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Chiแปu cao dรฒng

(p.s. why is there so much sexual tension in this chapter?? idk i must be stopped)

third person pov

' there it is again,
that funny feeling '

In a way Rose felt dead, like a walking zombie out of those weird comic books Harry kept bringing from the muggle world. She was almost hundred percent sure Christmas night had traumatized the boys more than her, it was the longest and probably the worst 'punishment' Walburga had ever given. The fact they had all witnessed her screams unlike any other and the way it had been impossible to get to her, well she felt guiltyโ€”even if she shouldn't have.

Theo tried fighting Walburga after, which was no use and only resulted in a nasty dark magic injury on his arm. The woman had disappeared before he could even try again, Whitman and Draco too occupied with trying to get a limp, bloodied Rose off the ground.

It was in fact one of most traumatizing thing they had ever experienced.

Within the following days Draco was forced to leave for Paris with his father as Theo and Whitman stayed at Grimmauld for the remainder of break. A mediwitch had come under Walburga's request and healed Rose the best one could possibly manage, paid heavily to keep her mouth shut about what she was healing. Therefore, New years eve Rose spent hooked up to an IV pumping potions into her bloodstream, the two boys trying their best to make the day into some semblance of a holiday by doing whatever Hectate worship she believed in and they didn't.

What Walburga had done sent Rose into a deep depression, gaze empty and energy at an all time low. She didn't speak much or eat, just slept constantly.

But now though as she walked between Theo and Whitman, away from their families and toward the open doors of the Hogwarts express, both could tell the depression was slipping away. After spending their whole lives by her side, they learned a thing or two. It was like a light switch would flip off in her and she would be fine, the main telling always being the way her pupils would grow and eyes would open wideโ€”a sign the mania was setting in.

An endless cycle they wished they could take away for her.

Hermione spotted them nearing the entrance and started rushing over, stopping in her tracks as none spared her a glance, Theo's arm tightening around the girl and curving away from Hermione.

As they stepped onto the train and made their way to the last cart where the Slytherins sat, Rose paused as she saw Marcus Flint walking toward her with a purpose. She forced them to a stop and stepped away, slipping Nyx off her neck. "Go on and take Nyx"

"Whatโ€”" Whitman stopped, seeing Marcus as well. "Oh we can wait with you"

"No go" Rose snapped, eyes shutting as she mumbled after. "Sorry"

"You're fine love" Theo assured and took Nyx, pushing the dark strands of her hair off her shoulder.

Whitman gave her soft smile before tugging Theo into the cart where Blaise and Draco were talking a mile a minute. Rose waited until Whitman forced Theo down and the door shut before walking forward, meeting Marcus half way.

"Should I be concerned on why you are walking so fast?"

"We need to talk"

Rose gave him a stern look as he reached to grab her arm, "Out here is fine"

Marcus grumbled, crossing his stubby arms. "Did your injury heal? Since the first game of the year was pushed back to this Friday we are playing Gryffindor instead of Ravenclaw and I need you toโ€”"

"Marcus" Rose snapped, his rambles stopping. "I healed quicker than I thought, I'll be fine to play"

"Thank Salazar himself" Marcus breathed out with a toothy grin before pointing at her sternly, "Practice tomorrow at four am"

She scoffed, swatting his finger down. "You're like a dictator, you know that right?"

Confusion took over his features, "What's that?"

"You need to go rent a brain" Rose spoke with distaste and started walking by him, heading toward the back of the cart and becoming annoyed as he followed suit.

"So I was thinking if we went over plays then maybe it will be easier for Blaise to catch on"

"Mhm...." Rose replied distantly as she peered into each carriage they passed.

"Okay great and you know Pucey is being a real cunt to me" Marcus rambled on, talking with his hands. "I mean I simply ask the bloke to come with me toโ€”"

Rose spotted a head of dark curls alone with relief filling her up to escape the boy, grasping onto the metal latch of the door and slapping a hand over Marcus's mouth. "Marcus! I will not remove this hand until you shut up!"

His eyes grew wide, nodding slowly until she slid it off. He stood up straight, "Rightโ€”sorry"

"Leave me be Marcus and I'll help you with whatever you want"

He grinned with a firm nod and moved away, Rose scoffing as she slid open the door and quickly slammed it shut. Mattheo's head turned to her with a blank face before looking back out the window as the train kicked on, starting to slowly move.

She dropped down in front of him, watching as he took a balled fist to his mouth, elbow leaning on the railing of the window. Rose quite literally hated herself for enjoying the way the Henley over his arms tightened, the muscles underneath flexing as his jaw ticked. Mattheo wasn't quite as tall as her friends, close but not the same height. He was bigger thoughโ€”like he had made physical activity into a religious sport.

"What's your problem?" She quizzed.

Mattheo's tongue rolled against his cheek, leaning his arms on spread knees after. "I don't knowโ€”maybe Flint can tell you"

Rose had a suprised smile come across her face, leaning toward him teasingly. "Jealously suits you well"

His head tilted, "I'm not playing games with you"

"Games?" She leaned toward him teasingly, "I don't do games Riddle"

"Is that right?" His jaw clenched for a moment, arrogance in that defiant tone. "Plan to meet me in the dark of night again?"

"You're ridiculous" Rose snapped at him, "I can speak to whoever I like"

He smirked sadistically, reaching out to toy with the tips of her hair. "Oh you can but don't get angry next time you see me doing the same"

She yanked his wrist away harshly, "Go ahead and do it"

The glee of pissing her off was clear as he rubbed his lips together with a simple reply, "Okay"

Rose sat up straight, "You're such a fucking cunt sometimes" She mumbled, adjusting the leather jacket collar from the feeling of the heat rising inside the small carriage.

Mattheo's demeanor shifted as he got a glimpse of the ink on her shoulder, spread out like she had been struck by a lighting bolt. On instinct he stood up, "What happened?"

She furrowed her brows, peering up at him. "Uh...I adjusted my jacket? Don't be weird"

"No no" He murmured, "Who did that to you?"

"Mattheo what are you talking about?"

"Your shoulder" He spoke with an edge before dropping it with a heavy breath, "Who hurt you?"

Rose shrugged casually, "I was messing around with a dark artifact and cursed myself"

His jaw ticked again but for a different reason, reaching out and lifting up the collar of her jacket to see the black inking the skin again. "That's from extreme amount of the crucio curseโ€”extreme amounts"

Rose stood up with the coldest voice he had ever heard come from her, forcing them into closer proximity. "You don't know anything"

"Rose whoever did thatโ€”" He paused with a discomforted look, "How are you still alive?"

