Chapter 16

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Clouds, fog fill the sky and puddles are scattered across the driveway. Leftovers from all the rain from the past few days. But, at least, the weather is clearing.  Kind of like my bruises. They are still noticeable remnants  from the storm the other night, but they are healing now. I feel better both physically and emotionally and I know there are better days to come.

I have my boys. My baby girl is healthy and will be here around Thanksgiving. I have Suzanne and Sarah. And I have Jack who hasn't left my side.

Jack, has proven how much he really cares about me. He was here, even if it was by chance, to rescue me from Ben. From what the police have told me, not only was Ben very drunk, but he had also taken pain medications that was not prescribed to him.

I turn back to the dresser in the carriage house that has been my temporary home all summer Most of my things have been packed in suitcases. I sweep my hand through the bottom drawer and my fingers stumble against a hard, smooth surface. My journal.

"Jack." Looking down at my journal and not looking up, I extended the book out to him. "I want you to have this."

My arm held the book out for what seemed a while before Jack finally took the book. "Isa, I don't want your journal, these are your private thoughts." Jack tries to hand it back to me. "Keep them private."

"Jack." Look up into his haint-blues and step close. "I'm not this person anymore. I don't even know who the person in this book is anymore." I put my hands to his neck and bring my face close to his and inhale deep before exhaling slowly. God, I miss being close to him.

"I understand, but without this person." Jack raises the journal to show me my past. "You wouldn't be who you are today. And I think you are someone pretty amazing." Jack is succeeding in making me feel better.

"I still want you to have it. Really, I want you to keep it." I put my head on his shoulder. I want him to know that all is forgiven, I never should have been mad at him. I should have sat down and talked with him. "You can use it to write some songs." I smile so he knows I'm really Okay with it.

"I love you Isa." Jack's arms wrap around me. "Thank you for this. It really means a lot to me."

"Write something good." I smile, hopefully it isn't about combines or coconuts or something. "I love you too, Jack." I kiss him gently and knot my fingers in his hair. I pull away, keeping only inches between us.

"Wait! I have something for you too." Jack reaches in his pocket and pulls out a chain with the starfish pendant.

"My necklace!" Jack undoes the clasp and reaches around my neck to put it on.

"I went for a walk this morning and I found it where Ben tore it off you."

"Thank you!" I touch the starfish with my fingers. "I didn't think I would see it again.

"Luckily, he didn't break the chain, the clasp released when he yanked it off." Jack brushed my cheek gently, "I still want to have a jeweler take a look at it, but it seems okay."

"Thank you for finding it!" I really missed it. "Can we get out of Maine now?"

"Oh ya we can!" He kisses me quickly. "Let's get out of here."


Jack is finishing loading our bags of the SUV. Cole is jumping in a puddle on the driveway, splashing water on Suzanne standing too close. She too sad to say anything. She just sidesteps away to avoid getting drenched.

"I can't believe you are leaving!" Suzanne can't hold back her tears anymore. When Cole sees her start to cry he runs over and attaches himself to her leg.

"It's Okay." Cole soothes and taps his little fingers on Suzanne's leg to reassure his words. My heart swells witnessing his empathy. Cole will be Okay too.

"Thank you so much Suzanne. You're a true friend." I hug her tight. Cole squeezes her leg tighter too. Bits of blue breaks up the clouds. The weather is changing for the better too. "I'm going to miss you. Please come down whenever you want. We have certainly plenty of room."

"I will take you up on that." Whispering in my ear so Jack won't offer to put her up in a hotel.
The clouds broke fast and the sun cast our shadow on the wet driveway pavement.

"When does Henry get home?"

Suzanne released her grasp on me a little. "I think the end of the week?" She sighed and I'm not sure in a good way or a bad way. "I don't know, it always changes."

"I'm sorry Suzanne."

"It's okay." Suzanne gives me a fake smile. "I'm getting used to it."

Jack loads the last bag and slams the hatchback of the SUV closed. "You guys ready to head out?"

Cole is still attached to Suzanne's leg and Suzanne is still attached to me.

