Issue #1: Put a Ring On It

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"Show me, universe, how are the Red Lanterns going to survive," a large man with red armor and red-pink skin says as he kneels down by a pit of dark red liquid. A ring of fire explodes around him.

Above his head, a vision of a far away planet flashes across the sky, like a movie on a theater screen. The vision shows him the face of a human man. As the vision continues to flash, it reveals the man becoming a Red Lantern and standing over the fallen bodies of members from each of the other Lantern Corps.

"A human? A human is our salvation!?" The pink-skinned man roars. "I, Atrocitus, leader and creator of the Red Lantern Corps, demand that you explain! How will this human save my Lanterns!?"

The flashing continues. It reveals the Rage Entity known as the Butcher ghostly standing behind the human, whose beard and hair grows longer, showing further into the future.

"I can feel it...such rage...but how? How can a human possess so much pure rage? Ah...I see now. He faces daily persecution. Constant torment from monsters within his own mind and from the savages of his world. They taunt him for his faith. He has rage...rage like I've never seen before. Let us see if the universe is correct." Atrocitus opens his hand and summons a Red Lantern ring from the power battery. The ring shoots out from the power battery and flies to Atrocitus, then floats above his hand. "Go to Sector 2814 and find this human! Find Caleb Ragnarsön and bring him to me!!"


A young man with short, dark brown hair and a short, full beard walks through the night exhausted. He just got back home to Georgia from Alaska where he works as a crab fisherman. It's January now and he's been gone since October. Normal people might move to be closer to work, but he keeps his primary residence in his home state to be closer to family when it isn't crab season.

He weakly moves up the stairs of his apartment building and unlocks the third door on the right. As he's entering the room, he can hear and feel the thumping of loud music being played across the hall.

"Great. Another fuckin' party," the man says begrudgingly. He walks inside and sets his bag down on the round, wooden table in the center of the dining area. "Welcome home, me." Before he can sit down on his couch, a bright, crimson flash trails through the sky.


Two well-known Thanagarians march through a corridor until they reach the room they're looking for. They approach the room and open the door.

"Tros Synn." The female Thanagarian says.

"What is it, Shayera?" The man in question asks. He is currently basking in an indigo light, floating with his legs crossed and eyes closed. His wings aren't flapping, as he's floating because of the odd ring on his right middle finger.

"Two Green Lanterns are here. They say the Guardians request your presence immediately," Shayera says.

"Do you have any idea why they wish to speak to you?" The male soldier questions.

"Only a hunch, Katar," Tros responds plainly.

"Care to let us in on it?" Shayera responds.

"No," Synn says, lowering himself back to the ground and standing up. He grabs an odd shaped Nth metal axe by its indigo handle. In the center of the blade, there is an oval-like energy field. "If my hunch is correct, the War of Light will begin soon."

"Is there anything we can do?" Katar questions.

"Not without a power ring. Shayera, Katar, we have been friends for a long time. I will miss you both."

"Are you planning on dying?" Katar asks.

"I'm willing to sacrifice myself to keep the war from spreading to Thanagar. This may be the last time we speak. Until we meet again, whether it be in this life or not."

His friends nod and stand aside, allowing him to leave. They part ways, allowing Tros to glide through the air to the landing platform where two Green Lanterns stand waiting for him.

"Kilowog, Stewart, what do I owe the pleasure?" Tros asks the Bolovaxian and the dark-skinned human.

"It's been a long time. The Guardians have requested your presence, Tros," John Stewart says. "They've also requested a representative from the Blue Lanterns."


"He sent a human in his place," Kilowog says.

"A human?" Tros questions.

"Unique to the Blue Lanterns, I know. Despite her young age, Sprint has proven to be a valuable ally", Stewart says. "We need to get going. The Guardians don't like to be kept waiting."

Without wasting another second, the three Lanterns take flight and soar away from Thanagar. Once they get far enough, the three quickly travel across the universe to Oa, home planet of the Green Lantern Corps.

"I haven't seen a gathering this large before," Tros admits.

"Everyone's anxious. The Guardians learned that Atrocitus has found a potential super weapon on Earth," John says.

"A weapon on Earth? What could possibly be worthy of his attention there?"


The young man shakes his head and goes to take a shower. On his way there, he feels his blood boil. Anything and everything that has ever made him angry flashes through his mind as a crimson band wraps around his finger.


"Welcome to the first inter-Corps meeting in the universe's history," one of the small, blue-skinned Guardians of the Universe says.

"We wish this could have happened under happier, better circumstances," another says.

"We have gathered you here to discuss the growing tensions between the different Corps," a third speaks.

"Sinestro's fear-mongering Yellow Corps has been preparing for war. They've increased their numbers and have been spotted negotiating with many other well-known intergalactic criminal agencies," the first Guardian says.

"And Atrocitus has performed another Blood Ritual that he claims showed him the future of the Red Lantern Corps," a different Guardian states. "It could be a super weapon!"

