Pitbull Attack

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Marco drive the Jumbacycle, the helmet give him night to see clearly in the dark then saw the girl Jackie.

"Hey Jackie!", shouted Marco as he came near her.

"Whoa Marco, wait, how did you even get a motorcycle?", said Jackie curiously.

"It a long story but do you like a ride", said Marco being polite.

Jackie nodded, ride behind Marco, and then rode off.

"Whoa Marco, I didn't even knew that you can drive a motorcycle but where did you get it", said curious Jackie.

Marco went near her ear and whispered, "It not mine".

"So you stole it, what happen to you Marco", said Jackie.

"Well, I sorta try to do something so I stole this motorcycle", said Marco.

"Man, you starting to act like a bad boy aren't you", said Jackie as she get near Marco.

They the two kids are talking, a flash of like came out of the sky and crash landed in the woods.

A stray aggressive Pitbull along with a Husky, Labrador, Poodle, German Shepherd, Great Dane, and Saint Bernard bark at the crash site.

A mysterious red and black jump out of nowhere and land on the Pitbull, it look like it's covering it.

The Pitbull is now come with red and black, have sharper teeth, large white eyes, tendrils that protrudes from his back, and sharp claws on its paws.

"Graaaaah", growled the Pitbull who is cover in red slime.

Many of the other dogs run away from the Pitbull.

The Pitbull look around until is saw a bright light, it was a motorcycle with two kids on it which are Marco and Jackie.

The Pitbull wait until the motorcycle pass by until it did, is sprint after them.

"Bark bark bah bark", barked the Pitbull as he chase the kids.

'Um Marco, there is a dog chasing us", said worried Jackie.

"Don't worry, I'll lose him", said Marco as he booster the accelerator but the dog is catching up, "Hey dog, get away from ...."

Marco and Jackie notice the dog was bloody red and have orange sharp teeth.

Marco with Jackie holding on to him try to out run the dog, they turned around and the dog is gone.

"Oh we lost them", said Marco.

"Uh Marco?", Said worried as she turn Marco's head and saw the dog is on their path.

The dog run toward the kids and bite the front tire of the Jumbacycle while getting run over.

"Oh no", said Marco as he stop, get of the bike, and look at pitbull.

"Marco, what are you doing!", shouted Jackie in fear.

"I'm just checking that this.....ahhhh,", cried Marco in pain as the dog bit his arm.

"No Marco", said Jackie as she head toward a trash can, grab the lid, and try to save Marco.

Unnoticed to them, a truck is driving towards where Jackie and that strange dog.

"Jackie watchout!", shouted Marco then he pushes Jackie and they roll down but when they finish, they landed ​next to each other.

The truck is turn out to be a dog catcher and grab the while the red and black slime move out.

"Didn't see that coming", said Marco.

"Yes, but at least it's danger", said Jackie as she went near Marco face and kiss his cheek, "Thanks for saving me hero but I'll walk home, see you tomorrow bad boy".

Marco is stun, "She said I'm a bad boy, Yahoo, take that Cinos, who is no longer the safety..Waho".

The mysterious slime jump on Marco's face and cover him which cause him to pass out.

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