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"I LOVE SUNDAYS......." Kush cried bouncing on his bed like a five year old. Luv rolled his eyes at him.
"You need to stop ok. We have so much to do today so stay calm." Luv said bluntly. Kush pouted and leapt down his bed. Luv handed him a broom and a dust pan which he recieved with a frown. In her room, Maahi had planned to do some extra cleaning for today was Sunday. The weather was pleasant and mildly windy. She changed the bed linen with a fresh new one and the dirty one was tossed inside the laundry room. The laundry room was a part of store room for they had no additional space in the house for any such laundry room. Following that she changed the water in the vase so to prevent the lilies from dying. She also sponged the closet doors and windows of the room leaving them sparklingly clean. After that she stacked her books deftly in a neat pile inside her bookcase. Then followed with some usual dusting of the doors, brooming and mopping. When she was satisfied with everything she'd so far done, she huffed and looked around. Her room looked extremely cleaned and organised. A smile appeared on her lips.
"Done and Dusted!!!!" she chuckled and moved to the mirror. She was dressed in her brother's T-shirt which hung so loosely around her little frame that it looked as if she had donned a rag instead of a garment. It was so big that it reached her knees. Confound it but her brothers weren't so tall, they were under 6 ft in tallness yet still their shirts were big enough to cover more than half of her body, she wondered how big were the shirts of boys over 6ft. Her thoughts immediately wandered to the man like boy, he was also scarily tall considering the fact that he was the tallest guy in the entire university, she was curious to know how much of her body could his shirt cover. She quickly shook her head. It was better to not even think about him, everything of him speaks danger even his thoughts feel precarious. She undid her bun and hung the rubber band on the peg in the small stand.
"Time for a shower...." she whispered and stepped into the bathroom.

The Khandelwals sat together around the dining table for lunch. The lunch was simple consisting of rice, lentils, sambhar and chapattis because Maahi didn't liked rice. They ate peacefully. Mr. Khandelwal's office was 5 minutes away from the house which is why he used to come for lunch.
"So, I believe you both brats must've cleaned your rooms by now." Mr. Khandewal asked, helping himself with some sambhar. By the way, the family was very traditional when it came to eating and they used hands instead of spoon for eating rice, barring Maahi who mostly never ate rice but whenever she did she used a spoon. The twins grumbled inwardly.
"Why only us???? Maahi also was cleaning her room!!!" kush muttered irked. Mr. Khandewal looked at him blankly.
"Because I know that my daughter is way more responsible than you two irresponsible fools. Now eat, fools!!!" Mr. Khandewal frowned. The twins grumbled once again. Mrs. Khandewal smiled.
"Maahi dear, why don't you go out with your brothers this evening. It will be nice outside, see the weather is so good and this is the best thing about mountains. Hm!!!" her mother suggested. She looked up and smiled, creating those dimples into her slightly chubby cheeks.
"Yes mom!!!!" she said, chewing on her food.
"You two, you better keep her safe. Am I clear!!!!" said her father. The twins were worked up now.
"MOM!!!" They cried loudly, on the verge of pulling on their hairs. Mrs. Khandewal sighed and looked at her husband.
"Dear....." she whispered tiredly. He rolled his eyes.
"Yeah.....yeah!!! I'm out!!!!" he muttered and gulped down some water. Maahi giggled inwardly.

The evening came out more windier than the morning. The retreating sun painted the horizon red, flocks of birds dotted the crimson sky while returning to their comfy nests. Maahi and his brothers strolled up the street lit by subtle lights of the street lamps. They weren't alone, quite a few people had came out on the streets for a random stroll along the mountains in the evening. Maahi wrapped her arms around herself and looked around. The hills soar up into the red sky with their cliffs wreathed by evening haze. A thick fog hung upon the town which was slowly drifting down and by the late evening would closely invade the entire locality. A sweet flowery fragrance was hanging over the town, the wild flowers had bloomed somewhere around and had enshrouded the entire hillock with its sweet summery fragrance. The subtle lights from the shops and houses lit the town majestically as Maahi strolled along with her brothers. On the right was an ice cream parlor where they decided to head into. It was a cute place to be honest, with a small space, adorable lightings and bewitching greenery flanking the parlor. Maahi was already liking it. Kush opened the door and in they went. The walkway was pretty decent and carpeted with an Oriental rug, the walkway lead to a small counter in the front. Now maahi casually looked around but once she looked left she gasped. On her left sat her biggest nightmare, the man like boy. His colossal frame dominated the seatings around him and superiored over the blokes circling him. His hawk stare lay fixed on her quivering frame as his fingers tapped rhythmically on the table. She shudders under his creepy stare and turned to her brothers. She could hear his friends chuckling lowly and whispering stuff in his ears.
"Brother can we go to some other place. Please!!!" she whispered to kush. Kush raised his brow.
"This is the nearest place, all other ice cream parlors are far off from home and it's already growing dark, I don't think dad's gonna be happy knowing we travelled far just for an ice cream.......but do you have any problem here????" asked kush with concern. Maahi furtively peeked at her left and found the man like boy still gawking at her hungrily. She gulped and lightly shook her head. Kush smiled.

