Chapter V: Complicazione

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As they went, Mario began to divulge a little more, explaining the pipes, (their names,) where they connected to, and what specific uses they were intended for.

"Piper is a warp pipe. He's meant to get items or personel, like you and me, to intended locations. However, they are often the most finicky and tend to, to put it nicely, dupe or trick their users." Mario lifted the lantern before him, illuminating a fork in the tunnel.

"How?" Luigi looked back and forth along with his brother.

Mario shrugged, squinting as he observed each darkened passage with an observant gaze. "Warp pipes lead to many branches and sections of different tunnels, and, being sentient, can force their user to any area within those tunnels if they don't want to cooperate." Mario laughed, "So naturally, one can get turned around and lost in these pipe tunnels quite often! I'm just lucky that they all get along with me, otherwise I'd have gotten lost months ago!"

Luigi nodded, even though he didn't completely understand. Maybe it would all make sense soon? He entertained himself by playing with the light sledge he now had slung over his shoulder, swinging it like a pendulum and sometimes trying to toss it and catch it again. Anything to get used to its weight.

Soon, the brothers came to a wide open area, no doubt the central hub of all the pipes. It was easily the size of a mansion foyer, and had just as many twisting staircases and pipes in the place of doorways. Sparse, dust-sprinkled light shone from above, reflecting off the greenish, algae-hued water. The bricks of the area were a touch cracked and also sported green algae in their cracks, which gave the illusion of the entire brick being colored a blue-green hue.

Luigi blinked a few times, shielding his eyes from the glaring reflected light. He poked his head into the area cautiously, looking up, uncertain as Mario strode in. There was an enormous grate just overhead, which cast barlike shadows into the tunnels beneath. Luigi could hear the trickling of water from above and could barely make out blue sky and the fresh draft of clean air. The grate had to be at least four stories above him, and the light twinkled though mockingly at him, as if reminding the beings within just how much of a prison these tunnels could become if they felt so inclined. Luigi shuddered. He didn't like this place one bit. He would rather be above the grate, and not within its caging bars.

Mario walked to the center of the room and turned back to Luigi.

"Well, this is the Pipework's central. You can get just about anywhere from here. And if you can't get directly there from these pipes, they'll lead to another network which gets you to the place you're going. That's why I brought the map." Mario pulled out the curled roll of paper and began to open it, flashing the writing on the inside to Luigi as he began to read its contents. "One wrong turn and you get lost pretty quickly..."

Mario's voice echoed in the wide open area, throwing his bright voice all about the high grate, the many pipes around him, and in the tunnel behind Luigi. Luigi looked back and forth for a moment longer before sighing and cautiously striding into the center where his brother observed the map.

Even as he stepped in, the new intern could feel the drainwater from above beginning to drip all over him, sopping his hair and running uncomfortably down his back, soaking him soundly. Luigi yelped as a large, wet glob of something or other also landed on his head.

Mario turned at hearing the sound splat. Upon seeing his brother, who was trying to shake off the remains of sludge and water from his hair and clothing, Mario had to bite his cheek to prevent himself from laughing. Luigi's arms were akimbo, and it was obvious from his posture just how surprised and or how disgusted he was.

"Blegh!" Luigi sputtered, running out of the shallow water to the platform Mario stood on. "Agh! Che schifo!" He quickly took off his hat, beginning to wring it out. "Disgustoso!" Luigi didn't even want to imagine what had landed on him or what he was dealing with right now, but it certainly couldn't have been sanitary or clean. And now it was all over him. After gagging silently for a few moments, Luigi finally put aside his disgust, shrugging and replacing his hat, reasoning that he would take a shower later that night. Nevertheless, it was disgusting all the same, and the water which now soaked him to the skin did not cease in being undesirable or irritating. Luigi shook his head once more, trying to shake off as much of the grimy water as he could manage before running a hand through his hair to weed out any remaining sludge.

"Disgustoso..." He whispered again, looking down at the plain, stone grey platform. A thin sheen of algae tinted water covered the area, rippling as Luigi's feet disturbed its once placid surface.

"I know, I know." Mario said, beginning to fold the map and put it away. "It's gross, I know. You'll get used to it. You'll figure out the tips and tricks of the area." Mario began to wipe down his brother, brushing the remaining muck from Luigi's shoulders.

