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"Jaxon and I are just going out to the mall, mom." Shannon assured her mother as she made her way out of the house. "Nothing's going to happen. We're literally just going out to get a present for Chris."

"Don't speak to me like that, Shannon! You're only sixteen, for goodness sake! I have a right to be worried!" Her mother yelled back at her from her place on the stairs. 'I don't like the idea of you and a young boy out alone!"

Shannon rolled her eyes before opening up the front door of the house. "Remember mom, Christmas Day is tomorrow and I still haven't got a gift for Chris." She stated, stepping down the porch steps. Her mother followed behind her, still a little worried over the fact her only daughter was going out with the young boy next door, but knowing she couldn't do anything to stop the girl.

"Ok, just...Be safe." She sighed after a moment, giving up on convincing the girl.

Shannon nodded. "Don't worry mom, I will." She promised, adding a confident, "I'm responsible."

The older woman watched her daughter stroll eagerly towards her boyfriend's house, closing the door with a heaved sigh when she couldn't see the girl anymore.


Shannon was alive with excitement.

This would be her and Jaxon's first 'official' date.

It was just going to be them, alone, and without her little brother, Chris, who her mother always forced her to take as chaperone. Shannon was sixteen now, not legally an adult, but mentally she felt like she could already be eighteen.

Walking up to Jaxon's house, Shannon knocked firmly on the door. Within a few seconds of hearing light footsteps, the door was opened and Jaxon was there, dressed in a thick jacket and Levis for the cold winter weather.

"Hey!" He greeted heartily, pulling her in for a warm hug. Shannon returned the cheery welcome before pulling out of the hug.

With stars in her eyes, she looked up at the young man. "You ready to go?" She asked him, butterflies fluttering in her stomach at the thought of going out with her first boyfriend.

"I am, but are you sure you're not cold in just a shirt and jeans? You don't need a jacket? I have plenty inside." He offered sweetly, making Shannon blush at his loving gesture. She really was a noob at relationships.

"No, no. I-I'm fine." She assured him. He shrugged to himself and closed the door, and the two of them made their way down the driveway to Jaxon's red pickup truck. Jaxon quickly reached for his keys and unlocked it, slipping into the driver's side seat.

"So, what are you planning on getting Chris?"

Shannon shrugged as she jumped into the tall car. "I'm not sure yet." She answered thoughtfully, "I was just thinking of browsing until I find something."

Jaxon hummed in agreement as he put the keys in the ignition and put the car into gear.

As they were driving along awkwardly, Shannon spoke up to break the awkward silence. "I'm glad Chris isn't here. He can be annoying at times."

Jaxon chuckled under his breath. "Yeah, I guess so, but he's not that bad. I do like it just being us, though." Shannon nodded in agreement.

The rest of the ride was quiet as the two were quite shy by themselves, quite contrary to how loud and boisterous they could get with Chris.

When they made it to the mall (which was open till late since it was Christmas Eve) the two noticed there were very few cars around – which was odd for a Christmas Eve night when you'd expect people would be rushing around to get the rest of their presents.

"Maybe everyone ordered online this year." Jungkook assumed jokingly.

"Or all the stores are closed." Shannon countered, barely believing the idea to be true.

Unsurely, the two made their way into the large mall and upon entering the glass doors they could hear the jingle bells song echoing through the almost empty shop.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh...

Their eyes magnetized to all the pretty lights – many of which sat upon the towering Christmas tree that stood in the centre of the floor. It was quite an impressive sight, decorated in ginormous baubles of green and red and with a beautiful gold star upon its head.

"Wow." Jaxon heard Shannon gasp as her eyes traced each decoration on the tree.

"I know right?" Jaxon responded in equal amazement, "It must have taken them forever to get that in here."

Relieved that she had not been right about the stores being closed, Shannon slipped her arm in through Jaxon's. "Let's go to the Toy World!" She suggested, not waiting for an answer from him as she pulled him in the direction of the store.

Jaxon chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Is this really about getting something for Chris? It seems more like you're getting yourself a gift."

"No," Shannon responded, gripping his arm tighter, "I'm just excited it's just you and me."

Jaxon's cheeks tinted pink and he quickly ducked his head so she wouldn't see the blossoming colour. Shannon had in fact been Jaxon's first girlfriend as well, and the boy was just as excited as she was to start their newfound relationship; going on dates alone like adults do.


In the Toy world, Jaxon had pointed out several items he thought Shannon's eight year old brother would be interested in. Nerf guns, Lego, and chess games were amongst the few. Shannon had turned each of them down and insisted that the boy was divulged in anything tech, and that toys they had grown up with as kids would bore him.

Leaving the Toy world empty handed, Jaxon came up with an idea.

"How about we head to the tech store up there?" He pointed to the neon lit store across the hall, "We could find Chris a pair of earphones or something there."

Contrary to how Jaxon thought Shannon would respond, she laughed. "You are so 2010s."

"I am not." Jaxon spluttered in humorous offense, "I know a lot about new stuff."


"Like," Jaxon thought for a moment, "IPhones."

Shannon laughed even louder at that. "Just IPhones?"

"Okay, Okay, tech isn't really my thing." Jaxon confessed jokingly as Shannon pulled him along to another store.


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