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Monday 9:39 am


So I missed one Halloween party that the girls went to, and apparently Eva hooked up with Chris(male), Vilde hooked up with William and Eva and Jonas' relationship was on the edge, and that's where you might ask, where were you that weekend?

Well, I was at a friends house, outside of the town and I was to a party Friday and Saturday, so I had a bad hangover Sunday, and as we stood there talking in front of the school some girls came towards us, and as Noora said; Eva don't turn around, but she did

A girl slapped Eva across the face, "Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled at her and stood in front of Eva, "get out of my way" she said and punched me in the face too and soon, all of us were getting into the fight I stood in the front so it was mostly me that got hit.

As i got punched all the time I got angry and I pushed them away from me and Eva and a couple of boys came to help separate us, "You're crazy!" I yelled in that girl I found out was named Iben's face "Fuck you!!" She yelled at Eva and me.

"oh my god Masja!" The girls said as they took a look at me my face, my lips was bleeding, and my nose was bleeding too.

We rushed into the hall, me and Eva in the front and people looked at us and then as we were about to get into the girls room, a hand grabbed my arm I turned to see Chris, great I thought, "whoa what happened?" He asked concerned

"Christoff keep your girlfriend in leashes!" I snapped and opened the door and we started cleaning up ourselves, and then the bell rung and we went to classes and said goodbye.

I sighed as we sat on the lunch table in the canteen thingy and I scrolled trough the text's I've gotten, I've got 4 from Penetrator Creep, 2 from the girl I was partying with in the weekend and some from a couple of guys.

I sighed and answered the ones from my friends and then the guys, I need a hookup like right now, I texted a guy that was hot AF and I texted him to meet me after school.

I ignored Penetrator Creep's texts all day, I didn't really care about him, and then I decided to skip the rest of the day, and went to meet that boy and we hooked up, and I was at his place for a few hours, then left, as he was sleeping.
Sooo yeah hope you liked it <3

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