Luigi quickly swiped the rest of the mystery sewage off and rolled his shoulders back, shielding his face with a hand as he looked up to the dripping grate, the sun shining mockingly just above him. Even though this place was unnervingly disgusting, it was still magnificent in the sense that it was almost like a playground for those inside, with its hanging stairwells, climbing ladders, odd pipes, and roughed up bricks. Smiling softly, Luigi nodded, yes, he may get to like this place still. It offered him a sense of freedom he hadn't felt in a long time, a hallow to hide in, just like the fantasy characters in his favorite books.

A tap on the shoulder from Mario caused Luigi to jump and brought him back to the present. "I know you like sightseeing, but this isn't where we need to check up on." Mario said, getting his brother's attention. "We need to head to Sector 1-2. I've been getting complaints that the water pressure has been getting low there, and I suspect there may be a burst or loose connection somewhere." Luigi watched quietly as Mario began to hop up the stairs quickly, scaling the steep walls between ladders and hanging platforms.

As if noticing his accomplice wasn't following, Mario stopped climbing on a ladder and turned to Luigi, waving his hand in an indication to follow. "Come on, L! Just follow my lead. You're really strong, you can climb this. I've seen you swinging from the bunk bed, this'll be a piece of pizza pie."

Luigi just stared up at his brother blankly, already trying to piece together the best route through the tangle of metal and chipped brick. His eyes wandered from the grate to the thick lips of the pipes scattered around the cylindrical chamber, all the way to the creaking, rusty steps of the loose stairwells. He didn't really trust the stability of most of the equipment in the area, and he was determined to find a second route which could be more effective and less dangerous than what his daredevil brother had just taken.

Soon, a path began to become clearer to the silent watcher and Luigi's blue eyes traced the route once more, trying to make certain of its safety, before nodding and beginning to engage the beast. This would take him to the exact spot his brother now hung from, already beginning to pull himself over a rusted platform's steep edge. Threading the hammer's handle through the straps in the back of his overalls, Luigi began to engage his plan

Luigi started by jumping to to the top of a green pipe's lip, balancing himself against the wall before digging his fingers into crevasses in the wall and securing his footing upon a deep gash in the cobble, which frighteningly enough resembled a deep claw mark, as if a monster had slashed it clean open. Choking down the sudden lump of worry, Luigi focused upon the underside of the stairwell and quickly jumped, hooking his fingers onto the steps as he dangled in the open air.

Now he whispered a silent prayer to himself as he forced all the muscle control into himself as possible. The next move was going to be the most risky maneuver yet. Quickly, he released hold with one hand and snatched just over his head at the second step. With a huff, he made contact and quickly seconded the hand with the other one, pulling himself up the wall. He could feel the burning in his arms as he continued to hold his entire weight, and for a frightening second, his fingers went numb as if to drop him, but Luigi quickly hooked his foot on the inside of a second green pipe, slipping from the stair to sitting on top of the second pipe. He was now ten feet up.

"Come on, Luigi! Come on!" Mario cheered from overhead. Luigi looked up, sucking in deep breaths. His brother was waving over the platform, only a tantalizing twenty feet above.

Luigi stared up for a while, trying to continue gauging his path before he glanced around quickly for a second place to jump. Setting his jaw, Luigi carefully stood, legs beginning to shake as he lined himself for the attempt.

Cool air brushed his hair and chilled his cheeks as he went airborne, aiming for a corner between the railing of a ladder and the wall. He contacted, and before he could begin to slide, Luigi set his feet and pushed off, gripping onto the second green pipe. The metal was wet and slick, and Luigi's hands slipped, causing him to let out a sharp cry as he lost his grip. He dangled by one hand's fingertips, forced to stare down at the murky waters below him as his shoulder began to burn with stress of carrying his entire weight.

Heart beginning to pound, Luigi looked down in fear, blood beginning to pulse in his ears. He knew this feeling all too well. His fight or flight response had always been honed to adrenaline-quick perfection. But it wasn't his fight ability which had been his unfailing go-to.

It was his flight.

The water churned with a hidden monster right below its surface, and between the panic and the sheer surprise of the individual, Luigi saw the glittering of light on the water as glittering teeth, the dark blobs inside of it as the moving form beneath the waves, ready to lunge up and snatch him between razor sharp jaws...

