draft 19

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(A/N Notes: Well, because I don't think I'll be able to get 5 drafts anytime soon, I will be releasing the few available drafts, they're crude and not reviewed for grammar yet, and a few things may change between this and the final version, though it's not a guarantee, just a possibility

P.S: These draft chapters will be removed once I finish the drafts whenever that happens)

15th day of the month of Mak Damhair, 1950.

- Courburian Calendar.

On what was once a quiet savannah, sounds of metal machines could be heard as they traversed through the wide flatlands on one of the few highways that connected the few large cities of Enyan Solriha together. Yet, those machines didn't belong to the supposed masters of this land, no, each one of the vehicles marching forward carried the tricolor flag of the torchbearer of the revolution painted on their hulls.

Even as the war had begun mere days ago, the Republican Army of Courbury was already marching deep into Enyasin without any opposition from their enemies, a clear sign of the chaos rampaging through the Enyan lines, as the Enyan forces in Solriha were caught right in the middle of their redeployment towards the mainland, to fight against the rebels of the Provisional Revolutionary Army of Arineri, the ones who had re-ignited the Enyan Civil War a month ago.

Yet, none of that mattered to a man atop the lead Vestrler Mk6 Armored Assault Vehicle, nicknamed "Tomby-Ho," as he daringly, or foolishly, smoked a cigar as he felt the dry southerly winds that brought some respite to the harsh, and yet fresh, summer sunlight on the equator, when compared to the sweaty, cramped, and sultry interior of the Tomby-Ho. And the man was not alone in his endeavor, as his fellow tank commanders right behind him, did the same, with some even seating on top of the turrets of their vehicles.

Amongst the long column of vehicles, a carefree atmosphere could be felt, as the men all enjoy opportunity of peace as much as they could, after all, as per the information they had from the air reconnaissance of yesterday, the Enyan forces were massing their last remaining armored units in the continent, at the outskirts of the city of Harren to the right bank of the Sounari River estuary, which was colloquially called as the southern border of the Horn of Solriha.

Although, it couldn't be assessed for what exact purpose those vehicles were to be used, be it a defensive push towards the city of Dorima, a key city location to the control of the flow of materiel from the Naori lake from the northwest and southeast to the interior of the Horn of Solriha, whose majority of it was located on the southern bank of the lake, or preparations for their evacuation from the continent, to either fight in the Enyan mainland or in Vyatrog. Whichever the case, their presence a mere day away from their objective, was too much of a risk to ignore it, and so...

The 7th Armored Regiment under the 3rd Armored Division of the Northern Solriha Army Group was expedited ahead of schedule as the forward element of what was supposed to be the second southeastern push of the Northern Solrihan Army, after they had secured Dorima, for the purpose of destroying the enemy armored units near Harren. Spearheading the advance ahead of the main force, to either hold or break their enemies in place, whatever the case may be, they would be the ones to take the brunt of the attack.

And leading them was Colonel Stewart Calhoun, the very man who was so brazenly smoking atop the leading AAV with a face that didn't give a single care for the world. But then, he noticed a light brown dust cloud forming right above the horizon in front of him, one not so dissimilar to the one formed by his own unit.

The wretched Enyans had formed up for an offensive of their own, and were already on their way to Dorima. Seeing that battle was just mere minutes away, Stewart threw his cigar on the asphalt, only for it to be trampled by the tracks of the AAV behind the Tomby-Ho, and jumped back inside his armored beast, an action repeated all throughout the column as his subordinates also noticed the dust cloud ahead of them, and scurried inside their vehicles. Once inside, Stewart picked up the radio right next to him and spoke to the rest of his unit.

"All units get into your vehicles, double line formation, and halt in 200 meters"

Clear, short, and to the point, Stewart sent his orders to his men, and with his periscope, he could see the other AAVs getting in formation just as he felt the sensation of being hurled forward from the Tomby-Ho coming to a hard stop from the driver pulling hard the break, causing Stewart to react by holding onto his seat with all the force he could muster.

Re-adjusting himself, Stewart observed the distant horizon with his periscope, with no obstacles aside from a few scattered trees and tall bushes, he could see the rising dust cloud growing taller and wider, the tell tale sign of the approaching enemy also getting into an attack formation. And then rising from the horizon with the sunlight reflecting diagonally from their turrets, he saw the rising line of Enyan Charvøtyrn-P23 Armored Assault Vehicles coming from the horizon.

Without having to a say a word, Stewart felt the turret turning ever so slightly as the gunner zoomed in and adjusted his aim, then...


With that single word, the Tomby-Ho lurched backwards from the recoil of the 40mm High Velocity Gun firing at full force as a muffled yet still loud boom and screech was heard, while a trace of light rapidly flew towards the horizon in a nearly straight line.

1... 2... 3 Seconds passed...


The sound of the HVG autoloading mechanism was heard, as it ejected the cartridge down, directly onto the Tomby-Ho's floor, fractions of a second felt like an eternity, and just as half a second passed...


