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If you looked closely, you would see a small frail girl skipping along the streets. Feet, battered and bruised. Her blue hair swaying smoothly in the wind. This girl happened to be 'Cinderella' or should I say, Levy. Levy skipped and smiled as she remembered her and her mother skipping down this road once or twice.

Levy (Cinderella):

I was skipping down the road, a smile never failing to leave my face. I remember this road, seven years ago...

Flashback Start~

"Mommy!" An eleven year old Levy squeaked excitedly.

"Yes Levy dear?" Her mother softly grazed over Levy's hair.

"Can we go to town?" Levy asked kindly jumping.

"Yes, we shall go now then!" Her mother slipped her and Levy's shoes on and they headed out.

"C'mon Lev." Her mother cheered.

"Yes mama!" Levy struggled.

"Okay, mama, we're here!" Levy jumped around and saw all the new books in store.

"Books!" Levy pointed excitedly.

"Yes dear, we can come back a few months later."

Flashback End~

Now I remember, we never were able to come back. Mother had grown gravely ill that year. I frowned.

"Miss, are you alright?" A gruff voice spoke.

"Yes, thank you kind si-" I looked up and my eyes widened knowing who he was.

"Prince Gajeel?!" I spoke in a whisper that got lost in the wind.

"Yeah?" Prince Gajeel asked.

"Sorry, I must go now!" I scurried past him and then went back to my normal walking pace.

"Miss, please wait! I didn't get your name." Prince Gajeel appeared.

"M-My name?" I asked shyly.

"Yes," Prince Gajeel panted.

"My name is Levy, Levy McGarden. However, you may know me as Cinderella. That's what I'm called most of the time." I answered sweating.

"I see," Prince Gajeel looked at me sorrowfully.

"Are you alright Shrimp, you look a little roughed up there." Prince Gajeel pointed to my back and wounds.

"I'm fine...wait, did you just call me Shrimp?" I asked remembering what he said.

"Yeah, it's a nickname and you don't look fine. Let me patch you up." He offered kindly.

"That won't be needed. Father will know." I whispered waving my hands in the air.

"What does your father do to you?" He asked quietly.

"Nothing... I must be off now." I continued my walk to town.

After a while, I reached town and gathered all of the things needed. Before I left the cashier's check-out lane, she handed me a flier.

"Here you go miss, I'm sure he would love to have you there." She handed me the flier gently.

"Thank you m'am. Here is a token for your gratitude." I handed her my coin and left the store.

When I exited the store, I scanned the flier and gasped at what it read.

'To whom it may concern,

Ladies of Redfox,  I hereby invite you to Prince Gajeel's ball. ALL woman under 20 are invited. Please RSVP before coming to the ball. Prince Gajeel is looking for a fiancé. Please be there by 11:00 pm tonight.'

"I can't go. Even if I wanted to, Father won't allow me." I brushed the flier off and walked with my head down.

"Shorty! Wait up!" A voice yelled behind me.

"Prince Gajeel?" I turned on my heel and saw him running toward me holding the flier.

"You dropped this. And one more thing," He said panting again.

"You have to come to the ball." He continued.

"I can't. I don't have any nice dresses, or a carriage, or the freedom to leave my house. I apologize, but I just can't." I sadly said.

"Not if I can help it. I can provide you with all of those things." He smiled and took my hand gently.

"Prince Gajeel, may I ask you a question?" I asked.

"You did just now, but sure." He stopped and looked at me.

"Why do you want me there? I have no assets  you would want." I shyly said.

"Course you do, you're smart, beautiful, cute, shy, small, and fragile." He answered.

"But, why do you want me at the ball." I asked again.

"Why do I want you at the ball?" He asked chuckling, "Simple, you seem like a nice person. Plus, you don't see nice people such as yourself these days."

I blushed at the statement just made.

The walk there was long and silent, but if was a comfortable atmosphere. As we walked, we looked around. The flowers were blooming and gentle. There was a nice breeze coating the silence. The grass and wheat were all pushed down in a wave of air. All you could see was nature for miles.

