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"Heara Qinwarin! You get in this house this instant, you hear me, young lady?" My momma, Aeynwyn, called.

But I was already gone. Running towards the only house that gave me comfort. Tarron Grevaris, son of Theodon Grevais, was the only person I could vent to without feeling stupid.

Panting, I ran into his stable. "TARRON!" I cried, out of breath.

He ran down the stairs. "Heara! What is it?"

I stopped running, facing him. "I had that...dream...again..." I said between heaving breaths.

"Again? That same dream?" Tarron asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Can you remember anything different? Or was it the same?" He interrogated.

"No, I don't think there was any differences..."

"Tell me about it again, everything you saw, everything you felt...so we can tell if there's anything different."

I cleared my throat. "I was in the forest...and something was chasing me...many evil things...I think they were wolves! They were howling and growling and they were coming for me...if I looked back I could see their red eyes..." I was hyperventilating now, fear in my eyes.

Tarron was instantly by my side. He pulled a stray strand of my brown hair behind my ear. "It's okay. It's all over now. You're here...you're safe..."

I nodded, grateful for his presence. "They were closing in and I knew that I was going to die!! I tripped on a rock and fell on my face and rolled down a hill, over rocks and hard ground. It was painful. I rolled down the hill and into a ditch...the dirt got into my mouth, into my hair, and into my wounds from the fall making them sting like they were on fire... The wolves, they followed me, and they circled around the ditch, trapping me in there...they had bright red eyes and they were larger than any wolves I've ever seen. They suddenly leaped at me, but then, a human, with a club, started hitting the wolves. My vision was obscured, I couldn't see who she was...all I could make out was blonde hair. The wolves ran off, and she helped me out of the ditch...she spoke to me..."

"What did she say?" Tarron asked.

"She said: 'Go. The wolves will be back.' And she started shouting at me, to run. To go! And I did...I ran...even though something told me to stay, I wanted to stay with that woman...but I ran. And I kept running..." I said. "You see, in normal dreams I can't feel pain..but in this dream...it didn't feel like a dream...if felt like a memory..."

"That doesn't sound any different. It sounds the same to me." Tarron said.

"See? Every night it's the same! I haven't slept in weeks! Months! I cannot escape that terrible, horrible dream..."

"Exactly! That's exactly what it is, a dream!" Tarron said. "Just a dream..."

"Do you think it means anything?"

"I'd doubt it," he replied, "but, hey, you never know. It could mean something. But here."

Tarron reached in his pocket and pulled out a small candle. "This is for you. Light it at night. It will keep the bad dreams away."

"But father...he doesn't believe in those kind of things. Neither does mother." I said.

"Just because they don't, doesn't mean you don't. Also, Faelyn doesn't count as a person in my book. Too cruel." Tarron winked at me. "Don't tell him I said that."

I smiled. "I won't." Waving farewell to Tarron, I walked out of his stable and back to my house.

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