Christmas Party

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This one is for tooyoung_28. I love you so so much! Merry Christmas!!! <33333

Also I wasn't sure what to name the chapter. If y'all think of a better one while reading it please tell me.

(Btw, I was going to post these on Christmas but our power is supposed to go out, so I am posting them today. Sorry if I can't respond to your comments for a while. We aren't sure when we will get power back.)

Harry smiled down at his phone.

"Who are you texting?" someone asks.

He looks up to see his best friend, Megan, standing above him.

"Who says I'm texting anyone?" he says as she sits down next to him.

"Ooo I bet it's Louis. It's Louis, isn't it?"


She gave him a pointed look. 

"Okay, fine, I'm texting Louis."

"He's coming right?"

"To what?"

She rolled her eyes. "You know, the party you are hosting tonight?"

"Oh right," Harry said. "Yeah. He's coming. It is his party you know."

"I know. But he also doesn't know it's a birthday party. He thinks it's a Christmas party. Which it is, just also a birthday party. Anyway, you're gonna ask him out, right?"

"I dunno. It's his birthday and... What if he doesn't like me? I don't want to ruin his birthday party."

"Trust me he likes you."

"I dunno..."

"Do it by 10 or I will for you."

"Okay okay, jeeze."

The doorbell rang. 

"OMG I BET THAT'S LOUISSSS EEEEE!!!!!" Megan squealed, running for the door.

She opened it to find Louis standing with a box of cookies, probably from his mum, because we all know what happens when he cooks. A few snowflakes dusted the top of his head.

"Louis!" Megan squealed, throwing herself at him. 

He laughed and hugged her. "Hi Megan," he said.

Megan detached herself from him and grabbed his hand pulling him into the house. She took the container of sugar cookies from him and pushed him in the direction of Harry. She went to go put the cookies on the table in the kitchen along with the rest of the food.

"Hi," Harry said blushing.

"Hi, Haz."

"I um, I have something to ask you later."

"Why not now?"

Harry flushed bright red. "I- I um-"

"Woah, Haz, it's okay, I was only joking."

"I guess we should go wait in the living room. People will start arriving soon," Harry said awkwardly.

"Okay," Louis said, not helping the awkwardness.

Harry opened the door and caught Megan as she fell forward into his arms.

She laughed awkwardly. "Hi," she said.


She stood up.

"What exactly were you doing at the door?"

She coughed. "I was just coming to get you guys. Zayn and Liam have arrived."

Harry looked at her suspiciously.

She looked down at her feet.

"Right. Um well. Let's go." She leads them down the hall to where Zayn and Liam are taking off their coats."

"Hey guys!" Liam says.

"Hi!" Megan says excitedly.

The door opens behind them and Niall steps in. "HI!" He shouts at the same time as Megan. 

Harry stifles a laugh. He can already tell this night will be very chaotic. Every thing is chaotic with Niall and Megan in the same house. Throw Louis in, and you have a recipe for disaster. 

"Did you get the ca-" Liam slaps a hand over his mouth.

"Eww," Liam says, withdrawing his hand. "He licked me."

Niall cackled.

After Megan's best friend Addie had arrived, and Megan had hugged her for a solid five minutes, Harry brings Louis to the bedroom, claiming he has to show him something.

While they are gone, every else gets to work setting up streamers, a cake, and a large sign saying Happy Birthday Louis!! in large glittery rainbow letters. The glitter was courtesy of Megan.

They were just finishing up, when Niall walks into the room, dragging a large box behind him.

"What's that?" Zayn asked.

"Mistletoe," he says like it's the most normal thing in the world, to be dragging a large box of mistletoe behind you.

"Why?" Liam asked. "That wasn't part of the plan."

"Well they like each other, right. But they refuse to confess, so I need to get them to kiss, so I thought, 'I'll hang up FIFTY mistletoes and then they will have no choice but to kiss.' But then I thought maybe a hundred would be better, just in case."

"A hundred mistletoes, Niall, really?"

"Why not?" he said, already having hung about six. "If y'all help it won't take too long and we can get them up before Louis get's to suspicious and drags Harry back here."

Everyone sighed and rolled their eyes, but began to help him hang mistletoe.

Just as they had finished, Harry walked back into the room, Louis following close behind. Harry stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing all the mistletoe everywhere, which caused Louis to crash into him and fall backwards. Harry let out a cry, and went to catch Louis, but tripped and ended up on top of Louis on the ground.

"Hi," Louis whispered.

"Hey," Harry said, blushing when he noticed how close they were.

They lay there staring into each other's eyes, before finally, Louis tilted his head up, pressing a kiss to Harry's mouth.

Everyone stood there in shock.

"Surprise?" Megan said, throwing a handful of confetti.

"Well," Niall said, "Guess I didn't need those mistletoes after all."

Everyone laughed.

"Thank you guys," Louis said, after pulling himself and Harry up. "Definitely the best birthday ever."

I hoped you liked it, Megan!! Love you so so much <333

(Also don't forget to eat and drink, because I know sometimes you get caught up in taking care of me)

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanuka, Happy Holidays, (Happy Birthday, Louis)!!

Love you all <333


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