Tema Julai & Ogos: Cerita Kanak-kanak

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You've read the title did you? Cliché? Thanks for the compliment! I've learn that cliché doesn't matter and didn't make your story even worst. It just a preference for some readers and writers so if you hate or dislike cliché you can just skip to the another chapter or stop reading my stories.

I'm not mad tho, don't worry. I mean, the conclusion is if you dislike it then don't do it (except if benda tu macam Solat jangan pula bila tak suka kau tak buat pula, dosa!) or move from it.

Don't bother to waste your time commenting, "your story is cliché" and whatsoever. I don't mind it at all, sorry not sorry. Yeah, you have your right to tell your opinion yes, but when you said "the story is cliché, i don't like it because it's cliché", it's make me annoying sometimes. I mean, stop reading if you doesn't like it. Simple, easy as ABC.

The problem is, you know the story are cliché but you still read it tho. You still read the story so yeah, why you read it when you dislike it? Why bother to do something that you dislike?

If you dislike cliché, it's your problem, your own opinion. Sometimes there are some of writers become down because of a few of their readers tell them that their stories was cliché. I mean, it sound a little bit negative so i think you better keep it to yourself and don't bother to comments except if the writers really want an honest feedback from you.

Some opinions we need to keep to ourselves such as when we felt annoying reading cliché and cringe books or whatsoever. Because this cliché cringe things is their PREFERENCE.

It's like talking about "i dislike the chronology plot, it's boring."

Or, "romance genre making me want to throw up. Euw, the lovey-dovey are gross."

Dan lain-lain lagi.

I mean, it's your preference tho. And some of your preference are not the same as the writers and the other 7 billion human that living on the Earth. So that's why i say, keep it to yourself. But if you wanna tell them about your preference, please arrange your sentences, choose the right words. At least, they will not feeling down.

Lastly, idc if you hate or dislike some of the others PREFERENCE but please be common sense by respecting others PREFERENCE. Lain la kalau dia prefer benda bukan-bukan like sihir or cederakan diri sendiri dan seumpamanya dengannya jangan pula respect, sebaliknya cuba halang la diorang daripada buat benda tak masuk akal tu.

Actually i'm supposed to talk about that cerita Kanak-kanak tapi terkeluar tajuk ke cliché pula. Hehehe, I'm sorry tho. (Baru tersedar, lari jauh daripada topik asal)

I'm sorry if my words make you feel triggered or offended or whatsoever. I didn't mean it, really.

Just, please remember, respect the others PREFERENCE, what they love, even though you don't like it. People are different tho. And please keep some of your opinion to yourself when it comes to self preferences. And if you wanna say your preferences, then said it clearly, honestly and respectfully.

By the way, tujuan buat cerita kanak-kanak ni untuk mengenang zaman sekolah rendah. Rasa nostalgia bila teringat kembali. I love to go to the library when recess time when I'm was in primary school. One of the books that i read is the Cerita Kanak-kanak such as Anjing dan Bayang-bayang, Sang Kancil dan Buaya and more.

It gotta be nostalgic for me. It has been a long time that i stop reading those kind of books because in MRSM, our library full of facts and knowledge books rather than buku cerita. Moreover, most of the books are in English which i don't prefer to read.

I know, i know. I know I'm writing in English language now I don't know why and i don't know why my English sound a little bit fluent in this chapter because I'm weak in this subject (English subject).

If you don't mind, please read my cliché stories here on the next month. I mean, before you reject my so called cliché stories, try to read some first. If you hate it then stop writing, it's okay, no one will hate you. We all have our own preferences, so yeah.

Okay that's all.

Really, why my English sounded better dari kebiasaan?

And why did i write in English at the first place?


Okay, goodbye!

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