"We're here." Prince Gajeel whispered to me.

"Yes, sir." I replied bowing to him.

"No need for formalities." He smiled and gently pushed me so I was standing.

"Sorry," I blushed and looked away.

"C'mon, we need to get you fitted for a dress." He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside.

After Gajeel left me with his seamstress, the air was awkward. I watched as the seamstress gently wove the needle in and out of the fabric. I looked in the full body mirror for the first time in six years. I was roughed up and had dirt marks all over, smoke covered my full face and I had bruises and scratches coat my legs. My hair was in a bundle of knots and tangles.

"Weird seeing yourself, huh?" Prince Gajeel walked in.

"Yes, it's been a while." I smiled a sad smile turning to look at him.

"Don't be sad." Gajeel walked slowly and stopped in front of me.

"I look horrible. Why would you take me in?" I asked him looking up.

"Because, you're beautiful." He brushed his hand against my cheek.

"Miranda, please get her out of this dress and give her a bath, I'm sure she'd appreciate it." Gajeel smiled at Miranda and looked back to me.

"It doesn't matter how long you've been suffering. I'm here to make sure it doesn't happen anymore." Gajeel helped me down from the step-stool I was on.

"Thank you. You're a really kind person." I smiled and looked to him again.

"It's really no problem. You'll be a Redfox soon enough." He smirked.

"What do you mean?" I asked him questionably.

"Uhhh... you'll understand later." He blushed like a cherry.

"If I may ask, where is your cat..Pantherlily?" I asked changing the subject.

"How do you know Pantherlily?" He asked.

"He comes to meet me in my home sometimes." I answered playing with my necklace.

"I see, well, you can see him after your bath." He left the room after finishing his sentence.

"Miranda, is it?" I asked kindly.

"Yes miss?" She looked to me.

"Thank you for your kindness, it means a lot to me."

"It's not problem." She sweetly took my hands and walked me into the restroom. After walking in, she started the bath while I undressed and covered with a white towel.

"I'll be meeting with the Queen, if you need me ding the bell." She handed me the bell and left with a smile.

I stared at the water before dipping a toe in. It was warm. I dropped  the towel and sat down holding my legs to my chest. Even though I've showered before, I'm nervous about this one. I was looking at my feet in the water...then I heard something and my senses came alert.

"H-Hello, is anyone in here?" I asked shakily.

I was scanning the bathroom, then I felt a hand push me down aggressively. I screamed when being pushed down in the water. When trying to get up, I pushed my hardest and didn't stop trying. While being dipped, I desperately breathed for air, and every time I was able to go up, I breathed for air and screamed as loud as I could.

"HELP!" I screamed in agony.

The last thing I saw before being shoved back underwater was the door being swung. I felt the hand leave the water, and as it did, I went to the surface and jumped out. I grabbed my towel wrapped in around me in a ball and wept in the corner.

"Please...don't h-hurt me." I shook and cried.

"Levy! Shhh, it's okay." I heard a voice above me, I knew that voice pretty well.

"You're okay now. I promise." I felt large masculine arms wrap around me.

"G-Gajeel." I cried and hugged him with the towel still around me.

"What happened Levy? " Prince Gajeel explained.

"Someone came in here and started to drown me." I whispered.

"Did you hear anyone come in while you were taking your bath?" Prince Gajeel asked.

"No." I shakily responded.

"Was Miranda in here?" He asked.

"No, she went to help your mom." I responded shaking my head.

"Hmm." He was deep in thought so I let him think while I looked at his features.

"She didn't have a scheduling with my mom today." He snapped his fingers and guards appeared.

"Find Miranda and tell her to meet me in the throne room." He ordered as the Guards left the room.

"As for you Levy, let's clean you up seeing as you didn't get to bathe, and put you in your dress." He smiled.

"O-Okay." I nodded my head still crying heavily.

"Alright, come on." He gently picked me up and took me into the fitting rooms.

"Here's your dress, I'll be back in a few. Meanwhile, make yourself at home." He set me down on the step-stool and handed me my dress.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Anything for you." Is what I swear I heard.

