Chapter 14

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"Thanks Isa. Business sure has picked up since you started here." The register rings as Jeff closes out the cash drawer. "Let me walk you out to your car."

"You don't have to do that. I'm a big girl." Even though Jeff wasn't as much of a creep today as he has been recently, I don't want to be alone with him.

"I'd feel better if I made sure you got to your car OK. I don't want any of your new fans lurking around wanting autographs or anything. I want to make sure you come back to work tomorrow; you are good for business"

Wanting an autograph? My stomach clenches at thoughts of raving fans calling for Jack's attention. I haven't heard from him in weeks except several text messages that he has unsent.

"I'm a bartender, No one wants a bartender's autograph, just their alcohol. But if it makes you feel better...." I pull on my rain jacket and give into Jeff. I chalk up his chivalry to his wanting to protect his new money maker. I'm already alone with him, if he were to try anything, it would be inside where no one can see, not out in a parking lot.

Jeff walks with me to my car through the nearly empty lot. I recognize his trusty old beater, and there's an unfamiliar pickup parked in the corner. Jeff opens the door for me. "See you tomorrow?"

"Wouldn't miss it. Thanks Jeff. I really appreciate the job." He nods and shuts my door.

As I'm pulling out, I look in my rearview mirror and he's standing, watching as I turn onto the road. Thank you Jeff for not trying to molest me tonight.

It's about a fifteen-minute ride out to Scarborough. There aren't many streetlights, and the closer I get to Henry and Suzanne's carriage house, the rain is relentlessly drumming on the roof of my car, the only sound on this desolate, pitch-black road. Each raindrop added to the growing tension that gripped my chest as I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. I can barely see the car's headlights far behind me, I'm glad they are keeping their distance.

When I come up to the turn on Prout's Neck, I almost miss it and I make the turn without using my directional. and let out a big sigh and loosen my grip on the wheel a little knowing I am almost back to my boys.

Just as I let my guard down, the impact. When it came, it was like a thunderclap in this stormy night. My body was thrown violently forward, abruptly stopped but the seatbelt, and then tossed back. My head snapping in every direction as my Escape was jolted by the force. The crunch of metal filled the air, mixing with the sounds of the rain and my own labored breathing.

They must not have seen me. They must not have seen me take the turn. Stupid, foolish Isa. Too lazy to use your directional. Ben's voice is loud in my head and I answer back just as loud. "Well, Ben, guess what? you're the lazy one, who couldn't keep a job, who couldn't take care of yourself, let alone your family. And you know what? I don't think I have ever seen you use a directional whenever I was in a car with you."

I hope no one is hurt in the other car. I am still too stunned to move enough to get out or find my phone.

"Breathe, Isa. Take deep breaths" I tell myself to stay calm as the rain relentlessly drumming on the roof of my car, the only sound on this desolate, pitch-black road. I hope they are okey.

Again, with an ear-splitting crash. My body was sent lurching forward, then violently snapping back against the headrest. The jolt was like a physical punch to the gut, and I gasped for breath.

Raindrops blurred the view outside, and the inside of my car was filled with the smell of burning rubber and gasoline. I could feel the car shuddering, as if it were in the throes of some mechanical agony and then it died.
"What the...? Oh my god!" I exclaimed, my voice trembling with fear and disbelief. My hands were shaking as I fumbled for my phone, struggling to dial 911. The dispatcher's voice on the other end was a lifeline in the darkness. I was left with the chilling realization that someone had intentionally crashed into me on this dark, rain-soaked road.
"911, what's your emergency?" The voice on the other end is in and out because of the poor cell service in this area.

Just as I started to explain my situation, the car's interior lights flickered as the door opened. terror washed over me. A shadowy stood, a man. He lunged toward me, his hand snatching my phone. The stranger throws it on the ground.
Except he isn't a stranger.
"Ben!" Fear clenches my throat.