Eyes widening, Luigi quickly snatched the lip of the pipe with unnatural strength, hefting himself up and quickly jumping, swinging onto a platform, which began to creak loudly with exaggerated noise. Fearing the worst, the new member of parkour began to climb the nearest ladder, jumping once again to a second platform and beginning to crawl up and over. Run away from the monster, away from the fear...

A pair of hands snatched Luigi's wrists and, shocked, Luigi let out a sharp scream, which echoed in the high roof and stifling chamber.

"No, no, no, no... Per favore!" Luigi's voice shook as the hands began to drag him over the platform, slipping the hammer out of Luigi's overalls. As soon as Luigi's chest crossed the ledge, a strong arm wrapped tightly about his chest and continued to heave him over. Luigi looked about him wildly, beginning to force his cramping hands to grasp any purchase he could find, anything to keep him away from this creature. "Help! HELP!" He cried, beginning to struggle.

The next second, a hand covered his mouth and Luigi was forced to bite back a scream. He was about to attempt to bite down when he noticed the hand was a slightly stained white and tasted of coarse cotton and unknown sewage. Quickly, Luigi got a better look at the arm which was securing his torso. It was a vibrant red. A voice spoke and Luigi immediately slumped, relaxing from his sudden terror.

"Luigi! God, are you crazy!? It's me! Mario! You're gonna fall if you don't stop struggling!" Mario had jammed his hand sideways into his brother's mouth to choke off Luigi's sudden cry and his other arm was wrapped about his twin's chest. He had seen Luigi beginning to panic and climb unnaturally fast, taking less and less precautions in the wild flight to reach safety. If Mario hadn't grabbed Luigi when he had, his little brother would have fallen the painful thirty feet, quite possibly gaining himself a concussion in the process.

Mario glared down at Luigi, who was beginning to lay down in his grasp. He could feel the terrified pounding of his brother's heart and the quick, unsteady inhales and exhales as Luigi chest rose and fell against Mario's arm. Slowly, Luigi's glazed cyan eyes met Mario's and after a few seconds of staring, Luigi inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, sighing as he settled against Mario's legs. He mumbled something into Mario's gagging glove before reaching back and wrapping an arm around his brother's shoulder in a sign that he had acknowledged his elder brother's words.

Slowly, Mario took his glove out of Luigi's mouth, allowing him to breathe comfortably. Luigi gagged once before turning to the side and spitting out loose grime that had been on Mario's gloves.

"Are you okay?" Mario said quietly, taking off Luigi's hat to wipe some sweat off his younger brother's forehead. Obviously he had been too pumped up on adrenaline to have noticed that he was sweating bullets.

Luigi opened his eyes, looking up at his brother once again. Voice too shot to speak, he only nodded, curling and uncurling his fingers to feel the painful tenseness of the joints. Luigi nodded numbly again, bending his knees and trying to get over the sickening feeling in his stomach and the nasty tastes in his mouth from the loose sewage on Mario's glove,

"Disgustoso..." He whispered again, bringing both of his hands to his chest in a crisscross before attempting to roll to the side to get to his knees. Soon, he stood, shaking, as Mario put both hands on his brother's shoulders to steady him. Luigi could hear his concerned voice as he asked his younger brother questions, but the words blurred together into a noisy cataphony in Luigi's ears.

Mario watched and bit his tongue as Luigi shook his head after every one of his questions. Soon, Mario gave up and just put one of Luigi's arms around his shoulders, guiding him towards the pipe which was needed to get to the area. By the time the two of them staggered to it, Luigi was already beginning to come out of his stupor, starting to nudge Mario's hand to the side and taking his own steps towards the green pipe. Luigi slumped to the platform against the pipe with a huff, pulling the brim of his hat over his eyes as he put his head back as if to take a small nap.

"I'm not surprised. You put yourself through such a fright there. What got into you?" Mario crouched in front of his brother, slinging his hammer over his shoulders and putting Luigi's by his brother's side.

Luigi only lifted the brim of his hat, looking up at the grate which sparkled with sunlight overhead.