As the door closed, I picked my dress up and showed it in front of me. I walked over to a sink in the corner of the fitting room and wet a towel. I slowly trickled the towel across the cuts, bruises, and cigar marks.

After I cleaned up, I slid on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror for the thousandth time today. After admiring myself and making little adjustments, I walked over to the make-up table. I put on a little bit of make-up, putting some on my back, legs, arms, and neck. You couldn't see any marks on me anymore.

When I finished with my make-up, I saw a nearby brush and reached for it. After successfully grabbing the brush, I got all the tangles and knots out. I put my hair into a side ponytail with a strand of hair sticking out.

'door creaking noise'

"Hello?" I asked bravely.

"Hello?!" I asked louder, I walked across the floor barefoot.

"You little snitch. How could you ditch your own father for Prince Glockenspiel?" My father walked in with a whip and box full of cigars.

"I didn't! I swear I didn't!" I yelled shakily with my hands waved in the air.

"You did too! Now your gonna pay." He spun me around and lit a cigar on fire.

"Please don't." I trembled with fear.

"This'll hurt a lot. You hear? This is your punishment for being a snitch." He dabbed his cigar ten times on my back.

"Stop! Please just stop." I begged.

"What the hell!?" Prince Gajeel walked in seeing the dilemma I was in.

"Get the hell off of her and out of my castle now!" He roared.

"No. She's my daughter, I'll do what I want with her."

"You won't lay another one of your dirty fingers on her." Prince Gajeel spun my father up and held him by the neck.

"No please! Do anything but kill him!" I begged Prince Gajeel this time.

"You're lucky you have such a nice daughter. If you hadn't you wouldn't be alive. You owe her your life. YOU HEAR ME?" Prince Gajeel threw him across the room.

I sat on the floor taking deep breathes. I needed to calm down. The events that I had witnessed were a lot to take in. I spared his life, not because I love him, but because no one deserved to die. I believe everyone deserves a second chance.

"Thank you...again." I looked up at Gajeel with yet another tear stained face.

"Levy...Have you been his ash tray all of your life?" He asked sorrow lacing his voice.

"No, he only started using me when my mother had past. Before hand, he wasn't able to. My mother was his ash tray before. However, he isn't my real father. He's my step-father. I also have a sister named Luna. She's nine years old. I was able to get Luna out of the house before Mother's passing." I tried to keep it all together but it all spilled out.

"Oh Levy." He pulled me into his chest.

"I won't let anything cruel come to you again. I promise." He whispered into my ear.

"Thank you." I whispered back.

"Don't say thank you." Gajeel laughed.

"Anyways, let's get that garbage put in the dungeon so you can finish getting perpared." He smiled and snapped his fingers.

The Guards appeared and took my father away. Meanwhile, Gajeel and I sat in the same room. He was sitting on the step stool while watching me patch the cigar wounds.

"Does it hurt?" He asked eyeing me.

"Very much." I looked back at him, "But, since I've been experiencing this since I was eleven, I'm fine now."

"I see." He frowned grimly.

"Anyways, how do I look?" I turned to face him.

"Beautiful. Only two things are missing though." He smiled.

"What are they?" I asked him.

"Shoes and..." He grabbed my hand and walked me over to the mirror.

"This." He placed a beautiful flower in my hair.

"Thank you." I smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Your welcome." He blushed scarlet.

"Now for the shoes." He smiled and led me to a golden chair.

"Here," He slipped the shoes on to my feet.

I looked down at my feet and was amazed at the beauty of them. They were beautiful.

"Are you ready to dance?" He held out his arm and I grabbed onto it.

"Yes," I smiled as we walked out of the fitting room doors.

"Wow, it sure is beautiful." I said as we made way to the stairs of the ballroom.

"Yeah it sure is." Prince Gajeel said looking at me.

"Levy, may I have the honor of being your EVERY dance?" He emphasized the word 'dance'.

"Yes, yes you may." I giggled and took his hand.

As we started dancing, I spotted blue out of the corner of my eye.

"Luna?" I asked quietly.