The dispatcher's voice crackled and distorted faded into the background replaced by the sickening realization that I was utterly defenseless. Ben stomps on my phone and the crunch echoed in the rainy night as the screen, the last flicker of connection to the outside world, shattered completely under his heel.

The car's interior, once a sanctuary, now feels like a trap. Ben's eyes bore into mine, and in that moment, I am acutely aware of my vulnerability.

"Get out of the Car." I recognize his tone and I know what comes next. "Get out of the Fucking Car!"

I struggle to unbuckle my seatbelt. My shoulder's hurt, I'm unable to obey.

"I can't" I say meekly.

He leans in to roughly unbuckle me, not noticing the growing baby bump he must reach around. Once freed, Ben grabbed my ponytail and yanked me out of the car and into the rain. The familiar smell of Black Velvet is on his breath. My stomach lurches, and bile fills my throat. Even the baby thinks it's vile. I was hoping I would never smell that again.

"You ruined my fucking life you fucking piece of shit!" I listen, paralyzed with fear. Ben knots his hand tightly in my hair. My head is now under his control, forced to follow his every movement.

"I've lost everything because of you!" His grip tightened and pulled downward, forcing my face up toward his. "You called the State on me? They are taking the boys?" His voice gets louder and louder. He rips my starfish necklace off my neck and throws it in a puddle.

Rain batters my face as fear clenches my throat, rendering me speechless. Ben's voice sliced through the air sent chills down my spine.

With Ben's free fist, an ear-splitting punch to my head was his response to my silence. I can taste my blood. My knees are giving out, Ben is keeping me upright with my hair. I want to go to sleep so I will then wake up from this nightmare.

Headlights pull in behind Ben's car. Ben's grip tightens a little.

I hear a car door slam and footsteps run towards us.

"Isa! Isa!" I don't dare say anything

Ben leans over and shoves his filthy tongue into my mouth and pulls away. "Hey Buddy, We're kinda busy right now!"

"No, you aren't" Jack came right up to us and punched Ben right in the face. The force of the impact drove Ben to the ground, and me with him. Thankfully I land on my backside. My baby is still safe.
The pressure of Ben's hold relaxes slightly, and I use the opportunity to pull away. But as I stand up, so does Ben.

"Nobody punches me and get s away with it." He growls and charges Jack.

But thanks to the amount of Black Velvet in his veins, Ben is unsteady on his feet and trips. Jack jumps out of the way, and Ben crashes to the ground with a wet thud. He scrabbles at the gravel, trying to regain his footing, but then slumps and starts to snore.

"Hi sweetie! Let me help you." Jack bent down and swept me up. I wrapped an arm around his neck.

"Hi." I snuggle into his wet neck. I feel safe with him, my Haint-blue eyed Jack "Am I dreaming or are you really here?"

"I'm really here." Jack sets me down carefully and holds on to me so I don't fall over while he opens the door. I can hear Ben singing one of Jack's songs loud and out of tune. "Let's get you to the hospital and have you checked out. I'll call the police on the way." I agree, I hurt.

Jack gently helps me into the passenger seat and turns the heated seat on.

Ben was writhing in pain and holding his mouth with his free hand.

"You bastard," he grits out between clenched teeth.

In typical Ben style "Hey, you're Jack Kendall. I didn't realize you are such an asshole"

"Get away from her." Ben put his hand up like a shield while Jack reached down, grabbed Ben's wrist and untangled my hair out of his grip.

Jack gets in and we leave Ben laying in a puddle singing Flip-Flops & Fishing Poles one of Jack's biggest hits.

"Why are you here?" I want to hide because I know I must look terrible, but there is nowhere to hide.

"I came to see you." He takes my hand had gently rubs my fingers with his thumb. "I wasn't expecting to run into you like this."

"Well, I'm glad you did." And I really am glad! "Why did you come to see me?"

"Let me call the police first. We will talk later."

"Call Suzanne too, tell her my phone was destroyed and you are taking me to Maine Med."

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