Enter Malware

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Steven is walking around the beach and wondering about the creature.

"Now I'm confused, is that bad since he hurt my friend or good since he said sorry to me", said Steven continuing walking the beach.

As Steven grab a rock and throw it a water, something sparkly appear from the sky.

The object going faster by the second then land on the beach.

Steven quickly hide behind a rock to not be seen.

As the smoke clear out, there were someone over their.

He is bulky, have black skin with red stripes all over his body, he have hunch back, spikes on his back, knees, and arms, and his head look reptile-like.

"So this is the dimensional Earth where he is", said the mysterious figure.

"What is that guy", said Steven.

"Computer where is he", said the figure talking to his wrist.

"Location:unknown", said his wrist.

"Oh man", said the figure.

"Lifeform identify: 50% Homo sapien, 50% Unknown species", said his wrist.

"Lifeform, I don't see a lifeform", said the figure as he look at his wrist, "Show DNA trace of unknown species".

The creature move his wrist so if the beep go fast, it there.

The put it front of a rock and it started to beep way faster.

"Lifeform show your, I know your behind that rock, are you friend or foe", said the figure as he lift his left arm which is a type gun or cannon.

Steven have got caught so he's form a bubble around him and roll away.

"Ahhhhh!", screamed Steven as roll away.

"Hey you stop!", shouted the figure then he retract a jetback from his back and chase Steven.

"Stranger danger, stranger danger!", shouted Steven in the bubble.

" Aw ha", said the figure as fly up in the sky.

Steven turn around and he wasn't there, "Slick move, I lost him".

"Don't count on it", said he figure landed on his path and grabbed his bubble with his right hand

"Hey no fair", said Steven as he got caught.

"Okay bubble boy, why are you running away", said the figure as he hold on to the bubble.

"Because you were umm, you're umm, you pointed your weapon", said Steven who is still in the bubble.

"Well I said are you friend or foe, if you run away you're a foe", said the figure as he aim his gun at him.

"Wait, I'm a friend, I'm a friend", said Steven as fast as he can.

"State your name", said the figure.

"Sorry but Pearl said I can't talk to people I don't know", said Steven.

"Alright, I tell you my name first, my name is Malware, an alien from another dimension called Galvanic Mechamorph", said the figure called Malware.

"Well since you told me your name, it fair to tell you my name, Steven Universe, a human-gem hybrid", said Steven.

"Gem, that is your half species is, no wonder why my computer can identify you", said Malware.

"So um Mal, could I call you Mal, what are doing here on Earth", said Steven.

"That is classified but I know humans in this world won't be aliens from another dimension, so why should I tell you ", said Malware.

"Actually here in Beach City, weirdness is actually very common", said Steven.

"So that means I could walk into town and people just don't care, even don't wear I disguise good", said Malware.

"Yeah, you may say that, so that mean you can", said Steven.

"I'm here finding finding a creature, a dangerous with abilities that is supreme", said Malware.

"A dangerous creature, what does it look like", said Steven.

"That is classified but his primary abilities is leaving a mess of his crime", said Malware.

"Just like what happened to the Big Donut", said Steven to himself.

"So you do know where he is", said Malware.

"I should you but I wonder, why your after this creature?", said Steven.

"Well um, he destroyed my homeworld Galvan B, I managed to survive but the other didn't, so I vow to capture this creature so it can't destroy anymore planets", said Malware thinking about something and said it.

"So your all alone, not see your kind again", said Steven.

"Yeah", said Malware, "Now I why it called Big Donut, because of the big donut, human", said Malware.

"This place is almost fix in the outside but not in the inside, there are my friend Sadie and Lars, they were the first encounter it", said Steven.

"Okay I'm going to talk to this Sadle and Lard but I'll be the good cop while you're the bad cop", said Malware.

"Oh bad cop", said Steven.

Malware get near the door, raise  his arm cannon, and blow it up.

"Oh Sadle, Lard, where are you, I'm just here to talk to you", said  Malware.

"Hey, we're still under construc....", said Lars as the door was destroyed, ".. Steven did one of your weird friend break the....".

Malware grab him by his shirt, slam him to the wall, and point his gun at him, "Alright human, where is that abomination, blue, hairy, bony, consume matter?".

Lars didn't pay attention to him, only focus on the large.

Sadie came in and saw a large "person" holding Lars on the wall.

"Okay Lars, what did you say to that guy", said Sadie.

"He didn't do anything to me, I'm just interrogating him", said Malware.

"But you said I'm bad cop", said Steven.

"I meant I'm good bad cop and your bad good cop", said Malware.

"Hmm, that sorta made sense", said Steven.

"Is this all about that monster, report said it outside of Beach City", said Sadie.

"Thanks for help Sadle and Lard", said Malware.

"Sadie and Lars", shouted both of them

He run and break threw the wall.

Both of them open their mouths in shockness.

"Don't worry , maybe he remembered to pay to you later" said worry Steven.

"No I won't ", shouted Malware.

Steven slowly walking then runs away.

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