Sequel, Coming Out, and More

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First, I want to give a HUGE thank you to all of my readers, from those who were with me from the very beginning to the most recent additions, to those who voted/commented on every chapter to those who were silent readers, and from those who agreed with me to those who disagreed but were willing to give this book a shot! You know who you are ;)

Second, I'm so proud to announce that this is my first-ever completed work, and I will be marking it as complete as soon this chapter is posted! I doubted my ability to finish a book-sized work for years, so finishing something is a huge relief. And I'm really happy that I finished it in time for 2018 Pride Month!

Third, you've probably got two questions on your mind right now: "Sequel??? Coming out??? KAT, PLEASE EXPLAIN." Hold your horses, I'm getting to that. ;)

I have been working on a second nonfiction work while in the process of finishing this! It covers a wider range of topics, from theological debates to sexuality to science and more, and will be somewhat connected to this work. If any of you are interested, it is now up and I put an external link to it on this chapter. It's called Thoughts of a Doubting Christian, which leads me to my next two announcements. . .


Announcement #1: In the spirit of Pride Month, I decided that it was time for me to come out to you all. It was a tough decision, especially considering that much of my readership is anti-LGBTQ+, but I'm not ashamed of my sexuality. I hope this will help others struggling to accept themselves! For those of you who are wondering, I'm pansexual, meaning that my emotional, romantic, and sexual attraction to others is not limited to people of a particular gender identity or sexuality. Basically, I'm "gender-blind," attracted to people based on who they are, not what their gender is.

"But wait, isn't this called Christian and an Ally, not Christian and Queer?" Yes, and there are two reasons for that title. One, I was still coming to terms with my sexuality when I was writing this (ironic, I know), and two, a Christian ally is simply a Christian who supports the LGBTQ+ community. In principle, you can be a straight Christian ally, a gay Christian ally, a trans Christian ally . . . all it means is that you're a LGBTQ+ supporter. So I'm going to keep the title the way it is, because it is still mostly accurate. :)

"Doesn't that mean that you're biased and just wrote this because you want people to accept you?" NO, absolutely not. I mean, okay, on a certain level everyone is biased; atheists are biased towards evidence that there isn't a God, anti-gay Christians are biased towards evidence that being gay is wrong, and of course I would love to be accepted by society! But I've been an ally my entire life, and for the vast majority of that I identified as straight. My parents raised me in an LGBTQ+-friendly Christian household and taught me why being gay is okay, for which I am forever grateful to them. I compiled Christian and an Ally over a period of many months of open-minded research and Bible study, so discrediting my argument just because you figured out that I'm pansexual is ignorant and yes, biased. I started this book when I identified as straight, and so even if I had identified as straight for the rest of my life, I still would've finished this book and meant every word. For all you straight allies out there, we appreciate you!

Announcement #2: Yes, recently I have been doubting my faith, hence the sequel's title, Thoughts of a Doubting Christian. I know that may be upsetting for some of you, but I'd like to clarify something: Even though I'm doubting my faith, my arguments in this book still stand. My doubts about Christianity stem from many things, but one thing that they do not stem from is my sexual orientation. I still believe in what I wrote here. God loves everyone regardless of their sexual orientation (or gender identity), and I will stand by that to the grave. 

Fourth, I've got a few people I'd like to thank: my parents, for being shining examples of Jesus in my life and accepting me wholeheartedly for who I am, sexuality and all; my uncle, who committed suicide because the Church didn't accept him or his sexuality (RIP 1999); my aunt, who has been married to her partner for almost a decade; my friends, for welcoming my coming out with open arms; and my ex-boyfriend, who taught me so much about transgender issues and asexuality. I love you all.

Fifth, I'm entering Christian and an Ally and most of my other works into the Wattys! Good luck to everyone who is competing!

It is with bittersweet happiness that I mark this book complete. Thank you all so much again for coming on this journey with me!

❤ Katherina Michels

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