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At the chateau, Calliope and Celeste were excited to get a visit from the princes. In fact, they were so busy getting ready that they didn't know Cinderella was getting ready to see him, too.

Not very long before the princes arrived at the chateau, Cinderella's father came home—after a few years of having disappeared. "I'm home!" he called.

Lady Jennings and her daughters hurried to the door only to find Cinderella's father—and they were all horrified.

"Dear? What are you doing here?" Lady Jennings gulped.

"I've come home," Cinderella's father replied. "Now where's my Ella?"

Cinderella heard that name, and when she saw her father all the way from the top of the staircase, she cried, "Daddy!"

Cinderella's father was happy to see his daughter. "Ella!" he beamed.

Cinderella ran down the stairs and hugged her father tightly. "Oh, what happened to you?" she asked.

"I wound up getting lost on the way home for some reason," her father replied. He noticed his daughter's strange attire. "What happened to you? You look like a handmaiden."

"Try asking Stepmother," Cinderella retorted.

Cinderella and her father glared at Lady Jennings and her daughters, who were smiling nervously, trying to look innocent.

"Oh, we don't know what she's talking about," Celeste gulped.

"No, we didn't treat Cinderella like a handmaiden and boss her around the house," Calliope blurted out.

"Ella never said anything about that," her stepfather growled. "The entire time I was gone, you used my daughter as a handmaiden—and renamed her 'Cinderella'?"

The Jennings family felt ashamed of what they did. If they had known Cinderella's father would come back, they wouldn't have treated her so badly.

"We'll discuss this later—I hear Prince Hugo is coming over," Cinderella's father declared. "What's all this about?"

"He danced with a mysterious girl at the ball, and only he knows what she looks like," Cinderella replied.

"Well, you should get ready to see him, Ella," her father said, looking at his wife and stepdaughters. Now Cinderella was going by 'Ella' again.

"But she already has a boyfriend," Calliope protested.

"And she wasn't even at the ball last night," Celeste chimed in.

"A boyfriend?" Ella's father smiled. "I look forward to meeting him when we have the chance. Well, dear, you'd better get ready—luckily I got you this." He pulled out a dress that looked just like the dress Ella had worn at the ball.

"That's the dress Prince Hugo's girlfriend wore at the ball last night," Lady Jennings gasped.

"And it's the dress Ella will wear to meet the prince and her boyfriend," her husband retorted.

Ella quickly put on the dress, and her stepfamily was shocked to see her wearing it.

"You look beautiful, sweetums," Ella's father grinned.

"She looks just like Prince Hugo's girlfriend," Celeste told him.

Ella's father was catching onto this already. "Who knows? Maybe she is his girlfriend," he smirked.

Celeste and Calliope were horrified at their stepdad's comment, and Lady Jennings sure didn't like it.

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