Among Us

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I got inspired when I saw my 8 year old nephew watching this youtuber called Denis Daily play Among Us. Here's how some of the characters would do if they were playing that game:

Essie (purple)

* Clueless

* has no idea wtf 'Among Us' is. The Stolls just shoved the phone in her hand and told her to play and she was just "Oh okay! :D" cuz she likes games and it sounded fun

* off the bat, this shit happens:

Essie: *reports*

Annabeth: What's wrong

Essie: Why are me and Nico's names red???

Annabeth: ...

Nico: ...

Ethan: ...

Literally everyone in the game: ...

Ethan: im voting percy

Percy: WHAT

Annabeth: ok

Nico: ok

Alabaster: ok

Percy: WAIT NO PLS!!!!

Percy was not the imposter


Essie: *reports*

Nico: What happened???

Essie: How do you go into the vents like Ethan does???

Ethan at his phone: 

* after a very long discussion with Ethan, she finally understands how to play the game and becomes a decent player :')

* ngl, he immediately regrets helping her out because she becomes ✨sneaky✨

* Because of how awful of a player she was at the beginning, everyone underestimates her. She knows ppl like to do the buddy system so she sticks with Ethan and when they're alone she just fucking kills him

* Ethan in the ghost chat be like: 👁️👄👁️

* the fucking betrayal omg

* Then essie just goes on her merry way and kills everyone else :)

Draco (lime green)

* this bitch also sucks at the game lol

* he'd be the type of dumbass to kill someone (probs Harry let's be honest) while there's still a witness in the room

* would also leave the vents while there's still someone in the room too

* he's just so bad omg 😂

* he'd get soooo defensive about everything too which makes him only look even more suspicious so everyone votes him out, like someone PLEASE help this boy he's a mess 😂 😂 😂

* if you thought he was a bad impostor he's an even worse crewmate :')


* and when he's asked what task he was doing he can't describe them either because of his lack of knowledge about muggle tech

Essie: What task were u doing????

Draco: the one with the metal bar thing

Essie: ???

Draco: It has a screen too?

Ron: ferret's real sus


Harry: lets vote him out

Draco: NO!!!!

Essie: Sorry draco :(


Draco was not the impostor

Ethan (wanted to be black, but Nico always takes that fucking color smh, so he picks cyan instead)

* the first thing he does when he becomes the impostor is kill Percy just because :)

* likes to use the vents too and this boy internally screamed when Essie just casually outed him, like sis WHY?!??!?! He was doing so well 😩

* no longer uses the vents because of that

* Prefers to kill the crewmates rather than sabotage because of course he does

* h a t e s being the crewmate though because he's always paranoid about Nico being the impostor and trying to kill him

(he's not far off)

* he's such a bitch in the discussions too and purposely starts fights so everyone would be sus of the other

* he's a scarily good player. ppl are naturally sus of him, but they don't have any fucking proof that he killed anyone cuz he's just THAT good

* the only person he's super cautious of is Annabeth cuz she's smart... and Essie too, but mostly because she says the dumbest shit that almost always gets him trouble 😂 😂 😂

* Nico, however, is on a whole other level

* that kid is ALWAYS trying to get him either by killing him, or getting everyone to vote him off

* it aggravates the shit out of him so much because Essie ALWAYS believes Nico's accusations and it just snowballs to everyone else believing him too

Nico, with no evidence whatsoever: Ethan's sus lets vote him out

Essie: okay!!

Ethan: you don't even have any proof?!?!?!

Ethan was the impostor

Percy (blue)

* this poor boy's got a target on his back

* so naturally, he's almost always the first one to get killed :')

* too scared of being caught killing someone so he opts with sabotaging

* he's awful when he gets interrogated though cuz he doesn't have the layout memorized so he fucks up when questioned

Annabeth: what were you doing

Percy: I was at electrical i think?

Essie: But I just saw you pass by the cafeteria??

Percy: IDK!!! I just know that I was at this blue room!!

Nico: that's the medbay

Ethan: percy's being sus, let's vote him out

Essie: okay!

Percy: WTF????!!

