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"Yeah yeah very funny...." Karanvir seethed. Maahi giggled beside him.
"C'mon Karanvir, you gotta admit you're a dork." vaishali jeered. Karanvir frowned.
"Absolutely not. I'm not a dork. Why would I be a dork?? I don't even know what a dork means. I'm just a handsome guy." he said cunningly. Maahi and vaishali laughed.
"Blow your own trumpets!!! Nobody thinks you're handsome. You're just average or perhaps below average." vaishali said slyly. Maahi chuckled. Ofcourse it was a big damn lie. Karanvir was anything but an average man. He was undeniably handsome and had that natural bad boy charm which pulled females to him. And how can we forget that he was a professional model for few years before he voluntarily withdrew himself from the show business. Karanvir lolled his tongue out.
"Blatant lie. You know vaishali, I can believe anything but this. I'm handsome. Not just me, my entire bloodline, from my great grandparents to my father and uncles, we all are lethally charming. If Roys are famous for anything besides for drugs, than undoubtedly it will be their charm and good looks. Even maahi thinks I am handsome. Right baby." he asked adorably. Maahi chuckled.
"Ofcourse you're handsome Karan and vaishu let's just stop squabbling over this. I was asking you if Uday called you again." maahi inquired somberly. Vaishali huffed.
"Don't ask. He's literally spammed my entire WhatsApp. Like what the hell do you want now man?? You asked me to go away from your life, I did that. Now what else you want me to do. I seriously don't wanna talk about him." vaishali said, drinking water from her bottle. Maahi looked perturbed.
"What did he say??" she asked. Karanvir was equally interested in the conversation as maahi. Three of them were sitting inside maahi's classroom as it was recess and Karanvir had excused himself from the football practice. He didn't want to waste any bit of his time in the college. He wanted to spend more and more time with maahi, which is why he had strictly ordered the teammates and the coach to keep the practice after the classes. He really even wanted to withdraw his name from the team but the tournament was just a month away and he was the captain. Player replacement is possible but skipper replacement isn't much heard of.
"Same as everytime. Please I'm sorry vaishu.... atleast talk to me please....Just pick my call for once.....I really love you.....Just don't hate me please.... Listen to me please." vaishali mimicked him in the most comical way as possible. Maahi literally couldn't believe. Why are guys so complicated??? Like weren't you the one to dump her??? What do you want now??? Maahi literally hated this side of boys. Like they won't even let you live in a relationship nor they will allow you to leave. It's more of a slavery if you ask her. Thankfully Karanvir wasn't one of those guys. And that's why she feels ok, I mean no two people are same after all. Not every man is same. While some are like Romeo, others are Ravana. The handful of which remain are more or less like Uday, sometimes they can also share similarities to Casanova. But they're never same you know.
"What the hell is his problem?? You yourself were the one to break this relationship, now why the hell are you crying like you're heartbroken. Karan, can't you just ask your brother to stay away from her. She wants to move on and he's just acting as a barrier." maahi told Karanvir sternly. Karanvir drew in a breath.
"I broke all ties with him, you were there that day baby. I am not on talking terms with him anymore." Karanvir said ruefully. A part of him really longed to get back with his brother. Although their families were always at conflict with each other yet Karanvir had always been a big brother to Uday. Uday never admitted but he too really looked up to Karanvir as a big brother he can rely on for support.
"I think he is really feeling bad about whatever he did to you. Perhaps he's just trying to make up for it. It's up to you if you want to give him a second chance or not." Karanvir spoke softly, running his fingers through maahi's soft hairs. Vaishali's face twisted in a frown.
"There are no second chances Karanvir. Blocked once, blocked forever. I don't want him. I'll find another guy, better than him atleast. If you've any good guy in your knowledge than please do tell me. " vaishali chuckled in the end. Maahi laughed. Karanvir felt bad. He wasn't advocating for Uday, not after he dumped vaishali, but he really felt that Uday really loved her and she should atleast just not see any other guy so soon. It will really kill Uday. Ofcourse he wasn't siding with Uday but as much as this is true that Uday betrayed vaishali, this is also not wrong that Uday really loved her. Were it not for his vamp mother, he wouldn't ever had left vaishali. Uday was wrong for breaking up with vaishali just because of his greedy mother but sometimes a man isn't brave enough to stand up to the people who have raised him. Atleast not guys like Uday who are typically labelled as 'Good boys'. That's the main reason why Karanvir never wanted to change himself into a good guy. You don't have to meet up with people's expectations when you're a bad guy.
"I think it will hurt Uday if you see a guy so soon." Karanvir suggested softly. Maahi looked at him in shock.
"That's exactly what I want to do Karanvir. If he can hurt me so can I. I am not one of those girls who just weep for years and take forever to get over a guy who crushed their heart under his feet. If Uday left me than I think I am at liberty to do whatever I want to and date whoever I wish to. I am not bound to him anymore and I don't even care about him. I don't care if his heart breaks or his face, I am going to be happy and enjoy my life to the fullest. No son of a bitch can hamper my joy. This is my life and Uday is no longer a part of it, never will be." vaishali declared sassily. Maahi smiled at her while Karanvir didn't react. He knew it was impossible to get her to reconsider her decision. Unlike other girls, vaishali was extraordinarily strong and high on ego all the time. She has taken this break up on her ego and no son of a gun can convince her to not see it that way. If she was upset with Uday before, she now was hating him. And Karanvir feared for Uday who was naturally a very volatile guy.