"Mind your own fucking business" Rose spat and shoved him back, but he proved to be an immovable force.

She despised the sympathy swimming in his usual hard eyes, his hand grabbing her own.

"Tell me who did it and I'll take care of them"

"No!" She hissed and yanked away, getting up in his face. "Stay out of my buisness" Her eyes looked him up and down demeaningly, "I do not need some boy trying to play saviorโ€”I can take care of myself"

"Clearly not" He snapped back worriedly, "Whoever did that to you is trying to kill you"

"Fuck you" Rose pushed past him and opened the door, slipping out so quickly he barely got a glimpse of her leaving.

She paused in the corridor of the cart, breathing heavily.





She counted to herself, pressing her thumb to each finger before walking again, continuing the process as she did. It bothered her to think someone else knew another thing wrong in her life. She would always be the daughter of a mass murder even to strangers, marking her with a stain even Walburga Black who crafted the picture perfect life for her couldn't erase.

Doomed from birth, Dumbledore would always joke. Truthfully, Rose never found any of the jokes funny that people made about her existence.

Because there really wasn't a damn funny thing about it.

Blaise stepped out of their shared cart, latching onto her wrist and without realizing who it was Rose turned around ready to attack. "Woah darlingโ€”it's just me. You were walking by the carriage"

She cleared her throat and nodded silently, Blaise smiling and pulling her inside with him.

"Look whose here" Draco teased loudly with his usual attitude, Theo and Whitman laughing along until they saw her face.

Rose slipped down next to Theo, Blaise scooting in next to her and talking with a grin. "She almost walked right by us"

"What's wrong love?" Theo asked as she practically crashed into his side, thankful as he wrapped an arm over her shoulders as Nyx slept soundly in his lap.

"Just tired" Rose mumbled with a shrug, "Need another nap honestly"

Draco appeared contemplative before he began nudging her leg with his leather shoe, she grumbled and ignored him.



"Rosie" He teased in a singing voice, her head snapping toward him with a wide eyed stare.


His lips upturned at her attention and reached into his pocket, pulling out something and clutching it in his fist. "I got you something in Paris"

"I'm not in the mood to play around Draco"

His smile came to fruition, leaning forward and holding out his fist. "Come on Rosieโ€”give me that pretty little hand"

She shared an annoyed look with Theo before leaning up from under his arm and holding an open palm out. "Go on then"

"That is not a nice attitude you have young lady" Draco taunted with a click of his tongue, laughing at her growing annoyance. After a moment he swiped his thumb over her cheek, "Oh don't look so upsetโ€”I'm messing with you"

Blaise blinked repeatedly, locking eyes with Whitman and mouthing 'what the fuck is going on?'

Draco dropped a small Victorian key into her hand, the size of it looked as if it belonged to a fairy out of a children's book.

Needless to say everyone but Draco was shocked at the surprise giggle that left her, smiling widely at the blonde as if he had given her the key to immortality.

She covered her mouth, "You didn't"

"Oh I did" Draco murmured, relief busting through him at her tired blue eyes sparkling with life again.

"Uh...." Blaise began as he peered down at the key, "You gave her a rusty key the size of a toothpick? Oh noโ€”don't tell me the trinket obsession is back"

"You remembered?" Rose stated baffled, moving the key around in her palm as she ignored Blaise.

Draco shrugged, waving her off as if it was nothing as his face changed to emotionless. "It's nothing reallyโ€”you never used to shut up about losing it"

She pressed the key to her chest, sitting up straight with a dramatic voice. "This is the best day of my life"

"Is it..." Theo trailed off before smiling lazily at Whitman, "He found it"

"No fucking way" Whitman muttered.

"I'm going to cry" Rose announced, "I'm going to actually cry"

Draco grimaced, "Please don't"

"Is anyone going to explain the key to me?"

Whitman shrugged and reopened his book, "None of us knowโ€”only them two but Ro always kept it with her until she lost it at the Malfoy Manor in Paris"

Theo grumbled, "Not even I know"

"Well what does it mean?"

"None of your buisness" Rose and Draco snapped at him in sync before Blaise held up his hands with a scowl.

"So defensive over a fucking key"

Rose seated herself back into Theo, beginning to twirl the key around happily and with a full heart.

"It's not a big deal" Draco stated coldly with a tense face.

Blaise rolled his eyes and started to resume his topic about Miss Zabini's new boyfriend from Paris. Rose could feel eyes on her, looking up to find Draco leaned on his knees with a empty face.

She smiled softly and it made him feel like the world had stopped spinning for a moment.

'Thank you'

Draco's lips twitched with a nod, breaking his facade before looking out the window with a sigh as he wrapped an arm around Whitman's shoulders. Rose laughed under her breath and leaned up, pressing her lips to a gazing off Theo, a reminder for him to know she was okay.

"So I think they'll be a wedding soon" Blaise announced, turning himself to lean on the wall of the bench seat, kicking his legs up onto Rose and Theo's laps. "Mother thought about wearing a red dress this time"

"Hmm..." Draco began, "I believe purple would be a good edition this time"

Whitman peaked up from the novel, "Blue could workโ€”she hasn't done that one yet"

Draco snorted, ruffling Whitman's hair as they all laughed at his comment with the knowledge of how much Miss Zabini hated the color blue.

How lucky Rose was to exist at the same time as the people around her. That was the only thing she could think about, letting the memories of home wash away because it wasn't her true home.

They were.

The rest of the ride went smoothly, Rose almost fell asleep from being so calm and the warmth Theo radiated. When they walked into the great hall Rose decided to stay at the Slytherin table, feeling Hermione's gaze burning into her the whole time but she refused to look. The feast was impeccable and they all had full stomachs by the time it ended.

The boys were all standing in a circle against one of the walls outside of the great hall while Rose stood a few feet away from them, talking to Luna.

Rose grasped the girls face before pressing her lips upon her forehead, smiling as she checked her over for injuriesโ€”a habit Luna never understood but never questioned. "I missed you gravely"

Luna slid her hands atop Rose's with a dreamy voice, "Oh I cannot explain how much I missed you"

Out of nowhere Harry came running up to Rose with a purpose, his voice echoing in the bustling corridor.


Her and Luna both turned to see Harry marching towards them angered, Rose watching him confusedly as Luna smiled. "What has happenedโ€”"

He suddenly got so close to her face she stepped back into the wall, words cutting off. "Did you know?!"

