Total Beatdown with 13

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Cinos sharpen his claws as he seems ready to fight.

"Man, Cinos is incredible, he like nothing I seen before", said Goku.

"Geez, I'm still traumatized about when I turn to stone and turn into candy, it wasn't my day", said Krillin.

"Wow, this creature amazing, he is the one they mention", thought 21.

"Grrr, I don't like this, this creature hogging all these weakling for himself", said GT Vegeta.

"Oh come Vegeta, I wanna see this", said GT Goku.

"Alright enough of this, I will...", said Super Buu as he charged at Cinos.

"Chaos Control Spear!", shouted Cinos as he threw an energy spears at Super Buu, be basically frozen.

"Man, it been a while since I used that", said Cinos.

"Whoa, that was crazy, what a technique", said Goku.

"What... no..... ", said Babidi.

"This is boring, totally boring", said Cinos, "All of you guys are nothing".

"Oh really mutt, let see about that, just because you help me doesn't me I'm your allies, what you guys say", said Frieza.

"Wait a minute, you three, I remember you", said Cinos as he see Android 13, 14, and 15.

"Pathetic dog, you'll pay for your interfere in our last battle", said 13.

"Hey Goku, you and your buddies can take care these ripoffs of the Greatest Showman, that was a great movie", said Cinos.

"Look at the Frieza, Cinos just spared you, now time for some explanation and answer from you", said Goku.

"Very well Goku, I still want those Dragon Balls for that wish I still need", said Frieza.

"Vegeta, you will pay for what you did us", said Captain Ginyu with the Ginyu Force behind him.

"Fine, I don't kill you guys agains", said GT Vegeta.

"Time for our revenge", said Cui.

"You will pay", said Dodoria.

"Let rip him limb from limb", said Appule.

"So you three, gonna defeat me again", said Cinos.

"Oh no, we will go super", said 13 as he looked at 14 and 15.

"We're ready", said 15.

"Yes we are", said 14.

Android 13 place both his hand on 14 and 15 as he destroy both of them with ki blasts.

"Okay, you just take down your own men", said Cinos as he noticed four objects float in the air, two look like chips and the other looks like some type of containers or batteries as they fused to 13.

Android 13 slowly grow as he becoming muscular that his upper part of his clothes rip off of him, his hair become spikey and orange, and his entire body become blue.

"So, was those steroids", said Cinos.

"Now you will face the wrath of Super Android 13", said Super Android 13.

"I hope this is interesting, show me what you....", said Cinos as Super 13 punch him as he crash threw a few large rock which he instantly recover.

"Hahaha, after I defeated you, I will continue to kill Goku as he wanted me to do", said Super 13.

"Oh man, is that all", said Cinos as he brush off some dust, "Can you do better".

"Alright then, take a Full Power of my S.S. Deadly Bomber", said Super 13 as he launched a large energy ball as Cinos.

Cinos then swing his tail as he deflect the energy sphere.

"So your no longer a trucker guy since you taken your two racially different friends, don't mean to sound racist", said Cinos.

"Enough, just die already!", shouted Super Android 13 as he swings his arms try to smash Cinos but easily dodge it in a blur.

"As a blue hedgehog once told, YOU'RE TOO SLOW!", shouted Cinos as he form into a ball as he rapidly perform Homing Attacks at the big blue brute.

"Grrr.... stop talking!", roared Super Android 13.

"Sorry was that annoying, because it's working", said Cinos.

"Alright then, S.S. Deadly Hammer!", shouted Super Android 13.

"1st Bomber, then Hammer, is there a pattern or...", said Cinos as he been grab by Super Android 13, thrown into the air, get readily punch many times, grab again but behind, throw to the ground, and took a Deadly Bomber point blank to the face.

"Hehehe, how about that", said Super Android 13 as now he focus of Goku.

Coming out of the smoke, Cinos stand up with only dirt and dust on his fur.

"Impressive, he tank Super Android 13 attack, even when he got heavily modified", said Android 21.

"Impossible how, how did you survive that", said Super Android 13.

"Seriously, that feel more like a bee sting, or a flea bite", said Cinos.

"Why you.....", said Super Android 13 then notice a green gemstone near him, "Wait it this, some kind of special jewelry".

In a blink of an eye, Cinos slice one of Super Android 13 arms and drop the greem Chaos Emerald.

"Sorry pal, this thing is special for me, can't let you take it", said Cinos.

"I get it now, that must be the power source of his crazy power", thought Super Android 13, "Alright then, take this!"

Super Android 13 then a Super Explosive Wave which Cinos easily evade, but the android grab the mutant Werehog by his tail and slammed him to ground.

Super Android 13 grab the Chaos Emerald and ready.

"What did say, oh yeah.... CHAOS CONTROL!!!", shouted Super Android 13 but nothing, "What happened, it not working?".

Cinos instantly recover and brush it off, "Nice try pal but that won't work on you because. ..... the servers are the seven chaos, Chaos is power, power enriched by the heart".

"What?", said the confused super Android.

"In short....", said Cinos form into ball, Spin Charge repeatedly, and Spin Dash as he went threw Super Android 13 chest, leaving a hole, "You don't have a heart, Chaos Breath!"

Unleashed his signature attack to the damage Android and exploded, now he's heavily damage a he lost his other arms, both his legs, exposed machine parts on his chest, most hair burn, and oil coming from his eyes, mouth, nose, and his body.

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