In the evening, maahi and vaishali were inside a small pizza parlour. Karanvir had dropped maahi inside the parlour and unknown to her he had already paid for them both, even before she had ordered. Now Karanvir had a problem. He just couldn't see maahi paying for anything. And hence he made sure that the girl of his dreams was having dearth of nothing no matter where she is. The amount that he had paid to the pizza parlour, it was so huge that both maahi and vaishali can eat for the entire month in the same parlour without spending any money from their pockets. Karanvir was an overprotective boyfriend, and overpossessive and over obsessive. The list just goes on and on.
"I love this pizza. Don't you." maahi asked vaishali. Vaishali nodded, pizza in her mouth.
"Vaishu...." came a timid, though boyish, voice from around them. They both looked to their left and discovered Uday's slightly unkempt frame marching up to them. Vaishali rolled his eyes. Maahi was scared, therefore she secretly typed a message to Karanvir to come in the pizza parlour ASAP. Uday's eyes were red. Had he been crying?? She wondered.
"I was just trying to eat a pizza in peace." vaishali muttered irritated. Uday came up to them.
"What are you doing here??" asked maahi insolently. Uday looked at her and frowned. She shouldn't interfere.
"I'm not here for you." he fired back. Maahi gasped loudly as this turned vaishali livid.
"Ofcourse you won't because unlike you, her boyfriend has enough guts to rip off your neck had you came to see her." vaishali fumed. Uday's eyes began filling up with tears. Vaishali had never spoken so disrespectfully to him ever. He knew he himself was the reason why she was acting so insolently towards him. He deserved it but......he just loved her so much. And he will always love her no matter what.
"I'm sorry..... please listen to me once." he whispered meekly, desperately watching her face. Vaishali literally was done with everything.
"What the hell is your problem Uday?? You yourself asked her to leave and she did, now what else do you want." maahi yelled at him. The other people inside the parlour were watching them in shock. Somebody whispered 'She's karanvir's girlfriend' and that's how the people didn't peep no further. Better to mind your own business than to sacrifice your heads to Karanvir Roy.
"Vaishu I don't want you to go away from my life. I know I told you to do so and I even thought that I will somehow get over you but....I can't. I can't live without you. I love you so much. Please.... please don't leave me please...." he wept bitterly. Maahi felt bad for him in a way but having seen her friend cry over him, she just couldn't bring herself to even empathise with him. Vaishali looked at him in boredom.
"Why don't you just go and lie on your mother's lap, I am sure she'll sing you a lullaby and you'll sleep.  Like why the hell are you even here?? Can't you see me happy?? Does that hurt you in some way??" she asked blankly. Uday's heart sank.
"Please don't say like this vaishu, I can never think like that. I want to see you happy.....I want to see us happy together. I just couldn't do anything when mom said she'll set herself on fire if I don't leave you. She's my mother, what can I do???" he confessed vulnerably. Maahi don't know why but now she was feeling empathy for him. You can't just let your mother immolate herself no matter how big a vamp she is. But vaishali wasn't any ordinary girl. You betray her once, she'll fucking show you hell. Main reason why Karanvir was so averse to arguing with her, she's a witch to be honest.
"I understand. I understand you love your mother more than me and I am fucking nothing to you which is why you chose to save your mother and let go off my hand. I went away from your life, what else can I do?? Now your mother is safe, she's fine she's healthy. Go and do tango with her. Why are you even bothering me?? You chose your mother right?? Than go to your mother. You've already lost me." vaishali told him blankly. Uday's heart broke. She wasn't even understanding how much he loved her. Neither do his mother.
"Don't say like this vaishu. You matter to her more than anything. I don't want you to go away from me. Please....." he sobbed pitifully, so pitifully that everyone inside the parlour (including maahi) was feeling bad for him. Except for vaishali. You just can't expect vaishali to fall for your tears once you wrong her.
"Uday!!!" entered Karanvir, head to toe soaked in sweat. He had been practicing when maahi texted him urgently. Uday turned to him and the little brother in him just came alive.
"Bhai!!!" he whispered with tears.
"Thank God you came Karanvir. Why don't you just ask your annoying brother to leave already?? My pizza is already cold." vaishali said blankly. Karanvir walked up to Uday, the latter crying bitterly.
"You want this girl right??" Karanvir asked Uday, the latter nodded immediately. Maahi and vaishali gasped loudly.
"I'll help you marry her but before that you have to go and tell your mother that you're only marrying her and no one else. Can you do that??" asked Karanvir sternly. Uday fell silent. He feared his mother will try to set herself on fire if he even brings that topic in front of her. Uday's silence perhaps spoke everything to vaishali.
"Huh!!! He won't ever do that. C'mon maahi, let's go. I don't even want to see his face." vaishali said hatefully as she stormed outside the parlour. Maahi hugged Karanvir, the latter kissed her affectionately on her cheeks, before she too left. Poor Uday sobbed inside the parlour infront of his elder brother.

In the night maahi and Karanvir were sitting on a bench, enjoying the cool night breeze. Maahi squirmed a little on his lap.
"What happened hmm.." he asked wrapping his arms tightly around her small frame. Nuzzling his face deeper into her neck he left quick, fervent kisses all across her collarbone.
"I don't know what's going to happen. I feel bad for Uday but I can't go against my best friend. I've seen her cry over him and I know Uday won't ever go against his mother. And he isn't even ready to leave vaishu. Oh God!!!" maahi whispered, distressed by whatever happened in the pizza parlour. Karanvir kissed her cheeks softly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. You don't need to bother about them. You think about us. We'll marry soon after all." he said proudly. Maahi looked at him and frowned.
"I'm not marrying you." she told him flatly. He chuckled and kissed her pink lips.
"Too bad, I'm not Uday. I'm going to abduct you from your home if you don't marry me on your own." he declared, pulling her in his arms. She didn't like the prospect but his arms were so warm and cosy that she reserved the protest for better occasion.
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