Ron and Hermione came running up, appearing extremely worried. "Harry stop!" The curly haired girl yelled, getting a lot of attention from the people around them.

"Did I know what?"

Harry yelled even louder this time, "I said did you know?!"

Rose shoved him away from her face and scoffed, "You're going to have to be a little bit more specific Harry"

"That your father is the reason my parents are dead!"

Rose felt her heart drop and looked over his shoulder at Hermione as Ron reached forward to grab Harry's shoulder, only getting shrugged off.

When Rose spoke her voice was shaky, "What are you even talking about Harry?"

Harry came so close to her face his nose almost touched her own, "He was their friend! And he gave them up to Voldemort! How could you not tell me after everything we've been through?!"

Rose forcefully shoved him out of her face, "I didn't fucking know! Stay out of my face!"

Harry pushed Rose back against the wall harshly, Hermione gasping with tears in her eyes. Harry proceeded to put his face right back where it was, "Are you going to be like him? Are you going to betray me like your father?!"

Everything happened so quickly it became a blur, Draco pulling her away as Theo yanked the boy out of her face, pinning Harry up against the wall with his forearmโ€”their contrasting heights making it so much more ominous.

Hermione was a wreck of tears at this point with Whitman holding her back while scowling at Harry. Draco pushed Rose behind him before all of the boys circled around Theo and Harry, keeping the scene out of other peoples view.

Rose stood frozen watching the two boys, even when Luna came up and put a hand on her shoulder she didn't move.

Theo loosened his arm and Harry attempted to take needed breath of air when Theo slammed him against the wall again, lifting his feet off the ground to bring him to direct eye level."Touch her again Potterโ€”I dare you"

Harry fished around in his pockets and pulled out his wand, pointing it at Theo's neck. In return Nott's face only darkened, voice sounding hoarse as he pressed the elbow harshly in. "Do it Potter, give me your worst" When Harry said nothing, Theo pressed so hard on his windpipes Harry gasped. "Come on, I know you want to"

Harry dropped his wand to the ground, trying to claw at Theo's arm in futile attempt.

Ron rushed forward with a yell but was stopped by Whitman in a instant who had no issue, the one thing he could thank lycanthropy for was strengthโ€”when the full moon wasn't around of course.

"He can't breathe, Theo" Blaise stated calmly, crossing his arms as he peaked around to make sure no one passing knew what was really happening.

"Oh my bad" Theo muttered before loosening his hold, Harry only getting to let a moment to breath before Theo's fist made contact with his face.

Harry reached up, getting one solid hit on Theo's cheek before hell broke loose.

Rose gasped and covered her mouth as Theo started relentless hitting his face, Ron yelling and trying to get past Whitman like a mad man as a bones crunched on Harry faceโ€”his body slowly turning limp.

"You're killing him!" Ron shouted.

Luna turned away in horror at the blood pouring from Harry. Rose stepped forward at the realization from Ron's words setting in but was stopped by Draco's arm and firm voice, "Don't"

Theo didn't stop as if something had possessed him, even as Harry passed out he kept letting his bloodied face repeatedly with his own bloodied fist and face.

"Blaise, make him stop" Whitman ordered as he forcefully shoving Ron to the ground, dusting his robes off after with annoyance at the boys refusal to give up as Hermione shakily pointed her wand at Ronโ€”making him pass out.

Blaise listened, attempting to pull Theo away with no avail. "Theo!" He huffed, "Theo stop! He's passed out!"

Theo breathed heavily and paused, manic eyes darting around Harry's unrecognizable features before hitting him one last timeโ€”Rose gasping again.

Draco looked over his shoulder, "Mcgongall's coming Theo"

Theo dropped the limp boy to the ground with a thud, shrugging off Blaise angrily. He became satisfied with Harry's unmoving body, spitting down at him. After, he looked up at a frozen Rose, wiping the blood from own nose off with his fistโ€”only making the mess on him skin worse.

He moved to her and held out his hand, one she took without a second thought, letting him guide her away from the scene and tuning out the sounds of other students passing who now had a clear view of Harry's body.

After they had made it a little ways down the corridor Theo released her hand and pulled her into his side, leaning down and pressing his lips atop her head. "Are you alright?"

Nodding with a deep breath, Rose spoke while trying to not focus on the blood covering him. "Thank you, you didn't have to do that"

Theo scoffed and pulled her closer as they neared dungeons, "He's a lucky bastard that's all I did"

"You could've killed him" Rose muttered, slipping out from under his arm and grasping his hand, tugging him along quicker.

"I gladly would've done so but I know how horrid your life would be with me in Azkaban" Theo exclaimed in a flirty tone. Rose glared at him over her shoulder before her lips moved up, letting out a frustrated grunt at him affecting her ability to be stern.

The rest of the walk to their dorm was silent, Rose forcefully shoving Theo down onto the edge of her bed and disappearing into the bathroom. When she returned with the first aid kit in hand Theo had his head hanging as his busted knuckles dropped over his knees.

He didn't look up until Rose pushed her fingers through his hair, something stirring inside from seeing him with a bruised cheek and bloodied face that she knew was a sign of seriously needing what muggles called therapy.

"First aid kit?" Theo smirked lazily, wrapping a hand around her thigh and pulling her inbetween his legs with a cocky voice. "So generous love but I'm not injured"

Her eyes rolled despite the fluttering in her stomach, tilting his chin up. "Yeah but you are covered in bloodโ€”getting it on me as well"

He glanced at her thigh where his handprint of red was before letting that smirk grow, "I quite like you covered in blood" He paused with a thoughtful look, "Not when it's some other blokes though"

"Give me your hands" Rose demanded.

"Yes ma'am" Theo teased, holding both his hands up to her lazily.

Rose's lips twisted up on one side, hovering her fingers that weren't grasping the med kit over his hands. Slowly but surely the blood disappeared, Theo's eyes glinting with pride at her.

"You know I'm usually the hothead" Rose told him as she opened of the kit and pulled out a wipe before tossing the box down beside him, "You're usually the one helping me keep my cool"

Theo breathed out as she grasped his chin, starting to wipe the blood on his cheeks offโ€”knowing she didn't trust herself with magic on his face. "Yeah but I've also always been the one to lose my shit when it comes to anyone messing with youโ€”a thing you never get angry about. We balance each other"

"I'd say so" Rose murmured with a smile, letting herself admire his tanned skin in the warm light of the room. "Am I wrong to say how hot it was seeing you beat him up?"

He raised a brow, letting his fingers lightly trail down her legsโ€”incinting a sharp intake of breath from Rose. "You find me being angry hot?"

