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~ I just realised that I messed up between the chapters compared to the episode of season 2! And I'm so sorry but now I can't really save it I have written a head of this story so I was thinking if it's okay with you, if I keep writing, but other things will happen too but it's still the same~

Sunday 9:45


I went to a party on my own though and that resulted in Chris and William being there too, I should have seen that coming.....

I was planning on treating my hangover in a slowly way, after last night! I need it!

But Chris Schistad came along with hangovers! So we were gonna treat them together. Pathetic!

We both groaned as the girl in the TV screamed, "shut that painful shit off!!" Chris yells or half whisper yells, and I do! I'm gonna cut my head off!

I groan and let my body fall down again....on Chris, he breathes heavily and I feel his chest rise and fall, our breath is at the same pace, I slowly find myself drift off, laying on a unbelievable amazing chest.

Chris Schistad, what did god think when he created you?

I looked up and saw Chris asleep already, I smiled and then fell asleep too. Then I felt him slip his arm around me and hold me even tighter.


I wake up to Chris slightly snoring, and he smiles in his sleep. Awww cute!!!

I poke his cheek, no reaction. Then I take a strand of my hair and plays with it on his cheek, to tickle him, yet again! No answer!!

I roll my eyes and then lick his cheek, and guess what! I got a reaction! But not the one I wanted, he just smirked and mumbled "you like it that way mas huh?" And then turned around taking me with him in the process, Damn he's strong!

Is he the freaking hulk or something?!!?

He's definitely still asleep, "oh Christoff" I moan to tease him in his sleep, lol?! He grunts or something like that, and then he shifts a bit,

I smirk and run my hand down his chest to his waistband of his underwear. Yes he still have pants on, but you can see his waistband. Duh.

He kind of moans a bit then grunts, yeah like sexual grunt thingy. This is fun!!

I'm playing with fire and I know it. And I love it! I run my fingers on his abs as his shirt suddenly! Out of no where lifts a bit? Enough to see his abs.....ooops??

I smirk and look if he's still sleeping, he is! And then I run my fingers in circles on his abs, and he shifts a bit again and then he starts moving like he's about to wake up. Fuck!

"Hmmm don't stop" he mumbles and then I close my eyes pretend to be asleep, and 10 seconds later the boy wakes up, looking confused around, probably thinking; why is my cheek wet? And why is my shirt up? And why do I have a boner on?!!! Wait what?

Oh god he's got a boner!! Ooops?

"What the fuck" he mumbles and then I can feel him look at me, to see if he woke me up, he moves me a little and then sneak his arm around me again and falls back asleep.

We stay like that until I hear a car door close and then someone ringing like a crazy bitch on my door bell, I groan and wake up, but Chris was faster and walks to the door, "hello?" I can hear him say,

"Is Masja here?" A voice ask and I know that voice!!!! Fuck!!!

I open my eyes completely and starts to wonder how do it get out of here??

I start running into all kinds of directions but i end up in the living room, stamping on the floor. FUCK!

"Yes she is, but she's sleeping" Chris says, and I peak around the corner, "nope not anymore I see" well fuck. Why me?!?

"Hey dad" I say and peak out from the corner scratching my neck, I see Chris look at me surprised, and he looks from me to my dad and continues like that a few times,

"Ehmm yeah sorry Christoff, this is my dad and this is Christoff" I say and awkwardly introduce them to each other, they shake hands and awkwardly stands there,

"well I have to go" Chris says and looks at his watch, "it was nice to meet you Mr. Pettersen" Chris says politely, "you too christoff" my dad says,

"oh it's Christoffer, Masja just calls me Christoff" chris says and then walk into the living room, to get his things and then I follow him out to the door.

"We will talk about this later you have a lot of explaining to do Mas!" He says in a deep voice, I roll my eyes "go fuck a duck" I say and smile sarcastically, "ha you wish! now text me when you can. Bye" he says and hugs me and then kisses my cheek and then leaves.

Well fuck, alone with the devil himself. Yaaay.
Fuck my life.

"So what are you doing here?" I say not even turning around to look at my dad, "I just came to see my favourite daughter" he says and smiles innocently,

"in fact your only daughter and cut the crap. Why are you here?" I say wanting to get to the point, to get him out of here fast.

"You know me so well Masja" he says and smirks, I gulp as I turn around being face to face with him, the piece of shit that ruined my life.

"What is it this time?" I say "your mom, she's in trouble again, it's such a shame isn't it?" He says ironically.

In case you were wondering my dad blackmails my mom, to get more money and he gets them via me. Perfect family.

"How's Carol? Your little slut. And tell me! How's my dear brother Daniel?" I spit at him, he slams his hand over my throat and pushes me back into the wall.

"What did you say? Say that again and I will shut that little mouth of yours. And Daniel is fine or haven't heard from him since you told him everything. So thanks for that. You ruined the family congrats! You deserve an award" he spits back.

"Nice how you think it's my fault you use my mom for money and popularity. And funny how you! Ruined this family and lied to Daniel for so many years! And how you beat me up and locked me up!! Just because you didn't want to look at me!!! HOW DID I RUIN THIS FAMILY!??! HUH?!!!  TELL ME!!!" I scream at him.

I push his hand of my throat, and push him back, "get out of my house before I call the cops" I yell, he looks amused by this but also scared,

"you wouldn't. And btw it's nice to see that what I did to you worked. You're a fighter. A hard girl to break, hate to say it but I'm impressed" he says circling me,

I control my breath as my anger is about to get the best of me, I can't hold it anymore. I turn around in a swift move and he apparently thought the same because a fist connected with my face and keeps punching me until I spit out blood.

That angered me even more, I give him a death glare and stand up, he's about to punch me again, but I grab his fist and crush it together, he cries out in pain. I wipe blood running out of my nose and mouth and laugh,

"I'm much more than you think pap, too bad you'll never see" I say and then take him outside and push him brutally into his car.


"Don't ever show up here again or I will get you locked up forever" I say without blinking, he nods and holds his side and then gets in his car and then drives away like a crazy man. Well he is but yeah.

Long brutal chapter sorry! And you got to know a little bit more about Masja's family secrets and I'm sorry if it was to brutal to you! <3

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