Almost at the same time as the sound of the cartridge hit the floor, countless sparks formed from the Charvøtyrn and then it burst into flames. They scored the first hit, and with it the remaining Vestrlers also burst into life, as so did the Charvøtyrns as they opened fire as they continued rushing forward.

The battlefield became drowned in the deafening sounds of sonic booms and screeches, as countless traces of light sprouted and disappeared from the shots of both sides.

The fire from Courburian side was accurate, as from their stationary positions, the Vestrler crews trained their aim and fired, with only some of the shots missing, while the fire from the Enyan side was inaccurate from their AAVs firing while on the move, but numerous, with almost a three to one advantage over the Courburians, still some shots found the mark onto their enemies, although in a much lower frequency than the Courburian side.

However the sheer mass alone of fire from the Enyans was worrysome, as even the handy Tomby-Ho was slowly becoming overwhelmed, as the Enyan shots creeped ever so closer to hitting it the closer they crept to the lines of Vestrlers.


The sound of the HVG running out of ammo reverberated inside the hull, as it was immediately followed by the sound of the loader pushing the empty mag out of the feeder, and hammering a new one onto it.



In only 3 seconds the Tomby-Ho's gun was back into action, yet before it could come to life again, the hull shook wildly as its armor deflected a shot.

"Target, 50 degrees left"

Hearing the command of Stewart, the gunner Cynefrith Patterson turned the turrets as fast as its mechanism could afford, and fired the gun, bursting another Charvøtyrn into flames. Yet, the hull shook once again, as the armor deflected another enemy round.

"Target, 112 degrees right"

Yet again, the Cynefrith turned the turret and opened fire once the target was in sight. The muffled sound of an explosion was heard, but it had come from their left side, in other words, another Vestrler was claimed.

From what Stewart could assess, his force had already destroyed two thirds of the enemy armor, and yet, the enemy continued to advance forward, as if they were unfazed by the amount of losses they had suffered already. But, Stewart remained unfazed, his unit had suffered some losses, but they were a far cry from what his enemy had already lost, already numbering in the hundreds.

Then, through his periscope, he saw the enemy formation coming to a halt while still under fire, and reversing retreating at the same speed they were once advancing, but the 7th Armored Regiment didn't stop firing as they continued to pummel the remaining Charvøtyrns trying to send as many as they could into oblivion, until they were either dead or gone behind the horizon, but this wasn't the end yet.

The enemy still had some AAVs remaining, and the intelligence of the aerial reconnaissance also spoke of the presence of troop carrier amongst the massing of armor, while he hadn't any of his own with right now, as all infantry units were all busy assisting in the conquest of Dorima.

Stewart licked his dry lips as he thought about his next steps, his main orders were to either stop or destroy the Enyan armored units, and that was now completed as they had successfully forced back the enemy thrust, meaning he could either hold his ground or... chase after the retreating enemy, and destroy their remnants as well before they could be redeployed somewhere else.

After all, his orders were to destroy or halt the enemy, so he wouldn't be breaching any of his superiors orders. Smacking his lips open as he reached to a conclusion, Stewart radioed his unit again.

"Men... Do you'll want to chase after some damned rat?"

For a brief moment there was silence, and then a series of highly motivated shouts from his unit.

"Good. Off we go, spearhead formation, full speed ahead"

Turning off the radio for the time being, Stewart then addressed to the Tomby-Ho's driver.

"Driver, if you may"


With those orders, the driver hurled his vehicle forward taking only 3 seconds to get to their maximum speed, as they quickly traversed the remaining open field, before weaving through the mass of destroyed or disabled Charvøtyrns, with the remainder of the 7th Armored Regiment following right behind them, as they all chased after their fleeing enemy like mounted lancers of old.




The battle of the Naorian Flatlands as it became known, would be the single largest armored battle of the entire conflict, and to some, it was the pivotal point of the Solrihan campaign, as with the destruction of the remaining mobile units of the Enyan Armed forces in the continent and their government more preoccupied in fighting the PRAA in the mainland, the colonial forces of Enyasin would be forced to remain on the defensive across the eastern bank of the Naori Lake and its rivers for the remainder of the conflict.

On the Courburian side, they would makes attempts to cross the river on multiple occasions, but failed to secure a beachhead for any meaningful amount of time to exploit it. But with the Enyans locked in place and without any meaningful ways of counterattacking, this meant that many of the Courburian forces were now free to be moved to other fronts.

With that the 3rd Armored Division, and thus the 7th Armored Regiment, would see further action in many other fronts, but especially, just further north in Southern Nartika, where the 7th Armored Regiment would become distinguished for their actions in support of the revolutionary freedom fighters at the region of Planitirres, especially in their many spearhead actions under the command of Stewart Calhoun in the tropical savannas of the region, earning them the designation "Savannah Chasers"

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