"Always," She tilted his chin, cleaning off the other cheek hoarsely. "I'll never find another human as exquisite in my existence"

Theo's fingers wrapped around her thighs, biting down on his lip in concentration as she finished and tossed the wipe down. "I would never let anyone or anything hurt you and get away with it"

"I know" Rose meant it too, getting a second to look at him as she tried to control her breathing from how he was touching her before she noticed his cut lip. "How did you manage to cut your lip?"

His shoulders rolled with a distant mind from the trance she had put him in, head tipping back as she leaned over him to grab a small vial from the box. Rose swallowed at how he looked, forcing herself to uncork the potion and dab some on her finger.

She threaded her fingers through his fluffy hair and tilted his head back to her, the smile gone with nothing but intent in her eyes that reflected in his own. She gently hooked her hand under his chin, bring her thumb up to slowly swipe over his bottom lip.

Theo tightened the hold he had on her thighs, setting her skin to be ablaze as his own felt from the light touching she was doing to his lips.

Her thumb lingered, breathing picking up with them equally using every piece of willpower to not kiss with everything they felt.

"I'm done" Rose breathed out, dragging her finger over his lip again.

"I know" Theo whispered but neither of them moved away, inching closer as his hold became so firm it would've been painful if he didn't make every single thing feel so good.

She dropped her hand onto his shoulders, leaning down and ever slowly brushing their lips as his breath hitched loudly. She couldn't put into words the aliveness she felt from being so close to touching lips again, something she hadn't stopped craving since it happened.

"I don't need you fighting my battles Theo"

He pushed up slightly, brushing their lips some more as his hands slid up and then downโ€”her body reacting more naturally to him than it did anyone or anything. "Is that so?"

"Mhm..." She mumbled with eyes closing, fingers pulling at the hair on the nape of his neck. "Don't do it again"

"You can't make me stop" Theo murmured and dug his fingers in, breathing ragged. "Unless you kill me that is"

"Maybe I will"

His teeth lightly grazed her lip, forcing Rose to hold back a groan. "I'll gladily let you slit my throat loveโ€”to die by your hand would be an honor"

She let her forehead drop against his, body igniting. "Theo"

"Yes love?" His fingers slid back down slowly, sounding just as screwed as her.

A loud knock rung against the door, Mcgongalls voice booming through the other side. "Theodore Tiberius Nott!"

Rose hesitated before pulling his head away with a firm hold on his hair, standing up straight and stepping back after. "You're trouble" She breathed out.

Breathlessly, Theo rubbed his chin with a hazy smirk. "Am I?"

"So much" Rose affirmed, still feeling every part of where he touched her.

Theo smiled with a groan, tipping his head back in frustration. Rose gulped and quickly turned away, unable to see him like that and not shove him down and rip every piece of material off his bodyโ€”

"Hello Minnie" Rose spoke without thinking as her thoughts got cut short from mindlessly opening the door.

Mcgongall looked Rose over worriedly with Whitman, Draco, and Blaise behind her. "Are you okay dear?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Rose said defensively, "I'm just in my dorm"

The professor raised a brow at her flushed face, Theo laughing unabashed on the bed at Rose. "I meant from Harry"

"Oh yes that uhโ€”" Rose shot her a fake smile of glee, "Perfectly fine"

"Very well" Mcgongall stated calmly before her voice flipped to that of an angry mother as she looked at Theo, "Theodore! You come with me this instant!"

"I'm coming Mins" Theo teased as he got up and crossed the room, shamelessly feigning innocence as he wrapped his arm around Rose. "Something wrong?"

"You very well know what you did to Mister Potter!"

Theo clicked his tongue, pulling Rose closer. "Gotta defend my girl Minsโ€”expel me if you must"

In perfect synchronicity the three boys behind the Professor rolled their eyes.

Mcgongall forced herself to keep a firm face as she witnessed Rose smile and look away, "You are not expelled Mister Nott but you are coming with me!"

"I'll come too" Rose affirmed, pushing the door fully open.


The next morning was spent waking up at three thirty in the morning, forced down to the quidditch pitch at four like zombies by Marcus Flint. Rose had purposely hit herself in the ankle with her beaters bat, getting sent to Pomprey within thirty minutes of practice. She slept soundly in the hospital wing until the mediwitch forced her up for the first class of the day, heading down the corridors in search.

On the first flour she spotted four particular boys, rushing over Rose yelled. "Top of the morning!" Before grabbing an unsuspecting Draco and yanking him away, ignoring the call of confusion from the other boys.

"Why are you pulling me?"

She quickly dropped his arm and started her way up the regular stairwell on the left side of the corridor, completely ignoring his question. "Follow me"

"How do you suspect me to just follow you blindly?"

Rose groaned and hooked her arm through his, "I will continue to pull you then"

He grumbled under his breathe as she quickly climbed the stairs, heading to the seventh floor. "Why are you walking so bloody fast?"

She swatted his chest in annoyance and stayed silent until they reached the old classroom their group of friends made into a hangout spot. Rose yanked him in at a fast pace, slamming the door shut before letting go of his arm.

"Why are we here Rosie?"

Rose pointed her hand at the door and muttered 'colloportus' to make sure no one could come in. She began checking the door while speaking, "If you would stop asking so many questions I might just tell youโ€”now go sit on the couch"

She started to walk to it when she noticed he wasn't following, causing her to gawk at him.

"What? I'm supposed to just listen to you? Not bloody likely!"

"Sit Draco"

He grumbled and moved to sit on the couch with her following him, both dropping their bags in synchronicity.

Rose turned to face him on the leather seat, "Drop the act this is important"

Draco tensed, realizing what this was about. Rose had been so gravely injured from Walburga that she never got the chance to heal him, he should've known she wouldn't forget.

"I'm going to need you to take off your robe and your button up"

He looked away from her piercing stare, "Iโ€”I don't think you want to see Rosie"

Rose scooted closer to him, tucking a leg under herself. "Let me see Draco"

Draco sat up with a shaky breath and untied his robe, slipping off the tie before starting to unbotton his shirt. Rose watched him intently and soon as the white shirt slipped off his shoulders she wanted to cry. But she didn't, the pity would make him sick and she knew it.

The massive bruise on his side was still there, but now there were also a array of bruises littering his chest and left arm which was closest to her.

He looked down at Rose, getting a simple nod in return before reaching in her bag to fetch the potion she made him. "This is supposed to take away the discoloration and any tenderness. I'm going to give you two bottles of it to keep with you, okay?"

