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All of the kingdoms came together, and met in The Sumerian Lands Kingdom. For the first month, the families all got their separate part of the kingdom. But, they all sat in one throne room.

"Ah, it sure is a nice day out." Lucy, Levy, Erza, and Juvia sat in the sun. "It is nice out, isn't it Lu?" Levy laughed quietly. "I wonder what the boys are doing." Juvia giggled along. "I have an idea." Erza smirked and whispered the plan in the girls ear. All of a sudden, the girls were creeping on the boys.

"Damn you metal head!" A scream came form a salmon haired male. "At least he has brains matchstick!" A dark haired male yelled. "Hey! You never know if Levy is listening! That kinda stuff makes her sensitive!" A rough voice retaliated. "You guys better be careful with that furniture, you don't want to see our ladies angry, do you?" Jellal snickered at the bunch. "SHUT UP JELLAL!" Three boys lifted up the couch. However, before they could throw the couch. Three young ladies stepped in the room and had displeased looks.

"Boys, what are you doing with Lu-chan's furniture?" Levy stood there, tapping her foot. "Well, um we were moving it to um." Gajeel looked to the others for help. "You're on you own man." Natsu smirked, oblivious to the raged blonde. "On his own, huh?" Lucy was not at all amused. "Oh...Hey Lucy." He rubbed the nape of his neck nervously. "Gray. Put the furniture down." Juvia's arms were crossed against her chest, "Gray, I thought we fixed your stripping problem." Juvia was flustered.

"AH!" Gray ran off trying to find his clothes. "If you spare your lives, you'll put the furniture down. Mommy doesn't like her couches moving." A little girl with pink hair walked it. "Hey Nashi." Her mother bent down to her level. "Princess, what are you doing in here?" Her mom asked puzzled. "Well, the other kids and I are playing hide and seek." Nashi smiled, showing a sharp tooth. "Nashi," Natsu came over bending down too. "Do you need something Princess?" He father showed his toothy grin, Nashi mirrored it. "Nope, I just wanted to see you guys before starting my search. 

"Okay dear, make sure to bring Loke or Virgo with you." Lucy smiled at her young one. After Nashi left, all hell broke loose. "Natsu." Lucy was furious. "Yes, Lucy?" Natsu smiled nervously again. "Put the couch back where it belongs." She face palmed and the other queens came next to her. "Gray, if you pick up more piece of Lucy-san's furniture, you're not hearing the end of it." Juvia scolded. Gray nodded and helped Natsu. "Gajeel, same goes for you." Levy pouted.

"Geez, I would've never imagined the boys to be so disrespectful. I apologize Lucy-san." Juvia sweat dropped. "It's alright Juvia, things like this happen all the time." Lucy was annoyed. "Really? Are Nashi and Luke that big of a handful?" Levy asked. "Nope, it's not them. It's their father who instigates it." She replied. "Oh dear." Juvia added. "Ladies, look up." Erza said walking over.
"Popsicle! It goes over here!" Natsu yelled. "No, it goes here Flame-Brain." The shirtless man yelled. "Gray! Shirt!" Juvia yelled.

"Shit!" He yelleg.d trying to find it. "Natsu Dragneel!" Lucy boomed. "Yes dear?" He asked. "Move." Lucy glared and fixed the couch back to normal with help from the Queens. "We have to do all the work." Levy huffed. "Tell me about it." Juvia agreed. "They have no idea." Lucy sweat dropped. "WHAT!?" All the boys shouted wide-eyed. Meanwhile, Erza and Jellal just sat there watching the bickering occur.
"Mommy, Daddy!" All the kids yelled. "Hey Kids!" All of the parents bent down and met with their young ones. "Lilyia, Liam, how are you doing?" Levy questioned her children. "We're good mommy!" Lilyia answered. "Good." Gajeel spoke.

