How the Invader stole christmas

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

a/d : adress number

Inside his room, Zim was walking in circles, frustrated by something.

Zim : Once again, I am not chosen to put the star on the Christmas tree and be the "face of the Christmas of the year". I wonder why.

*flashback many years ago*

The Christmas day was taking place on the Massive, the Irken Armada's planet-sized mothership, as the Tallest, Pneuma, and a few others were celebrating.

Pneuma : It's quite nice this christmas, am I right everyone ?

Tallest Red : Indeed.

Tallest Purple : I'm so glad you and your... friends, choose our ship to hold this year's christmas.

Pneuma : You're welcome. By the way, who was chosen to place the star on the tree ?

Both tallests looked at each other, Embarassed.

Pneuma : Well ?

Zim : *laugh*

Zim laughed as he placed the star on the christmas tree.

Pneuma : Zim ?!

Zim : And now everyone, allow me to introduce you to my gift for christmas. GIR !

Gir : Okie Dokie ! *press a button on his chest*

Then, laser cannons came out and started firing multi-colored lasers.


Zim laughed as the lasers were bouncing all around the ship.

Later, Everyone was out of the Massive as it was on fire as the troops were putting the fire out.

Zim : ... A greater success than I planned !

Pneuma meanwhile, was keeping the Tallests from murdering Zim.

Pneuma : Note to self : never allow Zim to put the star on the christmas tree again.

*flashback end*

Zim : And after that, I had to repair the Massive BY MYSELF ! WHAT A BUNCH OF INGRATES ! GRRRR ! Wait ! I know ! If they won't let me put the star on again, I shall just steal it and force them to let me do it this year ! *LAUGH EVILLY*


Zim : O_O

Gir : Can I steal the pudding ?

Zim : Yes Gir.

Gir : YAAAY !


Zim's Computer : Oh no.... I got a bad feeling about this.

Zim : Eh ?

Zim's Computer : I-I mean : Yes sir !

Meanwhile, Katsuro Scarlet Kezuko Kazuma, and his friends were enjoying their time in one of the Base's many restrooms with everyone in it.

Katsuro: Well, I am enjoying this. What about you girls?

What he is talking about is about his girls and allies. The Precure All Star & Sailor Senshi.

Cure Dream: Yeah I am!

Sailor Moon: I'm glad that Union won't be bothering us like last year.

Sailor Aqua: You're not wrong about that.

Cure Happy: *eyes sparkles* JUST IMAGINE HOW MANY DESERT I WILL HAVE!!

Cure Peace: *giggles* Miyuki, settle down.

Sailor Saturn: Daddy Katsuro! Do you think we will have a good christmas?

Katsuro: Indeed my little angel. And I hope things don't go south, like Union trying to kidnap Santa. Hatsu put a security system in the north pool so the Union won't try to kidnap him.

Sailor Chibi: Well that's good here.

Katsuro: How truly pathetic they REALLY are.

Sailor Uranus: Agree.

Sailor Neptune: Hey Katsuro.

Katsuro: Yeah?

Cure Black: I forgot to ask, where are your twin brothers? Shaiver and Satori?

Katsuro: Shaiver is on a christmas date with Diana and Satori with Alice. They don't want their date to be ruined and all.

Girls: AWWWWWW!~

Their discussion got the attention of someone.

Skoodge : Wait, did you say, security system ? and Date ?

Cure Yell: Ummmm yeah?

Skoodge : Oh ! Sorry ! Shouldn't have listened. Name's Skoodge. Certified Irken Invader.

Katsuro: The names Katsuro Scarlet Kezuko Kazuma. This is my friend and half I'm connected too. Procure All Stars and Sailor Guardians

Sailor Moon: Nice to meet you Skoodge!

Skoodge : Same. I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to this year's Christmas, especially since Zim won't be the one to put the star on, like that time. *shivers*

Cure Lovely: I'm sorry what?

Skoodge : Zim once got to put the star on the Christmas tree years ago, and he unleashed his "ZIM DOOM-AZING CHRISTMAS" after that, and destroyed the Massive, the Almighty Tallest' flagship.