He spoke strained, "Okay"

"I'm going to touch you now, is that fine?"

Draco nodded, he wanted to kiss the girl for even asking if she could touch him. It was something she always asked regardless of how good they were doing or not, never wanting to make him feel pressured or uncomfortable.

It was the little things.

Rose moved right up against him and draped her leg over his thigh, pouring some of the potion onto her finger tips. "Since it's all so fresh I'm going to use my fingers so it doesn't feel like harsh scrubbing, but when you use it grab a rag of some sort" Rose began to slowly rub it on his arm as she started to speak again, "I know this sounds crazy but we could actually get rid of him"

He let himself close his eyes at the feeling of the potion soaking into his skin combined with her fingers sending electricity through him like a broken wire, "You know we can't"

Rose took the bottle that was in her free hand, sitting it on her lap before grabbing the
hand of his bruised arm. "There is simple poisons, I could alter one and make it undetectable in his blood...I made batch for Miss Zabini a few months ago"

Draco opened his eyes, gazing at the girl squeezing his hand tightly while also lightly rubbing his pale skin. "Rosie if we got caught you'd go to Azkaban"

She sighed deeply, "I don't care Draco, I want him gone" Rose tried to free her hand from his grip but he wouldn't budge. "I need to use my hand to pour some more for your side"

He instantly let go of his hand and looked away embarrassed by his death grip. Rose poured some more of the potion onto her fingers, taking his arm she just healed and putting it on the back of the couch. "I'm sorry I have to be so close but it's necessary for me to be able to get to everything"

Draco wanted to tell her he wouldn't care how close she got to him, he preferred her closeโ€”it was a rarity these days.

Instead he responded stiffly, "It's fine"

Rose put the potion back her lap and started to rub it gently onto his side, grabbing onto the hand of his unharmed arm. "Let me take care of this situation, no one has to know but you and me"

"We can't Rosie, I won't let you go to that horrid place for me"

He began to squeeze her hand when pain shot through him, she took notice and stopped. "Relax Draco, you can't be tense while it's soaking into your skin" Rose took her hand out of his and moved it to his striking platinum hair, "Just take deep breaths"

She went to drop her hand when his automatically shot out and held it against the side of his head, speaking quietly. "Just leave it there"

Rose smiled at him softly, continuing to trace over his side until it was done. "I'm going to move my hand to pour more before I do your chest, okay?"

He nodded and she pulled it back, pouring a good ammount into her palm before only having to slightly shift herself into a straddling position on his lap, the proximity from before making it easy.

His eyes widened and throat ran dry.

She rolled her eyes at him, "I'll get off of you quickly I promise"

I would prefer if you never did, he thought.

Rose let the liquid fall on his chest before starting to slowly trace it with her fingers, his hands flew to her hips and grabbed tightly as pain shot through him. "Fuck" He muttered under his breath.

"What can I do to make it better? It's going to hurt worse here because it's the freshest bruises"

In his silence he only gazed at her, leading to Rose taking it upon herself to put her hand in his hair like she did moments before. He had asked her to leave it there so she assumed it helped like it always used to.

Rose let her finger run through out his hair this time though, focusing her eyes on the bruises slowly fading under her touch. Draco wanted to groan at all the feelings he was getting at once. Her straddling him, her fingers tracing over him as the potion sent weird sensations of healing into his body which was weirdly enough a parallel of how she helped his raging soul, and lasltly her fingers soothing his hair. He was basically biting his tongue to not let a sound escape his mouth.

When she shifted her hips was when he lost it, Draco tightening the grip he already had on them, speaking hoarse as ever. "Stop"

Rose instantly ceased all movement and locked eyes with him, "Stop what?"

He wanted to tear his eyes off of hers but found the thought impossible, "Your hips, don't move them"

Her face heated up, understanding what he meant. She tried not to think into it, this was definitely not a appropriate time to do so.

Blaise was right when he said Rose was purely oblivious to how people feel about her.

She took a deep breath, resuming her movements on his chest and hair while making sure to not move in the slightest.

Once she finished, Rose tossed the bottle to the side and ran her fingers over his chest as he peered down in awe.

She had healed him. Genuinely healed him.

"Merlin Rosie, you're fucking amazing"

Taken back by his compliment, it took her a few moments to respond. "Thank you, I started it with Walburga's help...it was for when she would doโ€”"

Stopping herself, she looked away from his body and face. Draco placed a hand on her shoulder in understanding, "I know Rosie, you don't have to tell me"

"Do you ever think how unfair all of this is?" Rose questioned very abruptly, features gentle as she let her palms press against his chest. "I don't want to live this way"

"We could go far away and save ourselves" Draco muttered, sliding the hand from her shoulder to the side of her neck. "Just usโ€”as crazy as it sounds"

She leaned into his touch, eyes fluttering close. "We can't leave everyone behind"

Draco shook his head as he grasped onto the other side of her face, speaking firmly. "You do not owe this world altruism"

"Not in my nature to go against altruism" Rose murmured, chest aching and swelling at what felt like a turning point for them.

"And that drives me mad" He mumbled, "You're too good for this plane of existence"

She opened and closed her mouth before suddenly grabbing his face, pressing her lips to his forehead. Draco took in a sharp breath and let his eyes close as she lingered for a moment before pulling back.

"What was that?" He questioned with a sudden tense face.

Rose grinned at him, pushing back the loose strands of white hanging in his face. "Affectionโ€”don't you remember?"

"Disgusting" Draco spat before lifting his chin, "Do it again"

She giggled and repeatedly pressed her lips to his forehead until he was smiling like a mad man.

After a minute she dropped her forehead against his, thumbs running down his cheek bones in a comforting motion. Her laughter and his smile seemed to fade together, breathing heavily as their noses brushed.

His hands tightened on her hip and neck, pulling Rose forward in a way that made her stomach flip and their lips briskly touch.

Rose stopped breathing completely, every coherent thought leaving her mind.

But then she pulled away abruptly, staring at him with a heavy chest.

She shook her head and moved off him with a flustered mind, Draco simply attempting to speak and finding nothing.

"Thank you" Was the only thing he could get out as he stood up.

Rose nodded and swiped a hand over her face to calm down, trying to focus on what had been done to him, she would take a crucio any day over actual physical hits. "I'm glad it worked"

Draco started to dress himself as Rose fished out the two extras of the potion she brought for him.

