It's Happening Again...

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Dipper shut the car door to the "Stanley Mobile", buckling up and looking next to him at Mabel who had also successfully snapped her seatbelt. The twins glanced expectantly at Grunkle Stan in the driver's seat.

Stan started the engine and the old red car spun out of the parking lot, getting on the road.

"Alright, kiddos," their uncle started, one hand on the steering wheel and one hand on his soda. "You guys up for fishing? Mini golf? Laser tag?"

Mabel immediately squeaked: "Mini golf!"

Dipper shot her a look. "Do you remember last time?" He whispered, recalling the little people who 'controlled the balls.'

"Oh, right," his sister replied, looking down in thought. "Laser tag?"

"Sure, laser tag sounds fun," Dipper added.

"Fog machines and fake guns, it is," Stan chirped, heading into town.

Dipper gazed out the window at the passing greenery, his eyes closing peacefully as music droned in the background of the car.

Mabel poked her brother in what seemed like seconds later. Dipper drearily opened his eyes, blinking back his exhaustion. He fumbled around with his seatbelt, unbuckling and hopping out of the car.

Dipper lifted a hand over his eyes to block the glare of the sun as he squinted up at the sign. Mabel hooted with glee as she raced to the door. Her twin smiled and hurried after her.

Stan got out of the car, locked it and finished his soda. He watched his niece and nephew dash into the building and sighed. "I'm getting too old for this," he murmured with a grin.

The twins stopped right when they walked in and looked around in awe. Everything had a futuristic feel to it as small lights danced across the floor and fog drifted out of the large "War Room" in the back. Even the spray-painted purple walls brought everything together.

Stan walked in the doors behind them and ushered them over to the counter, paying for their experience.

Mabel was bouncing up and down excitedly, but her uncle rested a hand on her shoulder as the cashier gave her and Dipper directions.

Apparently, they had to have some sort of code name so others playing wouldn't know who you were.

"Lady Mabelton!" Mabel answered immediately. The cashier lady handed the pre-teen a chip with her username in it, which would be put into the gun so the small laser machine would know who 'Lady Mabelton' hits.

Mabel danced off to the gates, waiting for the previous session to be over. Stan grabbed his chip and headed after her.

Dipper gripped the side of the counter, leaning slightly over the it and whispered his name to the nice lady. "Sir Dippingsauce." The woman smiled and handed him his chip which she already activated. Dipper let go of the counter, cringing as his fingers met something sticky under the tall desk.

The clock above the gates read '7:00' and was counting down. "Seven minutes, Dipper!" Mabel squealed happily.

Dipper handed Grunkle Stan his chip and headed to the bathroom to wash his hands.

After lathering his hands with soap, Dipper stiffened. It sounded like there was nails raking down a chalkboard in one of the stalls.

"Is someone there?" Dipper called hesitantly. But he had already checked three times; no one else was in the bathroom. Plus, the sound went away when he spoke.

Dipper shrugged it off, turning on the hot water and rinsing his hands under them. He grabbed some paper towels and dried his hands, walking over to the garbage can to dispose of them.

The twelve year old checked his watch. "Five minutes," he muttered to himself. Dipper suddenly pressed himself against the wall of the bathroom, his breath coming in jagged pants.

His mind, his senses, they were all getting messed with, again. Dipper couldn't focus on anything; his eyesight was getting blurry. He gripped the bathroom door handle tightly, closing his eyes in pain.

A small yelp echoed from his mouth and Dipper slumped against the wall, trying to control his breathing. This was getting out of hand.

Dipper felt sick and he opened his eyes, staggering over to the sink and the mirror. He put his hands on his head, still breathing heavily and he gazed tiredly at his reflection.

There were dark circles under his drooping eyes and he looked kind of like a zombie. His eyes glittered under his messy hair and were a very faint lemon color. But who could tell?

Dipper ran to the gates which were starting to close and he hopped in right behind Stan.

"Glad you could make it, kid," his Grunkle whispered, smiling as he handed Dipper his chip. Dipper nodded, still panting from his "scary bathroom experience."

The workers handed out vests and everyone in the new party was sent out into the dark, foggy room.

"5, 4, 3...2...1," a voice on a overhead speaker informed. "Go, go, go!"

Laser sounds started up immediately as some got head starts at shooting, filling the air with buzzing and shrieks as people were ambushed.

Mabel dashed off behind a mattress, hiding and waiting for her victims to walk by, unsuspecting.

Dipper gripped his laser gun tightly, walking around corners cautiously. His vest started beeping and he checked his gun. Lady Mabelton hit you. Dipper felt a smile spread over his face. Challenge accepted.

Stan ran off up a ramp, getting great surveillance of the whole room. He got a couple teens running by on the ground and a few people on the ramp on the other side of the room. Huh, he thought. This actually isn't half-bad.

Dipper crept behind a wall, peeking out and scanning the area for Mabel. She suddenly leapt out in front of him and they both tried to tag each other at the same time. Hit, hit, hit, hit, hit.

Dipper ran off, cackling, as their sensors reactivated.

Mabel looked down at her gun.

Sir Bippingsauce hit you.

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