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"So you mean to say that Karanvir was in the bus when he was supposed to be in the field......I can't fathom that!!!!!" Kush said gruffly. Luv rolled his eyes as Maahi quietly heard them.
"Ofcourse he was, ask Maahi, she was in the bus." luv replied uninterested. Maahi stiffened.
"If that's true than what was the point in keeping us back after the classes......what was he thinking????" Kush was disgruntled for obvious reasons. Maahi looked down aghast. What if Karanvir had premeditated the entire situation and knowingly kept her brothers out of the bus???? But why???? Why was he doing this??? What does he exactly wants from her???
"Honk!!! Honk!!!!" and her brooding ended. The bus was approaching. She straightened the wrinkles off her dress.
"Pappu Bhai, you're 5 minutes behind today!!!!" Kush yelled at the bus driver. The bus driver chuckled and whispered a quick sorry after which the siblings climbed into the bus. Maahi sat on her usual seat alongside her now good friend vaishali. I guess a little introduction of vaishali would be most appropriate at this stage of my narrative, Vaishali was a 20 year old girl pursuing Bachelors in Biotechnology. She was three years her senior. Vaishali lived in the Murugan society with her parents and a younger brother. Vaishali was a bold girl unlike Maahi who was absolutely soft spoken and timid, she had told Maahi about her boyfriend, how they met in Kota coaching centre and how they literally messed up with their medical exam preparations but ended up falling for each other from head to toe. Their parents knew about their relationship and had planned on getting them both hitched after college. Maahi smiled at her and she gracefully returned it back. The driver revved up the engine and they sped off to the bus stop. Maahi's heart was drumming in her chest, she knew who was waiting on the bus stop. From her stop to the bus stop, her breathing was rapid and unsteady. When the driver killed the engine the first thing Maahi observed was karanvir's absence. For a moment she was gaping outside in shock. Was he indeed absent or was simply hiding around somewhere???? She looked outside through the window but honestly Karanvir was nowhere to be seen. After minutes of probing around she grew certain that Karanvir was genuinely absent and she was RELIEVED. She leaned back on her seat and sighed in relief.
"Thank God that dork is not around!!! Seriously he needs some good smacking!!!!" Vaishali said looking into her phone. Maahi smiled.
"Where's Karanvir Bhaiya????" the boys in the back interrogated each other but none had sufficient answers. Maahi on the other hand was elated with his absence and she wished for him to always be absent from the bus. Half an hour later the bus engine thundered and Maahi plugged in her earphones.

Maahi's journey was peaceful without Karanvir and his provocative gaze, she wouldn't call it provocative but then she couldn't come up with anything else. She passed her time in the bus by watching as the downs rolled outside the window, the rippling hillocks rising and falling steeply into the occasional gorges they passed. The day was beautiful, you can't expect otherwise in the mountains. They reached the university and finally Maahi took off her earphones and threw them into her bag.
"Maahi we'll walk together to the bus stop after the classes, ok!!!!" Vaishali suggested. Maahi nodded sweetly.
"You know that Sriya and Adi, God they are just plonkers I'm telling you....." Vaishali said to her as they started climbing down the bus. She laughed. When they both landed on the ground, Maahi shifted her gaze to the front and gasped. Right across her stood the creepy Karanvir with that same evil smirk plastered on his face. Her figure quivered under that intense stare of his and for a moment she stood frozen to her spot. Vaishali looked at her in confusion.
"Maahi what's up!!!!" she shook her and Maahi's trance broke. She turned towards her in horror and vaishali was bewildered.
"Let's go...." Maahi whispered meekly. Vaishali couldn't understand anything but when she casually looked across her she understood why maahi was intimidated.
"Don't fear him Maahi. He's just a dork......he can't hurt you!!!!" she boosted her confidence. Maahi nodded timidly. Vaishali passed a glare at Karanvir who simply glared back at her. She grabbed maahi's hand and walked off to their respective buildings. Maahi felt that somebody was following them and that somebody may or may not be the creepy Karanvir, however she simply brushed off that feeling thinking she was just being unnecessarily paranoid.