"We have to go." I say softly.

"I know."  Suzanne lets go of me and bends down to pick up Cole. "Come on sweet boy. Let's get you buckle you in.  You get to ride on an airplane today."

Cole releases Suzanne's leg and allows her to pick him up.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Cutie!" Suzanne pressing her nose to his.

Jack buckled Luke into his car seat as Suzanne fastened Cole into his.

Jack walked over and hugged Suzanne.

"Take care of her, or else." Suzanne threatened as she squeezed Jack tight.

"That's my intention." Jack reassured.

Our goodbyes were said we were on our way to the airport. The sun has come out and all the clouds are gone. Everything is perfect. If ever there is a foreshadowing moment, this is it, and I love it.

We pull up to a gate at the airport. Not the regular terminal gate that you would check in for Southwest or United, but what looks to me like a maintenance entrance. Maybe where snowplows enter and exit the runways.

Jack rolls the window down when a security guard comes over. As soon as the guard sees who it is, he opens the gate and waives

We drive over to a fast-looking jet. I guess I really didn't think about how we were going to ger to Saint John. I assumed we were going to fly a commercial airline.

"Yours?" I look at Jack when I notice the palm tree wrapped tail and the name of one of Jack's hit songs "Not Your Average Tan Line" written across the belly of the plane.

Jack nodded.

Of course it is.

I assumed we would be flying down just the regular way.  It never even crossed my mind we would fly down in a private jet, let alone Jack's private jet.

A very handsome and tan pilot walked over as Jack is getting out.

"Hey there Pilot Pete." Jack reaches out and shakes the pilot's hand.

I get out and walk around to stand next to Jack. "Pete, this is Isa. She is flying with us today. So are those little ones in the back seat."

Pete walked over to the open window and bent down to peer in at Cole and Luke. "Hi Guys! Are you ready to go up in the plane?"

Cole squealed. He could barely contain himself. Luke too. Pete talked to the boys while another crew member unloaded our luggage and stowed it in the belly of the plane.

Jack held my hand as he walked me around the outside pointing out different features of the Embraer ERJ145.

We came back around and went over to the boys and we each took one out of their seats and carried them up the stairs into the cabin. Cole squirmed that I had to set him down or drop him.

Palm trees are embossed into the rich brown leather head rests on the over-sized swivel recliner style seating, A large leather sofa facing a movie screen. Plush wall to wall white carpeting. Tables with place settings and napkins folded into starfish. This is just what I see walking on, I'm sure there is a lot more. I've only been on a commercial jet, twice, but never a private one.

Pete popped his head and asked the boys if they would like to sit in the cockpit. "I may need some more co-pilots." And they jumped at the chance. I'm shocked they are not shy around anyone.

Jack and I are alone. "The boys are great. They will love the island."

"Thank you again." I wrap my arms around his neck "I want this to work. I want us to work."

Jack's hands pull my waist close to him. "Thank you for giving me a chance." Jack gives me a peck on the forehead.

"That's it? That's all I get?" I stick my lower lip out like a little girl not getting the toy she wants.

"Stop doing that. You still look adorable." He grazes the edge of my lip with his thumb.


Jack shakes his tan head and groans. "Why do you do this to me?" 

Jack let out a deep, resonant groan, drawing me closer, melding our bodies while tenderly cradling my face in his hands, guiding my lips to his—a sweet mingling of tastes, the softness of lips, the warmth of our embrace and the cadence of our racing hearts—I'm melting, this is where I'm supposed to be. This is where we are supposed to be.

"Excuse me, Mr. Kendall." One of the crew members has brought the car seats back to where we sit. "I need to install these before we get going."

Jack pulls his lips away, but keeps his eyes locked on mine. "Thank you, Austin."

Austin Clipped the boys' cars eats in and disappeared up front.

"Luke and Cole came barreling through in from the cockpit and almost knocked us over hugging us. They were followed by Pilot Pete.

"Are you guys pilots now?" Jack asked Pete. "Do I need to put you on my payroll?"

