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Thank you for all the votes and comments! It makes me really happy! I love writing for you!❤️

Friday 13:04


I count the days without Chris, I don't know why I just do, maybe it's because I count to see how long I can live with the fact that he's not mine and he hates me.

Maybe I count till the day I'll leave this world? Who knows.

"Masja Pettersen please go to the principals office" the teachers suddenly says and I look up to see everyone look at me.

I nod and get my things and then walk towards the principals office, the secretary tells me to wait and that's when I see William walk in.

He looks at me and then looks down guilty, he was also told to wait, so he sat down almost next to me there was an empty chair between us.

"Did you get kicked out of class again?" William jokes suddenly, "well yeah they didn't like that I was coming drunk to school" I say and laugh, and so does he.

"How was London?" I carefully asks, "it was okay, I talked a bit with my dad but not much as always" he says and fumbles with his fingers.

"Great, what is the plan afterwards?" I ask, "Masja...-""you're leaving aren't you?" I say and feel my heart hurt, "Masja it's the best for me" he says and moves to sit in the chair next to me.

I can't believe it, first Chris now him? Noora too? What about her? And what about me and her?

"Yeah whatever keep telling yourself that. What about Noora? What about Chris? You know how much you mean to him? What about me? How can you just leave because of this?" I say getting slightly angry.

"Masja, Chris understands and he's the one to drive me to the airport later and Noora was the one to sleep with my brother. And I'm truly sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" he says and looks down.

I feel tears come to my surface and look away from him, "say something please" he says and tries to get me to look at him, "Masja" he says again.

"Well you did hurt us, you know how shitty my life is?! You're all leaving me!! I don't have anyone left!! Thanks for that! I thought I had you and Chris but now you're both gone!" I say and stand up.

"Masja you still have us! Chris is just being dumb! I told him what you told me I know that you didn't sleep with my brother! And he knows too! He's just scared! He doesn't know what to do! And I will always be here! I promise" he says and stands up with me.

Yeah promises are made to be broken, "promises isn't enough they can easily be broken, and Chris made it clear he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. And you don't want anything to do with me either. He's all I have William. He was the one to turn me around. He saved me" I say and then I turn around to leave.

"William Magnusson you can come in now" the principal says and William looks between us, he's about to open his mouth to say something to me, "Mr. Magnusson come in please" the principal says again.

I shake my head, "have a nice trip William. If you want text me to tell how it's going" I say and then turn around to leave.

I feel tears floating out of my eyes, as soon as I'm away from the office i break down, no one is there, but only did I know that Chris was sitting against a wall crying too.

I immediately wipe my tears away as I see him, I walk down the stairs and pretend to not have seen him.

I keep walking until a hand grabs my wrist, and I know who. I turn around being face 2 face with Chris, his eyes are red and puffy and I can tell it's not just from crying now.

"Masja..." he whispers and I look into his eyes and see his sadness and hurt, "we can't be seen together people will think I slept with you and my boyfriend will get angry" I say referring to him, he looks down guilty.

"I'm sorry I know you didn't do it. I was just an asshole. I was jealous and I was caught in the moment" he says still looking down.

"At least look at me if you have to admit that you know I didn't sleep with William's brother" I say, he looks up and smiles a little, "Masja, I know you didn't sleep with Nicolai. I was afraid and I believed what the asshole told us" he says this time looking me in the eyes.

"Thank you, but I thought you would believe me and not what other people says" I say and rip my wrist out of his grip.

"Masja, I am so fucking sorry! I can't use enough words to explain how sorry I am! I need you you're everything I've got! You're the only one who can make me show who I really am. You're the only one that can love me even on the other side of my barriers. You're the one for me Masja" he finally gets out.

I smile and I feel tears coming up again, "I love you Masja, and if I can't have you then I don't want to be on this earth" he says and then takes my hands in his.

"I love you too Chris" I say and then jump in his arms, he holds me tight as if he let go I would disappear, I hold him tight and then I let myself let go of the huge weight on my shoulders.

I am back where I belong. In his arms. And no where else.

"Masja" Chris says and then lets go of my a little, he looks in my eyes, "do you want to be mine again? Be the love of my life" he says, "yes of course!" I say and hug him again, then the thing we both have been missing secondly happens.

We both crash our lips together and we kiss, we both feel the electricity run through our bodies and all the love. We feel all of it.

"Chris we're leaving!" William suddenly says as he comes down the stairs, he stops and sees us, and we pull away.

"Congrats! I knew you two would make up" he says smiling then he comes to hug us, we both laugh at him but then he turns serious.

"But seriously we need to leave" he says, I nod understandingly, "I'll just get to my next class" I say and as I'm about to leave I'm getting pulled back and into a pair of strong arms, not like Chris' arms.

I hug William back, after 2 minutes we pull away, "I'll see you around Wilhelm. I expect to hear everything from you" I joke, and he smiles slightly, "I will" he says before he turns a little to walk down the stairs.

"Text me when you get home okay?" Chris says and kisses me on the forehead, I nod "Yes of course good luck" I say and kiss him. Then we both turn away from each other with the happiness filling us both.
Chris and Masja made up! <3
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