During the class hours, the professor was a bit late to the class which provided the students an opportunity to talk in the classroom. She was talking to a girl of her class, she wasn't her friend but she was fine to talk to and therefore sometimes they chatted randomly during the class hours.
"Ofcourse Ashish has a girlfriend, he just doesn't tells anyone. But she's not of this college......" she told Maahi. Maahi gasped in shock.
"That's weird, I mean........" Maahi stopped once her eyes caught Karanvir leaning against the beveled frame of the classroom door. He was smirking evily and that cryptic look in his eyes was still there. Maahi gulped in fear and quickly averted her gaze.
"Yes I mean, he just looked so nerdy type...." Maahi ignored Karanvir as if he never existed. However, only if the creepy Karanvir was the easiest person to ignore. He cleared his throat and the students at once looked at the door. Karanvir was the university's sensation and once he's near you, you can't help but go bananas over him. The girls in the class fixed their hairs in a flash and the boys grinned at him.
"Karanvir bhaiya!!!!" the jock of the class screamed on top of his lungs. Karanvir chuckled although his eyes were fixed on Maahi who wasn't even looking at him.
"If anyone's interested in the cheerleading stuff, contact Ms. Rita, department of pharmacy." He said grimly and the girls bounced excitedly on their seats.
"Wow..... Maahi c'mon we both will give our names...... Please I want us to do cheerleading this year...."
"NO!!!!" Karanvir yelled thunderously and the students flinched. Maahi looked at him in horror. He had his fists clenched tightly and so his jaws. He was glaring murderously at the girl beside Maahi who simply couldn't understand why???
"No." he muttered again pissed off and stormed outside. The girl turned towards maahi in confusion.
"Wasn't he the one who told us about the cheerleading, I mean why say no when you yourself heralded everything???? He's sometimes so weird, Isn't he???" said her friend. Maahi feigned a smile although inwardly she was quivering in fear. Why did Karanvir behaved like that??? Was he pissed off with the thought of her cheerleading???

When it was recess, Maahi walked to the canteen alone as vaishali had an extra class. She found a table for herself and began eating her lunch. A minute or two later something hard smashed against the table's worktop making the table vibrate and tremble, she gasped and looked up only to find Karanvir stamping his hands on her table. She gulped. The look in his eyes was lethal and she didn't know what she had done to deserve that. He looked straight into her scared eyes and not even for once he blinked. Maahi wanted to cry for some reason because he was just freaking her out. But then, abruptly, he withdrew his hands, turned and left. Her mouth was agape as she watched him disappearing outside the canteen. She glanced on her table and found the pen she had gave him yesterday was rolling over the table. She quickly grabbed the pen before it could plummet down the table. She once again looked up but he wasn't there. Holding the pen in her hand she wondered about him, like what on earth does he exactly wants??? He didn't came back, at least while she was there, not that she was complaining. Finishing up her lunch, she strode back to her building to attend the rest of the lectures.

Vaishali and Maahi together walked towards the bus stop, hand in hand. They swung their hands back and forth just like kindergarteners do when returning home with their friend. On reaching the bus, vaishali's mood went sour while maahi was horrified. Karanvir was standing like a barrage between them and the bus door. He still looked kinda pissed off though his creepy stare was still resting firmly over Maahi. Maahi refrained herself from looking at him which exacerbated his temper probably. Vaishali gnashed her teeth.
"Get away dork." Vaishali sneered at him. Karanvir threw a snarly glare at her and crossed his arms over his chest.
"And what if I don't, stupid girl!!!!" spat he vehemently. Vaishali fumed.
"You better get off before I pummel you into pulp.....get off!!!!" she yelled at him furiously. Karanvir was infuriated badly. Maahi gasped, she had seen that day in the bus what Karanvir can do when he's pissed off.
"Oh really, try out donkey mind!!!!" he threatened but vaishali wasn't someone to be easily spooked, and especially not by someone like Karanvir, Karanvir was just a dork for her after all.
"Vaishali don't!!! Let's sit in another bus." Maahi whispered, trying to prevent her from punching Karanvir. Karanvir's eyes widened once he heard her. Quickly he moved aside and cleared the way for them. Vaishali smirked in triumph, she showed him her middle finger to which Karanvir glared at her lethally, and climbed inside with Maahi. They sit on their seats and Maahi sighed in relief.
"Maahi i told you not to fear dorks, see i threatened him and he left the door." Vaishali took pride in herself. Maahi smiled weakly. Karanvir didn't came in until the bus was about to start but he was around the bus that was sure, and when the driver started the engine he came in and sat on the seat, his seat from where he can stare at maahi clearly. Vaishali and him exchanged glares before the bus started. During the journey, ofcourse Karanvir was staring creepily at her and she was kinda getting used to of it. Thankfully she was talking to vaishali all through the journey which is why she was able to ignore him by and large, although occassionally when her eyes fell on him she found him sometimes pissed off while other times desperately watching her, but she resolved to ignore him every time. When her stop came, the bus door wouldn't open, it was jammed probably. Maahi tried hard to open the door but it wouldn't even budge.
"Baldev....." shouted Karanvir, Maahi shuddered. The conductor came running and shoved the door open for her and her brothers. She quickly climbs down and walks straight to her home without her brothers as they were too busy in waving Karanvir bye.