"They sure like to push buttons! And there are a lot of buttons to push up there." Pete messed up Luke's hair indicating Luke may have pushed a few. "We should be ready to depart in about twenty minutes.  Annie should be here in a few minutes"

"Did someone say my name?" A gorgeous blonde flight attendant walked in. Her starched uniform so stiff and crisp. It looked as though she may fall over and break. "Hello Mr. Kendall."

"Hi Annie. Did you have a nice time visiting Maine?"
"I sure did!" Her southern twang emphasizing 'did.' Annie walked up to me and introduced herself to me and then busied herself preparing the cabin for takeoff.

Jack and I buckled the boys in their seats. I double check to make sure the boy's seats are in fact fastened in, and once I'm satisfied, I buckle in next to Jack. Annie went through the mandatory FAA safety demonstration and in no time, we were in the air and on our way for our four-hour flight to Saint Thomas.

The boys fell asleep almost immediately. Annie brought Me and Jack sparkling water with fruit and a nice assortment of cheeses and crackers. Jack was reluctant to let go of my hand but did long enough to feed me some cheese and crackers and make sure I stay hydrated.

I rested my head on Jack's shoulder and we would talk small talk or just stare out the window. Every now and then, Annie would refill our glasses or bring us something more to snack on.

I feel like I can finally rest. I have everything that I want now. Everyone is safe and we can all heal. Together.

"Thank you." Barely a whisper comes out of my mouth. "Thank you for all of this."

'You're welcome' is a gentle squeeze to my hand which makes me nuzzle even closer.

Pete came on the intercom and announced we would be landing in a half hour.

"I can't believe the boys slept the whole flight." Jack remarked. We looked over at them sleeping without a care in the world.

"He did us a favor, you know?" I'm bringing up the other night before the boys wake up.

"Who did?"

"Ben, He did us a favor."

"How? By beating you?

"Jack, I would have taken a bullet for these boys if I had to. Think about the big picture. This couldn't have happened any different and had a better, faster outcome." Jack is giving me a look like I'm crazy. "No one got seriously hurt, Ben is in jail. Everyone sees Ben for who he really is. I have the boys back. My baby is healthy. You and I are together. We are leaving Maine to start a life together." Jack reaches up and touches one of my fading bruises. "I know there are a few loose ends, and I will need to come back and finish dealing with them."

Jack looks serious and the haint-blue came out in his eyes. "No one will ever lay a finger on you again."

"I hope one day Ben and I will be able to co-parent, but I think that day is a long way away."

"I hope he gets the help he needs, but my focus is you and you boys and the little one." Jack's free hand rests on my bump. "I'll be here for this one. I know you've done it yourself for so long. You don't have too anymore."

Can this man keep saying all the right things to me? No wonder his songs are huge hits.

Our landing on St. Thomas is smooth. Jack and I woke the boys up and got them in Expedition that is waiting for us. "I'll send someone for the rest of our things. Let's take our family home."


"I had the staff set up a room for the boys." Jack opens the large door across the hall from where Jack and I sleep. We step into the beautiful room with views of the ocean. "I hope this is okay."

"Jack!" It looks like I just walked into a Pottery Barn Kids Catalog. "This is a little too much."

"I told her get two bunks because I know that eventually they would both want the top."

Two sets of navy blue bunks. Toys neatly organized and displayed throughout the space. A large, soft, sea-themed rug in in the middle of the room to play on. Framed sea-animal prints lined the walls. The linens on the beds were cheerful and covered with starfish and sharks. I would have loved to have a room like this growing up.

Racing in, the boys are so excited they don't know what to play with first. It's like Christmas morning. Seeing what Santa brings for the first time. Both run over and give us hugs.

"For us?" Cole asks for permission.

"This is your room." Jack answers, a big smile on his face. His arm slides around my waist and he whispers in my ear, "I can get used to this."

"The boys?"

"Having a family. Being happy." His soft lips brush against my cheek. "We all deserve to be happy."

"Thank you." I feel his stubble scratch the top of my head as I nuzzle under his chin and watch the boys explore their new room.

"For what?"

"For everything. For not giving up on me."


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