"It's not a super weapon!" Tros yells out. "If I may speak, Guardians?"

"You may, Tros Synn of Thanagar," one of the Guardians says, gesturing for the Indigo Tribe's representative to stand in the center of where the Guardian's currently sit.

"Thank you, Guardians." Synn flies to the center of the circle and lands quietly. He stands up and looks up at the floating short men. "Atrocitus indeed looked to see what the future of his Corps would be. He was looking for a savior and he found one. He found a source of rage that rivaled his own. He found this human, a young man and former soldier with warrior blood in his veins," Tros says. As he speaks, he uses his ring to construct the likeness of said human.

"I know him! His name is Caleb Ragnarsön," John says.

"Yes, it is. I have seen this man in my visions occasionally for years. He has been cursed since birth with unbridled anger and unrelenting rage. Just as Green Lantern Hal Jordan was born with incredible willpower, this man has been fueled by the fires of hatred for as long as he's lived."

"Why don't we just kill 'em?" Kilowog suggests.

"Because he hasn't committed any crimes yet! If Sinestro is indeed assembling an army, the Red Lanterns could be the allies we need to win the coming war!" Tros urges.

"The Red Lanterns are murderers and criminals!" A Guardian shouts.

"Not all of them, and you know it!" Tros retaliates. "Most are victims of tragedy and misfortune. The Red Lanterns have proven in the past that they are not friends of the Sinestro Corps."

"They have proven to be a threat to US as well," a Guardian shouts.

"You were responsible for the death of Atrocitus' entire sector! Whether you admit it or not, you created your enemies! The only way to come out on top of this war is to make alliances with the other Corps!"

"Tros Synn is right!" A purple-skinned female yells. She is basked in the yellow light of fear.

"Yellow Lantern Sinestra Stewart, what do you have to say on this matter?" One of the few impartial Guardians asks.

"I know Caleb personally. My father and I both do. I went to school with him when I was a child on Earth. What Tros Synn says is true. He was always closer to the red light of the emotional spectrum, even as a child, but he has committed no crimes. He should be allowed to choose a side."

"Well said, Sinestra. Tros Synn!"

"Yes, Guardian?"

"You will take Blue Lantern Sprint, Sinestra, and Green Lantern Natllie of Tamaran to Earth. Find Ragnarsön before he receives his ring," the same Guardian says. Without a moment's hesitation, the three chosen Lanterns take flight and soar in the direction of Earth.


"Caleb Ragnarsön, you have great rage in your heart. You belong to the Red Lantern Corps."

"Who said that?" Caleb asks confused and slightly startled. As the ring fully wraps around Caleb's finger, he lets out a thunderous scream. His blood boils as he tries to get to the door. He manages to open his door and exit the room, his heart racing as if it's going to explode.

His body becomes enveloped in a scarlet aura. Without being able to comprehend anything, the young man crumbles to his knees. He puts his hands over his ears in an attempt to silence the pounding of war drums in his head. With a bloodcurdling roar, his body is carried into the air. He grits his teeth as he flies at supersonic speeds.


Stars blur by him as he speeds through space. He continues to move faster and faster, the drums getting louder and louder until he crashes into something hard. The dark rocks shatter as he crash lands on Ysmault. He unknowingly flies through boulder after boulder, cliff after cliff, until he is slowed by a crimson liquid.

His body is slowly dragged to the depths of the bloody pool. As he sinks, he hears the words and voices that cause him so much pain. The ones that stick out most are the words he hears most.

"You really believe in that fairytale book?"

As he sinks, his mind fills with the hurtful onslaught he's received only because of his faith and his skin color. He's the media's favorite punching bag, all because he disagrees with the things they say.


"Caleb's apartment is this way! Follow me," Sinestra yells to her fellow Lanterns as they fly faster than they ever have before. They get to his apartment and find the door open. "We're too late," she says defeated.

"There's still a chance. We must request an audience with Atrocitus," Tros says determinedly. He then looks over and sees the young Sprint being comforted by Natllie. "What's wrong with Sprint?"

"Caleb is Sprint's oldest brother. They lost their middle brother two years ago," Sinestra informs. "If Sprint loses Caleb, she'll lose the only family she has left."

"I see." The winged warrior approaches the young woman and kneels in front of her. "Caleb is your brother?"

"Y-Yes, sir," she mutters.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure your brother is taken care of. You have my word."

"I believe you. I...I just can't afford to lose anyone else," Sprint sobs.

"We must go," Tros says. "Make sure your brother's belongings are safe. We don't need to give him another reason to be angry."

Sprint nods and runs off, using her speed and her ring to fix any damaged objects and to prevent anyone from being able to enter the apartment. They're soon ready to leave and take off, heading straight for Ysmault.

Meanwhile, somewhere else on Earth. A mysterious, shrouded figure stands in an aura of darkness. He speaks an oath, then flies away.

"The Blackest Night falls from the skies, the darkness grows as all light dies, I crave your hearts and your demise, by my black hand, the guilty shall die."

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