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~3k!??!!? Wow! Thank you so much! I can't describe how happy I am! You always make my day! I love you~❤️

Saturday morning 03:30


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@Magnussonwilliam: we killed it tonight! And I'm pretty sure these two agree, even though they're gonna deal with the worst possible hangover when they wake up.....
Tagged: @chrisschistad @masjaepett

Saturday 15:04


When I woke up this afternoon I really wished I hadn't, my head was killing me and I couldn't help but let tears slip out as I tried to find the painkillers, I finally found them and took 3 pills, then I stopped crying and drank some water.

I knew Noora and William was sleeping in my bed because me and Chris passed out on the couch, and not 5 minute after I hear slow weak footsteps behind me as I hold my head.

I feel arms sneak around me slowly, "hey" Chris whispers in a very small whisper, I smile and give him 3 painkillers too. He takes them immediately before looking through my fridge and finds some orange juice and drank the pills with it.

He sighs in relief and then looks at me with wide eyes if you can call it that, "holy shit your face? What happened last night?" He says and takes my head in his hands, I look at him confused before walking to a mirror.

I gasp as I see the huge bruise on my cheek and my nose looks bruised too, "I-I don't know" I say and then try to remember I only remember small pieces of last night, then it clicks. The yakuzas. My kitchen. Borkis. Punch delivered.

"It was the yakuzas they were here last night" I say confused after a few minutes as I could see Chris was trying to remember as well.

Chris' face hardens and he looks angry as fuck, "hey it's okay I remember that small part and I punched him 10 times worse back so it's okay" I say and put my hands on his cheeks.

He leans into the palm of my hand and then kiss it and then bring me into a kiss.

"Ahh you're awake!" A cheery voice says and I wince at the high tone and Chris does too, "omg my head!" I gasp and hold it painfully.

Noora starts laughing but then I slap my hand on top of her mouth to stop her, but then William appears and the same thing happens and I slap him instead not hard. But just enough to make him stop.

"Please tell me you didn't fuck in my bed?" I say hopefully looking at them, "no duh" Noora says and rolls her eyes, then Noora fumbles with her phone and then starts laughing...really loud!

"Keep it down!" Chris snaps or almost whispers, "omg you two have to watch this video! William took it last night!" Noora says and passes her phone to me as Chris rests his head on my shoulder to watch.

I press the play button and the video starts.

"Oh my god" both me and Chris says, "did we really do that!?" I say, "yeah you did" William says and laughs.

We apparently danced on the table and had a hot make out session on it and then we danced tightly against each other.......what a party.

After that we were all hungry and guess what we ordered? PIZZA! THAT'S RIGHT!

While we waited for the pizza we found a few movies to put on my TVs and then we sat in my couches and watched tv.

I cuddled with Chris in the couch and Noora and William were cuddling in the other couch, I smiled at Chris as I watched him watch the tv and slightly smile at what happened in the movie.

"You're staring" he suddenly said, I laughed a little and then looked down, "I'm not staring" I say and then hide my face in his chest, then the door knocked and William and Chris went to open.

It was the pizza and we shared it and started eating, and then a few hours later Chris and William went back to Chris' place as I found out that Nicolai Williams brother was back and he was apparently an asshole.

Make a mental note to not meet the bitch!

Noora stayed at mine and we just had fun, Noora just stayed a few hours before going home.
Hope you liked it and I have to tell you that this story doesn't have that long back😘

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