Katsuro: I assume that he won't be putting the star on the Christmas tree anymore.

Skoodge : You bet. He had to repair the entire Massive by himself after his disaster. And since then, he was forever forbidden to put the star on the Christmas tree again. A good thing for sure.

Then suddenly, the alarms turned on.


This set the entire base in a panic.

Skoodge : CURSE YOU MY MOUTH !!!

Sailor Guardians & Precure: O___O

Katsuro: Dang it. Its gotta be Zim

Skoodge : Can't be him; He's insane but not stupid !

Then the screens glitched as Zim appeared.

Zim :  *LAUGH EVILLY* GREETINGS EARTH ! And also the people on the Moon Base. I HAVE BEEN DENIED TO PRIVILEGE OF PUTTING THE STAR ON THE CHRISTMAS TREE FOR TOO LONG ! SO I DECIDED TO TAKE THE STAR THAT SHOULD BE RIGHTFULLY MINE TO PUT ! Here are my conditions : I shall be permitted to put the star on, and you get it back, just in time for ZIM'S DOOM-AZING CHRISTMAS THE SEQUEL !!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!! But please don't tell Lady Pneuma or the Almighty Tallest about it ! I don't want to go back to foodcourtia !

He then cutted his announcement as the panic resumed.

Skoodge : I'll take it back ! He's more insane than I remembered !

Katsuro:*sign* Then look at me and girls will have to get that star back.

Skoodge : Let me join ! To fight an Irken, you'll need another Irken !

Cure Peach: *smile* You will join us.

Then Kirby and Meta Knight came in.

Meta Knight: We heard everything and we will join you.

Kirby: POYO!

Skoodge : Amazing ! To my ship... Oh wait... I crashed it in a volcano, somehow.

Then Sailor Guardians & Procure fall to to the ground like anime style while Katsuro facepalming

Milky Rose: S-Seriously?!

Skoodge : Hey ! Surviving impossible to escape-deaths is my thing !

Katsuro: Should we get another ship or I can just lock-on and teleport to Zims location.

Skoodge : No need. We can use the base's teleportation network for that.

Sailor Mars: Perfect!

Kirby: Poyo?

Katsuro: Space-bridge Kirby, it can teleport us anywhere.

Skoodge : Hold on, I can access it here. And... Done !

Then a space-bridge appeared.

Cure Moonlight: Let's head in and stop zim!

They all got inside and arrived inside Zim's base.

Skoodge : Alright, let's spread out ! Be careful, there could be tra-

Skoodge took a step and activated a trap that dragged him into the Shadows.


The girls gasped in shock & horror

Katsuro: Awww shit.

Zim's computer : INTRUDERS ! Why am I surprised ? Anyway, leave or face termination ! ... Please ?

Cure Marine: *grin* Sorry, but we're here to get the star back!

Cure Blossom: That's right!

Katsuro: How will Pneuma react if she saw the star missing and notice Zim got and stole it? Just give back the star.

Zim's Computer : Uhh.... Pneuma is on a diplomatic meeting with the Tallest so... 0/10. Threat doesn't follow the news. Oh well.

Zim's Computer then send robot... piggies at the group ?

Zim Computer : Gir insisted to design them by the way.

Katsuro: Then you left us no choice but to stop you.

Kirby: PYO!

The robot piggies charged like pigs.

Meta Knight: Leave that to me!

He spread out his bat-like wings and charge at the robot piggies and slashing them one by one with ease, as the robot are in half and blow up

Cure Beauty: Nice on Meta Knight!

Sailor Jupiter: Let's go!

Zim's Computer : ... Oh great. Now Gir is gonna throw a tantrum.

Katsuro was running down the hall including Girls and Kirby following him as Meta Knight flying using his wings

Zim's Computer : Uh... Can you please stop ? I don't want to have both master and Gir yelling at me.

Cure Black: Oh be quiet!

