Future Tense

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At the old Resistance base during the War To Save The Planet, Cinos and his friends are living there.

Jumba was in the room where the Resistance have to make meeting, he was a portal.

"Hey Jumba, what are you doing?", said curious Cinos.

"Oh Cinos, I was just look at my experiments in their parallel universe home to see if their all their", said Jumba.

"You mean our cousins that are legendary beasts from Chinese mythology, those one", said Cinos.

"Yes, so how are you with werewolf girl of your?", said curious Jumba.

"Well, she is still great as she is beautiful except for sister, she still act like an asshole but at least her brother trust me being with her", said Cinos.

"Yeah, good thing you met her in high school or else you'll howl in sadness of Sticks", said Jumba.

"So me and the other are heading to Seaside Hills to see the Chaotix, it's funny to prank call Vector", said Cinos.

"Wait, I think I'm getting something out Earth's Atmosphere", said Jumba.

"That ship look very Cybertronian and familiar, could it be Grimlock and Tricerashot returning", said Cinos.

The Savage Ravagers went outside of the base and saw a Cybertronian ship landed which is red and seem to be samurai-theme.

Coming the ship was Grimlock, "Oh hay everyone, it been like well I don't how long".

"Good to see you Grimlock, wait a minute where is Tricerashot, he's usually is with you most of the time", said Cinos curiously.

"Oh um, he is with the other Weaponizers and Activators Mini-cons in the Shadow Zone, can't blame it to be with the others fo safety", said Grimlock.

"Alright come on Grim", said Cinos as he let Grimlock in the former base/ the home of Cinos and his Savage Ravagers with him.

"Let's see, that one is also there, check", said Jumba, "It seem I got everyone".

"Oh Jumba, look who in the laundry machine", said Pleakly wearing a maid outfit and holding a dragon in the basket of female clothes.

"Oh Dimlong, so that where you been the whole time", said Jumba.

"Wait where's Boogoo, the last time I seen him is when he was...", said Pleakly then Boogoo pop out of the laundry basket of freshly, clean clothes too, "Oh never mind, he's right the whole time".

"Hey everyone, guest who is back to the party!", shouted Grimlock in happiness.

"Wait a minute, we have an intruder here, oh no ahhh!", scream Pleakly as he saw the screen with an uninvited guest

"Um intruder, I just got in, how could your fellow Dinobot to be an intruder", said weirdly and nervous Grimlock.

"No it not you, it's just Fast Tony with some stuff", said Jumba then a scale spherical figure appears.

"Hello everybody and Pleakly, I have brought all the do-hickeys and thinga-ma-bobs that you needed sorry badly", said Fast Tony.

"Let me see: An engine of a Harley Davidson, leftover car parts from roller derbies, and oh yeah a nuclear reactors", said Jumba.

"Yeah I'll do anything for a paying customer, which they always pay handsomely and deliciously", said Fast Tony as he waited for his payment.

Jumba grab a fruit basket and gave it Fast Tony.

Unnoticed to everyone, Grimlock head to the control panel.

"Grimlock being here without Tricerashot, that strange unless", said Cinos as he outside of the base and went into Drift's ship.

He look inside it and saw Tricerashot's body with his heads inside the wall and muffled.

Cinos pull Tricerashot out of the wall, "Oh finally, and also that wasn't Grimlock, I mean it is Grimlock but...".

"I knew it, and I already know", said Cinos.

The two head back to the old Resistance base quickly before something might happen while there gone.

"Alright, now I have show the others the coordinates of my where abouts and we will get pay back for what they did, ha ha ha!", laughed Grimlock evilly.

Cinos return to the base, "Alright Tri, you hide while take care of stuff, when he appeared then you will take him out".

"Alright and finish everything", said Grimlock with a grinny smile.

"Hey Grimlock, you know what time is it since you return", said Cinos with a sinister smile.

"Oh yeah, um but you have to say it 1st", said Grimlock.

"Time for our Smash Bros handshake", said Cinos.

"Oh yeah, my favorite part is well..", said Grimlock nervous.

Grimlock put his hand in the air, Cinos slap it up and down, then a fist bump.

"Not what I expected Minitron", said Cinos as he extend his tongue, grab Minitron in a gap, and throw him to the ground.

"Hello bug!", shouted Tricerashot as he step on him and act like a roach.

"Oh thank you Cinos, oh no Minitron have...", said Grimlock then an explosion was heard.

"Alright this wasn't part of the deal", said Fast Tony as he turn into a ball.

"Well well, so this is were you guys are hiding from me and Eggman", said a voice Cinos won't forget.

"Infinite!", shouted Cinos in rage.

"So dog and freaks, you notice that I have my friends to help me with this", said Infinite.

"So you are with Steeljaw's pack, I thought he was finish with Minitron", said Cinos.

"Well Cinos, he actually brought...", said Grimlock but he was interrupted.

"I actually brought the entire Alchemor ship with me mutt, so you're clearly outnumbered", said Infinite.

"Oh no, what are we going to do!", panic Pleakly.

"Don't worry, activate security measures!", shouted Jumba.

"Nice try but Minitron who was control that Dinobot was able to get of every defenses that you have", said Infinite.

The portal have started to open, "Oh I remember that when I was fight back, I press a button which...".

The portal made a flash light which blinds Infinite.

"What the hell, where are they?", said Infinite as he grabbed Minitron, "You stupid Cyber-tick".

"Well seem like their a minor setback here Infinite", said a figure coming towards Infinite.

"Remember Steeljaw, you'll have your home while I'll have revenge", said Infinite.

"Alright calm down jackal, we just have to follow them to want  ever universe they are currently in right now", said Steeljaw.

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