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Friday afternoon 01:45 pm


I was at this huge amazing party with drugs, alcohol, hot boys and I couldn't get enough, I danced, fucked, drank and smoked, it kept going on like that, and I was about to fall when one of the hot guys catch me and he grabs me and takes me upstairs and I'm drifting away and then I get back in reality and it kept going on like that.

The guy started roaming my body, I told him no but he didn't listen I started screaming but he punched me "SHUT UP YOU F**king wh*re!" He yelled in my face and I started crying and screaming for help, without noticing I opened my phone and dialled a number, it picked up and I screamed, a voice shouted "hey whats going on? Hello? Hang on I'm coming up!"

And in within seconds I heard people yell and stamp on the floor as they made their way in and the last thing I saw was, William Magnusson's face, and a few boys that pulled the guy off of me, and beating the living shit out of the guy as William grabbed me and took me out of there.

Saturday 13:05 am


I woke up with my head soon to explode, I then realised that i was on a couch? I soon realised I wasn't home and got up in a rush that almost made me blackout....speaking off how the hell did I get here? Oh god what happened?

"You should lay down again, you need to rest Masja" a voice said serious, I turned around to see William, standing against the couch, "w-what happened? Where am I? How did I get here?" I asked without breathing, "ehm you should sit down to begin with" he said and scratched the back of his head and I sat on the other edge of the couch.

"Masja, I don't expect you to remember anything but, here's what I know; last night you were at a party, you got drunk, did drugs, and hooked up with people, it got out of hand and a guy tried to take advantage of you, while you were almost passing out, he tried to...h-he tried to ehm....rape you.

you called my number and I was luckily at the party with some of other guys from The Penetrators and I heard you scream and I could hear how scared you were, so I hurried up there and the guys followed, we found the room and stormed in and I got you out safely" he paused and waited to tell me the rest, to see how i was taking it.

He looked down and then told the rest, "after that we left and took you with me and took you to my place, and made sure you were alright, I stayed with you for a while to make sure you kept being alright" William finished.

And my eyes were tearing up, how could I let it go this far? I looked away and walked to the bathroom, and then puked, and then I washed my mouth, i then saw my face I had bruises and a little cut on my lip, I cried and sat in the bathroom floor for a few minutes, until someone knocked.

"Mas it's me please open the door" William pleaded and I crawled over and unlocked the door he walked in and saw me sitting there, he didn't hesitate to bring me into a hug,

"it's going to be alright I'll find that son of a bitch and kill him" he said and tried to comfort me, I didn't say anything and just burrowed my face in his chest.

•30 minutes later•

After me and William talked, we decided to go out of the bathroom, he grabbed my hand and we sat down on the couch again.

"Mas, I'm very sorry this happened, they always do this to some of the hottest girls, I'm sorry" William said and looked down.

"Do what?" I asked and looked at him waiting, "They make sure you drink a lot, and then when you're drunk, they start to offer you drugs, and then as you're almost passing out, they rape them" he finished

"What the fuck! Who does that?!" I muttered, then it hit me "wait do you know who that guy was, you know the that tried to..." I said and drifted of the sentence.

"No, but don't worry he won't get to do this again !" He said and looked worried, "okay uhm do you have any pills for my head?" I asked hopeful, and he nodded I followed him to the kitchen, after I got the pills, I started to try and find my things.

"I-I need to go but thanks for everything I owe you one, so don't hesitate to come and ask me!" I said and tried to find my things but gave up as I realised they weren't here, "wheres my things?" I asked and William looked nervous.

"Masja, you shouldn't be going out there, I mean in your condition, you still have hangover and you're probably still shocked, so you should stay here" William said, "Okay then" I said and sighed and so did he?

"Then wheres my phone?" I asked and William gave it to me, and then we talked the rest of the day, and we both agreed on never talking about this, and I ended up sleeping on Williams couch and he fell asleep on me....
Sooooo this one was long but I hope you liked it and all the drama ;))

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