"How are you two?" Jellal asked. "Good." Ren and Jessica smiled. "Good for you both!" Erza smiled and kissed Ren and Jessica on the cheek. "Gracie!" Juvia hugged her little girl and Gray hugged them both. "Hi Mommy!" She smiled and kissed her mom's cheek. "Mama!" Luke came in crying. "Luke?" Natsu asked his crying son. "I can't find Nashi." This alerted Lucy. "NASHI?" Lucy started running around looking for her daughter. "NASHI?!" Lucy yelled again. Eventually, Lucy started to cry and call out for her missing daughter, sobbing with every word. "Your precious little girl is missing." A voice said from the other side. "Hello?" Lucy stood up.

"Queen Lucy Dragneel of the Sumerian Lands." One whispered in her ear. As fast a Lucy turned, no one was there. "What do you want?" Lucy whimpered. "Why, I want you my dear." A man stepped out. He had a pointy hat and a weird symbol. "Phantom Lord." Lucy hissed. "Your not supposed to be here." The Man chuckled. "Don't call the guards or Natsu. You will get your precious little girl back if you stay quiet." Lucy whimpered, "Give Nashi back!" Lucy was now balling her eyes out. "Momma!" A young girl's voice erupted from the man. "You vile creature, give me back my daughter." "Okay, as you wish." He smirked and Nashi was thrown out of a black circle. "Nashi!" Lucy bent down and picked up the little girl. "I'll be back later, Queen Lucy, don't say a word about this." He disappeared.

"Mommy!" Nashi clung to her mother. "Nashi, honey. Don't ever walk around the castle with Loke or Virgo." Lucy held her daughter tight. "I'm sorry mommy." Nash cried. "It's all okay Princess." Lucy wiped Nashi's tears and walked back to the throne room. As soon as the door opened, Natsu was hugging them both. "Nashi!" Luke choked out. "Luke!" Nashi ran to him crying.

"Lucy-san!" Juvia ran to Lucy and helped her steady her breath. "Lu-chan! What happened?" Levy ran over clinging to her best friend. "P-Phantom Lord." Lucy breathed out. "Nashi, don't ever walk around alone!" Natsu scolded her. "I'm sorry Papa!" Nashi cried. "I just want my princess safe." Natsu came to Lucy, both kids in tow. "Gajeel." Levy spoke. "I know Lev." He huffed. "Are all kids accounted for?" Erza shakily asked. The Royals spotted all children.

Lilyia, Liam, Gracie, Ren, Jessica, Nashi, and Luke. All Queens and Kings sighed of relief. "Queen Dragneel!" A guard called. "Yes?" She shouted. "The Kingdom is under attack, please get to the passage ways!" Virgo and Loke appeared and rushed the royals to the passage ways. "Mommy!" The kids all cried. "Sh, it's okay." The Kings comforted their children. "King Dragneel." Natsu was all serious. "You have toilet paper attached to you shoe sir. All of the royals burst out laughing, even Natsu.

"Well, it seems the guards have defeated the enemies." Loke told the Royals. "Loke, who was attacking?" Natsu asked. "Phantom Lord." Loke whispered. "Damn it!" Natsu punched a wall in.

"Natsu, calm down." Lucy held her Husbands hand.

"I know," Natsu hugged Lucy and eventually, all of the Sumerian Land's wisped away.

After Three Months, the Royals woke from their beauty sleep.

"Let's do this again soon!" Levy smiled and loaded her luggage into her carriage. "Yeah, let's!" Lucy smiled and hugged the Queens goodbye. However, something shocked the parents.

Gracie was kissing Luke. Lilyia was kissing Ren. Nashi was hugging Liam. Jessica was kissing some random child. Natsu, Gray, and Gajeel separated their children. "No kissing yet!" They yelled. The Queens just laughed. "Well, see you later Lucy!" The Queens got in there carriages and drove off.

"It's probably a good time to tell you know." Lucy giggled. "What is it?" Natsu, Nashi, and Luke asked. "Well, this family is going to have a fourth member soon." Lucy turned on her heel and it wasn't until then they noticed her stomach a little bigger. "YAY!" The family went inside and celebrated. "How are babies made?" Nashi asked. "Well it when..-" "NATSU!" Lucy covered his mouth blushing. "Time for bed!" Lucy sweat dropped and her kids went to bed laughing.

And so, the four stories end here. All four queens, all four kings, and all seven kids. LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER.

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