"Mostro." He responded quietly, crossing his arms and putting his chin to his chest as he looked down at himself. "Ho visto un finto mostro e sono andato nel panico. Il tipico me." Luigi crunched up tighter, trying to press himself into the crack between the pipe and the wall. He had always been one to blow things out of proportion, his mind creating things and beings which didn't exist. When we had been younger, he had used these as a way to entertain himself and create stories out of his imagination. There had been monsters to slay, damsels to rescue, lands to explore and exploit, and all of them were summoned at his beck and call. When he had been younger...

Luigi shook his head before putting his forehead to his knees, rocking softly. Somewhere, deep inside, something hurt. It hurt so badly, but he could never allow it to come out. Nobody would understand or care.

Finally, Luigi brought his knees down, sighing and grabbing the hammer by the handle as he slowly stood.

"Va bene. Dove andiamo adesso?" He asked, beginning to look around once more at the blue and green stained walls. He paced back and forth on the platform, looking down at times at the rippling water and taking in the sound of other droplets dripping and draining away in various other places.

"We just need to go through the pipe. That will take us to 1-2. Peter, no tricks now, okay?" Mario crouched in front of the green pipe, waving his hammer at it as if a mother would in warning a child.

Luigi could hear the lightest gurgle, as if in laughter before Mario nodded and smiled.

"Alright, down you go, Luigi. You go first, I'll make sure that you get where you're going by following directly behind, okay?" Mario moved out of the way, allowing Luigi to stand before Peter. Luigi looked into the darkness of the pipe once again, this time a little more thankful that he could choose exactly when he wanted to enter as opposed to how he had accidentally fallen down Piper initially.

Summoning his courage, Luigi gulped once before securing the hammer in the crisscross of his overalls once again. He closed his eyes, imagining himself as only crawling through bushes or into a cave to find treasures on the other side. Treasures never before seen or thought of in the modern world. Slowly, Luigi found himself beginning to inch forward, sliding his hands across the pipe as he crawled on his hands and knees towards the grey circle which seemed a touch brighter than the colors around him. Sounds echoed all around, the water running past in pipes alongside him, the air whistling over the pipe's mouth like a flute, and the scampering of unknown critters and fish above, below, and throughout the pipes.

Soon enough, Luigi's hands gripped the edge of the pipe, and the ground beneath him was a solid blue copper. He had made it to the other side.

"Sono dall'altra parte." He said, looking about him, up and down. Directly before him, over his head, he could spot a rusted panel which seemed to be an old plaque meant to guide passerby to their location. It read in oxidized blue and dull copper "Sector 1-2".

Quickly, Luigi slipped out of the pipe, his now slimy and drenched clothes serving as lubricant to allow him to fall onto the ground. He looked up at the ceiling, which was covered in unknown green and growing substances, dripping with water and other contaminants. Luigi's eyes slowly began to adjust to the darkness, the deeply grooved shadows beginning to brighten the longer he stared.

The sound of a striking match and Luigi glanced towards the smallest beacon, being blinded by the sudden flash of orange light. The creases on Mario's face were illuminated by the light as his bright blue eyes reflected the crisp and bright match.

"Hi there. You made it. That wasn't all that bad, was it?" He said, beginning to lift the hood of a lantern and allowing the flame to catch the oil inside. When the flame began to rise, Mario withdrew the match and blew it out before putting it in his pocket.

In the light of the lantern, Luigi could see that like when he had exited Piper, the tunnel went in two directions, and each of them were guarded by darkened hooded lanterns, which Mario still had to light. Luigi looked up at Mario before beginning to stand and wipe off the slime on his pants and shirt. He smiled.

"No, non E 'andata cosi' male." He said, pulling out the hammer and wiping off the sludge it had also gained from Luigi's pipe crawl. "Credo di aver capito." He swung the hammer around several times, proudly flourishing it before accidentally fumbling and dropping it to the ground with a clatter on the mucky cobble.

Mario snorted, shaking his head at Luigi's antics, "Very fine, fratello mio. Very nice handiwork." At least it was good to know that Luigi was starting to warm up to the place. Mario swung the hooded lantern around, gaining a sense of his bearings once again. It had been a while since he had ventured near sector 1-2, and if his memory served well, he had found more than a few creepy crawlies in the area.

"Now, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a small infestation here," said Mario as he watched Luigi pick up the hammer quickly. "It's typical of this area to be a little more than welcoming to a variety of pests, but the catch is that the pests aren't what you would be used to."