Cure Armor: We're getting close! According to my scanners

Cure Magical: now that's our android Precure!

Zim's Computer : Uh... Alright ! I'll tell you the location if you stop !

Katsuro: No tricks?

Zim's Computer : None. I'm Zim's Computer. Not Zim himself.

Cure Black: Alright...

Alll of them begin to stop

Zim's Computer : So... It's not here. BYE !

Zim's computer then shut down but soon reactivated.

Zim's Computer : Oh. And take Skoodge back.

Then a hole in the ceiling opened and Skoodge came out of it with the top of his head on fire.

Zim's Computer : BYE !

It then shut down again, along with the base.

Skoodge : ooch ! Well, at least we survived ! Right, everyone ?! ... Everyone ???

Sailor Moon: We're still here...

Cure Armor: ENTIRE base shut down

Skoodge : oh.... !!! WAIT ! I GOT AN IDEA ! Let's just try to call either Gir or Minimoose !

Meta Knight: Not a bad idea!

Skoodge then tried to contact Gir but he didn't respond.

Skoodge : No response... Gir must be with Zim. Let's try minimoose.

Skoodge then called Minimoose and he answered.

Minimoose : Nyah.

Skoodge : Way to go Skoodge !

??? : Uh ? Someone's calling ?

Minimoose then showed Bowser near him.

Bowser : Hello ?

Katsuro: Bowser?

Bowser: KATSURO!? And Pretty-Sailor All Stars?! Kirby and Meta-Knight?! O_O

Kirby: PYO!

Bowser : Why are you calling Minimoose ? Wait... What did Zim do this time ?!

Katsuro: Zim stole the star from the Christmas tree.

Bowser : ... If I wasn't occupied buying gifts. I'd be coming for this Irken ! Where is he ?!

Sailor Venus: He's around here somewhere and it's not your fault Bowser!

Bowser : Have you tried looking at his space-station ?

Cure Armor presses the button on her wrist and summons a holographic computer showing the screen checking out the space-stations while she's typing. The holographic computer answered by putting Zim's location inside the space-station.

Skoodge : There he is !

Cure Armor: Got it! And I'm tracking it!

Bowser : Good ! Normally Zim has teleporters to his station, they are constantly powered, even if his entire base is shut down.

Zim's Computer : *turns back on* Uh oh...

Cure Whip: And...he knows

Cure Flora: Oh great!

Kirby: POYO!

Zim's Computer : MASTER ! MASTER !


Zim's Computer : ... If I could cry, I would.

Zim: Okay...what is going on NOW?!

Zim's Computer : Your location is discovered.

Zim : Oh I see alr- WHAT ?!

Zim's Computer : And the teleporters were used.

Zim: BY WHO!?!?

Zim's Computer : Uhhhh... Skoodge, a human male and a group of human girls dressed... uh... You'll see...


Zim then ran inside a room blocked with two massive doors.


He then picked the group's signal on his scanner.

Zir : GIIIIR ! GO !!!

Gir then landed before the Group recently joined by Bowser.

Gir : Target located ! *get into a fighting stance*

Katsuro: Oh great, trouble

Bowser, Kirby, Meta Knight and the girls get into a stance

Bowser: Show-time!

But soon, Gir instead then ran somewhere else.

Gir : I WANT TACOS !!! Also Hi everyone !

Everyone: Huh?! O__O

Katsuro: He want Tacos?


Then Katsuro appear front of Gir and give him a plate of Tacos

Gir : YAY ! *grabs the Tacos and eat them* Thank you, Shadow-like guy.

Katsuro: *chuckles* Many people think I'm like Shadow like guy.

Bowser: More like a human version of Shadow

Katsuro: Something like that. Gir is innocent, I see. So no need. Hey Gir, where's Zim

Gir : Oh. He's in the Death-MegaDoomer room.


Gir : Yeah. Took him 3 explosions of the base... *eat tacos*

Katsuro: By the tell of your expression Bowser, that weapon is dangerous.