She waited until he tied his robe back on before placing them in his palm, "Here"

He grabbed them and tossed them inside his bag as she stood up to leave, "As much as it pains me to say, you're going to do great things Rosie"

With their usual banter back, she let out a breathe of relief at that fact as they exited the classroom. "I'll be sure to remember you as one of my test subjects"

Draco rolled his eyes, "Snape's going to have our heads for being this late, potions ends in twenty minutes"

"Doubtful, we are his best students"

"He can't kill his godson, right?"

She let out a laugh, "Salazar! I forgot he's your godfather!"

They made there way down the steps and into the dungeons. Draco gesturing her to the door once arriving, "You first"

Rose scoffed and walked in with him directly behind her. Snape instantly looked up at them from Neville's desk and spoke, silencing the class while directing all eyes on the pair.

"And what is the pathetic excuse you both have for coming to my classroom with fifteen minutes remaining?"

"Rosie hereโ€”"

Rose elbowed him in the side she knew was untouched, "Draco seemed to have fallen and I, being the great student I am, helped him"

Snape sneered at her, "You helped Mister Malfoy? Not likely"

Rose nodded and glanced at Draco from the corner of her eye, seeing him just staring blandly at the Professor. She stomped on his foot, making him wince before beginning to nod furiously at Snape.

"It took you forty five minutes to help him?"

Rose smiled a smile she knew would irritate the older man, "You see Professor, Draco here was badly injured! The dungeons are quite slippery these days it seems"

Snape looked between the two of them before turning around and shouting, "Five points from Slytherin and five more off Miss Black's assignment!"

Harry spoke up in defense of her from the front of the room, Rose raising a brow at his bruised face that Pomprey had clearly tried to fix with potions, an odd looking casting covering his nose. "Professor that doesn't seem fair, Rose came in at the same time as Malfoy"

Before Snape could reply she shot him a glare, making sure to say his name with disgust. "I don't need you taking up for me Potter"

Rose and Draco separated quickly went to their seats as Snape looked at Harry and smirked, "Trouble in paradise Potter? I'd worry about that wrecked face of yours and that inability to walk properly today"

Mattheo shot the girl a weird look as she sat, Rose turning to him and speaking harshly. "May I fucking help you?"

He seemed unfazed by her attitude and smirked, "Is someone in a bad mood?"

She sighed heavily, "I didn't mean to be so harsh, I just want to punch Harry in his jaw"

Mattheo bumped her shoulder, "I don't mind your attitude, I'm immune"

Rose lifted her chin, "So tell me, did you get us a good grade today?"

He leaned back in his chair, "I'll have you know I'm rather smart"

She moved closer and put her arm on one of his shoulders, uncaring about the other students who would definitely look at them oddly. "I'm well aware, I wouldn't be interested in you if you weren't"

Mattheo watched as she grabbed his hand and started popping each finger, one at a time. It was something that was becoming calming for him like it was for her considering the girl did it so often. He assumed she was going to pretend as yesterday never happened, "Does that mean I don't have to worry about boys who can barely pass their classes?"

Rose yanked one of his fingers harshly, "I'll do as I please with idiots and geniusesโ€”you'll learn I'm not into the controlling type"

Mattheo grunted as she picked up his other hand and started to focus on popping it, "I guess I'll be off to commit murder then"

"What a sweet way to say you care, I'm touched" Sarcasm laced in her tone like a bad habit.

"It is my love language, what can I say?"

She grinned in amusement, "How did I get so lucky to know a man whose love language is threatening murder to boys who find interest in me?"

Mattheo smirked as he torn his eyes off his hands, redirecting them to her face. "I guess Merlin happens to like you" When she didn't respond he spoke again, "We need to talk about yesterday"

Rose's face dropped, moving away from him at once. "Do I need to repeat myself? Stay the fuck out of my business Riddle"

"I'm not letting this go"

"Yeah well you should or you'll end up becoming the one getting killed" Rose hissed before a full argument broke out between them, both whispering harshly so no one else knew what was occurring.

Class ended quickly and the day went on pretty smoothly besides the huge argument she had with Mattheo, Harry hadn't bugged her which was nice but also could've been from the way Theo looked ready to pounce every time the boy came within a ten foot radius. Hermione was refusing to speak to Harry and Ron, which Rose didn't understand considering the two girls themselves were not speaking.

Rose had decided she would enlist the Weasley twins to help her prank Harry, it wouldn't make her anger disappear but it would be nice to do. After she finished the last class of the day she announced to the boys she was going on a self-proclaimed mission for revenge.

In the main courtyard, she searched for the twins until spotting them talking loudly with Lee Jordan by an oak tree in the center of all lounging students. "My favorite Weasley's!" Rose boasted upon her arrival behind the group of three. They all turned to her and smiled widely, it was nice to be in the presence of such cheerful people.

"Well Hello Roseโ€”"

"โ€”Come to propose Paris again?"

Lee gave the twins a weird look before his smile returned, "Hi Rose!"

She smiled politely at Lee, smirking up at the two tall gingers after. "I won't push you both, but the offer will always be there"

Fred and George raised their eyebrows in unison before doing what they always did to the girl, picking her up together and spinning her around. Rose squealed even though she was expecting the act.

Once she was back on the ground the twins gave her a pointed look, "Even with all your boy toys? Which did we bet she's with now Georgie?"

"That Nott boy I think, Freddie"

"He is not a boy toy, Theo's too good to be called that!" Rose attested before straightening up, "And regardless no one could keep me from attending a trip with you two"

Fred slung his arm around the girl, "What if I refuse? I am greedy you know"

"Oi! Not fair Freddie!"

Rose laughed at the humor and leaned into the ginger, "As much as this conversation has been amazing I have a prank proposal for the three of you boys"

Their faces all lit up, Lee grinning enthusiastically and latching onto George's hand mindlessly. "Merlin! Finally! You have barely pranked with us this year"

"I haven't given up the ways, I just happen to help Peeves more with pranks now!"

George scoffed playfully, pulling his hand away from Lee and bringing the boy into his side. "Stop hogging Peeves and come back to us! We beg!"

"Yeah Georgie's right, you control Peeves better than us. Having you and him....we would be unstoppable once more"

Rose smiled up at Fred, "You guys have always been unstoppable"

Fred squeezed her tightly, "Merlin Rose, you make me love you more each day"

Lee was practically begging to hear her idea, "Enough! I want to know what you came up with!"

"Well, Potter seems to have pissed me off and I thought what better way to take vengeance than a prank? So I contemplated about it in charms today and it hit me! We put poly juice potion in Harry and Ronald's cups and make them turn into Draco"

They boys all smirked at her deviously, loving the idea. Fred wondered aloud, "Not that I'm not for pranking our little brother, but why are you including him?"

