FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

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***UPDATE*** Hi, this is Kat here :) It's 2021 now and apparently people are still reading this and debating each other in the comments, wow. Just a reminder that 1) even though I'm hardly ever on this account anymore, I still request that people be RESPECTFUL and MINDFUL of others in the comment section, and 2) as the author, I retain every right to delete any and all comments that users leave, especially if the comments are hateful or disrespectful, spread harmful misinformation, and/or target specific users, and/or if it is clear that the user(s) leaving comments have come to spam this book and/or other users without listening or reading the arguments within this book. Some older comments (e.g. from 2018 and earlier) may be left up here even if they fit my specific deletion criteria and at my sole discretion if and only if I believe that my responses to said comments are worth leaving up for other users to read. If a user refuses to stop spamming the comment section or is being particularly nasty to myself or others, I also retain every right to mute/block them and delete their comments. I have final say on all deletions and muting/blocking.

Where can I learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and what all of the labels mean?

Great question! First, you can read my chapter "What About the Other Letters?" in this book, as well as my chapter in Thoughts of a Doubting Christian called "What's With All The Labels?" There are also great online sources that you can find by typing "lgbt+ info" into Google.

Why does this book exist? Why did you feel the need to write this?

Homosexuality is a hot button topic in Christianity today, and while many fundamentalists are anti-gay, many Christians are not. I want to highlight the arguments for why being gay is okay and why many Christians are supportive of the LGBTQ+ community.

What about Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:1-13)? Didn't God destroy the cities because of homosexuality?

No, they weren't destroyed because of homosexuality. See my chapter "The Sin of Sodom and Gomorrah Was . . . What, Exactly?"

What about Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13? Aren't those pretty clear on what God thinks about homosexuality?

Unless you follow the rest of the rules laid out in Leviticus, including avoiding shrimp and mixed-fabric clothing (bye-bye, cotton polyester blend!), I suggest not cherry-picking these two verses to argue against homosexuality. See my chapter "What About Leviticus?"

But homosexuality is unnatural! Doesn't it say so in Romans 1?

Well, no. It's not as black-and-white as that. Romans 1 is about pagan rituals and idolatry, not homosexuality. See my chapter "What Does Paul Have to Say About This?" for more information.

What about 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and 1 Timothy 1:9-11?

The translations of these verses are actually a point of contention and debate. See my chapter "What Else Did Paul Say?" for a full analysis.

But God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! Doesn't that show that God only supports marriage between a man and a woman and nothing else?

See my chapters "Didn't God Create Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve?" "What About 'Traditional' Marriage?" and "What Did Jesus Say?"

You can't argue that being gay is okay because [insert something about biblical inerrancy or God never changing]. How can you reject biblical inerrancy?

See my chapters "What is Biblical Inerrancy?" and "Is the Bible Inerrant?"

But homosexuality is unnatural, I just know it is! [Insert something about how animals don't have permanent same-sex couples, how sex is solely for reproduction, or how homosexuality should've died out through evolution.] How do you explain this?

Those claims are all false. Homosexuality is actually perfectly natural.I go over all of the above and more in my chapter "Isn't Same-Sex Attraction and/or Behavior Unnatural?"

Homosexuals choose a gay lifestyle, don't they? Can't they just "become" straight? Aren't they mentally ill?

No. Sexual attractions are not a choice one way or another, and homosexuality is definitely not a mental illness. See my chapter "Then Homosexuality Must Be a Choice or a Mental Illness, No?"

Once we allow homosexuality, won't we [insert some slippery slope fallacy here about accepting bestiality, pedophilia, etc.], because aren't they similar?

Absolutely not! This one of the worst and most offensive arguments imaginable. See my chapters "Isn't Homosexuality the Same as Bestiality, Pedophilia, or Other Paraphilias?" and "Are There Any Other Anti-Gay Arguments?"

I'm against homosexuality because it's inherently harmful. I'm doing this for their own good, so why am I the bad guy here?

Actually, homosexuality is not harmful, and I go over all of the reasons why not in my chapter "But Homosexuality is Harmful, Right?"

Isn't being gay caused by child abuse or sexual abuse?

No. In fact, it is highly plausible that instead of child abuse "causing" gayness, queer children are at higher risk of abuse than their straight peers, just as queer adults are at higher risk of sexual assault and harassment than their straight peers. See my chapter "Are There Any Other Anti-Gay Arguments?"

Isn't being gay caused by lack of proper parental role models of the same sex?

No. In fact, kids grow up equally well-adjusted in households with a traditional mother-father unit or a same-sex couple. See my chapter "Are There Any Other Anti-Gay Arguments?"

This is discrimination! Are you saying I can't oppose homosexuality without being a homophobe? What about religious leaders? Are they going to be thrown in jail for preaching against homosexuality?

The definition of a homophobe "encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality or people who are identified or perceived as . . . LGBT. It has been defined as contempt, prejudice, aversion, hatred or antipathy, may be based on irrational fear, and is often related to religious beliefs."  Pretty sure opposition to homosexuality is a negative attitude or feeling towards homosexuality.

As for religious leaders, there's a reason why we have the First Amendment and freedom of speech. As long as they aren't inciting violence against the LGBTQ+ community, they are allowed to speak. (Freedom of speech also means freedom of other people to disagree and react negatively to what you say.) See my chapter "Are There Any Other Anti-Gay Arguments?"

Why haven't you replied to my comment? Is it because I won the argument and you have nothing to say in response?

When I first started Christian and an Ally, I had more free time and less people were leaving comments, so I could respond to everyone and debate people. Now that Christian and an Ally has over 10K views, I will no longer be replying to most comments. I especially won't be replying to comments that bring up the arguments or questions above, as it isn't worth my time when I've already answered them multiple times.

Have any questions to add to this FAQ? Leave them in the comments!

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