Bowser : It is ! This thing is the unholy fusion of a Death-Egg Robot and a Megadoomer. I never though someone would have the guts to make it, but then again... It's Zim.

Katsuro: Fusion?! Jésus Christ!

Cure Honey: We better find Zim fast!

Gir : He's inside here. *point to a set of giant doors*

Cure Heart: Thanks Gir!

Cure Ace: Yeah and don't worry, once we get star back, you have many tacos as you wanted!

Gir : YAAAY !

Gir then slammed his head on a series of buttons and the door opened as Bowser, Katsuro, Kirby, Meta Knight and the Magical Girls went in

Gir: Bye bye Shadow-like guy!

Katsuro: Call me Katsuro!

They entered inside and saw the Death-Megadoomer, looking like a heavily weaponized Death-Egg robot made with Irken technology.

Cure White: Woah!

Sailor Pluto: So this is the heavy weapon that Zim built?


Zim screamed from the top of the robot.

Zim : Bravo in making it this far. But your efforts are as Pointless AS A BEE AGAINST A MOOSE ! You will never get your star back ! *laugh*

Bowser: We'll see about that!

Zim : I am impressed you even managed to get here. I guess Computer failed at using the traps.

Skoodge : Uh... about that...

Zim : eh ?

Kirby: Pyo?

Skoodge : Who wants to tell him ? About his traps ?

Katsuro: Well his trap did not go as he planned.

Sailor Moon: Agree..

Zim : But the robots-

Meta Knight: All destroyed

Zim : N-No... Not Spencer, Devon, Maria... Oh no. Don't tell me-

Skoodge : There also was a strange one with "Zim's favorite on it"


Zim roared in fury as he jumped inside the Death-Megadoomer and activated it.


Zim then aimed at the Group and fired as Skoodge failed to dodge in time.


Bowser: SKOODGE!!!

The other were shocked as this

Zim fired missiles at the group. They only dodged in time as Katsuro swung his hand and threw fire spears at the missiles as it exploded. Cure Mint was healing Skoodge


Bowser: ZIM! Last chance! Give up and hand over the star! You don't need to do something like this! It's Christmas!

Cure Passion: Bowser right, stop this!

Cure Berry: Stop this madness!

Zim : Big words for you Bowser ! You got to put the Star on MULTIPLE TIMES ! I ONLY GOT THIS CHANCE ONCE !


Katsuro: And yet you blew it, and it doesn't mean you can do and do all of this Zim. We all are insane but you are better than this.

Zim : ... I AM ZIM !!! *fires lasers*

Bowser : Yep. He completely went mad. Better knock down his toy if we want to talk !

Katsuro: Agree!


Until Sailor Moon and Cure Black punch the machine send to the wall, it was BADLY damage

Zim : WHAT ?!

Sailor Moon landed

Sailor Moon: Give up Zim, we don't need to do this.

Cure Black: Yeah.

Zim : ... NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zim then began to charge up a powerful laser... until his mech suddenly shut down.

Zim : What ? WHAT HAPPENED ?!

Gir : The Plug thing ! I made it not plugged !

Zim: WHAT?!?!

Bowser : ... uh Zim... You... did put batteries on that thing right ?

Zim : Oh......I didn't.....

Everyone : ...

Katsuro: -_- Fool.


Zim then tried to escape until Katsuro grabs Zim and holding him

Katsuro: Your not going anywhere Zim

Zim : Why you !

Zim's PAK then released 8 metal legs and they aimed at Katsuro until Bowser ripped them off.

Bowser : Nice try !


But he soon laughed.

Zim : FOOLS ! While you were hunting me down, I managed to hide the star somewhere else ! YOU WILL NEVER FIND I-

Minimoose : Nyah.

Zim : Huh?!

Minimoose then opened himself and revealed the Star, which was a silver Mushroom Kingdom Power star.

Zim : O___O

Bowser only cross his arms

Bowser : Well, that was a surprise.

Katsuro: Indeed.

Zim: H-H-H-H-H-HOW!?

Gir : Minimoose wanted Chrismas.

Zim looked down in defeat.