Rose shrugged, "Just for fun, he hates Malfoy as much as Harry"

"We absolutelyโ€”"

"โ€”Love it"

"Me too!" Lee cheered.

"Great! I will make the potion and get Malfoy's hair, I just need you guys to stand guard of the bathroom. Peeves is mad at me for not coming to see him last night so he surely won't help me"

Fred used his free hand to tilt her chin up at him, "And when would you like to do this love?"

She looked up at him and let herself take in his deep brown eyes combined with his flaming hair before speaking, Rose didn't blame Blaise for that enormous crush he had. "Dinner you enormous flirt, I'll go snag some of Draco's hair and we can make the potion while everyone's eating then when we're done we'll just go to the kitchens and eat like old times"

Fred kept his hold on her chin, continuing to stare down at her. "And we'll do the prank in the morning?"

"Yeah, you guys will be in charge of getting it in their cups"

George cleared his throat, inciting Fred to release her chin before they both looked over to him. "It's a deal Roseโ€”you can bring Nott"

"Yeah" Lee nodded proudly, "We heard about that little fight and we approve"

She clapped her hands together, "Perfect! I best be off, I'm late to meet Minnie for tea!"

Rose threw them a grin and moved out from under Fred's arm just when he pulled her back into his chest, "Tut tut tut Rose, that's not a proper goodbye"

She giggled and leaned up to kiss his cheek before turning on her heel to race to Mcgongall's office, not wanting to leave her favorite Professor waiting when there was much to talk about.

When dinner came around her and Mcgongall walked in together, the young girl in comfortable clothes finally and a full stomach from all the biscuits. She bid Mcgongall goodbye and headed to the Slytherin table, walking up behind Draco and becoming horrified at the fact Mattheo was sitting next to Blaise.

Theo was the first to notice her, thankful to have someone to speak to since he took to silence as soon as Mattheo arrivedโ€”refusing to be alright with him even being there to go over work with Blaise from charms class. "And where have you been Miss Black?"

They all looked up as she shrugged, "I thought I told youโ€”I'm plotting revenge and also went to gossip with Mins...she's quite displeased with you Teddy"

Mattheo quirked a amused brow, "Revenge?"

"Yes sir!"

Blaise went to open his mouth but stopped when she leaned over and got extremely close to Draco's face, the blonde gave her a confused look as she gave him a apologetic grin.

He knew that look all too well, "Oh no, Rosie what are you about to do?"

She leaned up back up, plucking a few strands out of his hair harshly, making him jump and yelp. "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Rose quickly sped away, yelling as she went. "Sorry! I'm on a mission! Teddy come on!"

The group watched as she ran to the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan who were grinning like maniacs at her.

"Who are those guys?" Mattheo asked, lazily pointing a finger as he picked up his water goblet.

Draco scoffed loudly, "Weasleys, dirty blood-traitors is what they are" He couldn't stand Ron, but Draco truly enjoyed everything the twins did. He found them hilarious, even if he wouldn't admit it. The only thing he didn't like was the trouble they got Rose in with Walburga.

"I think they are hilarious, Ro used to prank with them every year but I guess so much has happened recently that she just hasn't this time around" Theo paused with a thoughtful look, "I don't know which twin it was but he came up to me and randomly cheered before running away?"

Blaise snorted at Theo's comment, "Remember when they all turned Snape's hair bright pink for a week?"

Whitman sighed dramatically, "It was epic"

Mattheo took in all the information, she never mentioned the twins before but then again it seemed like she was only friends with very few people, how was he supposed to know.

Blaise felt like being mischievous and out of boredom he wanted to see how Mattheo would react, "She seemed to always have something weird going on the one of the twins, Fred I think it was?"

Theo sighed, not finding it at all funny. "She got in so much trouble when him and George spun her around on the platform. Walburga didn't let her see anyone or leave the house for a weeks. Apparently wouldn't even let Kreacher see her"

"Did she really have a thing with one of them?"

Blaise smirked at Mattheo, "I definitely think so, she hexed Angelina Johnson for talking to him last year"

Whitman slammed his hand down much more angry than intended, "She did not have a thing for himโ€”that's you Blaise so just shut the fuck up"

Blaise's scowled at the boy, "Way to ruin my fun you tosser"

Mattheo shot Blaise a unamused face, "You'll have to try harder next time Blaise and maybe make sure I actually care"

Blaise started to smile again when he realized he could keep it going, "Why did she hex Johnson then?"

Theo grunted, "Because the girl wouldn't leave him alone, apparently she was making Fred uncomfortable and if I remember correctly you also hexed Johnson"

Mattheo pointed his quill at Blaise, "That's a double fail Zabini"

He groaned loudly in response, "I'm so bored! I want drama!"

"Yeah well use someone else. I don't give a shit what she does"

Theo looked at Mattheo in distaste, "You have no right to care what she does anyway" He stood up and grabbed his bag, "I'm leaving"

"What?" Whitman blinked, "Why?"

"I'm going to go help Ro"

Meanwhile Rose was working on the potion like it was the end of the world with Fred sat beside her, watching in amazement as George and Lee stood outside the bathroom keeping watch.

"Are you always this fast?"

She nodded, "You'll find I'm rather good at potions Freddie"

He grinned and nudged her shoulder, "You never cease to amaze me"

Rose looked up at him and laughed lightly, "I missed being around you"

"I missed you being aroundโ€”you seem very occupied with your snakes this year"

Suddenly the green hued potion popped loudly, both turning their faces away before she responded. "Well a lot of bad shit happened this year"

Fred switched his demeanor to a more caring one, "How are you doing with everything? Mum wanted you to come home with us for Christmas but she said that you wrote to her and said there was no way Walburga wouldn't find out"

Rose began stirring the potion again, "I'm fine, it's just been chaotic. I wanted to come to the burrow, but I only had a few weeks after Orion died before I had to come back to school and I spent those few weeks dealing with the ministry. Walburga wasn't very coherent during that time"

Fred felt bad for the girl, he knew her home life was rough and that's why Molly took to her quicker than she would most people. Rose was young and deserved to be able to just feel happiness without all the complications in his eyes.

"I hope you know I'm sorry about everything, I really am"

Rose stopped stirring and glanced over at the boy, "I do know, you've always had a good heart Freddie"

He smiled and put a hand on hers, "One day someone's going to show the sun and you will get the happiness you deserve"

"When did you become a poet?"