The siblings took a seat right across the man like boy's table, unfortunately for maahi. Her brothers were sitting with their backs on him while maahi was sitting right across from where he could easily stare at her. Maahi tried to ignore him by deliberately looking into the menu card although she knew which ice cream she wanted.
"C'mon Maahi stop digging into the menu, we all know you want the choco chip one." Luv frowned. Maahi sighed in defeat and kept the menu back on the table. Kush stood up and moved to the counter to place the order and fetch the ice creams.
"Um, 1 choco chip regular, and......2 vanilla & almonds." Kush said to the counter boy. He nodded and moved towards the freezer to fetch the order. Kush whistled and looked around. His eyes fell upon the man like boy who apparently was staring at his table. He gasped.
"Your order sir!!" the boy said. Kush turned towards him and smiled. He carefully took the ice creams, paid him and scurried to his table.
"Luv.......Luv......Luv........ it's him!!!!" Kush panted keeping the ice creams on the table. Luv frowned upon him.
"Who.....????" asked he uninterested. Kush huffed and leaned over the table.
"Karanvir Roy!!!!!" he whispered excitedly. Luv's eyes widened. He quickly spun and saw his senior's handsome figure staring into his direction. He gasped and looked at kush in shock. Maahi quietly ate her ice cream to avoid his burning gaze on her.
"OMG, it's him. Lord!!!! Kush if somehow we make acquaintance with him, I swear we're in the soccer team of the college. He's the captain after all. C'mon let's move...... but I am nervous. I have never talked to him before.......my hands are turning cold. I'm sweating already!!!" Luv blabbered hysterically. Kush shook him by his shoulders.
"But we have to twinee, just take a deep breath, the worst he can do is demean us away. Lord I am scared but...... have faith in God Luv, we can do it. C'mon, let's hit it!!!!" Kush motivated him and Luv nodded quickly. They turned towards Maahi.
"Maahi, you sit here we're on the next table. I mean, we are thinking to meet Karanvir Roy......"
"That man like boy!!!" Maahi snapped too loudly, so loud that it reached his ears and he smiled shortly. Maahi gasped at her own clumsiness. Her brothers huffed.
"Don't be too loud Maahi, we don't want him to listen ok. Just sit quietly we're gonna be back soon." Luv whispered. Maahi nodded reluctantly.

