Winchester and Angel Christmas

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    Sam and Dean hadn't even thought much about Christmas until Cas started talking about it. Sam thought it would be a good idea for them to take a break and celebrate the holiday. Dean disagreed at first but after a few days of Sam and Cas, mostly Cas, bugging him he gave in.

    Sam suggest they cut down a tree to use. They left the bunker late in the afternoon, they took the impala. The car roared down the dirt road as the sunset.

    The two men and angel got out of Baby and walked towards some smaller ever green pine trees. Dean didn't pay much attention to the trees, he watches his brother as he tripped over a tree root. He held in a laugh as he helped him up.

    "Watch your step there." Dean said, as Sam got to his feet. "Jerk." Sam said. "Bitch." Dean replied. They continued walking, noticing that Cas hadn't stopped.

    Cas was walking a couple feet ahead of the brother, when he felt someone grab his shoulder from behind. He quickly drew his angel blade and turned around, holding the blade to the creatures throat.

    "Well hello to you to Cassie." Castiel's brother, Gabriel, said letting go of Cas' shoulder.

    "Gabriel." Cas said, Dean and Sam were now standing with the angel brothers. "What are you three knuckle heads doing here?" Gabriel said, looking up at them.

    "What are you doing here?" Sam asked, looking at the short man that stood beside Castiel. "I came to see you Sammy. Merry Christmas." Gabriel answered, with a wink.

    "We're looking for a tree. Sam's idea." Castiel responded.

    "Have fun." Gabriel said loudly, not wanting to help. "See you later." He said quietly to Sam before snapping his fingers and disappearing.

    They found a tree shortly after Gabriel left. The tree was the perfect height for them to carry. It was about a foot taller than Sam. Sam started swinging the ax at the tree.

    "I can help Sam." Cas said, stepping forward. "No. It's fine Cas, I've got it." Sam answered, taking his outer jacket off.

    It took Sam a little over 5 minutes to get the tree cut down. The whole time Dean tried offering him help, only to be refused everytime. Castiel was helping with out Sam, or Dean, noticing. Everytime Sam hit the tree with the ax he made the tree weaken.

   Dean and Sam dragged the tree back to the impala, Cas didn't bother helping them. When they got to the impala Dean laid a tarp out over the roof, while Sam and Cas tied the tree up. Cas lifted the tree and set it on the tarp that sat on the roof. Sam and Dean tied the tree down on to the roof.

    When they got back to the bunker the tree got set up, this time they let Cas deal with it.

    "What are we suppose to decorate the tree with?" Dean asked, Cas disappeared then reappeared with box's of Christmas decorations. The angel set down two large box's full of decorations.

    Gabriel showed up as they finished with the lights and garlin. The lights lit up red and white, like candy canes, and the garlin was silver.

    "Aww look at you guys setting up a Christmas tree. Just like a little family." Gabriel said, causing Sam to jump around to face him. "It's not very Christmasy in here though..." He snapped his fingers together and the bunker was fully decorated, and the tree was finished. "That's better." He added. The Winchesters looked around noticing Cas was missing.

    "Hey where's Castiel?" Dean asked, looking directly at the arc angel. Gabriel just looked up at the tree. The two brothers followed his gaze.

    Up on the very top of the tree was a angel, not just any store bought tree topper. It was made to look like Castiel. "That Cas?" Gabriel asked, knowing that Cas hadn't disappeared right before he had arrived. "That's not Cas." Dean and Sam both said.

    Castiel appeared right before Dean was about to snap the arc angel. In Cas' arms he was holding three wrapped presents. He set them down under the tree, then stood beside Dean. Gabriel pointed up, on the ceiling above Dean and Cas was mistletoe. "Come on where's your holiday spirit?" Gabe said, Sam laughed.

    "Hey Sammy." Dean said, looking up above his brother and the other angel. There was mistletoe. "Holiday spirit." Dean added. Gabriel winked, looking up at the younger Winchester. Sam smiled bent down and kissed the angel on the cheek. Then simply said to his brother. "Come on holiday spirit."

    Cas had a confused look on his face, as usual, but he was looking up at the mistletoe. "I don't understand why you need to kiss when under tnis plant." Cas said, voicing his confusion.

    "Kiss. Or I'll make you." Gabriel threatened.

    Cas stood on his tip toe, so he was closer to Dean hieght, and kissed him on the cheek. Cas knew what Gabriel meant when he said "I'll make you." he would have made it so they couldn't lie to each other. Gabriel had done it to Lucifer before, which honestly didn't make much of difference.

    "Cute Cassie. But not impressed Deanio." Gabriel said, snapping his fingers.

    "Dude what the hell was that? What did you do?" Dean asked, with a bit of anger in his voice. "Don't worry. You'll all be effected the same way, been you Castiel." The arc angel said, before disappearing. The three of them were left looking at each other confused at what Gabriel had said.


    Sam was asleep on the couch, while Dean was in the kitchen baking Castiel was trying to help. Cas stayed close to Dean offering help, when he thought Dean needed it.

    *Snap* they both heard, mistletoe appeared above the two of them. They looked up then at each other. This time Dean was the one to kiss Cas, he kissed him on the forehead. The mistletoe disappeared right after.

    "What was that?" Dean said, looking back up at where the mistletoe had just been. Castiel narrowed his eyes at Dean as he thought.

    "It was Gabriel. When he was here earlier he had snapped his fingers and said it would effect us all in the same way. Well he must have made it so that we obey the strange mistletoe rule, where everytime we're under it with someone else we must kiss them." Cas explained, his eyes were still narrowed as he thought about it. "Well let's hope that's the only thing he did." Dean added, with a nervous laugh.

