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Tuesday 11:30


I walked around school with William and some of the other penetrators, I have missed Masja so much and I may or may not have been forced to prove that I can claim Masja, and it's starting now.

I haven't talked to her since before Christmas, I winked at her to the Christmas tree lightning but she just ignored me I was so confused by this what did I do to her?

"Chris have you heard any new rumours? I heard some say that Masja like disappeared in Christmas no parties and she wasn't even in the city?" William said and looked at me, "cool" I answered and fumbled with my phone.

"what's up with you bro?" He asked and stopped walking and so did the others, William told them to leave us alone and they did.

"Nothing is up with me William" I said and looked into my phone, "bullshit tell me" he said and snatched my phone, "Masja haven't talked to me all Christmas! I have been freaked out!and I don't even know what I did to her?" I explained.

William looked down and said "ohh" the boy knows something.

"What is it?" I asked desperate, "nothing what do you mean?" He asked and looked nervous, "bull!! William tell me or I'll tell Noora about your little Crush on her" I threatened.

"Jeez okay! It's just before Christmas, one of the guys saw that you and Masja had texted, and sent her a text to meet by the lockers, and then eventually as you wouldn't show up, she would think that you ditched her" William said and looked down.

"Fuck!!! Did she show up?!" I asked, "yes she waited for you for like 10 minutes, and she kept calling and texting you" William said and I pushed him back, "FUCK YOU!" I snapped and left him.


We went to lunch and saw Isak and a girl from the Pepsi max buss making out big time! I looked at Isak and he saw me and he smiled and I winked at him, then pouted, "now we can't play games anymore" I whined and hugged Eva in sorrow and she laughed at me, "not funny Eva" I fake cried and she, Vilde and Noora laughed louder and then the others joined.

We ate and talked and then I decided I needed someone to talk to, "Eva can you help me with something?" I asked and nodded at the entrance, "yes of course" she said and stood up with me.

we walked out and as we went through the doors an arm grabbed mine, "Hey wait Masja" Chris said as I saw it was him I rolled my eyes.

"we need to talk" he said, "I don't want to talk" I said and my face expression was blank, "well then listen to what I have to say" he said, "go on?" I said and he rolled his eyes, "alone" he said and I sighed and looked at Eva she nodded understanding, she left and we stood alone in the hall, "what?" I snapped.

"Okay, I'm sorry Masja, I really am I'm not sure if this is the reason you're mad at me but when you got the text saying you to meet me, that wasn't me! I didn't even know, William just told me and they watched you waiting for me, Masja I'm so sorry" he said and looked down.

I shrugged "it's okay they're idiots but that's not just the reason I'm mad at you, but thanks for letting me know that it was all a prank" I said and then got ready to leave.

He grabbed my arm again, "wait why are you mad at me then?" He asked and I looked at him, "I know about you claiming me, and I know that it's all just a bet so I won't fall for your bullshit!" I said and looked at him dead.

He looked shocked and then he opened his mouth to say something but he didn't, "that's what I thought, goodbye Christoff" I said and left him there.
Sooooo what happened to Masja during Christmas?!

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