Chapter 15: Finding {Plagg}

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"Are you sure this is the house?" I asked my messager as she nodded. "Positive?" I asked again, just for reassurance.

"Yes," she firmly answers as I stare at the house. From the outside, the house was a light blue shade, with two sets of windows.

For some reason, I felt nervous and scared. "Actually, I think I'll just call it a..." I said before trailing off as the door opened.

"Day," I mumbled bitterly as my messager gave me a simple smile. "Who knows, your soulmate could be here," she said softly as I nodded.

The woman who opened the door bowed. "Prince Plagg! What a surprise, please come in!" she said enthusiastically as I stared at my messager.

"Do we really have to do this? She's freaking me out, and I haven't even stared inside yet," I whispered to her as she gently nudged me inside.

"We have to, otherwise I get fired, and so help me, I'll hurt you, if I get fired because of your lack of finding a bride," she whispered back firmly as I gulped.

I may be a Prince, but my messager always find a way to intimidate me. I quickly walk in as she closes the door.

I scan my surroundings as I find nothing out of the ordinary. "Please feel free to look around, your Highness," a voice said as I turned around to see the same woman who opened the door.

"Thank you, Miss..." I trailed off, as I forgot her name. Actually, now that I think about it... Did I ever get her name?

Also, why does she seem so familar? Like, I know her from somewhere... I dismissed the thought as she smiles.

"Miss Rossi, but feel free to call me, Elizabeth," she said flirtatiously as she winks at me afterwards. She isn't... Please tell me I didn't just see an older woman wink directly at me!

I awkwardly nodded before dashing off. "Don't take too long darling!" she calls after me as I mentally gagged. "She's creepy just like--" I stopped myself as I froze.

My messager caught up with me as she glared darkly at Lila. "Are you alright, Sire?" she asked with concern.

"Emily, can you tell me exactly what happened at the ball?" I asked slowly as she stared at me puzzling before nodding.

"After you danced with Lila, another woman with brown light-hair appeared, and you fell, before Nino caught you. You then went to get some fresh air, but after that..." she trailed off as she smiled sheepishly.

"That's all I can recall, sorry. I was helping your father filed some papers, so I wouldn't know the rest," she said honestly as I nodded.

I walked inside a room before I saw something shocking. I stumbled into a room where... Someone had my face plastered over their walls!

"You like?" a voice asked as I jumped before turning around to see Lila. I chuckled awkwardly. "Y-Yeah! It's really something..." I said politely.

Please, universe, do not, under any circumstances allow Lila to fit the shoe/slipper! I would rather deal with my father awful yet necessary rants, than to marry her! Pleaseeeeeeeee! It's a simple request! Thank you!

Lila smiled before hugging me. "I'm so glad that you liked it!" she said as I quickly faked a smile.

Is this whole family insane? There has to be at least, someone who is sane! I continued walking around before finding a locked door.

I tugged at it, trying to unlock it, until... "Don't touch it!" the older female yelled as I jumped. "How come?" I casually asked as we looked into each other's eyes.

She's so familiar... "Just trust me," she quickly said as I frowned. She was hiding something alright, and I wanted to know.

So, after trying the shoe/slipper on Lila, which didn't fit to my pleasure, I tried to take the key from the older woman before stumbling on something else.

I found a book, and with it, an de-aging spell. "Who would need to de-age?" I asked myself before I glanced at the older woman who was smiling at her daughter.

My eyes widened as I used my context clues. The flirting, the wink, the voice, her eyes...

"She used the book to go to the ball! However, why?" I asked/said to myself as I huffed before walking out of the house.

My messager came after me as she was panicked. "I can't lose my job! Are you sure that was every girl?" she asked nervously as I slowly nodded before I suddenly realized a few more things.

First, if I didn't find 'her', I would be stuck marrying Princess Charlotte. Second, there was a locked door, and third... Why is someone calling me?

"Wait!" a voice yelled as it sounded kind, and anxious. I turned around to see...

What will happen now? Find out in the next chapter!

Author Note,
The ending and the answer is almost near. I added more dialogue in this one, so you won't be as bored.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. As always, I'll see you in the next one. Stay miraculous and may your heart soar. Miraculous Love!

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