Around 9:00 in the night, Maahi was standing inside the grocery store, she had ran out of couple of items and she was here to restock on them. Her brothers were with her.
"Raisins, bay leaf and.....what.....I can't hear you..... goddamn network..... hold on, I'm going out." Luv shouted on the phone and walked outside the store to catch network.
"Maahi you order everything, I will be back...." Kush said quickly. Maahi gasped.
"Where are you going???" she asked anxiously. Kush bounced on his spot like a toddler.
"I've got to pee...." he muttered and bolted out through the door. Maahi gaped at him in shock as he whisked out of the store. She turned towards the counter lady.
"A toothbrush, a pack of pears soap, 2kg sugar, and 1 Nutella....."
"2 please." Maahi froze on her spot, like wasn't this familiar and she couldn't judge which was more horrifying, the voice or the fact that it was coming from beside her. Slowly she turned towards the voice and found the big figure of the creepy Karanvir standing right next to her. She gasped as she looked up into his deep piercing eyes.
"Mr. Roy what a great surprise...... trying on something sweet I believe. Nutella and you, not a bad combination I think." chuckled the lady as maahi stood quietly beside him, scared and nervous. Karanvir chuckled. Maahi inched away from him little just to maintain some space.
"I don't have a sweet tooth you know that Mrs. Prakash, it's for Kavyansh, he's crazy for sweet things." he told looking at the scared Maahi. Maahi looked at the door, waiting for her brothers to come back.
"Oh Junior Mr. Roy, kids love Nutella..... just a minute, um dear, is there anything else which I can pack for you???" asked the lady politely. Maahi sighed.
"Rest of the list is with my brother, he must be coming inside!!!" Maahi said softly. The lady nodded.
"Mr. Roy if....."
"I'll wait Mrs. Prakash. I am in no hurry, trust me." said Karanvir, eyeing her passionately. Maahi didn't look at him. Luv came inside and handed the rest of the list to the lady. He was surprised to find Karanvir and went over to him to talk to him, Karanvir wasn't appreciating that for he was standing between him and Maahi. Kush also came back from the washroom and in the meantime their order was packed. Luv paid the bill while Karanvir kept staring at Maahi creepily. After that the siblings head outside the store. Now in the parking lot, it was a rush and both her brothers had to toil to drive their car out. Maahi stood outside the parking lot on the slightly cold road.
"I can give you a ride to home, Kush..." Karanvir whispered kush really slowly, so softly that it was barely audible but kush heard it for he wasn't standing at a great distance from them. Maahi quivered.
"Thank you sir but everything's under control. Don't worry!!!! Maahi, come....luv has managed to drive that old lady out of the parking." Kush said and Maahi quickly ran towards her car. When she had sat inside, she saw Karanvir standing right beside her car and staring at her creepily.
"Thank you sir.....see you tomorrow!!!" the twins yelled happily.
"Until next time!!!" Karanvir whispered watching Maahi's scared form. She didn't look at him even after the car sped off towards their home.

Maahi was watching zig and sharko on her TV, her brothers were busy in football practice and her father was dozing on the sofa. Her mother came inside her room (her parents room) with a beautifully wrapped box.
"Maahi i think the store gave you a complementary box....." she showed her the box. Maahi watched the Box in confusion, it was wrapped in a gift wrapping and felt kinda heavy. Her mother shredded the wrapping and inside was a box of chocolates, not the cheap one but expensive. Maahi gasped.
"Wow, I didn't know store owners here are so customer friendly." her mother said. Maahi probed the box and under the box she discovered a small slip of paper. There was a legible writing on the paper which read 'For the prettiest girl in the whole world' Maahi quickly dropped the slip back into the box and closed the box. She was spooked, like who could've written this and who had sent this to her. Ofcourse it wasn't the store owner but somebody else. There was only Karanvir present but she wasn't believing that he would ever do that or would he???
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