My life is a lie

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A/N: I know you guys have been asking for more, so here it is! A little delayed, sorry. :3


Dipper dropped his gun and knelt down, shaking Mabel's unconscious body quickly.

"Mabel!" He hissed, refusing to think of what Bill'd done and how he was going to give that triangle a piece of his mind when he showed up again. "Wake up! Please, Mabes..."

Mabel groaned quietly, not moving and staying in Dipper's hold.

A tiny glimmer of hope flashed in the boy's eyes. "Mabel? C'mon, Mabel. Wake up. You'll be alright."

"Also, this session's over in about five minutes and if Bill gets out of this room, who knows what he'll do."

Dipper checked his watch after remembering what Mabel had told him just minutes before.

3 minutes till the session was over.

"Wake me when it's Saturday..." The female preteen whined, blinking blearily up at Dipper.

Dipper grinned weakly down at her. "How are you feeling?" He asked nervously.

"Tired," Mabel responded coldly. "And... Shocked."

Her brother chuckled coldly, his worried gaze still flickering over her. "Can you stand?"

"I think so," Mabel replied through gritted teeth. She leaned against Dipper's shoulder gratefully, staggering to her feet as her twin helped her up.

Mabel stood still beside Dipper, regaining her breath as she looked at the ground.

A bright red flashing light began glowing from the entrance of the room and the voice over the speaker called, "Alright, everyone! Head towards the exit and thank you for joining us today."

Dipper bent down, grabbing his gun and put an arm around Mabel's shoulder, aiding her to limp to the light.


Dipper sat on a log in the forest, looking up at the stars, his throat dry from holding back tears.

Mabel was back at the Shack, being tended to by the Stan's, who somehow bought Dipper's story and thought she'd "gotten tripped" during laser tag.
Dipper had left the house to go out somewhere quiet, to have some peace alone with his thoughts.

Bill had tried to take control of him again earlier, trying to shove Dipper's "soul" out of the twelve-year-old body. Except this time, Dipper didn't oblige. He'd fought back and sent Bill back to haunt someone else's nightmares.

That one stupid deal had ruined everything.

If he could just go back in time and think of a plan to save Mabel from Bill's clutches without having to shake that demon's hand, which would've henceforth destroyed the Pines family.

Dipper paused and blinked.

This was not a dream.

There was no way it could be. The sudden pain was too real and vivid.

Dipper bit his lip so hard to keep from shouting out, that the metallic tang of blood began to circle around in his mouth. His right forearm was burning and he felt as though someone had thrown him into flames.

Clutching his arm painfully to his chest, the throbbing was becoming unbearable and his eyes watered, threatening to spill over.

As the pain finally ebbed away, Dipper opened his shut eyes and looked down at the inside of his wrist where the stinging had been the worst.

There was the Cipher Wheel, sitting neatly in bright red ink, the skin around the circle of symbols, irritated from how recent it had become embedded onto the boy.

Dipper watched as the pine tree symbol in the ring slowly crossed itself out with a thin, black X, as if an invisible pen were scribing into his flesh.

"Bill!" Dipper screamed into the trees at the top of his lungs, his eyes wet and bloodshot, his lashes sticking together. "Show yourself!"

The yellow triangle immediately popped into existence, the grayscale covering the woodsy terrain and Bill zoomed over to the brunette, leaning on his cane before Dipper in the air.

"You rang?" He chirped enthusiastically. The dream demon paused and took a good look at Dipper, who was on the verge of loosing it.

"What is it, kid?" He asked flatly, his cane disappearing as he managed to look even more bored than before.

Dipper thrusted the inside of his forearm towards Bill, glaring at the marking and then the triangular beast.

"What is this?" He spat loudly, angry and anxious, his bottled up confusion and complaints beginning to tumble out over each other. "Why are tattoos bearing you being engraved into my skin? What does the crossed out symbol mean? Why just the pine tree? What is this all even for? How come-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Bill cut him off quickly, holding his weapon less arms up in front of him to get the kid to slow down. "One thing at a time.

"First of all, it's not a tattoo; don't call it that. It's merely a temporary-ish permanent ink marking on your skin. Second of all, I did not 'engrave' it into your arm, I simply forced it upon you with my magic. Third-" Bill counted off on his fingers. "-the 'X'ed symbols mean that I have, or am in the process of gaining control of that particular human being. You've just been the only one dumb enough, so far, to fall into my lovely trap. Also, you bear the Wheel and the pine tree is crossed out."

"I can see that," Dipper snapped back, gritting his teeth from all the news Bill had just poured over him.

"Your symbol is crossed out," the dream demon said again slowly, putting emphasis on each syllable. "And that means-" his eye narrowed, his voice growing low as he talked normally. "-No more games, kid. I'm putting you in your place. You belong to me; you can no longer put up a measly fight when I try and enter that meatsack you call a body. You cannot condemn me, you aren't allowed to-"

"Would you like this in writing?" Dipper cut in sarcastically, not thinking anything of the words that flowed from his mouth.

"I have it in writing, actually," Bill responded smugly, a long piece of parchment, filled with rules and expectations, materializing in his hands and he gave it to Dipper, who was seething as his narrowed gaze scanned the paper.

"I can't believe this," the brunette muttered under his breath.

"Well, learn to accept it, kid," Bill replied, floating away from Dipper, his warning tone cautious and strict. "There is reality. There is fantasy. There's also a little tiny blip right in the middle of the two. Imagine the blip as a tear. A tear between the space time continuum and the fabric of time. You, appear to be stuck right inside that minuscule tear. Think things out."

And with that, the foreboding, foreshadowing demon disappeared, leaving Dipper alone with the crickets, pondering what he'd just been told.

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