"Your sister?" Prince Gajeel asked wide-eyed.

"Let's go see." I smiled and grabbed his hand almost slipping.

"I forgot I had heels on." I giggled nervously.

We made our way over to where we may have seen Luna. Sure enough, there she is.

"Luna?" I asked with tears brimming.

"Levy-nee?" She asked.

I nodded and we both shared a sibling hug.

"So is it Lucy who has been taking care of you?" I asked.

"No, Laki Heart." She smiled.

'Weird probably have the wrong person then'

"Sissy, I think you are confusing Laki with the lost Princess in the Sumerian Lands. She went missing a little after birth. They still haven't found her." Luna said.

"Weird. I saw something with the name Lucy on it. I swear." I put my finger to my chin.

"Ah, never mind that, let's dance." I grabbed Luna and Gajeel's hands we made out way to the dance floor.

After a little while, Luna and I started to get tired and took a seat at a table.

"Prince Gajeel, if you do not have an idea of who your wife is by 12:00 sharp, your wife will be chosen for you." The King announced.

"Yes, I hear you father." Prince Gajeel yelled.

"Well, when are you making the announcement? That girl must be very lucky." Luna smiled and looked to me.

"I hope your wife is Levy." She smirked and pointed at me.

"Huh?" I started blushing like mad.

"Don't worry. I have a little more time to think about asking my girl." He smiled at Luna.

"Hm..." I hummed.


"Prince Gajeel, it's 11:50"

"I'm coming." He started to walk the stairs and whispered the name to his father.

I watched as Prince Gajeel was lead away by another girl.

"Hm.. I wonder." I thought aloud.

"What?" Luna asked.

"Who is his wife going to be." I said to Luna.

"I don't know, but I think it's you." She smiled.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, have you seen the way he looks at you?" She asked in disbelief.

"No.." I looked away blushing.

"Hello, this is Prince Gajeel. Please quiet down." He roared angrily.

"I would like to announce that my wife is going to be Lev-" Gajeel was interrupted.

"Sorry Gajeel, your time is up. We want you to marry..." King Metalicanna scanned the crowd until his eyes landed on me.

"Levy McGarden." My eyes widened and looked back to Gajeel who was smiling.

"That was my choice anyways." He smiled and started walking down the stairs.

"Levy McGarden, will you marry me?" He asked.

"YESSS!" I sprang to him and gave him a big ole' hug.


"Lilyia!" I shouted at a small girl with dark blue hair.

"What?!" She shouted.

"Give the toy back to your brother." I scolded her.

"Fine. Here you go Liam." Lilyia gave the toy back.

"Kids, no fighting." Gajeel scolded.

"I'm pooped." I complained plopping on my throne.

"Same here." Gajeel plopped next to me.

"Me too!" Lilyia; three years old sat on my lap.

"Me three!" Liam; three years old (also) sat on Gajeel's.

"Dinnertime?" Liam asked.

"In a little while. Kids, go to your rooms, your father and I have some things to discuss." I shooed them away with the flick of my wrist.

"You needed me?" Gajeel winked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"In a few months, the kingdoms are gathering together for some bonding time." I started.

"We will meet in the Sumerian Kingdom in hopes that Princess Lucy has returned, but everyone will be there. We hope to see that Princess Erza has accomplished her goal in marrying her guard and that Princess Juvia returns. So far, we are the only kingdom to have the family together. We will be there for around 3 to 4 months and are aloud to rule from the Sumerian lands. " I finished gasping for air.

"I see, in the meantime, we have some kids to play with." Gajeel smirked, "Who's up for a game of tag?"

"Me!!" Liam and Lilyia shouted.

"I am too!" I shouted.

We all started to run in circles.

"And so, this is where my great adventure continues on. I have two happy kids and a wonderful Husband. My sister and I still keep in touch.

'However, My Fairy Tail, ends with a Happily ever after....'

The End


There will be a bonus chapter with all of the books combined. All of my 'Disney Fairy Tail' combination books will have the same next chapter. Hope you enjoyed 'Cinderella'. Thank you and have a great night! <3

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