Nico: ok


Percy was not the impostor

Annabeth (white)

* Big brain power, omg 😩 😩 😩 lend some of your brain cells to your friends plss

* Detective right here

* She just needs to listen in on the first emergency meeting to figure out who the impostor is

* Memorizes the whole map and the where the tasks are so she can ALWAYS tell when someone's lying about where they've been

* She's such a good crewmate omg, everyone would be DEAD without her cuz she's always fixing the sabotages and shit

* Somehow even worse as the impostor

* Unlike the other idiots, she doesn't go on a killing spree and targets people randomly

* She's analytical... calculating... she's fucking terrifying

* The game always ends in less than five minutes when she's the impostor, she just breezes through that easily omg

* Will lose her shit if she somehow gets killed

* no but fr, she'll actually leave the cabin to find the killer and yell at them, that's how everyone finds out who the impostor is cuz she screams so fucking loud loool 😂

Nico (black)

* Nico's face every time he kills Ethan: 

* no but fr, whether he's an impostor or a crewmate, Nico ALWAYS targets Ethan and it's absolutely hilarious 😂

* What makes it even better is that Essie ALWAYS believes the accusation which he knows will annoy Ethan even more

* He's such a little shit omg

* There was this one time where he and Ethan were both the impostors and rather than working together, he outs him the second a meeting comes up

* will also kill Ethan and self report it

Nico: found Ethan's body in electrical

Essie: :( nooooooo

Nico: yeah anyways let's kill Percy

Percy: wtf man

Essie: ok!

Percy: ESSIE NO!!!!

* when he's a crewmate tho, he tends to just stick to the buddy system with Essie and they do their tasks together :)

Sirius (red)

* he'll be red cuz Gryffindor

* gotta represent you know???

* and he'll wear the flamingo hat too because why not

* Over dramatic bitch omg

Regulus: Let's vote Sirius


Essie: okay! :)

Sirius: NO WAIT NO PLS!!!


Harry: Im sorry sirius....

Sirius: YOU TRAITORS!!!!!


Sirius was not the impostor

* always makes the mistake of buddying up with Regulus, which always results in him killing him

* every time Regulus kills him, he reacts as if it's the biggest betrayal ever but honestly, he should've expected it at this point 😂

* does he learn his lesson? No :) cuz in the next game, HE'S BUDDYING UP WITH REGULUS AGAIN (smh sirius)

Regulus (green)

* this bitch is always the impostor 99% of the time

* spies on ppl through the security cameras cuz he's a nosy mf

* his main targets are always either Ethan or Sirius (or both, usually both)

* Ethan cuz he hates him and Sirius cuz the dumbass just makes it so fucking easy 😂 😂 😂

* Also likes to blame ppl too

* If he kills Ethan, he'll blame it on Sirius and if he kills Sirius, he blames it on Ethan

* Those two are so fucking paranoid around him now omg

* Very good at pretending to do tasks when he's actually sabotaging

* That 1% where he isn't the impostor tho? The impostors better run for their lives, cuz he's like a fucking detective and shit

* Will probably figure out who the impostors are three minutes into the game

* But won't out them and will instead blame Ethan or Sirius :)

* pray that he doesn't ever get paired up with Essie as the impostor duo, those two are terrifying together

Harry (orange)

* Sucks as an impostor lol

* Probably has a mini crewmate following him around too cuz he thinks it's cute

* He's so reckless, omg

* He killed Draco one time, and made the dumb mistake of self reporting it

* Everyone's on to him immediately and they vote him out

* Like OF COURSE they're gonna know it was you Harry, what were you expecting 😂 😂 😂

* Draco cackling in the ghost chat:

* He's a better crewmate than an impostor :')

* He sticks with Ron and Hermione and every time either one of them dies, he fucking spams the caps lock during emergency meetings


Harry: IT WAS DRACO!!!

Harry: HE KILLED THEM!!!!!

Essie: but he was with me in the weapons room :/

Harry: .........

Draco: :P

* Ngl, the caps lock abuse is probably what gets him voted off too lmao 😂

* He is ALWAYS sus of green (Draco) and provides zero proof whatsoever (kinda like in real life, LOOOOL)


Peter (yes the rat) (brown)

* self reports

* that's literally it

* he self reported once, but everyone hated him so much they voted him off anyways regardless if there was any proof or not :)

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