Luigi lightly tapped Peter with the hammer, obeying Mario's earlier instructions in introducing himself. He listened to the gurgle of water inside before looking up at Mario, confused. "Oh? Non abbiamo trovato una tartaruga nel water una volta, quando eravamo piu ' giovani?" Luigi tipped his head, letting the smallest grin creep onto his face as he recalled finding the odd water turtle, probably someone's rejected pet, floundering in his old home's toilet. Mario had been the one to laugh at his a little more than surprised twin before scooping up the forlorn critter and finding a home for it in their backyard pond.

Mario laughed. "Giuseppe? I remember him! He was a good pet, wasn't he? Yes, creatures like that, Luigi, but a little bit... bigger." Mario made a gesture with his hand, indicating to his chest level.

Luigi hesitated, mulling over the meaning of Mario's indication. Finally, he swiped his hand at knee level. "Bigger?" He asked, hopeful that that was the intended size.

Mario bit his lip, shaking his head before confirming the hand at his chest. "Bigger. It's a bit dangerous down here, but it's not dangerous if you know the trade. Just stick around and don't wander off. I'll be here to protect you. There's shouldn't be more that three in the area right now. They're not very social critters, after all."

"Loro? Chi sono 'loro'?" Luigi asked, beginning to grow suspicious and slightly frightened. He leaned in, as if to imply that perhaps the two of them should keep their voices down while they discussed.

Mario flashed the lantern he held around the walls, trying to remember exactly how the tunnels connected. He had tried his best to avoid this sector after an incident a few weeks ago, but ever since the increase of complaints, he had had no choice but to revisit the slightly vicious tunnels of 1-2. Now, as he looked his brother in the eyes, Mario felt a twinge of slight self-breatement. What was he thinking, dragging his brother along with him? Had it really been a good idea to take his brother to 1-2 with no previous experience?

Finally shaking aside those thoughts, Mario made up his mind. Yes, yes it had been a good idea. He himself had held his own in this area before, and he had learned from the experience. No harm would come to his his brother. Besides, that had been why he had brought along red mushrooms, wasn't it? And they also grew naturally down here quite often. No, Luigi would be safe, Mario would make sure of it.

"They're animals which call the underground their home. Mostly giant turtles, and really weird living, walking fungi with hideous overbites." Mario hesitated, snorting at his terrible description. "I really can't find the words to explain them logically. You need to see them just to get an idea of how extremely odd they really are."

Luigi blinked at his brother once, contemplating more questions than what he had started with. "Cosa?" He said incredulously, raising an eyebrow.

"Exactly." Said Mario wearily, shaking his head and looking down. He pinched the bridge of his nose, rubbing his eyes once before looking both directions of the tunnel quietly. Forcing himself to listen closer, he heard the sound of every drop of water dripping to the cement and blue brick, every sound of running water within the piping system, and even the slightest traces of scuffling and scratching which echoed in the tunnels to his left. They sounded a ways away, but they certainly were present. He and his brother would have to tread softly from now on, at least until Mario got a better idea of what they were dealing with.

Luigi stared at Mario, who was turned away from him and staring down the pitch black tunnel, lantern held swinging before him. In the flickering lamplight, Mario almost looked like a statue, for he was not moving and seemed to be focusing intently on something before him. It was then that the younger sibling heard the sound of light chittering and soft scratches of something on metal. His heart dropping, Luigi looked between his eerily silent brother and the dancing patterns of light off the copper brick.

"M_Mario?" Luigi stammered softly, his hand beginning to shake despite their tightening grip on the small sledge. "Cos_"

Mario cut him off by raising a hand in an indication of silence and glaring back at Luigi, a look of almost sheer determination in his gaze. He didn't speak, but instead shook his head, telling his brother to keep his peace. Mario's eyes flicked back towards the tunnel, and Luigi watched silently, biting his lip and trying to still his heartbeat as Mario took careful, completely silent steps towards the sounds. After a few paces, Mario slowly placed the lantern on the ground, illuminating a small, ten foot radius around him. He glanced back at Luigi, as if to make sure that his brother was still there, before he put a finger to his lips and jerked his head towards the sound, beckoning Luigi to come closer.