He shrugged, "I think it's from mum, she's always playing those weird love songs"

Rose laughed before squeezing his fingers, "I hope someone shows you the sun one day too" Fred kept his smile on and threw his arm around her as she turned back to the potion, "But I already have my sun"

"Really?" Fred questioned, "Who might that be?"

One of the bathroom doors opened, Theo stepping through with his tie loosely done and a relieved look to find her.

Fred watched as Rose lit up on the spot like the northern lights, nudging him as she spoke. "He happens to be right there"


The next morning Rose had brought the twins and Lee to the Slytherin table, getting weird looks from the house of green but pure glee from Blaise who had an arm around his favorite ginger. None of them really knew what was happening except Theo, Rose protesting anyone knowing until it occurred. Apparently the three Gryffindor boys had already set everything up, letting each detail fall into place.

Draco was pressed in between Rose and Whitman, a disturbed look on his face at who was sat with them.

Theo tossed George, who was next to Blaise, a crossiant casually. "That's the best oneโ€”I'm telling you mate"

Rose shushed him as he fiddled with her rings, looking pointedly at the twins and Lee. "Ready for excellence boys?"

"Oh Rose you have no ideaโ€”"

"โ€”We got some help from the elves"

"I'm so excited!" Lee exclaimed happily as Whitman's eyes widen.

"What did you guys do?!"

They all smirked at the him and watched as Harry and Ron sat down, "Just watch the little Gryffindors Rosier" George demanded.

After waiting a few minutes of never letting their eyes leave the two boys, Ron suddenly jumped up and started shreiking, causing the whole hall to look at himโ€”even the professors.

Except Ron was not Ron, he was Draco in Gryffindor robes. Harry, who was in the same predicament, looked up and jumped out of his seat too with a pointed finger at Ron.


"Me? Look at you Harry!"

Laughter rung throughout the hall at the sight, both still standing and pointing at each other.

"Good looks Potter!" Rose shouted, getting them turning to her.

A few feet away James Potter stood with teary eyes, speaking dramatically. "This isโ€”this is the proudest day of my life"

"You're dead James" Regulus deadpanned, patting his back lazily. He smiled suddenly, "This is delightful though"

Ron started to frantically run his fingers through the blonde locks atop his head, "This is my worst nightmare!"

Harry whipped his head back to Ron and started tugging on his robes, "How do we change back?! Ron! How do we change back?!"

The four masterminds behind the prank were laughing the hardest when Dumbledore stood up and looked at the boys, almost anyone could see the humor written on his face. "It would seem Mister Potter and Mister Weasley have found themselves compromised"

Just then Harry and Ron ran while tripping over their own feet out of the great hall. Rose grinned happily as the twins and Lee high-fived one another, Draco blinking rapidly in pure horror.

"Five points to Gryffindor and Slytherin for the entertainment!"

A random Slytherin yelled, "How do you know someone in Gryffindor did it?"

Dumbledore smiled at the boy and looked back at the girl sandwiched between the two gingers, "Did you do this Miss Black?"

She winked at the old man, "Of course, with help no doubt"

"So there's our points for Slytherin" Dumbledore announced, "Did you join in this with her Mister Weasley and Jordan?"

"Yes sir!" Fred shouted proudly.

He clapped his hands together, "That settled the matter then! On with breakfast!"

Rose tipped her goblet at the old man as he turned and chuckled quietly to himself, Mcgongall approaching with frustration written on her face. "Detention Miss Black! Both of you Weasley's as well!"

Mcgongall looked over at a grinning Lee tucked into George's side, "You too Mister Jordan!"

Rose smirked up at the woman, "But Minnie it was only me"

She narrowed her eyes at the girl, "They claimed to have helped?"

"Nope! Just pulling Dumbles leg, it was all me"

Mcgongall made a 'hmph' sound and looked down at the girl, "Very well, detention for only you Miss Black" She nodded toward Theo, "You can join Mister Nott in his two month long detentions"

Rose smiled widely at her, "Fantastic! I feel like us three haven't hung out in forever Min Min"

The professor sighed heavily and made her way back up to the table, whispering to a certain werewolf how much it reminded her of his time at Hogwarts.

Draco scowled down at Rose, "How could you do this to me? It was disturbing to see myself in Gryffindor robes!"

"I think it was amazing, I loved watching Potter and Weasley freak out!"

Rose nodded at Blaise, "He gets it Draco! Why can't you?"

Theo accidentally pulled harshly on one of her rings, shooting a sly smile of remorse before speaking. "How long will they be stuck like that?"

"Well...." Rose leaned into Theo, "You know how good I am with modifying potions Teddy.....it will be tomorrow before they are back to normal"

Whitman grinned, "So this was your revenge plan?"

"Nope! This is only the beginning!"

Theo smirked with a sudden idea, "We could always make Potter lose a finger or two"

The others looked at the two as if they were insane as Rose appeared to be contemplating it, "Not too bad of a idea, I'll sit on it love"

Whitman gawked at her, "You will not young lady!" He pointed at Theo, "And you're lucky to not be expelled. You almost killed the sodding bloke last night"

Theo's expression flipped, grumbling at the memory. "Shouldve let me"

"He can barely walk and his nose is in a cast!" Blaise attested, Theo making a sound of displeasure before popping a grape into his mouth as he pulled Rose closer.


A/N: i think we are all always feral for Theo in this but HIM IN THIS CHAPTER...i was genuinely giggling like i had to pause writing and call my best friend to talk about it lmaoo

โ€”me giving you double tension with Draco and Theo?? im so gracious ๐Ÿคญ

โ€”everyone remember the key for the future, okay? okay.

โ€”everyone wish my baby summerandcigarettesย  happy birthday or the ghost of Orion Black will haunt u <3 she has a reggie fic for those in love with the og GIRLBOSS

โ€”next chapter is purely just a quidditch game and some SPICE....IM EXCITED

โ€”genuine question, is everyone liking the rewrite more than the og version??? i feel like the rewrite is doing so much more of a Justice to each character and their storylines and actually staying true to my original plan that I made before starting the book months ago

โ€”the playlist for the characters are almost done!! woop woop! i started on a trailer as well for the book and it has me gasping...

okay time for memes ily:

Us when Theo started beating Harry to a pulp:

us when theo and rose almost kissed:

rose watching theo go crazy:


Harry and Ron:

Draco when Rose was on top of him:

Whitman trying not to lose his shit when anyone mentions the thought of Rose liking someone:

xx bri

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