Luv and Kush nervously trudged towards Karanvir. His friends checked them out from head to toe as they approached the table.
"Um Good evening sir." Luv faltered. Now luv was standing right on his face from where Maahi wasn't visible. Karanvir smiled at him.
"Just call me Karanvir and please sit down." Karanvir gestured towards the vacant seats. The twins grinned and sat, now Maahi's little figure was once again visible.
"You're the lucky ones, bhaiya ji doesn't let people sit among us often." a cute looking boy said from beside Karanvir. Karanvir punched him lightly and he beamed. The twins chuckled awkwardly.
"I am really surprised to find you here, I mean do you like close by!!!" Kush asked nervously. Karanvir forced a smile at him while sinisterly watching Maahi's every move. 
"No. My mansion is a kilometre drive from here but......" He paused and watched Maahi intently as she quietly enjoyed her ice cream "I guess I am starting to like in here....." and the twins grinned.
"Well um, it's so nice to meet you. I saw you in the college and......"
"Who's that girl with you???" Karanvir interjected and Kush stopped short. He chuckled sheepishly.
"Um that's Maahi our sister." he replied casually. Karanvir mumbled Maahi under his breath a couple of times.
"Pretty name for a pretty girl...... she studies in our university, what is she pursuing???" he asked again. The twins felt weird, they saw no point in inquiring about their sister, but then the football team membership had them zipped up.
"Um yeah she..... she is pursuing Bachelors in science. What I was saying um, we are really good soccer players. If by any chance...."
"I'll make sure to have you tested for the team. I promise." Karanvir completed and the twins were left gratified. Meanwhile kush's phone beeped. He unlocked his phone and saw her message floating on the notification bar. He read and looked up.
"I think we should leave. Maahi is feeling cold and it's already dinner time. I'll be glad if we meet again!!!!" Kush said nervously. Karanvir tilted his head and looked at Maahi who seemed to be playing with the ice cream cups, a smile forged upon his lips as his eyes gleamed with something sinister.
"Until next time sir!!!" said luv softly. Karanvir stood up and hugged them both which took them by surprise. Karanvir, the college's most popular boy was hugging them, could this day be anymore blessed. Their eyes twinkled with excitement while behind their backs karanvir's eyes dug holes into her soul. She felt uneasy under his gaze and tried every possible way to ignore him but if only he refrained himself from staring creepily at her. Her brothers looked so small in front of his big frame and considering the fact that he comfortably embraced them both in his brawny arms, it was way too certain that the guy was absolutely huge.
"Take care" karanvir's voice said to them although his eyes rested firmly over her quivering frame. The twins waved him bye and left the parlor with Maahi.
"Bhalla don't leave me please........I want to see you just one more time......." the cute guy (Akhil) teased Karanvir by deliberately behaving like a traumatized daughter-in-law from Indian dramas. Bhalla, the guy on the right, rolled his eyes at akhil. Karanvir smacked akhil's head.

The Khandelwals were enjoying the dinner. The dinner comprised of curried potatoes, sauteed capsicum, lemon pickle, raita and flatbread.
"And you know dad Karanvir has literally promised that he's gonna take our game test and believe me, we've gonna kill it." Kush said with a mouthful. Maahi swirled her spoon in the curry.
"That man like boy." she said softly and her father broke into laughter. The twins rolled their eyes.
"He's not man like boy, WILL YOU STOP LAUGHING PLEASE. His name is Karanvir Roy and he's the college's most popular boy....... I want everyone in this house to treat him with respect." kush fumed. Mr. Khandewal once again laughed out loudly.
"Man like boy!!! God, my daughter has recieved a good sense of humour from me. And to hell with this college's most popular boy' huh, probably college's baddest boy!!!! I don't want that hooligan around my house and especially keep him away from my daughter." He spat indignantly. The twins huffed. Suddenly Maahi's phone rang. She wiped her hands with a napkin and answered the call.
"Hello" she said politely. No one replied.
"Hello!!! Anyone there???" asked she. Her family heard her in confusion. The person on the other side was silent. Maahi huffed and cut the call.
"Why do people even call when they don't want to talk????" Her mother said irritated. Maahi shrugged her shoulder. After the dinner, maahi went up to her room and slept for she had her college tomorrow.

Karanvir drove his jeep with his pals sitting around.
" Mahiya mahiya

O kya kiya cheen liya
Chori se jiya ho mahiya

O mahiya, o mahiya, o mahiya, o mahiya...." akhil sang loudly in his grating voice. Bhalla literally wanted to rip out his tongue but then he knew akhil was karanvir's favorite and any harm on him would simply mean his own death, hence he curb himself from kicking him off the jeep. Karanvir smiled and looked away, not wanting them to see that he was blushing. But friends see everything. EVERYTHING.
"Bhaiya ji!!!! I love this song, please play it na....." akhil raised his brow just to tease Karanvir. He looked at him blankly and for a moment akhil was daunted but then Karanvir turned on the music. Akhil grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"Bhaiya ji!!!! Are you planning to go to college tomorrow???? I mean there's no serious work and I think you should stay at your mansion!!!!" jeet, the boy at the back, took his turn to pique Karanvir. Karanvir looked at him through the mirror.
"I am coming to college tomorrow, and you too are coming as well!!!!" he declared and the rest nodded. Akhil always have some sort of centipedes crawling inside him which compel him to not sit straight.
"You're my mind blowing maahiya...." he sang again but this time bhalla smacked him hard on his head. Akhil pouted.
"Bhaiya ji.......he hit me!!!!" he whined. Karanvir looked at him impassively and akhil for the first time felt a chill ran down his spine.
"He hit you right knuckle head..." he came closer and continued " Because she's not your maahiya!!!!! Understood!!!" Karanvir's dark tone literally daunted every single of them, nodding was the only option available which they opted impulsively.
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