um... what do we do?!" Beth panicked. "I've failed him!" Harold cried as he and Beth was running around the train cart in panic, "Oh the humanity!" Lindsay was pointing at the body screaming and crying while holding onto me, I patted her back, pretend screaming but I played along and it was fun to scream for no reason. Harold and Beth screamed and bumped onto each other, making them fall onto the ground.

"Would you pull it together, losers? We've got to figure this out!" Duncan groaned pulling Harold and Beth from the ground by their collars to pull themselves together. Lindsay then compares the situation to her trip to a girl at her cheering camp while I went back to take a seat, after a while Duncan went back to his seat next to me with a bored expression while Harold sat in front of us, Beth leaned onto Harold's chair and sat there while Courtney was arms crossed next to Duncan. The story lead to nowhere after Lindsay was done talking. Courtney ignores her and asks if anyone except Lindsay has any ideas. Harold directs Beth to call the train's conductor, but no one answers.

"We're trapped! We're all gonna die!" Lindsay screamed. 

"Is everyone here really that gullible? Yeah, Chris just happens to croak right here in front of us, and we can't reach anybody?" She states walking over to the body and kicked it with a grunt, making me wince. "He's probably not even dead!" She says frustrated and kicked the dummy harder. "I only watched when you guys had to jump out of a place. You guys were in that episode. Doesn't anyone remember that there was no plane?" She asked as she continued kicking the dummy aggressively, I had enough and got out of my seat, as Duncan moved for me to get out.

"I guarantee the crew is just shaking the train car. And the window view is a holographic projection. This is obviously all make beli-" I pulled Courtney away from the dummy as she really went all in kicking it, "Courtney, chill. You didn't have to kick Chris's body, even if this was fake, that'd still be disrespectful." I scolded her, she scoffed and removed my hands from her with a glare, I gave her a glare back and sat on the table between Harold and Duncan. 

"Okay, everyone. We've got to chill out and get back to the studio. Which will happen most effectively when I tell the producers that this violates my contract." She scoffed, grabbing her PDA and gasped. "No bars? How does my PDA have no bars?" She exclaimed. Lindsay walked over to the body and did the outline around Chris' dummy just like in the movies. 

Courtney then ordered Duncan to climb out of the ceiling hatch and go find Chef or anyone available. "Why do I get to be the lucky one?" He groaned. Courtney leaned onto him seductively, "Because... you're the only one that can handle it." Duncan rolled his eyes and pushed her off, I gagged when she did that. 

I helped Duncan up the ceiling hatch as I was standing on the table, then the lights went out and back on when I heard him banging on the hatch, I opened it and he fell in. "Yeah... It's a real train. And I won't be going back out there again." He grumbled and took a seat. Harold went Sherlock, "I'm gonna go check if Chris is in one of the other cars." I spoke, walking over to the door and Duncan followed me. Which was unexpected but I let him anyways.

We went through the cars, gossiping about Courtney when we found Chris chewing on some snacks in the train conductor's car, he beckoned us over. "Don't tell the others, it'll ruin the episode. It's a murder mystery after all." He offered us some of the snack. I declined as Duncan grabbed some, Chris grabbed my favorite juice box from his pocket and threw it at me. I caught it and immediately stabbed it with the straw and drank it. "Thanks."

Chris chewed on his snack before looking up at us again, "So, who's leading?" He asked, "Courtney and Lindsay, well, trying to."  I replied. "What will I get if I don't tell the others" Duncan asked curiously, Chris shrugged. "I'll tell you the next theme." He says nonchalantly, after all this was going to be an advantage for Duncan. After Chris revealed the theme.

We went back and all of them were staring at Duncan. "The other cars are empty," Duncan asked, before noticing their stares, "What?" Courtney rolled her eyes. "These nitwits think you did it." making me snicker. 

"Chris refused to give Courtney a reward, which clearly upset her." Harold spoke. "And she's your love interest." Lindsay added making me howler and lean onto Duncan for support cause this was gold. "That's called a motive." Beth joined in. 

"Love interest? She made me go up on the roof and she stole my prints and DNA!" Duncan says offended. "The closest thing as my love interest here is (Y/n)." He added, patting me, I looked at him teasingly, not noticing Courtney was super annoyed. "That's cute, anyways, that hair could've fallen off Duncan's head when we found the body." I told the others but they were persistent and Harold handcuffed Duncan to the wall. They also handcuffed me to for siding and making an excuse for Duncan, which was fine. 

I was sitting next to him, "Ooohh, didn't see us get cuffed together." I teased and noticed his uncomfortable expression, "You okay there?" I asked, he responded with, "This feels a little too familiar for comfort." I gave him a pat. "Ugh, the others won't listen to me They keep listening to--" Courtney groaned in front of us. Lindsay then gave some commands to Harold and Beth to search for more clues. Courtney walked over to Lindsay and confronts her, Lindsay stated that she could be just as right about this as anybody.

I leaned onto the wall, comforting Duncan who was uncomfortable with the handcuff as everyone was in their own worlds. Courtney surprisingly managed to get Harold to assist her in trying to stop the train so we all can get off of it. "What if we throw something into the path of the wheels to stop them?" Beth suggested, Harold then agreed, "That sounds like a good idea. Hey!" Courtney throws Harold's magnifying glass down, shattering it. Harold throws down several items to attempt to stop the train, which all get thrown back at him, including feathers and a soda bottle.

