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Andrea POV

Why did I come to this party? My friend are here but they are hooking up with strangers probably. I usually don't know anyone at the parties! I follow my friends like a stupid lonely idiot. And that "friends" are just Ody and Kendra. I just have two, they were okay people but they always ignore me when it came to boys. I never wanted to have a boyfriend or anything, I was so focused on school. Never had time. And If I did I would be too shy to even talk to a boy.

I was sitting on the couch, using my phone. Everyone was dancing or making out. Seriously, no one cares about personal bubbles. And I thought highschool kids were mean, collage kids are even worse. I was suprised I was friends with Ody and kendra, they were popular. They had other friend and I was just there. Like just to make them seem more popular? Well, that was what I thought. Kendra disappeared to I dont know where. Ody was talking to these guys, I could tell everyone of those guys had a crush on her.

I sigh and look around--I see cups and I big not clear bottle of something. I was thirsty so I stood up to get some, I a cup but realized the liquid was beer. I sighed, no no no. I don't drink. At all. I just place the cup on the tabel, I went back to where I was sitting to only find out these two people where making out on the couch where I was sitting on. All these people where in love, it made me feel something inside. I couldn't tell if it was vomit or stupidity that I actually think they are in love. One of those. Im pretty sure its vomit.

I tried to find a place to sit, I look around-- there was one empty spot near this emo looking guy, I think he was in my science class. I go over there not wanting to talk to anyone. I sit down next to me and contunie to go on my phone.

"Im guessing you are like me and dont want to socialize." He laughs a little.

"Yeah." I say.

"This party is so stupid. I bet half of these people don't know who this house belongs to."

"I know right! My friends dragged me here. . ." I saw. Finally someone with commen sense.

"Same, well in my case it was my only friend. His name is phil, I think you seen him around."


"Im Daniel, but my friends call me dan."

"Do they really?" I laugh.

"No." Dan laughs along.

"Well Im-"

"Andrea. You are in my science class I think...? That class is pretty big."

"Yeah. Im sorry if we talked before."

"I don't think we have." Dan looks at his feet. There was a moment of akward silence. Dan and I seemed like we were the only ones to understand that this party was just full of drunk people. Which it is. He seemed like the only normal one here, other than me.

"Sooo..." Dan starts to say.

"Sorry I don't really talk to much people..." I say ashamed.

"The only person I basically talk to is Phil. Dang I seem like a loner."

"We can be loners together." I joke. We start to laugh then sigh. From a distance I could see Phil and his friends come over to us, well to Dan. I just go back on my phone, minding my own business. They seemed pretty wasted, so I decide to stay silent. That wasn't a problem for me.

"Heyyy Danyulll!" Phil says.

"Oh god." Dan says silently.

"Dannnnnniellll buddy! What are you here with this girl here? Are you two gettin it?" Phil's friend beside him says, we both turn red. I don't say anything, I look back at my phone trying to mute out whatever they were saying but I couldn'tt.

"No." Dan simply replies.

"Cmon dan! Get out there!" Phil says, "Thats why I brought you to the partyyy!" Phil says.

"I just want to be left alone." Dan whispers.

"So what is this here girl talkin to ya?" Phil's other friend next to him says, he had a country accent. Dan didn't say anything, I could tell he was embarrassed.

"Because he can." I say with an attitude, I regret saying anything.

"Oh looky here, this here girl got some attitude!" The country dude says.

"P-please go." Dan said in fear, he didn't make eye contact with anyone. 

"What?" Phil said shocked like Dan never stood up for himself.

"Daniel got a jackpot!" one of the guys says pointing at me. I immediately go back to my face going red.

"Guyssss lets just go." Phil says feeling bad. Phil's friends looked shocked at first but I figured that we weren't worth the trouble. They leave, I look over at Dan. I could tell he was trying to process what just went down.

"Im so sorry." Dan says.

"Its okay, Ill just go look for my friends. See you around, Dan." I stand up from my seat, he nods and waves goodbye. I go through the crowed not really looking for my friends. I knew some people there, I just see them around school campess, I bet they don't know me though. I sometimes think im invisable. I sigh, I suddenly bumb into Kendra.

"Oh hey!" Kendra said. She didnt seem drunk, but she had a cup full of beer in her hand.

"Hey. Wheres the bathroom?" I ask, I didn't want to stop and talk. I just wanted to hide in the bathroom.

"Oh cmon andrea. You don't really want to go to the bathroom. Pleaseeeee just try to talk to people. And have something to drink!"

"You know I don't drink." I cross my arms, Kendra never seemed to understand.

"Cmon. Everyone will think your cool." Kendra winks handing me a cup of beer. I look down on it, my life couldn't guess worse. I think for a second, I don't know how beer would affect me. Being stupid, I start to chug it down.

"Wooohoooo!" Ody comes over to Kendra and I. I finish chugging it, I look around. Everyone had formed a circle around me. Everyone clapped and I looked at Kendra.

"What can I say?" Kendra smiles and walks over to he other friend group. The people that formed a group around me started to spread out again. There was this one guy that was looking at me. He was a popular guy, super popular. He starts to walk over to me. Oh no. Im not prepared to talk like someone like him. My heart starts to pound, my nervousness grows.

"Hey. How are you?" He said with charm.

"How are you? Good. Hey. You look hot." What the heck did I just say?! I turn red, embarresed of what I just said.

"Haha," He smiles, "Thanks."

"Yeahhhhhhhh." That beer was getting to me. Man, if I didn't drink that beer I wouldnt be able to say a word to him.

"Im Rick." He says. I knew that.

"Ooo! I am Andreaaaa!" I say awkwardly, I start to drink more.

"Nice name. I was wondering, if you are enjoying the party?" He says. He gets closer to me causing my to bump into the wall. I had no escape. He kisses me, I start to kiss back. This wasn't me. I tried to sperate the kiss but Rick keeps forcing him on me. I start to panic. What the fuck was going on.

"I need to go-"

He cuts me off, "Noo, don't you want a taste of me. Ill give you as much popularity as you want." He smirks at me. He turned out to be a complete jerk. His hands go on my body sliding down. I smack his hand away.

"Don't make beg." Rick says. He pinned me on the wall.

"Stop, please." I say. He kisses me, he started kissing me down my neck but I smacked him away. I started to cry running out the door.

My body felt cold, what just happened? How could I be so stupid? I go to the parking lot and just sit there. My hands burried in my knees. He just wanted to hook up. Thats the only reason he was talking to me. Im so stupid. Im just so stupid. It was cold outside too, but I just let me body freeze. I had no real friends, no real life.

I suddenly feel a body next to me, I looked over with tears in my eyes, it was Dan.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice was unsteady.

"I saw what happened. You okay?"

"Yeah." I wipe my tears away.

"I can call the police on him, he harassed you."

"You would do that?"

"Yeah. I can't stand people like him."

"Thanks." I say finally making eye content with him.

"No problem."

I was weak at that point, I move closer to him ans lay my head on my shoulder. My body felt at ease, I take a deep breath in and out.

"We'll be okay." Dan adds, we both look up at the stars. Suddenly the old parking lot and that sky I never took the time to look at seemed to be the most beautiful thing I ever seen.

Yeah my cousin if annoying me too much while writing this. He is really annoying. *cries* yep there is no real kendra chapter without her crying. Anyways merry christmas everybody. Love you Riarkle24. I love you all! More coming soon! Sorry for not finishing them all on christmas<3

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