Untitled Part 5

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Charlotte had not found out that Eric had snuck out to go to the ball yet, but she was grumpy because Thomas and Harry didn't make a good impression on the Princess.

    Eric served Charlotte her food and then gave Harry and Thomas some. He was cleaning up the dishes when he heard a knock on the door.

    When he opened the door he was shocked at what he saw. Some men from the castle and the princess perched atop and pure black horse. "Are there any young men here whose name is Eric J. Smith?" one of the men asked.

    "Why do you need him?" Eric said, but before the man could answer Charlotte ran to the door followed by Thomas. "Eric is right here!" she said "What do you need with him?" she said more calmly this time.

Thalia jumped off of her horse and looked at Thomas. Apparently she did not remember dancing with him because all she said was "This is not him."

    "Of course it is." Charlotte insisted. "Why wouldn't it be?" Thalia looked at Charlotte "It isn't the Eric I am looking for." she said.

Harry had pushed Eric back inside the house so no one could see him.

    Thalia held up the handkerchief "I found this after the ball. It says E.J.S in the corner. I believe it belongs to the man I was dancing with."

    "That belongs to this Eric." Charlotte says firmly, placing a hand on Thomas's shoulder.

Thalia sighed and looked at Charlotte "Well then we must have the wrong person.... Wait, what is your name?"

"I am Charlotte." she replied.

  "I remember you now. I danced with him last night. Hello Thomas." Thalia said "Where is the real Eric? He said you were his stepmother."  

"Eric is just a servant. If you want to marry someone, take Thomas!" Charlotte said shoving him towards her.

Thalia mounted her horse again. "I don't believe you. Find Eric. He has to be here" she ordered the guards. They walked into the house and were followed by Charlotte who was yelling at them to leave.

They saw Harry with his hand covering Eric's mouth so he wouldn't yell. The guards pulled them apart and took everyone outside. Thalia looked at the two boys, deciding which one was the real Eric.

She looked at Harry and shook her head and then looked at Eric. After a moment, she smiled and said "It's you." Eric smiled back at her "Its me." he replied.

 Thalia took him back to the castle with her.

He never had to do any chores. He had a large room all to himself.

Eventually, Thalia and Eric grew closer together and after about a year they got married and the kingdom had a new king and queen.

As for Charlotte, Thomas, and Harry... well no one is really sure what happened to them after Eric left.

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