Immediately, Luigi scampered closer, his footsteps splashing in the grimy inch deep water. As soon as he was shoulder to shoulder with his brother, Luigi tightened his grip on the hammer, his hands barely beginning to shake. The halo of light illuminated a green pipe a little further ahead, covered by the debris of blue green bricks, which appeared as if broken in a hard collision or other such tremor. The chittering seemed to crechendo into a chorus, reminiscent of light, tittering laughter as more voices joined in.

"Luigi." Mario said softly so that Luigi could hear the muffled urgency.

As if in sudden response, seven pairs of yellow and gleaming gold eyes flashed to life, cutting through the gloom as the chattering and scratching reached its peak. All of them sported slit pupils which flicked back and forth upon the intruders of the tunnels, quickly locking eyes with the young apprentice and notating the mentor who wielded the hammer like a shield. Luigi froze with fear as the eyes looked straight through him, silent, calculating, and with the chilling side effect of suddenly feeling the prey as opposed to the hunter in the situation.

Mario came out of his stupor first, locking eyes with his brother's frightened blue ones. "Run."

A shell came spinning out of the darkness, a vibrant and frightening red. Luigi felt Mario's hand catch him in the chest, and a split second later, he was sitting in the water, knocked up against the blue walls. He sat for a moment, dazed at what had just happened, before strong hands clasped his shoulders and began to manipulate him to a standing position.

Mario had parried the red shell with the hammer's blunt, redirecting it back towards the koopas which were already beginning to venture from the darkness. Luigi saw that all of them shared identical gleaming gold scales like turtles, and shells which seemed to glisten like polished stones of red and green. Devilish yellow eyes glowed like a cat's, and their beaked mouths opened to utter hisses as they watched Mario settle into a unflinching fighting stance, brandishing the sledge like a warhammer as he glared them unwaveringly with blazing blue eyes.

Mario glared at the horde, baring his teeth in a facade of rage-driven confidence. There were far more than three in these pipes. Mario could count at least seven, and that didn't even account for the dried bones of three other skeletal turtles, whose exposed ivory teeth could easily deal more damage than their living counterparts. Even despite the grim situation, Mario couldn't help but puzzle. This wasn't natural. Something was at play. These creatures had never ganged up in a way like this before, and especially not in anything resembling their clever ambush of the unsuspecting duo.

Mario counted the group once more before calling to his brother, never taking his eyes off the advancing horde. "Luigi!" He said, backing away slowly, using one hand to guide his dazed and no doubt horrified brother with him. "Run as fast as you can! Don't stop, don't turn around, and don't try and fight them!"

Luigi shook his head in shock, grasping his brother's arm. "Mario! N_"

"They'll tear you to pieces!" Mario shouted, cutting him off. "Exit through Peter, and then run all the way back the way we came, up through Piper." Mario felt his face flushing with adrenaline as one turtle lunged forward with a snap, earning a hammer to its face before it flinched away with a yelp. "Tell someone, anyone in Toad Town! Warn them! I'll hold them off!" Mario finished, suddenly turning to Luigi, who was white as a ghost. He was shaking his head adamantly, and Mario could see his grip increasing on the hammer at Luigi's side.

But Mario also saw the pipe right behind Luigi, almost seeming to beckon with its enticing darkness.

"Non ti lascio indietro! Abbiamo fatto una promessa!" Luigi rebutted, raising the hammer defensively. Mario couldn't help but smile, his brows creasing in brotherly affection the longer he looked at Luigi and his small stance, which could be blown over by a puff of wind.

Despite the snarling behind him, Mario gently pushed Luigi's hammer down to his side again, nodding and smiling that signature lift, his foot inconspicuously trailing behind Luigi's legs.

"I know. But for now, yes you are."

It took all of a second for Luigi's eyes to widen as Mario hooked his foot at Luigi's knees, causing him to lose his balance as Mario, with a carefully calculated force and aim, drop kicked his brother in the chest, pummeling him through the waiting Peter.

"Don't let him come back!" Mario landed in a crouch, instructing the green pipe, before standing sharply and turning to face the nearing group, their eyes sparkling with malice and their teeth sparkling in the dimming lamplight.

"Alright all of you. I take it you're all hungry." He addressed the monsters before him. He brandished the hammer. "Fine. Sledge sandwiches to whet your appetites, then! Chi e ' il primo?! Vieni verso di me!"

The turtles, with a cry of united screeching, converged on the awaiting Mario.

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