Standing Firm In Sadness And Sorrow

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Depression is deep, dark, emotional sadness that affects the way you live, think, and relate to others.

Psalm 77

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

John 9

Revelation 21:1-5


When the darkness of depression closes in the light of faith in God helps us to see beyond what we feel.

Negatives develop in the dark

Church should be a place where you feel comfortable talking about depression or anxiety.

3 different people

People who struggle with depression

People who struggle with saddens, everybody.

People who know someone who is depressed

Types of depression




About Depression

Depression longs for help and healing.

Depression tends to refuse help and healing

Depression thinks about God through a dark lens.

Depression makes life seem meaningless.

Depression is not necessarily your fault or a sin

Depression calls for our honesty

Depression must be fought with truth

Depression is not God or anything like God

Depression is not our identity God is



Understand this... whatever you are going through it matters. It doesn't make you weak or unloved. It gives you a different perspective on life. It has a meaning.

If you go up a mountain and have gone on the hard path, up the mountain across steep trails, when you get to the top you are happy and proud that you made it that far.

But if you take a helicopter up when you get to the top you aren't as amazed or exited.

You aren't defined by the saddens and circumstances you go through you are a child of God.

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