Duncan laughed, "Now throw a fur coat and let's see how he'd look as Bigfoot." He snickered. Lindsay noticed a napkin next to Chris' body, "Aha!" She exclaimed, Harold played the ominous keytar. "Sorry. Continue." He spoke when Courtney glared at him. 

Lindsay then presented her finding, "Here we have a suspicious napkin covered on opposite ends with some kind of orange power, as though it was held like a murder weapon! And here we have Courtney eating a bag of orange Cheezies, which she refused to share. Therefore, Courtney was the only one to have orange fingers!"

"Oh this is ridiculous." Courtney rolled her eyes, "Really? The prints don't lie." Lindsay backed up. "I was framed. Who are you going to believe?" Courtney said and I knew she was gonna throw another insult at Lindsay so I spoke up, "I would believe her just to spite you." I snickered. "Also, you clearly don't like Chris, even went as far as kicking his body on the ground. I don't know, sounds like a murderer to me." I teased and Lindsay nodded, "Cuff her!"

The door opened, revealing Chris who was having the time of his life, dragging the dummy behind him. "Oh, I really had you guys. I look good in rubber, don't you think? Cracker Jack special effects, dudes." He says proudly, holding onto the realistic rubber dummy. "Whoa, coolio! How do I get a rubber Harold?" Harold asked, which Chris replied, "Threaten to quit your hosting job unless they give you an extra big budget to psych the kids out."

Chris then revealed that Lindsay won as she was the one who solved the crime. Courtney, you guessed it, threw another hissy fit and said that she was innocent. "They all say that." Chris shrugged. "The reward that Lindsay will be enjoying tonight is a night at the movies with a friend of her choice." 

"Oh! it's been so long since I've been to the movies!" Beth says, Chris turned to Duncan and I, raising a brow. "Why are they cuffed up?" He asked as Lindsay grabbed the key and set both Duncan and I free. "Sorry that we all accused you, and for not listening to you." Lindsay apologized to us. "Happens all the time. No probs." Duncan says nonchalantly and rubbed on his wrist, standing up and pulled me up as well.

"Wanna go to the movies with me?" Lindsay asked, looking up at Duncan as Beth and Courtney gasped. "Can I ask him?" Lindsay then asked, looking at me. "Why are you asking me?" I asked back, confused. "You're his love interest." She simply said, making me snort as Chris groaned. "Fine by me." I nudged Duncan. 

*time skip*

Duncan agreed to go to the movies with Lindsay and I went back to the trailer with Beth where we found Courtney throwing another hissy fit, when Beth and I walked in, she pretended nothing happened, "Oh please I don't care about Duncan." 

With Duncan and Lindsay. They were watching Chris' movie on screen, "It's not badminton, it's goodminton! Heck, it's greatminton!" Chris dramatically said on screen. "So, uh..." Lindsay spoke, turning to Duncan. "Yeah?" Duncan asked, not ignoring her. "Oh, nothing." Lindsay says. Duncan looked back at the screen then back at her awkwardly, "Eh, this should be good, huh?" He asked her making Lindsay nod, "Yeah."

"Oh right, are you and (Y/n) dating?" Lindsay asked out of curiosity, "Nah, we're close friends, kinda casual but we're friends." Duncan asked as Lindsay nodded and they both watched the movie.

(Confessional On)

Lindsay: I really should've brought Beth. At least we'd have something to say to each other. But it was a good strategistical, logical move. Because it messed with Courtney's head.

Courtney: This. is. not. FAIR! *throws another tantrum*

Beth: How can I be mad at Lindsay? Watching Courtney be jealous was the best! Especially when she tired to pretend she didn't care. 

Courtney: *in denial* Who cares? Heh. Not me. I couldn't care less! Heh. Not if I tried to care less. I do not... *voice breaks* care. NOOOOO--

(Y/n): Oh please tell me they watched Chris' movie, the one with zombies and the badminton. *snickers* I love the line that went, "It's not badminton, it's goodminton! Heck, it's greatminton!"  *says dramatically*

(Confessional Off)

"I gotta tell you. It's great to be able to share some quality time with someone who really gets me... Popcorn? No? Really though. It's a relief to be with someone I actually like and you've got the most adorable no.." Chris says admiring his rubber replica and noticed the camera and chuckled nervously, "Oh, You're here. Uh, well, um... Tune in next time for more movie madness on Total. Drama. Action!" Chris signs off the episode. 

Exclusive Clip:

Lindsay was holding onto popcorn in the confessionals. "Going to the movies with Duncan? It reminded me of ordering a megacombo at the movies—at first, you think it's gonna be fun: Courtney's losing her mind; Duncan's pretty okay most of the time; the butter's glistening off of the popcorn. Good, right? But by the time the previews are over, you've eaten half the bucket, finished the drink, and you're feeling a little bit sick." She says and burps. "But I guess, thankfully he didn't ignore me the whole time, he actually replied with my questions."


Pls follow me at (actually you don't have to)
Instagram = @Uriel_Sinclair / @ur.real.clown
Youtube / Tiktok = @withurie

Oh right I have a webtoon, it's just a silly one shot comic of my character Diwata (It's called Diwata's Diary)

NOTE: 20/7/24 - suddenly had the motivation to continue this chapter cause last time I updated was 2022 lmao ALSO I'll be aging them up to 18 cause idk its weird for me to continue this while they're still 16 and I'm like 20 💀

NOTE: 21/7/24 - not proofread btw also I'm open for art commissions (Icon art just for 5-8 usd, depending on the complexity) just dm me on instagram 👀

Example: (same pose and style btw)




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