Battle In East Forest Part 1

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At the East Forest, Team Natsu are waiting for their mysterious fugitive.

"So this where the creature supposed to be", said Grey.

"Well that Jack guy's note said he around this place", said Lucy.

"If this doesn't turned well then it fishing time", said Happy.

"Come on, JUST APPEAR ALREADY!", shouted Natsu.

"Natsu quiet, we don't know what this creature is capable of", said Erza.

"Well Jack's note said this creature have great sense of smell, hearing, taste, touch, and sight, can find any prey", said Lucy as she read the notes.

"Does that mean he already know that we're here", said Grey.

"It's said a special odor can block us", said Lucy then have a container and spray herself, "Oh my, is smell beautiful".

"Arrr, what that smell, is too strong", said Natsu as he cover his nose.

"Let me have some Lucy", said Erza then Lucy gave her the container and spray it at herself.

"Okay the smell of flowers is not really my thing", said Grey.

"Shhh guys, I think he's now here", whispered Natsu.

Bushes have started to shaken then reveal the creature Jack mentioned, a wolf creature.

The Shi No Okami head near the river searching for something, as he look around in the water heater snatch a fish and throw it to land.

The fish started to flip, the creature put it forelimbs on top of the the fish and deliver the killing blow using his mouth.

"Beware of creature's mouth, it jaws break even diamond and his canine contain various of dangerous venom said from sleep inducing to death", whispered Lucy.

"Man, that dog got the biggest fish I ever seen", whispered Happy as he complain.

"Seeing the dog eating is making me hungry", whispered Natsu.

"Always thinking about that stomach of your huh", whispered Grey.

"It's said this creature can live without food or water, and it can eat from bugs to large animals like fish, cows, horse, etc", whispered Lucy reading the notes.

The creature have ate the fish in less than a minute then more into a C-shape to what is seem napping.

"He's a sleep", whispered Grey .

"Let's fight now", whispered Natsu as he act tough but was stop by Erza.

"Wait Natsu", whispered Erza in command, "Lucy, does it say something about it sleeping".

"The notes said that this dog is very heavy sleeper but when in the wilderness, he open his gills and special quills to check in front of him but not behind, the behind is protected by strong prehensile tail", whispered Lucy reading the notes.

"So we can't jump on him", whispered Natsu.

"Ohh there is a way to wake him and set a trap", whispered Lucy then look at Happy, then the rest of team

"Ummm why is everyone looking at me", whispered Happy as he worried.

A few seconds later.

"You can do this Happy, as a reward you can have as many raw fish and I won't eat them", whispered Natsu.

"Aye sir, he we go", whispered Happy as clear his voice and flying to the air near the blue skeletal dog, "Hey ugly, wake up".

"Are you sure that this would work", whispered Erza.

"Well these notes said that he like chase cats around, so he chase Happy then we make the trap", whispered Lucy.

"It's doesn't look like he's waking up that easily", whispered Grey.

"Well it said this special whistle can make animals go, here we go", whispered Lucy as she about blow the whistle.

"You're not stuff, you're a coward, a big stupid ugly smelly drooling dog who is dumb, see a cat here in front of your ugly..", said Happy then he cover ears, "THE PAIN!".

"AHHHHH, what is that HORRIBLE SOUND!", screamed Natsu in pain as he's on the ground and covering his ears.

"What are you talking about, we're hearing nothing you idiot", said Grey.

"Wait a minute", said Erza then she snatch the whistle from Lucy.

"YEAH, THAT NOISE IS GONE!", shouted Natsu and Happy in cheerfulness.

The two friends noticed a big shadow covering the two, then it rain only Happy.

"Man, is it raining or it just Juvia", said Happy.

"What are talking about but why our shadow so large and only one", said Natsu then they heard a growl sound.

The two slowly turn around and saw the bipedal dog creature stand on his two legs, showing he's taller than Natsu, he gave them a ferocious powerful roar.

"He's....he's. ... big", said scared Happy at he noticed how large the dog is.

"Whoa, he's.. he's... AWESOME, look how he's...", shouted Natsu as he's amaze then he's tail whipped, flying to a tree which made him hit his head.

The dog look at Happy and slowly approach him.

"Well... I didn't mean to call you those NAME!", screamed Happy as run away from the dog.

The dog then chase Happy like if he was prey.

"Good work Happy, just keep that going", said Lucy.

"Oh yeah, like it fun being chase by a dog!", shouted Happy as he kept on running.

Happy kept on running away from the dog in over a minute.

"Alright Happy, do it now!", shouted Lucy.

"Are you sure this is a great trap", said Grey.

"Yeah I know this on me once but do you think this animal could be trick", said Erza.