    Sam woke up in a hurry when he smelled something burning. He grabbed a gun full of rock salt and headed towards the burning smell. It was coming from the kitchen. "Woah Sammy don't shot." Dean said, when Sam entered the kitchen ready to shot. Sam lower the gun. "what happened? What you doing?" He questioned.

    "Dean was making Christmas cookies for you, but they burnt." Castiel said, holding a tray of burnt cookies. Sam smiled at the thought.

    "Wait but I never remember you ever burning food before. What happened?" Sam said, trying to think of a time when Dean had burnt food he was making only to come up with nothing.

    "Cas and I were kissing." Dean said. Right after he said that he looked shocked at what he had said. "Wait you and Cas were kissing?" Sam said, thinking he had miss heard his brother. "Yes,." Both Dean and Cas said. Sam no longer knew what to say.

    "There was mistletoe. It appeared then disappeared." Dean said, pointing to were it had been. "When Gabriel was here earlier he had snapped his finger which has made us have to kiss e each other under the mistletoe when ever we're under it with someone else. He may have also done something else. Buts I am still trying to figure it out." Cas explained.

    Gabriel appeared hold three presents. "Hope I'm not late." He said, setting the wrapped presents on the table. "Gabriel." Sam said, sounding happy to see him. "What did you do?" Dean said angrily.

    "I'm sure Cassie can figure it out. But honestly I'm surprised you haven't figured it out by now. It's been 3 hours, do you guys just never talk?" Gabriel said, picking up a burnt cookie. All he got were angry stars from everyone but Sam. He took a bit of the cookie as he walked over to a chair for a seat. Once he sat he started to talk. "Well I thought you all need to get in the Christmas spirit so I made it so that you must kiss someone when under the mistletoe with them and that you will always tell the truth." He smiled up at Sam.

    Dean didn't speak not wanting to say anything, but of course Cas had something to say. "Gabriel, what does that have to do with you. It doesn't seems to do anything for you other than getting to watch us try not to say anything that we might regret saying later."

    "I'd say it's not." He said, making mistletoe appear all through out the kitchen and the rest of the bunker. "Enjoy." He said, right as one appeared above Sam and his self. Sam bent down and kissed the angel on the top of his head.

    All night Sam and Dean made sure to avoid each other and not stand to close when they were together. Cas and Dean seemed to run in to each other more often then usual.

*Christmas Morning*

    Gabriel was in the kitchen that morning before anyone was up, he made breakfast. Castiel came in shortly  after breakfast was done. Dean entered the kitchen as Cas sat down, as he walked past Cas he kissed him. Gabriel just smiled, he had taken away the mistletoe earlier along with the having to tell the truth. Dean must have just remembered that's where there had been mistletoe.

    Sam entered the kitchen as they started to eat. He sat down beside Gabriel, who was mumbling something to himself. "What was that Gabe?" Sam said, using his nickname for the first time. When breakfast was over they all went over to where they had the tree set up.

   Gabriel got them to open his presents first, which of course were all joke/prank presents, Sam had gotten a moose onesie. Then the opened the ones from Cas, Dean had gotten pie. Then they opened the ones from Sam, he had gotten Gabriel a festive Christmas sweater. And last was from the presents from Dean, who had gotten Cas a festive blue Christmas tie.

    Gabriel snapped his fingers and everyone was wearing there Christmas Gear. Gabriel he his Christmas sweater, which was to big for him. Castiel wearing his Christmas tie, Sam in his moose onesie. And Dean who was now wearing a rainbow Santa hat, that Gabriel had given him.

    Every time Dean took off the hat it appeared back on his head, after ten tries he gave up on trying to take the hat off. Sam didn't bother changing out of the moose onesie, he found it quiet comfy. Cas found out that his new tie lit up, which he got sidetrack by.

    Gabriel grabbed a couple pieces of wrapping paper and ripped it up, before throwing the small ripped up pieces in to the air and yelling. "It's confetti!" Cas chimed in taking his attention off his tie. "It's a parade!" Dean and Sam just stared at the two angels confused. Gabriel laughed at his brother.

    "Oh," Gabriel said, as the ripped paper vanished from the floor. "Dean. Castiel. Sam." He paused as they all looked over at him. Sam and Dean were both sitting at the table, at opposite ends and Cas was on his way to sit down with them. "You no longer have to tell the truth or kiss the person who you're under the mistletoe with. You actually haven't had to do that since all of today." He finished explaining, with a grin on his face as he looked over at Dean who was staring at Cas.

    Right as Dean went to say something Gabriel interrupted him. "So yes, you were not forced to kiss Cas this morning. You willingly did it." He smile one last time before disappearing. Dean and Cas looked at each other a bit in shock. Sam just smiled at his brother and the angel.

*New Years*

    Gabriel showed up a couple minutes before midnight. Dean and Cas were sat together on the couch, Dean was leaning his head on Cas' shoulder. Sam was sat in a comfy chair. The three of them were watching some random new years special. The count down to midnight started and Gabriel went over beside Sam, with out any of them noticing.

    "3...2...1!" The TV said. Dean and Cas Kissed. "Happy New Years!" The TV said. Gabriel tapped on Sams shoulder, he turned to look thinking it was Dean or Cas to be suprised by Gabriel. Who pulled the hunter closer and kissed him. "Happy new years my Samsquatch." Gabriel said, letting go of Sam.

*Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it. This was just a story I thought of writing. It only took me too days. Also this book has more words than any one of the chapters I have written before, this story has 2202 words. Any way I hope you enjoyed it. Merry Christmas, again, and Happy New Year. Bye for now :)*

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