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Friday 12:08


I have been hooking up with girls in the break, even though they were nothing compared to Masja! We were on our way back home and we had just dropped off some of the guys, and I just went with William home, "will? Are you really in love with Noora?" I decided to ask.

"yeah I think I am, she's nothing like the others girls and the way she smiles and laughs it's just breath taking!" He said and I looked at him, Jesus the boy is in love.

"What about you? are you head over heels for Masja?" He asked and looked at me, and I looked down,

"I-I don't know I guess not, she's just a girl a nice fuck and all, but we're both players so how is that ever supposed to work out?" I said, I have been trying to stop texting Masja so much, because of this.

"Christoffer! fucking! Schistad! You're in love! You can't just throw that away! You need to do something soon or else I will! I see the way you look at her when she isn't looking and when she smiles, laughs or says your name, you look at her like she's a goddess" William said.

He was probably right, but how would I know how to control myself in a relationship? Oh wait I'm already under control! Or was I? I didn't hookup before this break! And it was all just for Masja, the gorgeous, beautiful, sweet, sassy girl, she's gonna be mine! In the end she will be mine!

"I know, but I guess I'm scared? Ya know? I have never been in a real relationship where I don't fuck anything up or cheats on the girl" I said and looked at him,

"you'll have to find that out buddy if you truly love her and wants her you'll find the way" he said and then we arrived at his place.

Monday 9:30


We sat on the bench in school, the girls talked and I kept wondering what happened to Chris? He has been....off? I sighed and then Vilde came up to us and then looked at me weird, well that was weird??

"Ehm Masja, I just heard some rumours going around and it's about you..." she said and trailed off, "okay? And??" I said.

"people are saying that you hooked up with some guys in the break, and it looks Pretty bad Masja...." she said "what? who? I was with you guys all break??" I said confused?

"I don't know, but their girlfriends are looking for you! they want to beat the living shit out of you!" Vilde said fast,

"what?! I didn't even do anything?!" I said, "I know! But you need to take a break from hookups!" Vilde said, "okay yeah okay I'll do that" I said and then we went back to another conversation.

So now people are using my name and reputation? Really? Seriously?!


The girls and I stood outside in the courtyard and talked, then I noticed the penetrators standing a few meters away, then it was like things went into slow motion, because a voice said, "Masja Pettersen?" I turned around "yes?"  I said confused.

Then a fist came connecting with my nose probably breaking it, the other girls behind the girl, started to throw punches at me but Eva, Noora, Chris and Sana started fighting back, but Vilde jumped up and down screaming, Noora and Eva got my back and fought back and Sana and Chris helped.

The girl in the front that punched me, started to stick her nails in my arm, I grabbed her hand in anger and pain I crunched her hand close and pushed her back, "get off!!!" I yelled at her, but then I was tackled to the ground and Eva tried to help, I got kicked and then punched.

Then my anger took over, I didn't stop fighting back, then I pushed myself up from the ground, and punched the brat in the face and then she fell back.

By now the penetrators got involved and I was picked up and walked away with, "get off of me!!" I yelled and hit the person on the back.

"Fucking whore!!!" The girl yelled at me, and I shot her a death glare that's it!!!

I tried to get down and I succeed and then I raced towards the girl again, but in the last second Chris came in front of me, and William grabbed me and held me tight from behind, so I couldn't move at all!!!

"Masja stop it!" "Fuck off!!" I yelled at them as William tried to keep me still.

Chris took my face in his hands "Masja you need to relax, just stop!" He said "don't fucking tell me what to do!" I said and I tried to get out of Williams hold

"let me go!!!" I yelled again and I could feel tears come up it reminded me of my dad when I was younger.

He used to grab me and lock me up until he could live with me being in the same room as him, I started to stop fighting and I noticed blood running from my face and my hands.

William felt my body fall together like jelly and he sat me down, I fell to the ground and Eva and Noora came to my side along with William and Chris.

"Masja! You okay? I'm sorry I tried I really did!" Eva rushed out, "it's okay, you did great, but you shouldn't have gotten into the fight" I said and looked at Noora and Eva, "guys come on, let's get out of here" William said and Chris helped me up and the others followed William inside.

We went into an empty class room, I sat down on a table and Chris stood between my legs and started to clean my face and then my hands, "you okay there?" He said and focused on my face, "yeah" I mumbled,

"where's the others?" I asked, "the guys got them away from the fight, I just texted them where we are so they'll probably get here" William said answering my question, I nodded

And then I did something that surprised even me, but I pulled Chris into a tight hug it was just what I needed right now, he tensed up by the hug but eventually fell into it and relaxed, i opened my eyes and saw William smile sweetly at us and the girls fucking took a picture!!!
Sooo someone used Masja's reputation and name as a cover for something she didn't do.

What's your opinion about that??

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