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I often feel uncomfortable telling people that I am Christian for fear of how they will react. Will they see me as hypocritical? Uncaring? Judgmental? Homophobic?

In theory, Christians should be none of these things, but it is a reality that too many ignore. While many Christians become offended at being labeled so negatively, I understand why we are labeled as such. I have met Christians who preach one thing, yet do another. I have met Christians who act as though they want to become friends with someone, only to drop them as soon as they realize that the person isn't interested in becoming Christian. I have met Christians who are so quick to judge others that I feel uncomfortable talking to them about anything. And yes, I have met many Christians who are homophobic.

I am not saying that I am any better than Christians who act in this manner, as we are all equally flawed human beings; however, I hope that I do not fall prey to any of these pitfalls. Jesus came into the world to spread peace, love, and forgiveness, not hate, judgment, and fear. Christians are called to be "the light of the world — like a city on a hill" (Matthew 5:14), spreading the Good News of God's love, mercy, and grace to all of creation. God's love necessarily includes members of the LGBTQ+ community, not just straight cisgender people.

In this book, I hope to shed light on the misconceptions that surround this issue. I will walk you through how others have interpreted the Bible, how I interpret the Bible, and what the Bible says. In the process, I hope to show you that God's love extends to everybody, regardless of sexuality, gender, and all the other categories we use to divide ourselves.

Being gay is okay, and I think God thinks so, too.

Won't you join me?

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