Zim : Wait... Weren't you supposed to buy a gift for your troops Bowser ?

Bowser : I... O___O

Bowser started to panic.


Zim : *laugh evilly*

Katsuro: Ummmmmmm

He points at the screen showing other magical girls that Katsuro never told them. Symphogear girls were holding some gift for Bowser troops and many more

Bowser : Oh... Thanks.

Katsuro: Anytime, Hibiki and others will give the gift to your troops in No time.

Zim: O____O

Bowser : BAHAHAHA ! THANKS EVERYONE ! It's so nice having you around !

Later, the star was put on the Christmas tree by Gir as everyone celebrated.

Bowser : So nice to see it happened.

Mario: Woah!

Kirby: PYO!

Luigi: Mamia! Sound like you, Katsuro and rest of the magical girls had a crazy time taking down Zim

Bowser : Yep ! I wonder where he is now...

Meanwhile, Zim was being guarded by the Cure City Magical Girl Soldiers, locked up.

Zim : ... Can I have some snacks please ?

CC Soldier 1: *sign* Fine!

CC Soldier 2: You should be ashamed of yourself Zim for doing this, stealing the star from the Christmas Tree but fighting your own allies that fought within you and defend you.

Zim : Hey ! If you were denied EVERY opportunity to take part in one of the most important parts of Christmas for YEARS ! You'd be acting like me.

Skoodge : Aren't you a bit insane.

Zim : ... I hate my life.

CC Soldier 1: Christmas isn't about putting Star on Christmas, it's about spending time of your own friends and family, getting along with each other

Zim : ... My only company and may I had : real-friends, are minimoose, a "malfunctioning" Sir unit, and a computer. Besides, try to ask other Irkens about it, some are even more insane than me.

Skoodge : He's not wrong.

CC Soldier 2:...I guess you are right.

CC Soldier 1: I agree.

CC Soldier 3 : Uh everyone ? We have important guests coming ?

Zim : Eh ? Who would want to visit me?

??? : Good question Zim.


??? : You wouldn't mind if we entered everyone ?

Zim: Huh?!

Then Pneuma and the Almighty Tallests entered.


Pneuma : Hello... Zim.

Zim looks down in shame

Tallest Red : We heard what you did from the mouth of everyone Zim.

Tallest Purple : I don't even know why I am surprised.

Tallest Red : Such an act should be punished by military Irken court !

Zim looked down in sadness, tears coming out of his eyes.

Pneuma : However, since the damage you did was... practically non-existent, no one has been harmed and considering it's christmas day... I decided to give you more... merciful sentence.

Zim : Eh ?

Later, Zim was seen cleaning up the dining room, watched by 2 CC soldiers.

Zim : You know, certain people would consider a punishment worse than a military trial, but since I have spent some time on Foodcourtia... I prefer to consider this as a fate FAR more merciful than death.

CC Soldier 1: Indeed.

Zim: I know sir

CC Soldier 1: Mam! I'm a woman.

Zim : Sorry, Sir- Ma'am.

Then a SIR unit landed.

SIR : SIR- MA'AM ! I am here to deliver these packages to the one named Zim !

CC Soldier 2: Sure.

Zim grabbed the packages and opened them, containing...

Zim : Christmas gifts ? Who would be sending gifts to me of all people ?

Zim opened the first one and it was a close-up of the group photo, more specifically, one zoomed-up to Zim and the group that stopped him, all with a smile.

Zim...Thanks........everyone. I guess everything can happen on Christmas.

He then went back to cleaning, this time with a bright smile. Next sense showing Katsuro smiling sitting down next to Stella, Mio Gremory, Erza, Cure Divinity, Cure Omni aka his wives, including Precure All Stars, Sailor Scouts, Bowser and Mario gang as well, while Shadow The Hedgehog himself smiling at Katsuro and proud of him. All of them look at the photo

(the end.)

(Many thanks to my brotha and fellow Pneuma simp ronnielanier111222 for making this chapter with me, we both liked doing it :) )

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