"Well the notes said this dog rely solely on speed, brute strength, and tenacity", said Lucy.

"Seem like that flea bag is almost like Natsu", said Grey.

"HEY, ARE YOU COMPARE ME TO THAT DOG!", screamed Natsu in rage.

"Guys!!!!", shouted Happy as he finally return as he fly, "So is that finish".

"Of course, an animal could be easily trapped by a hole in the ground", said Lucy happily.

"Well he is stupid but there is a problem", said Happy sadly.

"What is the problem", said Lucy then Happy pointed where he came out.

The dog dash out of the trees revealing it have bat-like wing.

"He didn't really mostly chase me on foot", said Happy sadly.

"WHAT HE COULD FLY, IT NEVER MENTIONED IN THESE NOTES!", shouted Lucy as she surprise.

"Well since this is a waste of time, now it time to fight", said Natsu as he went near the flying dog, "I'm Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail, I heard that your a powerful creature".

"Hahaha rahhaha", laughed the dog.

"What so funny mutt, not taking me seriously!", shouted Natsu.

"Fine then, challenge accepted", said the dog as he spoke.

"HE CAN TALK TOO!", shouted Lucy as she's surprise.

"Sorry, I'm laughing above all of you are merely children to me plus a delicious flying cat", said the dog as he landed on the ground.

"You have know idea who you're dealing it pal", said Natsu.

"Neither do you with me human", said the dog.

"I'm all fired up..... Fire Dragon's Roar!", shouted Natsu as he breathe out fire to the dog.

As the fire and smoke clear, the dog remain still with no burn mark or singed fur.

"What, how can he not be burn?", said Lucy.

"And not be even move and inch?", said Happy.

"Alright kid, it's my turn", said the dog as he open his mouth, yellow light appear on it like it was charging, "Chaos Breath!"

A beam of energy came out of the dog's mouth but Natsu dodge it, it destroy lots of tree and made a large explosion, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT".

"So boy, will we just stand here or fight in close combat", said the dog.

"Oh I will like Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!", shouted Natsu as he gave the dog a fiery punch in the face which only move his head.

"Man, now that didn't even tickle", said the dog.

"How about....Fire Dragon's Claw!", shouted Natsu give a fiery kick, "Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!", gave the dog a fiery tackle, " Fire Dragon's Wing Attack", he unleash a wing of flames.

Even more smoke and fire appear then the dog perform a Thunder Clap to clear the way, "Is that best you can do and do you have to say...well never mind".


"Well now it my turn", said the dog then he roll into a ball and dash toward Natsu, hitting him multiple of time.

"Whoa, I the notes said he's fast but I didn't think this fast", said Lucy.

"But he's not that fast he's at the speed of sound, Natsu can move faster than the eyes can see", said Erza.

"Lets see you can handle this", said the dog as he put his claws in the ground and lifted out a large chunk of land which have trees and boulders.

"He's that strong too", said worry Lucy.

"Hey boy, here's a gift for YOU!", shouted the dog then put that chunk of land on Natsu.

"That it's, only I would totally beat up Natsu....Ice Make: Geyser!", shouted Grey then he slam the ground which cause ice to surrend the dog in a trap.

"Really, first fire then ice", said the dog then now he's white and quickly break out

"Okay, now this is better", said Grey as he's now shirtless.

"Seriously, now you're taking your shirt off but why is that dog is now white, wasn't he just blue", said Lucy.

Unknown to Team Natsu but mostly Grey, he was being watch by a blue-haired woman.

"Come on Grey, do it for love Juvia", thought the young woman known as Juvia watching in a distance.

"Sorry buddy, taking off your shirt won't affect me but they won't cover your wounds", said the dog.

"This is not about me shirtless, Ice Make: Floor!", shouted Grey as he ground the dog is on is cover in ice.

"Amateurs, this won't work", said the dog then he's walking on the ice.

"Impossible, he's not even affected by my Ice Make Magic, it like couldn't he even feel them at...", though Grey then he been tackle by the dog at it ball form.

"Man, when will you kids know that you can't beat me", said the dog.

"Oh Natsu, are you alright", said Happy worriedly.

The chunk of land started to crack and exploded  reveal Natsu.

"There is no way I'm losing... to... a ... DOG!", shouted Natsu then charge up and create a large fire ball, "Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!"

The large fire ball lunged to the dog and caught in a fiery explosion, but he still not even burned

"Man not it even hot, by the way, are you tired", said the dog.

"Hey Flambo, can you tell that this guy is not even burned", said Grey

"Oh yeah Frosty, he doesn't seem to get even even a frostbite", said Natsu.

The dog unleashed two tendrils from his back, grab the two young men, and made their head collide.

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