~ Chapter One: Short Story or Full Chapters? ~

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The Warriors fandom is a strange one. Whilst most fandoms only have one kind of fan-fiction, we have several.

We have your typical fan-fiction, with full lengthy chapters ranging from 500 to at least 1000. Long.

Then we have 'short stories', which are books with many, many chapters, and very few words in each. About a sentence per chapter on average.

And lastly, we have the mix. Not full stories, but not short, either. They have about 100 to 500 words per chapter.

Which one should you write?

Here are the pros and cons of each:

Full story:
1. Can get very detailed
2. Most sophisticated
3. Allows for lots of development and extra scenes
1. Can take a long time to write
2. If you don't update frequently, your readers may lose interest

Short story:
1. Very easy to write
2. Quick
1. This trend is dying, and people tend to like this type of story less and less
2. Requires lots of scrolling or swiping to read
3. People get annoyed with spam updates
4. Don't really prove your writing skills

Mixed stories:
1. Easy to write
2. Allows for some development and detail
3. Can be finished quickly
1. Some people may feel less satisfied with short chapters
2. Proves your writing skill more, but not much

Now, if you are still uncertain about what type you would like to write, let me give some scenarios for each one.

Full story:
1. If you want to get long term followers and readers
2. If you want to prove your writing skills

Short story:
1. If you want something quick and easy
2. If you want something to satisfy your followers while you work on other things

Mixed story:
1. If you want to refine your writing skills
2. If you want something easy and quick, but want more development and detail than a short story

I hope that this helped you decide just which type of story you want to write!

Let me know which one you chose in the comments! <3

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